#250 The 15th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar
#250 The 15th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar
We will conduct a special seminar, in which Prof. Saksith Chalermpong (Chulalongkorn University) is invited to give a talk about electric motorcycles in Bangkok. This event is held in a hybrid style from 9:30am-11:00am (Japan Standard Time), November 13th (Wednesday), 2024.
We hope you will join us for the event and engage in this important conversation. The details are shown as follows. Thank you.
[The 15th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar]
1) Time and day: 9:30am-11:00am (Japan Standard Time), November 13th (Wednesday), 2024
2) Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab, Department of Civil Engineering, UTokyo (3rd floor of Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, UTokyo) and Zoom meeting room (https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/82526455613?pwd=anzCIUMZj9v7hIybPoYbhW1GgLlV0e.1, Meeting ID: 825 2645 5613, Passcode: 589918)
3) Presentation
– Presenter: Prof. Saksith Chalermpong (Chulalongkorn University)
– Title: Factors Influencing the Decision to Switch to Electric Motorcycles Among Various Motorcycle Driver Profiles in Bangkok
– Abstract: Carbon emissions, a major driver of climate change, represent a critical global challenge, with significant contributions from the transportation sector. To reduce carbon emissions from this sector, many countries have actively promoted the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) as alternatives to internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. This study investigates the potential of electric motorcycles (EMs) to address these challenges in Bangkok, Thailand. By analyzing stated preference survey data through a binary logit model, we examined preferences among different types of motorcyclists, including traditional motorcycle taxi drivers, app-based motorcycle taxi drivers, and private motorcycle owners. Our analysis considered factors such as purchase price, maintenance cost, operational cost efficiency, and driving range. The findings indicate that socio-demographic attributes, driving behavior, and motorcycle usage significantly influence the likelihood of switching to EMs. Notably, app-based motorcycle taxi drivers are 17.5% less likely to switch to EMs compared to private motorcycle owners, while traditional motorcycle taxi drivers show no significant difference in switching likelihood. This study emphasizes the importance of targeted policies and incentives to foster EM adoption, offering valuable insights for policymakers and manufacturers aiming to enhance sustainable transportation in Bangkok and comparable regions in the global south.
4) Short bio of presenter
Saksith Chalermpong is Professor in Civil Engineering at Chulalongkorn University, where he teaches transportation engineering, planning, and policy. He also serves as Deputy Director of Chulalongkorn University Transportation Institute. His research interests include urban mobility, public and informal transportation, and sustainable transportation. He has published extensively in the field of transportation and has provided expert advice on important public issues to several government agencies in Thailand, including Department of Land Transport, Office of Transport Planning and Policy, and Bangkok Mass Transit Authority. Dr. Chalermpong received his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Chulalongkorn University, his master’s degree from MIT, and his doctoral degree from UC Irvine, both in the field of transportation.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.
#249 Axhausen教授を囲む交通計画・交通行動分析の連続国際セミナー
2024年11月7, 14, 26日
東京大学 本郷キャンパス
#249 Axhausen教授を囲む交通計画・交通行動分析の連続国際セミナー
この度、 Axhausen教授を囲む交通計画・交通行動分析の連続国際セミナーを以下通り開催します。
場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス工学部14号館802号室 (8F)
On November we will be holding a series of international seminars with the participation of Profesor Kay Axhausen.
The seminar will be held on November 7, November 14 and November 26. The place and time for all seminars is as follows:
Place: The University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus, Engineering Building 14th, Room 802 (8F)
Time: 17:00~19:00
Registration for these events is not required. We look forward to your participation.
詳細プログラム|Detailed Program:
第1回:11月7日(木) November 7th-Chair: Daisuke Fukuda, UTokyo
- Krittanai Sriwongphanawes – UTokyo (D2): “The Value of Predicting the Future: Valuation of Different Types of Information in Departure time choices Under Stochastic Traffic Conditions”
- Okazaki Ryota – Shibaura Tech (M2): “Personalized menu design for day-to-day home delivery management”
- Hiroshi Uemura – UTokyo (D2): “Preferences for Shared Micromobility Services in Japanese Urban Areas”
- Yusuke Hara – Tohoku University (Associate Professor): “Latent Alternative Model: How do we capture the unobservable attributes of activities?”
第2回:11月14日 (木) ・ November 14th-Chair: Giancarlos Parady, UTokyo
- Satoki Masuda – Utokyo (D2): “Dynamic Reconfiguration Strategies for Managing Shelter and Road Congestion in Urban Emergency Evacuations”
- Riki Kawase – Science Tokyo (Assistant Professor): Stochastic Dynamic Optimal Shared Autonomous Vehicle Systems: Exact Solutions and Theoretical Properties”
- Giancarlos Parady – UTokyo (Lecturer ): “Going the extra mile: Estimating the willingness to travel to meet with friends using a joint destination choice model”
- Toshinori Ariga – Chiba University (Associate Professor):”Location of Point of Interests and Dynamic Temporal Population Change”
第3回:11月26日 (火) ・ November 26th-Chair: Yuki Oyama, UTokyo
- Zhang Zhiwei – Kumamoto University (D1):” Immobility or soft refusal? Exploring respondent attitude on the quality of household travel survey “
- Koki Sato – UTokyo (M1):” Analysis of chat data in group destination choice using large language models”
- Yuki Oyama – UTokyo (Associate Professor): ” Global path preference and local response: A link-based route choice model with decomposed reward functions “
- Hajime Seya – Kobe University (Associate Professor) :” Global grid population projection by spatial econometric model considering rank-size rule “
#248 40th Science Tokyo TSU Seminar
東京科学大学 大岡山キャンパス
#248 40th Science Tokyo TSU Seminar
11月6日に元デンマーク工科大学・交通研究所・主任研究員であったDr.Henrik Gudmundsson(ヘンリック・グッドムッドソン氏)をお招きし,大学統合後初めてのTSU(Transport Studies Unit)セミナーを下記の要領で開催いたします.
場所:東京科学大学大岡山キャンパス石川台3号館1階I3-107 (I311)
講演者:Dr.Henrik Gudmundsson, Senior Consultant, CONCITO, Denmark
題目:Sustainable Urban Mobility and Local Climate Planning in Europe and Denmark, in a Multi-level Governance Context.
概要:Transport is a main source of greenhouse gas emissions in most countries and cities. Transport is also an activity which can be hard, slow, and potentially costly to fully decarbonize. Moreover, decarbonization of transport must be considered in the context of other key functions and harmful impacts of the increasing demand for mobility. It is therefore widely recognized that policies at multiple levels should be well aligned if transport is to contribute to the timely end effective delivery of global, regional, national, and local climate targets. The presentation will introduce key European top-down policies for sustainable transport and decarbonization based in the so-called fit-for-55 package, as well as policies at the national and local level. The presentation will especially highlight the unique Danish example of voluntary local Climate Action Plans for all Danish municipalities and how these plans are addressing the transport decarbonization challenges. A topic for reflection is what local climate action can bring to the transformation of transport and mobility systems, and how such actions can be aligned with national and continental targets, policies, and governance frameworks for sustainability and decarbonization.
#247 Prof. Kay Axhausen Lecture - Social Networks and Travel
Prof. Kay Axhausen Lecture - Social Networks and Travel
講演者:Kay Axhausen先生(チューリッヒ工科大学名誉教授・東京大学客員教授 )
日時:2024年10月31日(木) 17:00-18:30
場所:東京大学 本郷キャンパス 工学部14号館144号室(2F)
Presenter:Professor Kay Axhausen( ETH Zurich Emeritus Professor, UTokyo Visiting Professor )
Date:October 31st, 17:00-18:30
Place:The University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus Engineering Building 14, Room 144 (2F)
#246 UT Transportation and Urban Research Hub - Research Seminar
UT Transportation and Urban Research Hub - Research Seminar
15:00-15:15 Ceremony
15:15-15:45 Yuito Hayashi (M2)
“Incorporating heterogeneity into traffic flow models with PINNs”
15:45-16:00 break
16:00-16:30 Daichi Ogawa (D1)
“Interaction Assignment in Mixed Traffic Flow”
“Game-theoretic Approaches for Urban Planning in Disaster-Prone Areas using Monte-Carlo-based deep reinforcement learning”
#245 Kay Axhausen教授,Moritz Kreuschner氏 特別講演会
Kay_Axhausen教授,Moritz Kreuschner氏 特別講演会
日時: 10月15日(火) 16:00 ~18:00
場所: 京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター C1-311 (Jinyu Hall)
講師: Kay Axhausen, ETH Zurich (Emiratus Professor)
題目: How to assess a major network change? The case of the e-bike city
講師: Moritz Kreuschner, TU Berlin (Research fellow)
題目: Citizen Assemblies Meet MATSim: Simulation-based Analysis of Mobility Concepts for Livable New Neighborhoods
#244 Kay Axhausen教授 講演会
Kay Axhausen教授 講演会
現在名古屋大学に滞在されていらっしゃるKay Axhausen先生について,岐阜大学でも講演いただく運びとなりましたのでご案内差し上げます.参加希望の方は倉内までご連絡ください.
講演者:Kay Axhausen先生(チューリッヒ工科大学教授)
講演題目:Recent experiences with GPS tracking
日時:2024年10月7日(月) 13:00-14:30
場所:岐阜大学柳戸キャンパス 工学部講義棟4階42番教室(以下のリンクの地図の17番の番号があるところ)
#243 Yafeng Yin教授 東京大学工学系研究科フェロー就任記念講演
東京大学工学部11号館 1階 HASEKO-KUMAホール+ラウンジ
Yafeng Yin教授 東京大学工学系研究科フェロー就任記念講演
東京大学 社会基盤学科 交通・都市・国土学研究室の大山です.
この度,ミシガン大学教授のYafeng Yin先生を東大にお招きし,以下の講演会を実施します.Yin先生が東大の工学系研究科フェロー (※) に就任されたことを記念しての会ではありますが,講演のみの聴講も可能ですので,皆様積極的なご参加をよろしくお願いいたします.
※The title of “Fellow, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo” will be granted to persons who have their main base of activity at institutions abroad and who have carried out distinguished achievements in scholarship or education in the engineering field as well as meritorious service to the education or research at this school through exchanges with it and whose continued support via exchanges can be expected.
【Yafeng Yin教授 東京大学工学系研究科フェロー就任の記念講演】
■場所:東京大学工学部11号館 1階 HASEKO-KUMAホール+ラウンジ
■日にち:10/11 (金)
17:00-18:00 ウェルカム@ラウンジ
18:00-19:00 記念講演+記念写真撮影@KUMAホール
19:30-21:00 記念パーティー(東大キャンパス内,場所未定,5000円程度を想定)
■主催:東京大学 社会基盤学科 交通・都市・国土学研究室 / Transportation and Urban Research Hub at UT
■実施形式: ハイブリッド (オンラインの場合は18-19時のみ)
Title: Modeling Mobility: The Quest for Behavioral Realism in Travel Forecasting
Abstract: Travel forecasting stands at the forefront of shaping future transportation landscapes, providing essential insights into the patterns of people and goods movement within a region. This modeling domain is crucial for guiding infrastructure development, policy adjustments, and the strategic planning to support growth. In this presentation, we delve into the transformative journey of travel forecasting methods over the past seven decades, tracing their evolution from the aggregate, zone-based four-step models from the 1950s to today’s sophisticated micro-behavioral activity-based models. We explore the paradigm shift in transportation network modeling, highlighting the progression towards increased behavioral realism. This shift has seen the conceptualization of travelers evolve from perfectly rational actors with deterministic behavior, to ‘economic individuals’ maximizing random utility, and finally to ‘social beings’ with bounded rationality. Our discussion highlights the interdisciplinary contributions from operations research, economics, and machine learning that have significantly enriched methodological approaches in travel forecasting. Furthermore, we examine the burgeoning role of artificial intelligence in travel forecasting, focusing on its potential to revolutionize model development.
#242 Abhilash C. Singh博士研究セミナー
東京大学本郷キャンパス 工学部1号館 3F 324
Abhilash C. Singh博士研究セミナー
今週 27日 (金) AM10:00~11:00の時間帯で、東京大学本郷キャンパスにて研究セミナーを開催いたします。
私の共同研究者でもある若手研究者のAbhilash C. Singhに、欧州における調査により得られた自転車利用者の経路データの生成・経路選択モデルについて話してもらいます。
Abhilashはテキサス大学オースティン校にて修士号、2023年にImperial College Londonにて博士号を取得後、現在はダブリン大学トリニティ・カレッジ (アイルランド)にてポスドク研究員として働いています。
彼の研究内容は主に、発展的な行動モデルにより居住地の自己選択 (self-selection)による内生性に対処しながら世帯の交通行動を分析しており、これまでC.R.BhatやP.L.Mokhtarian、E.J. MillerやAruna Sivakumarらと共に実証的な研究論文を発表しています (詳しくはCVをご参照ください: https://x.gd/Abhilash)。
日時: 9月27日 (金) AM10:00~11:00
場所: 東京大学本郷キャンパス 工学部1号館 3F 324
#241 Abhilash Chandra Singh博士講演会
Abhilash Chandra Singh博士講演会
講演者:Abhilash Chandra Singh博士(ダブリン大学)
講演題目:Cycling across Europe: Route choice analysis using multi-city data
日時:2024年9月25日(水) 10:30-12:00
#240 Kay Axhausen教授講演会
Kay Axhausen教授講演会
講演者:Kay W. Axhausen先生(チューリッヒ工科大学)
講演題目:Assessing major changes in the transport systems: The case of the e-Bike-City
日時:2024年9月18日(水) 13:00-14:30
#239 The 13th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar
Seminar room of International Project Lab, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo (Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus
The 13th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar
[The 13th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar]
1) Time and day: 11:00am-12:30am (Japan Standard Time), July 18th (Thursday), 2024
2) Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab, Department of Civil Engineering, UTokyo (3rd floor of Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, UTokyo) and Zoom meeting room
3) Presentation
– Presenter: Prof. Marlon Boarnet (University of Southern California)
– Title: Monetary cost, time cost, and mode choice: Transit and ridehailing in California
– Abstract: Recent studies explore how ridehailing competes with transit, documenting drops in transit ridership when ridehailing became available. However, few examine the extent to which ridehailing substitutes for other modes, such as walking or private automobiles. Using travel diary survey data and travel times and costs from the San Francisco Bay Area, we employ a mixed logit model to analyze how trip characteristics such as travel time and travel cost influence traveler’s mode choices. The results show that if ridehailing costs increase by 10%, ridehailing trips decrease by 6.97%. About half of the lost riders would switch to driving, and 20% to transit. Therefore, driving, rather than transit, is the closest substitute for ridehailing. Furthermore, 10% reductions in transit time and transit cost are associated with a 24.63% and 5.03% increase in transit trips, respectively, suggesting that reducing travel time is more effective in increasing transit ridership than lowering fares.
4) Short bio of presenter
Marlon Boarnet is Professor in the Sol Price School of Public Policy at the University of Southern California and Director of the METRANS Transportation Consortium. METRANS is the center for transportation research at USC, and a partnership of the Price School of Public Policy, the Viterbi School of Engineering, and California State University – Long Beach. METRANS spans over 15 academic departments and programs at USC, with links to over a dozen universities in the U.S. and abroad. Prior to directing METRANS, Boarnet was the founding chair of the Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Analysis at USC (2016-2022) and he served as Vice Dean for Academic Affairs in USC’s Price School from 2014 through 2015. Boarnet was chair of the Department of Planning, Policy, and Design at UC-Irvine from 2003 through 2006. Boarnet served as president of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, the scholarly association of university planning departments and faculty members in the United States and Canada, from 2019-2021. Boarnet’s research focuses on land use and transportation, links between land use and travel behavior and associated implications for public health and greenhouse gas emissions, urban growth patterns, and the economic impacts of transportation. He is a fellow of both the Weimer School of the Homer Hoyt Institute for Real Estate and the Regional Science Association International. Boarnet has advised California state agencies on greenhouse gas emission reduction in the transport sector, the World Bank on transportation access as a poverty reduction tool, and numerous other public and private entities. He has been principal investigator on over four million dollars of research supported by agencies that include the U.S. and California Departments of Transportation, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the California Air Resources Board, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Boarnet’s academic web page is: https://priceschool.usc.edu/people/marlon-boarnet/.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
#238 The 20th BinN International Research Seminar
The University of Tokyo, Ito International Hall
The 20th BinN International Research Seminar
The 20th BinN International Research Seminar
Title: Future of transport planning and traffic analysis
Speaker: Honorary Prof. William Lam, University of Sydney Business School
Coordinator: Honorary Prof. Asakura Yasuo, University of Tokyo
Date:2024.6.24 1000-1130
Venue: The University of Tokyo, Ito International Hall, Special Conference Room on the 3rd Floor
Outline: Recent trends in research on transport planning and traffic forecasting, ITS technology and development, smart surveillance and traffic simulation, public transport and pedestrian studies have been supported by significant advancements in sensing technology and mathematical models. Lam, a key figure who has built a leading global transportation research community centered in Hong Kong since the 1990s, has produced many students and researchers. Through a discussion with Professor Yasuo Asakura, a close associate of Lam, we would like to explore the trends and future of advanced fields in ITS and transport research in Japan and China
#237 The 12th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar
Seminar room of International Project Lab, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo (Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus
The 12th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar
[The 12th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar]
1) Time and day: 4:30pm-6:00pm (Japan Standard Time), June 17th (Monday), 2024
2) Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab, Department of Civil Engineering, UTokyo (3rd floor of Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, UTokyo) and Zoom meeting room
3) Presentation
Title: Strategic Investment for Green Growth in Uzbekistan
Abstract: Uzbekistan is expected to take a range of transformative actions for economic development and poverty reduction based on the concept of “green growth.” The country signed the Paris Agreement in April 2017 and submitted the 2nd Nationally Decided Contribution (NDC) in October 2021, with a target of reducing the country’s GHG emissions per unit of GDP by 35% below 2010 levels by 2030. The 2nd NDC further underlined the importance of climate resilience in promoting Uzbekistan’s socio-economic development as its landlocked territory is highly vulnerable to various natural disasters. To meet the low-carbon and climate resilient targets along the scope of green growth, the ADB’s economic diagnosis study (EDS) identifies Uzbekistan’s strategic investment options across critical infrastructure sectors — energy, transport, information and communication technology, water and waste management, and agriculture and food production systems. This study also refers to Uzbekistan’s recent urban development trends and adaptive spatial planning measures since the effectiveness of low-carbon, climate-resilient infrastructure investment for green growth depends on the degree and pattern of urbanization. From quantitative figures and qualitative discussions, key implications are drawn for Uzbekistan to leverage investment in critical infrastructure systems and move toward a green economy.
4) Short bio of presenter
Dr. Jin Murakami is Assistant Professor of Urban Planning at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). He has specialized in the areas of transport and land use, urbanization, spatial planning and economic development, urban infrastructure finance and land policy, and urban climate policy and finance. His research focuses principally on spatial, financial, and technological drivers that influence city-regions’ global competitiveness and local livability. His current projects include an international case study of transit-oriented development (TOD) and land value capture (LVC), the impacts of airport connectivity and accessibility changes on cities, and the financialization of cities with ESG investing criteria (e.g., zero-emission transport and housing). His previous research projects have been published from international development, research, and educational institutes (e.g., World Bank, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Asian Development Bank) and SSCI-listed peer-reviewed journals in urban studies, economics, geography, transportation, land use policy, and environmental studies. In addition, Dr. Murakami served as Lead Author (LA) for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR5 WGIII Chapter 12: Human Settlements, Infrastructure and Spatial Planning (2012-2014) and AR6 WGIII Chapter 8: Urban Systems and Other Settlement (2019-2022). He holds a Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning from the University of California, Berkeley and an M.Eng. in Civil Engineering from the University of Tokyo.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
#236 The 11th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar
Seminar room of International Project Lab, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo (Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus
The 11th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar
[The 11th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar]
1) Time and day: 10:00am-11:30 am (Japan Standard Time), April 25 (Thursday), 2024
2) Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab, Department of Civil Engineering, UTokyo (3rd floor of Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, UTokyo) and Zoom meeting room
3) Presentation
Title: Review on the development of transport infrastructure in Vietnam in past 30 years
Abstract: Transport infrastructure in Vietnam has been drastically improved, including road and expressway, deep seaports, and major airports, while national railway has been left behind and the development of urban railway in major cities is much slower than expected. During the past 30 years, GDP per capital of Vietnam has grown from 200 USD to over 4,000 USD. This presentation first reviews the development stages of transport infrastructure in Vietnam, together with the country’s development policies at each development stage, and then introduces recent discussion about a development plan for High-speed Railway in Vietnam.
4) Short bio of presenter
Dr. Phan Le BINH has started to work at Oriental Consultants Global (OCG) Co. Ltd. as the Deputy General Manager of OCG Hanoi Office from April 2024. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo in 2003. For nearly 20 years, he worked for Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), being responsible for many ODA projects in the field of transport and urban development in Asian developing countries including Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, and Pakistan. He used to be also dispatched from JICA to Vietnam Japan University as a lecturer to teach transportation planning for five years.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
#235 International Workshop on Urban Freight Analytics
Kyoto University Tokyo Office
International Workshop on Urban Freight Analytics
Title: International Workshop on Urban Freight Analytics
Date: 23 April 2024, Tuesday 13:00-17:00
Organised by: Institute for City Logistics
Venue: Kyoto University Tokyo Office
Shin-Marunouchi Building, 10th floor, 1-5-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6510
Kyoto University Tokyo Office | KYOTO UNIVERSITY (kyoto-u.ac.jp)
Language: English
Fee: free
Topic 1: Urban Freight Analytics
1. Professor Emeritus Eiichi Taniguchi (Kyoto University, Japan)
2. Professor Russell G. Thompson (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
3. Associate Professor Ali G. Qureshi (Kyoto University, Japan)
Topic 2: Agent-based Urban Freight Simulations
Speaker: Associate Professor Takanori Sakai (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan)
Abstract for Topic 1: Urban Freight Logistics
Urban Freight Analytics examines key concepts associated with development and application of decision support tools for evaluating and implementing city logistics solutions. New analytical methods are required for effectively planning and operating emerging technologies including the Internet of Things (IoT), Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).
This workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of modelling and evaluation approaches of urban freight transport. This will include case studies from Japan, US, Europe and Australia that illustrate the experiences of cities that have already implemented city logistics, including analytical methods that address the complex issues associated with adopting advanced technologies such as autonomous vehicles and drones in urban freight transport.
The workshop will be based on the book, “Urban Freight Analytics: Big data, Models and Artificial intelligence” by E. Taniguchi, R.G. Thompson and A.G. Qureshi, CRC Press, London, 2023. Procedures for evaluating city logistics technologies and policy measures will be presented. An overview of advanced modelling approaches, including agent based modelling and machine learning will be provided. The essential features of optimisation and simulation models applied to city logistics will be highlighted. An overview of how models incorporating more uncertainty and dynamic data can be used to improve the sustainability and resilience of urban freight systems will be presented.
This workshop will also describe future directions in urban freight analytics, including hyperconnected city logistics based the Physical Internet (PI), digital twins, gamification and emerging technologies such as connected and autonomous vehicles in urban areas. An integrated modelling platform will be presented that considers multiple stakeholders or agents, including emerging organisations such as PI companies and entities such as crowd-shippers as well as traditional stakeholders such as shippers, receivers, carriers, administrators and residents.
Abstract for Topic 2: Agent-based Urban Freight Simulations
The urban freight transportation system has continually evolved with innovations in logistics and technology (e.g., urban consolidation, crowd shipping, cargo bikes, mobile hubs, parcel lockers, etc.). This evolution has been accompanied by a transformation of the retail market due to the rapid penetration of online shopping. In the coming years, urban freight transportation systems will face new challenges to bring sustainability (e.g., zero emissions) to the forefront, leverage new technologies (e.g., automated vehicles, delivery robots, drones), and accommodate further expansion of e-commerce. In this context, simulation tools are needed to evaluate new logistics solutions and provide insights to planners and policy makers.
In the field of freight modeling research, the methodology of agent-based microsimulations has received increasing attention in the last several years. SimMobility Freight (SMF), which is developed by the MIT ITS lab, is one of the state-of-the-art agent-based freight simulators and has been used for analyzing various urban logistics solutions and scenarios. In this session, Takanori will introduce key design features of SMF and studies that use SMF, including the evaluations of cargo hitching, parking demand management, off-peak deliveries, and congestion pricing, as well as recent applications of SMF in Tokyo for evaluating the locations of logistics facilities.
#234 Japan-Korea Transportation Research Networking Seminar
Japan-Korea Transportation Research Networking Seminar
Japan-Korea Transportation Research Networking Seminar
Date and Time: 13:00-18:00, April 4th, 2024
Place: Large Conference Room, IDEC, Hiroshima University (https://maps.app.goo.gl/pEEiNLyqroaTLpG68)
Seminar Schedule
13:00-13:05 Opening Remark
Akimasa Fujiwara, Hiroshima University
13:05-13:15 Brief Introduction of Transportation Studies Group at Hiroshima University
Makoto Chikaraishi, Hiroshima University
Session 1: Public Transport (Chair: Giancarlos Parady, The University of Tokyo)
13:15-13:45 Metropolitan Area Size and Service Quality on Public Transport Satisfaction
Junghwa Kim, Assistant Professor, Kyonggi University
13:45-14:15 What drives the bus drivers’ job satisfaction?
Jihye Byun, Assistant Professor, University of Seoul
14:15-14:45 Mobility Experiment Twin: Shared Autonomous Vehicles for First-and-Last-Mile Public Transportation
Pham Van Son, PhD Student, Hiroshima University
14:45-15:00 Break
Session 2: Emerging Travel Modes and Active Travel (Chair: Nur Diana Safitri, Hiroshima Univ.)
15:00-15:30 Exploring attitudinal group differences in preferences for E-scooter options: focusing on the DC and LA contexts
Sung Hoo Kim, Assistant Professor, Hanyang University
15:30-16:00 Exploring Heterogeneous Private Car Sharing Decisions under Uncertainties
Li Mengxia, PhD Student, Hiroshima University
16:00-16:30 Modeling pedestrian behavior representing competitive nature between movers and stayers in urban public space
Keishi Fujiwara, PhD Student, Hiroshima University
16:30-16:45 Break
Session 3: Transportation Systems Analysis (Chair: AlOlabi Reem, Hiroshima University)
16:45-17:15 A Hazard-Based Duration Model to Quantify the Impact of Work-Related Distraction on Taxi Drivers’ Conflict Risk: A Driving Simulator Study
Tiantian Chen, Assistant Professor, KAIST
17:15-17:45 A dynamic system optimal dedicated lane design for connected and autonomous vehicles
Seunghyeon Lee, Associate Professor, University of Seoul
17:45-17:50 Concluding Remark
Feng Tao, Hiroshima University
#233 Freight Modeling and Data Collection Seminar
Freight Modeling and Data Collection Seminar
Freight Modeling and Data Collection Seminar
Date: March 29, 2024
Time: 13:20 – 16:30
Venue: Lecture Hall, Research Building No. 4 @ Etchujima Campus, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (東京海洋大学第4実験棟5階大教室)
13:20-13:30 Greetings
13:30-14:30 The following will be presented by Prof. Jose Holguin-Veras, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI).
– Freight Demand Synthesis techniques that infer freight trips and freight flows using secondary data, such as a estimates of FTG and FG and traffic counts
– The Behavioral Microsimulation (BMS) an agent based simulator
14:30-14:40 Break
14:40-15:30 “Agent-based Urban Freight Simulations and Applications” by Prof. Takanori Sakai, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology.
15:30-16:20 “2023 Tokyo Metropolitan Freight Survey” by Dr. Takeshi Kenmochi, The Institute of Behavioral Sciences.
16:20-16:30 Closing
#232 International Symposium on Sustainable Urban Mobility through Modular and Integrated Transport System
Okuma Hall, Nagoya University
International Symposium on Sustainable Urban Mobility through Modular and Integrated Transport System
International Symposium on Sustainable Urban Mobility through Modular and Integrated Transport System
Venue: Okuma Hall, Nagoya University
Date and time: Thursday, March 28, 2024, 13:30-17:45
Admission: Free
Language: English
13:30-13:40 Opening remark: Prof. Takayuki Morikawa (Nagoya University)
13:40-14:30 Prof. Yavuz Duvarci (Izmir Institute of Technology)
Drawing a vision for a more sustainable mobility: Example of PRT systems
14:30-15:20 Prof. Csaba Csiszár (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Reshaping mobility – merging transitional transportation modes
15:20-15:40 Coffee break
15:40-16:20 Prof. Shoshi Mizokami (Kumamoto Gakuen University)
Current status of smart mobility in Japan and Kumamoto-oriented MaaS
16:20-17:00 Dr. Giancarlos Parady (University of Tokyo)
Required simulated population ratios for valid assessment of shared autonomous vehicles’ impact using agent-based models
17:00-17:40 Dr. Lanhang Ye (Nagoya University)
Concept and simulation of door-to-door personal rapid transit system
17:40-17:45 Closing
#231 The 10th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar
Seminar room of International Project Lab, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo (Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus
The 10th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar
[The 10th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar]
1) Time and day: 10:00am-11:30am (Japan Standard Time), March 8 (Friday), 2024
2) Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab, Department of Civil Engineering, UTokyo (3rd floor of Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, UTokyo) and Zoom meeting room
3) Presentation
Title: Urban Sociophysical Resilience: Modeling the Interplay of Human Dynamics and Infrastructure Systems during Disasters
Abstract: Cities are the main engines of productivity, innovation, and cultural diversity, owing to their ability to foster dense social and economic connections among people and organizations. However, cities are also at the forefront of unprecedented challenges, including increased frequency of climate change induced disasters, novel mobility technology, and growing inequality and segregation. To build urban resilience to such challenges, we need to understand better the cascading socioeconomic impacts of shocks, which are undergirded by complex interdependencies between social networks, urban infrastructure, and online systems. Leveraging the increasing availability of large-scale human behavior data collected from mobile devices (e.g., mobile phone GPS, social media, web search), I study the resilience of cities using a sociophysical systems lens. In this talk, I will discuss the results from my research on the resilience of cities to climate change induced disasters, focusing on the impacts of complex interdependencies between social dynamics and infrastructure systems. I will also introduce my ongoing research on the resilience of economic networks, and future vision on cross-city transfer learning approaches to prepare cities for unprecedented shocks.
4) Short bio of presenter
Dr. Takahiro Yabe is a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the Center for Urban Science and Progress and Department of Technology Management and Innovation at the Tandon School of Engineering, New York University. He was previously a Postdoctoral Associate at the MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS) and Media Lab working with Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland and Esteban Moro. Taka’s research develops data-driven methods to understand collective social dynamics during disruptions and to model the resilience of complex urban systems to natural hazards, pandemics, and mobility technology. His recent works have been published in journals such as PNAS, Nature Communications, and Nature Machine Intelligence. He received his Ph.D. from Purdue University and his Master’s and Bachelor’s Degrees from the University of Tokyo.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
#229 シンポジウム「都市洪水に対する交通システムの適応策―アジアの都市を事例として―」
シンポジウム「都市洪水に対する交通システムの適応策―アジアの都市を事例として―(Adaptation Measures for Transportation Systems to Urban Flooding -The Case Study of Asian Cities-)」
会場:日本大学理工学部1号館121会議室(東京都千代田区神田駿河台1-8-14)・オンライン配信(Zoom Webinar)
10:00-10:05 開会挨拶:小早川悟;日本大学理工学部
10:05-10:25 IRG-38の紹介:Prof. Alexis Fillone : De La Salle University
10:25-11:15 基調講演1 : Principles and Practices of Vulnerability Analysis (with an Emphasis on Urban Areas and Flooding(Prof. Michael Taylor: University of South Australia)
11:15-12:05 基調講演2 : Flood Mapping with Satellite Data and People Movement(長井正彦:山口大学)
13:10-15:20 アジアの都市を対象とした洪水発生時の交通システムに関する分析の事例紹介
(1) Mobility Management in Response to Urban Floods in HCMC, Vietnam: Behavioral Analysis, Weather-Traffic Short-term Prediction and Traffic Management Framework (Dr. Vu Anh Tuan: Vietnamese German University)
(2) Impact of Flooding on Truck Movement in Metro Manila, Philippines (Prof. Alexis Fillone)
(3) Evaluation of Vulnerable Routes and Simulation under Normal and Flood Conditions in Cagayan De Oro, Philippines (Prof. Anabel Abuzo: Xavier University, Anteneo de Cagayan)
(4) Synergizing Flood Risk and Road Network Dynamics for Optimized Evacuation Strategies (Dr. Suwanno Piyapong: Rajamangala University of Technology, Srivijaya)
(5) Integrated Framework for Evaluating Climate Change Adaptation Measures: A Case Study on Healthcare Accessibility Amid Pluvial Flooding in Bangkok (Dr. Varameth Vichiensan: Kasetsart University)
(6) The Impact of Riverine Flooding on the Relocation Choices of Residents in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand (積田典泰:日本大学)
(7) What could we learn from case studies and summary (Prof. Alexis Fillone)
15:40-17:10 パネルディスカッション:Urban Flooding and Transport Adaptation Measures in Asian Cities
モデレータ:Dr. Sittha Jaensirisak : Ubon Ratchathani University,パネリスト:Prof. Alexis Fillone, Prof. Anabel Abuzo, Dr. Vu Anh Tuan, Dr. Varameth Vichiensan, 福田敦:日大学理工学部
17:10-17:20 日本大学災害研究ソサイエティ(NUDS)の紹介 石坂哲宏:日本大学理工学部
17:20-17:25 閉会挨拶:福田敦
使用言語:英 語
参加費: 無 料
#228 The 9th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar
Seminar room of International Project Lab, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo (Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus
The 9th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar
[The 9th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar]
1) Time and day: 10:00am-11:30am (Japan Standard Time), February 14 (Wednesday), 2024
2) Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab, Department of Civil Engineering, UTokyo (3rd floor of Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, UTokyo) and Zoom meeting room
3) Presentation
Title: Modelling activity-travel choice behaviour in transport networks for a low-carbon future
Abstract: With the acceleration of urbanization in many regions, the intensity of human activities and the demand for transportation continue to increase. Residents’ daily activity-travel choice behaviours in transport networks are the main sources of carbon emissions in urban areas. Based on an activity-based travel analysis approach, this study explores how to relate residents’ complicated activity-travel choice behaviours to carbon emissions in transport networks. Influencing factors and measurements of carbon emissions from residents’ activity-travel choices are introduced. We try to understand the activity-travel choice behaviour for a low-carbon future using both the network equilibrium approach and data-driven approach. Some strategies for low-carbon transport management such as carbon credit charge scheme are discussed to jointly optimize urban land use plan and transport networks.
4) Short bio of presenter
Dr. Xiao FU is affiliated with School of Transportation in Southeast University, China as an associate professor and a visiting researcher at The University of Tokyo. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and was attached to National University of Singapore during the PhD study. Her research interests include activity-travel behaviour modelling, network equilibrium models, transport geography, spatial big data analytics, and carbon emissions in transport sector. Her works mainly appear in Transportation Research Part E, Transportation, Transportmetrica A, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, etc. She is now serving as an Associate Editor of Transportmetrica A: Transport Science and Guest Editor of Multimodal Transportation. She is also a member of the Editorial Boards of Journal of Spatio-temporal Information and Journal of Chinese Geographical Science.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
#227 The 8th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar
Seminar room of International Project Lab, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo (Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus
The 8th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar
[The 8th UTokyoIPL-CUTI Special Seminar]
1) Time and day: 1:00pm-2:30pm (Japan Standard Time), December 15 (Friday), 2023
2) Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo (Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/campusmap/cam01_04_12_j.html) + Zoom meeting room
3) Presenter: Jun KONDO (Senior Business Development Manager, Business Development Dept., Secure Technology & Solutions, Sony Corporation)
4) Presentation
-Title: Sony’s case studies in mobility payments implementation in Asia and changing mobility payments.
-Abstract: Asia is the largest and fastest-growing market for mobility services with significant plans and funding for transport infrastructure. Jun KONDO will share Sony’s case studies of mobility payments implementation in Asia and its technologies including NFC card and mobile payments. He will also talk about trend of mobility payments including technologies, schemes and applications: Sony and its business in mobility payments; About NFC FeliCa; Case studies in Asia; and Trend of mobility payments.
5) Short bio of presenter
Jun Kondo joined Sony Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, in 1992 and started his career in customer service section. He was in charge of service parts distribution planning and control, including assignment in Belgium as Assistant Manager at Sony Service Centre (Europe) – European hub of after-sale service operations. He was transferred to smart card business unit called FeliCa Business Division (currently called Secure Technology & Solutions) in 2001 and was involved in international business development mainly in Asia and promotion of NFC (Near Field Communication) FeliCa. Since then, he has been engaged in building the NFC FeliCa ecosystems in collaboration with international partners.
6) Charge: free
7) Language: English only
#226 シンガポール国立大学(NUS)のプラティーク・バンサル先生と博士課程学生の講演会
日時: 11月20日(月) 16:30 ~18:00
場所: 京都大学吉田キャンパス、38号館、共通4(入口は63号館の反対側)https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/access/campus/yoshida/map6r-y
日時: 11月21日(火) 16:30 ~18:00
場所: 東大工学部本郷キャンパス工学部1号館4階セミナーA https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/campusmap/cam01_04_02_j.html
Prateek Bansal (https://www.prateekbansal.org/)
“Individual-level and System-level Behavioural Science in Transportation”
Bio: Dr Prateek Bansal is a Presidential Young (Assistant) Professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Before joining NUS in 2022, he was a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow at Imperial College London and did a Ph.D. from Cornell, an MSc from UT Austin, a BTech from IIT Delhi. Prateek leads the Behavioural & Cognitive Science Lab at NUS, and is a co-principal investigator of the Adaptive Mobility module at Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore. His research group is interested in creating new methods to address challenging questions related to mobility behavior and the adoption of emerging technologies at an individual level and an urban scale. His research has led to over 55 journal articles. Apart from top Transportation journals, he regularly publishes in interdisciplinary journals like Energy Economics and Statistics and Computing. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Transport Economics & Policy and the Journal of Public Transportation. He also serves as the editorial board member of Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, and Journal of Choice Modelling, among others. He is a member of the TRB’s standing committees on Travel Survey Methods (AEP25) and Travel Forecasting (AEP50). Abstract: This talk will focus on system-level activity-based models and individual-level behaviour models. Specifically, three main system-level topics will be discussed: (i) novel deep generative models for feasible and diverse synthetic population, (ii) an analytical approach to simultaneously generate synthetic population and home-work locations by fusing travel survey data with the cellular signal data, (iii) generating synthetic population and activity chains by fusing travel survey data with the transit farecard data. The talk will conclude with an individual-level interpretable and flexible behaviour model, marrying data-driven and theory-driven approaches.
Xinwei Li:
“Marrying Cognitive Psychology and Behaviour Modelling: New Advancements and Results”
Bio: Ms. Xinwei Li is a Ph.D. student supervised by Dr. Prateek Bansal in the Civil and Environment Engineering Department at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Before joining the Behavioral & Cognitive lab, she achieved her MSc. in Statistics from NUS, and her B.S. in Mathematical Statistics from Renmin University of China. Xinwei focused on combining the discrete choice models with neurobiological data. Particularly, she is interested in Sequential Sampling Models(SSMs) developments, parameter estimations, and its extensions with choice process data like response time (RT) and eye-movement.
Abstract: This talk will focus on new models from mathematic psychology, known as sequential sampling models (SSMs), that are inherently dynamic to facilitate joint modelling of choice, response time (RT), and other data related to decision-making process (eye-movement of decision-makers). SSMs can also better explain the effect of nudges. The talk will focus on three main advancements in SSMs: (i) First empirical application of SSMs in transportation to explain the role of decoy effects in nudging ride-hailing drivers to adopt electric vehicles, (ii) mathematical proof for the value of involving RT into discrete choice models in terms of econometric estimation, (iii) Joint modelling of lab-based and web-based stated-preference data. By addressing challenges in existing SSMs, the talk will make a strong case for their applications in travel behavior modelling.
#225 Property Value Capture as a Mechanism for Public Transport Financing in the Philippines
Webinar (Zoom)
Webinar “Property Value Capture as a Mechanism for Public Transport Financing in the Philippines”
Webinar “Property Value Capture as a Mechanism for Public Transport Financing in the Philippines”
Date: 3 August 2023, Wednesday (1:00 – 3:00pm, Philippine Standard Time).
12:45 – 1:00 pm
Welcome Remarks – Dr. Jun Castro, Director, National Center for Transportation Studies
1:10 – 1:40
Keynote Talk by Prof. Shishir Mathur, Professor, San Jose State University, California, United States; Author of Innovation in Public Transport Finance: Property Value Capture (Routledge, 2016)
With Q&A
1:40 – 1:55
Transit Oriented Development and Property Value Capture in Japan
Prof. Hironori Kato, University of Tokyo
1:55 – 2:25
Presentations by panelists: Possible pathways for the implementation of Property Value Capture (PVC) as a Mechanism for Public Transport Financing in the Philippines
“Making PVC work in the Philippines: Perspective of a railway company”
Juan Alfonso, President/CEO, Light Rail Manila Corporation
“Making PVC work in the Philippines: Perspective of a real estate developer”
Francis Adrian Viernes, Assistant Vice President and Chief Data Scientist, Megaworld
“Making PVC work in the Philippines: Perspective of a government agency”
Leonel de Velez, Assistant Secretary, Department of Transportation
2:25 – 2:45
Panel Discussion and Q&A
Panel members:
Shishir Mathur, Professor, San Jose State University (optional)
Hironori Kato, Professor, University of Tokyo
Juan Alfonso, CEO and President, Light Rail Manila Corporation
Francis Adrian Viernes, Assistant Vice President – Chief Data Scientist, Head of Data Analytics / Data Science, Megaworld
Leonel Cray De Velez, Assistant Secretary for Planning and Project Development – Department of Transportation
Moderator: Dr. Varsolo Sunio
2:45 – 2:50
Synthesis / Closing Remarks
Raphael IV Abraham Hizon, Earthauz, Inc.
This webinar should be of interest to local government units, national government agencies, transit agencies, real estate developers, transport corporations, financial institutions, property appraisers and assessor, etc.
#224 Historical and current urban design and its impact on children's travel
京都大学 吉田キャンパス 総合研究4号館 共通4
Historical and current urban design and its impact on children's travel
Historical and current urban design and its impact on children’s travel
Date: June 23 (Fri.), 2024. 15:00-17:40
Venue 京都大学 吉田キャンパス 総合研究4号館 共通4
(38番の建物 https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/archive/prev/access/campus/map6r_y)
15:00 – 15:30 Owen Waygood (Polytechnique Montréal)
“Planning for children’s independent travel”
15:30 – 16:00 Sylvia He (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
“Neighborhood features, out-of-home physical activities and public health: Using Google Street View images and survey to inform the planning and design of age-friendly neighborhoods”
16:00 – 16:30 Uno Haruka (Tokyo University of Science)
“Traffic Safety Measures for Children on Residential Streets in Japan”
16:30 – 16:50 David Hölzel (The University of Dortmund)
“Social and Environmental Influences on Children’s Everyday Mobility in Dortmund, Germany”
16:50 – 17:10 Goto Taiga(University of Tsukuba)
17:10 – 17:40 Nakao Satsohi (Kyoto University)
” Japanese history on traffic safety for children influenced by motorization “
#223 Special seminar on EV in Hong Kong
IP lab meeting room (on the third floor of Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo)
Special seminar on EV in Hong Kong
Special seminar on EV in Hong Kong
1) Time and day: 1:00pm-1:45pm (Japan Standard Time), June 19 (Monday), 2023
2) Place (in-person): IP lab meeting room (on the third floor of Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo)
3) Web link to online meeting: https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/87670893950?pwd=REVWS3BnYlRKQnpoZnlobGwvUVVodz09
4) Presenter: Dr. Sylvia He (Associate Professor, Urban Studies Programme, Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
5) Presentation:
Title: Electrification of private cars in Hong Kong: EV adoption, charger accessibility, and the spatial planning of charging infrastructure
Abstract: Electrification of the transport sector is an important strategy to achieve carbon neutrality. Over the past few years, we have witnessed the momentum of transitioning from ICE cars to electric cars in different parts of the world, however, cities are facing various challenges and obstacles during the electrification process. In this seminar, one of the densest cities in the world – Hong Kong – will be presented, based on several recent publications and works in progress of my research lab. First, we will examine key determinants of EV adoption, based on the findings from a questionnaire survey in Hong Kong and Denmark. Among these critical factors is charger accessibility, which we will differentiate by objective, perceived, and prospective measures. Then we will develop a methodology framework and a location-allocation model to incorporate consumer preferences and land use constraints into the spatial planning of public EV charging infrastructure. Lastly, some works in progress using new and emerging data will be briefed at the end.
6) Charge: free
7) Language: English only
#222 Travel behavior analysis of the elderly in China
Room 206 at Engineering Building 8th North, Nagoya University and Zoom
Travel behavior analysis of the elderly in China
Theme: Travel behavior analysis of the elderly in China
Speaker: Prof. Shengchuan Zhao, Professor at School of Transportation and Logistics, Dalian University of Technology
Date and time: 2023/4/20 (Th), 10:30-12:00
Place: Room 206 at Engineering Building 8th North, Nagoya University and Zoom
Abstract: The rapid demographic shift towards an aging society in China will bring more challenges to meeting the travel needs of older adults, especially the heterogeneity and differences in backgrounds, health, and subjective perceptions of them making it even harder. Walking, as a primary travel mode and physical activity for seniors in China, is important for them to keep involved in social life and maintain active and wellbeing while aging. Studies on the walking behavior of older adults have been focusing on realized journeys, but the research on the unmet walking needs has received insufficient attention. Moreover, most studies treated older adults as a homogeneous group. As such, this study examines how socio-demographic and built environment variables affect the unmet walking needs of older adults considering the unobserved heterogeneity by relying on subjective predictors of walking. The unmet walking needs are defined as the gaps between expected and actual walking frequencies. This is done by employing a hybrid approach integrating latent class analysis (LCA) and a zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) regression model based on data collected from 533 older adults over 60 in China in 2021. Results of LCA show that three latent segments can be identified, i.e., Enthusiastic Walking Respondents with Excellent Health (EWEH), Positive Walking Respondents with Languishing Health (PWLH), and Fair Walking Respondents with Languishing Health (FWLH). The results of the ZIP regression model indicate that age, gender, income, elevator, and distances to the nearest bus stop are the relatively contributing factors to unmet walking needs for both three classes. Moreover, built environment factors, such as access to bus stops and distances to the nearest leisure facility, have the most significant influence on EWEH class. The findings of this study will offer insights for effective policies and interventions to build an age-friendly environment.
#221 The 7th UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar
The 7th UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar
1) Time and day: 4:00pm-5:30pm (Japan Standard Time), February 13 (Monday), 2023
2) Place: Zoom meeting room (https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/88101614989?pwd=OFY2djIwU1VUZnRjOHltQ2kyYnpZdz09)
3) Presentation
Title: The role of ride-hailing services during COVID-19 in Indonesia
Abstract: Millions of people’s activities have been disrupted by the 2019 coronavirus. As an alternative to out-of-home activities, online activities have significantly risen. Due to this phenomenon, our presentation will explore the travel behavior change during the pandemic and understand how ride-hailing services support in-home activities in Indonesia. The use of ride-hailing services for online shopping with same-day delivery services become an interesting point that will be explored in our presentation
4) Short bio of presenter
Muhammad Zudhy Irawan is an associate professor of transportation planning and modeling in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. He holds a doctoral degree from Kyushu University, Japan. His research interests are related to travel behavior, traffic simulation, and decision-making process.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.
#220 The 6th UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar
The 6th UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar
1) Time and day: 1:00pm-2:30pm (Japan Standard Time), February 2nd (Thursday), 2023
2) Place: Zoom meeting room (https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/86742542338?pwd=RmpwT0E4cGJmVE81RytQU201aWcxUT09)
3) Presentation
Title: Analyzing transport transition issues from the perspective of justice using multi-criteria mapping method
Abstract: In this presentation, I apply the concept of justice and its dimensions (distributive, procedural, recognition, cosmopolitan and restorative) to transitions in public transportation systems. I also introduce the multi-criteria mapping (MCM) method (Coburn and Stirling, 2019), which was originally developed for the appraisal of contested visions. I demonstrate the applicability of both the concept and the method to the three cases of ongoing transport system transition in the Philippines, namely the (non–)legitimation of motorcycle taxis, the formalization of jeepney and the implementation of high-priority bus system. I attempt to unpack the (in)justice issues arising from these transition initiatives. Finally, I argue for the need to pay due attention to the ethical aspects and justice issues of transitions, which, being sources of tension, conflict and discontent, may powerfully resist the hoped-for sustainable transitions.
Keywords: Just transition; transport justice; sustainability transition; global south
Sunio, V. (2021). Unpacking justice issues and tensions in transport system transition using multi-criteria mapping method. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 96, 102887.
Sunio, V., Ugay, J. C., Li, C. W., Liwanag, H. J., & Santos, J. (2023). Impact of Public Transport Disruption on Access to Healthcare Facility and Well-being During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Case Study in Metro Manila, Philippines. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 100948.
4) Short bio of presenter
Dr. Varsolo Sunio is affiliated with the Philippines’ Department of Science and Technology (DOST) as an S&T Fellow II (for transport and logistics) and a visiting researcher at The University of Tokyo. He also holds (or has held) appointments as a research fellow at the University of Asia and the Pacific, De La Salle University, Ateneo de Manila University, and the University of Macau. He finished his doctorate degree in Urban Management at Kyoto University and earned degrees from the National University of Singapore, University of the Philippines, and the Ateneo de Manila University. He previously worked as part of the data science team of the Philippines’ Department of Transportation (DoTr), the information technology team of Accenture, and the Supply Chain Department of Makati Medical Center. He has published papers on transportation issues in the developing country context, covering themes such as equity and justice, access and well-being, sustainable transitions, and financing of informal transport. His works appear in Transportation Research Part A, D and F, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Transport Policy, Research in Transportation Economics, Research in Transportation Business & Management, etc. He is also a regular reviewer for several transportation journals. He is a member of Transportation Science Society of the Philippines (TSSP), National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) and Analytics Association of the Philippines (AAP). His personal website is: https://sites.google.com/uap.asia/varsolo-sunio/
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.
#219 The 5th UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar
The 5th UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar
1) Time and day: 4:00pm-5:30pm (Japan Standard Time), January 23 (Monday), 2022
2) Place: Zoom meeting room (https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/89737816643?pwd=WmVUOTZMNCttY3RiN2VJU21iNXVZUT09)
3) Presentation
Title: Use of Ride Hailing Services in Metro Manila, Bangkok, and Hanoi: A Comparison
Abstract: The study compared the use of the ride hailing services (RHS) in three (3) Southeast Asian cities, namely, Metro Manila, Bangkok, and Hanoi, during the Covid-19 pandemic period. It attempted to zero in on the varying ways by which citizens in these cities availed of RHS in 2020. A similar set of questionnaire survey form was administered, albeit differently; it was administered online in Metro Manila, while it was done face-to-face in Bangkok and Hanoi. The differing method of survey administration may have affected the representativeness of the samples. Nevertheless, similarities and dissimilarities are presented regarding the personal characteristics of RHS users and their usage of RHS in these three cities during the time of the pandemic.
4) Short bio of presenter
Dr. Alexis M. Fillone is a Professor of the Civil Engineering Department, De La Salle University, Manila. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Degree (Cum Laude) from Central Philippine University, Iloilo City, his Master of Engineering (Transportation) at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand and his PhD in Urban and Regional Planning at the School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP), University of the Philippines, Diliman, Philippines. He was a former president of the Transportation Science Society of the Philippines (TSSP). He has around 30 years of experience as a teacher in the field of transportation planning and traffic engineering and currently mentors several Master and PhD students at De La Salle University, Manila. He also has more than 20 years of experience in transport research focusing on travel behavior analysis, travel demand modeling, public transport planning, and traffic impact studies as well as consultancy work with the government and the private sector. He has published several articles in SCOPUS and ISI-listed journals. Aside from being a registered Civil Engineer, he is also a registered Environmental Planner.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.
#218 The 4th UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar
The 4th UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar
1) Time and day: 4:00pm-5:30pm (Japan Standard Time), December 19 (Monday), 2022
2) Place: Zoom meeting room (https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/86183190905?pwd=MTZaVzY4Umg4UERJL1hrQ3lva1Jqdz09)
3) Presentation
Title: Motorization Pattern and Private Vehicle Dependence in Asian Developing Countries
Abstract: In many developing countries, rapid motorization has been ongoing where owners of private vehicles tend to rely on their own vehicles for making trips. Although the ownership in developing cities is lower than that in developed cities, the excessive dependence on private vehicles has caused serious road traffic congestion, accidents, and negative environmental impacts in those cities. They require the mitigation of people’s dependency on private vehicles, including both private cars and motorcycles. This study investigates the private-vehicle-dependent behavior mainly in Asian developing countries. The presentation contains the topics: 1) review of motorization progress pattern and its influential factors based on statistical data of registered private vehicles in major Asian cities; 2) empirical analysis of private-vehicle dependency with mobility gaps between car/motorcycle owners and non-owners, using the JICA’s person-trips surveys; and 3) identification of factors affecting private-vehicle-dependent travel behavior, highlighting consciousness and attitude toward walkable-distance trips.
4) Short bio of presenter
Mr. Takayoshi Futose is an urban and transport consultant at ALMEC Corporation, Japan. After receiving his master’s degree from Yokohama National University, Japan, he has participated in various transport projects in developing countries, including African countries, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Philippines, and Vietnam. His main research concerns are transport survey, demand forecasting, public transport improvement, and transport planning. He is currently enrolled in the doctoral program at the graduate school of Toyo University, Japan. His doctoral research highlights the people’s private vehicle dependency in major Asian cities for contributing to urban transport planning in developing world.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.
#217 EASTS-ITF special seminar: Prospects for Transport Decarbonisation in a rapidly changing environment
EASTS-ITF special seminar: Prospects for Transport Decarbonisation in a rapidly changing environment
(東京都千代田区一ツ橋2-1-2 学術総合センター2階)
13:30-13:40 開会挨拶
山内 弘隆(一般財団法人運輸総合研究所所長)
平岡 成哲(国土交通省国際統括官)
13:40-14:10 基調講演: ITFのアウトリーチ活動および研究活動に関する発表
14:10-14:50 発表 交通の脱炭素化の未来(40分)
2.竹内 智仁(一般財団法人運輸総合研究所主任研究員)
14:50-15:55 パネルディスカッション(65分)
藤原 章正(EASTS-Japan会長/広島大学教授)
竹内 智仁(一般財団法人運輸総合研究所主任研究員)
<モデレータ> 花岡 伸也(EASTS-Japan事務局長/東京工業大学教授)
15:55-16:00 閉会挨拶
兵藤 哲朗(EASTS事務局長/東京海洋大学教授)
#216 Introduction of Road Technology and Policy Making - International Joint Seminar of VJU and NILIM -
Introduction of Road Technology and Policy Making - International Joint Seminar of VJU and NILIM -
This is an announcement of online international seminar on technology and policy of Japan’s road, which is organized jointly by Vietnam Japan University (VJU) and National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan. This event is held online from 15:00-17:20 (Japan Standard Time) on November 25 (Friday), 2022. This seminar aims to introduce the Japan’s road technology and policy making mainly to international students in Asian region including Japan. The details are shown in an attached file. Please find it. We hope you will join this seminar and engage in this important conversation. If you have any questions on this seminar, do not hesitate to contact Prof. Hironori Kato (Co-director of Master program in Civil Engineering, VJU, kato@civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) and Prof. Shinichi Takeda (JICA long-term expert at VJU, takeda.s@vju.ac.vn). Thank you.
1) Time and day: 15:00-17:20 (Japan Standard Time), Nov 25 (Fri), 2022
2) Place: Zoom meeting room (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSehj-_C–AcXKcer71EaTVRCBbBTVu-_xuiu5H0YwVLseudhQ/viewform)
Please have a look at the attached files for the details.
FinalVersion_Flyer_Introduction of road technology and policy making
#215 The 3rd UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar
The 3rd UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar
1) Time and day: 4:00pm-5:30pm (Japan Standard Time), December 5 (Monday), 2022
2) Place: Zoom meeting room (https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/87281677470?pwd=c3VmZlFxMDJXakVhME1kNit2NDFWQT09)
3) Presentation
– Title: Ride-Hailing Service Adoption and Local Context in Motorcycle-Based Societies: Case Study in Hanoi, Vietnam
– Abstract: The ride-hailing service (RHS) has emerged as a major form of daily travel in many Southeast Asian cities where motorcycles are extensively used. This study aims to analyze the local context in motorcycle-based societies, which may affect the establishment of travelers’ choice set after the appearance of RHSs. In particular, it empirically compares three types of choice-set structures in the context of urban travel mode choice by estimating standard logit and nested logit models to test six hypotheses on the associations of RHS adoption with its determinants. Revealed preference data of 449 trips from both RHS users and non-RHS users were collected through a face-to-face interview-based questionnaire survey in Hanoi, Vietnam, in December 2020. The results of model estimations revealed: (1) a substitutional effect for two-wheelers but not for four-wheelers, (2) a significant positive influence of car ownership on car RHS adoption but not on motorcycle RHS adoption, (3) significantly high sensitivity to travel time of motorcycle RHS but not of car RHS, (4) a significant negative effect of traffic congestion on car RHS adoption but an insignificant one on motorcycle RHS adoption, and (5) a significant positive association of an individual’s experience in using a smartphone with car RHSs but insignificant association with motorcycle RHSs. Our findings suggest that transportation policies of RHS motorcycles should be different from those of RHS cars because of the heterogeneity in travel behaviors of RHS users between them. They also indicate that the transition from motorcycles to cars as well as the difference in service availability among different types of RHSs should be incorporated into the development of transportation policies in Southeast Asian cities.
4) Short bio of presenter
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Hoang-Tung is currently a researcher at University of Transport and Communications, Vietnam. He obtained a Ph.D. in Civil & Environmental Engineering, Saitama University, Japan in 2014. He worked as a research associate at Saitama University and as an invited lecturer at Vietnam Japan University, Vietnam. He has more than 15 year experience in the academic and industrial fields of the transport sector. He was involved in numerous transport projects in Vietnam and Japan, mainly as an in-house consultant for the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and Japan International Cooperation Agency. His major interest is a green transportation system and public-private partnerships. He and his co-authors were awarded the best research paper by the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS) in 2020.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.
#214 International Seminar "Refugees and Migrants in the International Society with Disasters"
International Seminar "Refugees and Migrants in the International Society with Disasters"
We will hold an international seminar at the 4th annual symposium of the URBAN Re-DESIGN STUDIES UNIT on Nov. 26, 2022. The seminar will be held in English, and we welcome international students and researchers. You can join it online or onsite (Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo). Please take a look at the following for more details.
Seminar theme: Refugees and Migrants in the International Society with Disasters
Seminar website: http://dss.bin.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/symposium/symposium_2022/#international
Date and Time: 15:35-17:00 (JST) on November 26 (Saturday), 2022
Seminar Objective:
As the SDG slogan “Leave no one behind” suggests, it is crucial to ensure that no one is left behind, even minorities, during the disaster relief and recovery phases. This seminar will focus on those who may be vulnerable due to cultural and religious differences: migrants and refugees. This seminar aims to share examples of post-disaster issues, support, and recovery efforts for immigrants and refugees in Japan and abroad. Since internationalization is expected to progress further, this seminar will provide an opportunity to consider the challenges that may arise from future disasters in Japan, and the support and reconstruction that will contribute to reducing these challenges.
1. Mohammad Moinuddin (Osaka University)
Title: Potential of foreign nationals during disasters: with reference to two mosques in Osaka, Japan
He will talk about the disaster relief activities of Islamic mosques, the daily activity hubs for foreign residents in Japan.
2. Miko Maekawa (Sasakawa Peace Foundation)
Title: TBD
She will talk about environmental migrants in Pacific Island countries.
3. Mio Sato (International Organization for Migration)
Title: TBD
She will talk about Afghan refugees in Pakistan and the relief efforts toward them.
Coordinators: Hitomu Kotani (Kyoto University) and Riki Honda (University of Tokyo)
Language: English
Fee: Free
Registration form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdowMg68TeO1ZXz8ZwxJU_ns2lcsggW0DsB7F_QXMxnAv7Dvw/viewform
If you have any questions, please contact the coordinator: Dr. Hitomu Kotani (kotani.hitomu.5c@kyoto-u.ac.jp).
#213 The 2nd UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar
The 2nd UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar
We will conduct a special seminar, in which Dr. Phathinan Thaithatkul (Chulalongkorn University) is invited to make a special presentation about a case study on mobility of elderly people in Thailand. This event is held online from 4:00pm-5:30pm (Japan Standard Time), November 7 (Monday). We hope you will join us for the event and engage in this important conversation. The details are shown as follows. Thank you.
[2nd UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar]
1) Time and day: 4:00pm-5:30pm (Japan Standard Time), November 7 (Monday), 2022
2) Place: Zoom meeting room (https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/83729974339?pwd=TmFUdVZjWHRRNURUUFBEellsOGwrUT09)
3) Presentation
Title: Mobility, Activities, and Happiness in Old Age: Case of the Elderly in Bangkok
Thailand’s population is rapidly ageing, making it crucial that policy makers understand how to support the welfare of the elderly community. Using the metric of Subject Well-Being (SWB) — a marker overall happiness — our study investigates the links between SWB and senior citizens’ mobility, travel behaviors, and activities outside of the home with the aim of better understanding which factors contribute to higher quality of life for the elderly. We conducted a survey of the elderly in Bangkok, Thailand and derived descriptive statistics and performed a Latent Class Analysis and ordered logistics regression to understand these relationships. We found that active elderly was likely to have higher level of the SWB than inactive elderly. Public transport use and Out-of-home activities engagement were associated with active elderly’s SWB in Thailand. Recommendations for policy makers include improved design of public transport services for the elderly and expanded fare reduction pricing through state welfare for senior citizens.
4) Short bio of presenter
Dr. Phathinan Thaithatkul is a researcher at Transportation Institute, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand, and doctoral degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. She has experience working as a project researcher in Center for Spatial Information Science, the University of Tokyo, Japan. Her research interest covers urban mobility and transport planning. Her research focuses on the emerging mobile technology and urban mobility, e.g., ride-hailing services, ride-sharing services, and shared mobility services. She has been involved in an international research project on ride-hailing services. She also has experience in providing consulting services for Department of Land Transport in Thailand. Her consulting services cover the regulation framework for urban mobility.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.
#212 International seminar on "assessing the navigation error characteristics of residents and tourists during evacuation"
Higashi-Hiroshima Campus, Hiroshima University
International seminar on "assessing the navigation error characteristics of residents and tourists during evacuation"
[International seminar on “assessing the navigation error characteristics of residents and tourists during evacuation”]
Date & time: 16:00-17:00, October 14, 2022
Venue: IDEC large conference room, Higashi-Hiroshima Campus, Hiroshima University
Presenter: Dr. Yuval Hadas (Senior Lecturer, Department of Management, Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
Tittle: Assessing the navigation error characteristics of residents and tourists during evacuation – a combined simulation and virtual reality approach
Abstract: During evacuation, the evacuees are required to follow the fastest and safest path to the designated evacuation site. However, navigation errors due to lack of knowledge, signage presence and the evacuee behavior are affecting the evacuation efficiency. For that, it is imperative to assess these navigation errors and to develop an optimization model in order to increase the evacuation reliability by improving the guidance at key intersections. This is done by minimizing the difference between the deterministic shortest path and the stochastic shortest path with the stochasticity associated with the selection of an arc at each node, and the behavior of the evacuee. For that, we developed two components: 1) a MATSim based evacuation model, a random (or probabilistic) walk, in which the evacuees are dynamically selecting their next road section probabilistically, and 2) a virtual reality (VR) navigation challenge which investigate the decision-making during evacuation.
Contact: chikaraishim@hiroshima-u.ac.jp (Makoto Chikaraishi, Hiroshima University)
#211 The 1st UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar
The 1st UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar
We will conduct a special seminar, in which Dr. Saksith Chalermpong (Chulalongkorn University) is invited to make a special lecture about online food delivery in Bangkok, Thailand. This event is held online from 4:00pm-5:30pm (Japan Standard Time), October 24 (Monday). We hope you will join us for the event and engage in this important conversation. The details are shown as follows. Thank you.
[1st UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar]
1) Time and day: 4:00pm-5:30pm (Japan Standard Time), October 24 (Monday), 2022
2) Place: Zoom meeting room (https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/89842877944?pwd=VDgzSFVjR0doMXMyTDgxcjNqSjlCQT09; Meeting ID: 898 4287 7944; Passcode: 458770)
3) Presentation
Title: Consumers’ Spatial Attributes and Their Effects on Online Food Delivery Usage and Travel: Empirical Evidence from Bangkok, Thailand
This presentation gives an outline and findings of our recent paper. In this paper, we examine how consumers’ spatial attributes affect OFD adoption and usage frequency, by testing innovation-diffusion (ID) and accessibility-efficiency (AE) hypotheses. OFD usage data were collected by questionnaire surveys in Bangkok and analyzed by logistic and zero-truncated negative binomial regressions. Spatial attributes that were analyzed included the level of urbanization, transit accessibility, and availability of food outlets. The results from the OFD adoption model supported the ID hypothesis, but those from the OFD usage frequency model provided partial support for the AE hypothesis. Our results implied that while the effects of consumers’ spatial attributes on OFD usage via improved accessibility might be mixed, consumers’ locations played a critical role in explaining OFD use behaviors via diffusion of innovation.
4) Short bio of presenter
Dr. Saksith Chalermpong is Associate Professor in Civil Engineering at Chulalongkorn University, where he teaches transport engineering, planning, and policy. He has also served as Associate Director of Chulalongkorn University Transportation Institute since 2018. His research interests include urban transport planning, public and informal transport, and equality issues in transport policy. He has published extensively in the field of transport, and has provided consulting services for several government agencies in Thailand, including Department of Land Transport, Office of Transport Planning and Policy, and Bangkok Mass Transit Authority. Chalermpong received his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Chulalongkorn University, his master’s degree from MIT, and his doctoral degree from UC Irvine, both in the field of transport. His research on informal transportation in Bangkok with Apiwat Ratanawaraha was awarded an Excellent Research Award of Chulalongkorn University in 2018.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.
#210 バイオミメティックス国際セミナー
Living MateriArchitecture: 生物に学ぶ材料と建築・都市デザイン
10:30~10:40 齋藤 彰 (大阪大学(工)精密科学 准教授)
10:40~11:10 岡田 明彦 (NEDO技術戦略研究センター)
11:10~12:20 Thomas SPECK (ドイツ Univ. of Freiburg 教授)
13:30~14:30 下村 政嗣 (公立千歳科学技術大学 応用化学生物学科 教授)
14:30~15:30 酒井 敏 (京都大学 人間・環境学研究科 教授)
杉本 マキ (大和ハウス工業 未来共創センター 次長)
バイオミメティクスへの温故知新 ~創業者精神と現在の取り組み
16:20~17:05 飛鳥 政宏 (積水インテグレーテッドリサーチ 常務取締役)
18:00~ 懇親会 (カフェテリア 匠 / 吹田キャンパス)
10:30~11:30 谷口 守 (筑波大学 システム情報系 教授)
11:30~12:40 Estelle CRUZ (フランス CEEBIOS プロジェクトマネージャー)
建築とバイオミメティクス: その文脈と機会(接点)
14:00~15:00 山本 昌仁 (たねやグループ CEO)
15:20~16:05 蕪木 伸一 (大成建設 設計本部 専門設計部 部長)
16:05~16:50 齋藤 彰 (阪大(工))
Borders and the Economy: Guidelines for assessing the economic impacts of border infrastructure, technology and procedures
<Cancelled> Borders and the Economy: Guidelines for assessing the economic impacts of border infrastructure, technology and procedures
Important: This international seminar is cancelled
Date: 15:00-17:00, March 19 (Thursday), 2020
Venue: 172 Lecture room, First floor, C-Cluster C1 Building, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University
Presenter: Prof. Dr. William P. Anderson (Professor and Director of Cross-Border Institute (CBI), University of Windsor)
Why are cost and delay incurred as goods cross international borders an economic problem? The standard answer is that by increasing the effective cost of imports relative to domestic goods they have the same effect as tariffs: they reduce the economic gains that would otherwise arise from cross-border trade. While this perspective is useful, it is limited because there are differences between tariffs and the costs imported by border impedance. For example, while tariffs are generally fixed and defined on an ad valorem basis, border impedance costs may be highly variable and may not discriminate between high value and low value shipments.
Quantitative assessment of the economy-wide cost of border impedance is a challenging but necessary task. For public agencies to make good decisions about investments in border infrastructure, technology and the design of border procedures, they must have good estimates of the economic impacts from either increasing or decreasing border impedance. The border between Canada and the United States is used to illustrate some of the complications involved in making such an assessment. Two general conclusions arise. The first is that assessing the impact of border impedance is an explicitly spatial problem that must take into account the geography of transport networks, border crossings, production and consumption. The second is that uncertainty about border impedance – especially about crossing time – is a critical factor, especially where a large proportion of trade is of intermediate goods in cross-border supply chains.
Results from a spatially detailed Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model, developed and applied by the Cross-Border Institute, illustrate current best practice in assessing the broader economic effects of a reduction in border impedance. Even such a model, however, has limitations arising from inconsistency between the actual dynamics of cross-border integration and the underlying general equilibrium theory and assumptions. New developments in Quantitative Spatial Economics (QSE) hold the promise of making estimates that are more comprehensive and better grounded in real economic processes.
Special seminar about climate change and London underground at UTokyo
Special seminar about climate change and London underground at UTokyo
We will conduct a special seminar, in which Ms. Sarah Victoria Greenham is invited to make a special talk about climate change and London underground. This event is held at Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo from 4:00pm-5:00pm, February 13 (Thursday). We hope you will join us for the event and engage in this important conversation. The details are shown as follows. Thank you.
1) Time and day: 4:00pm-5:00pm, February 13 (Thursday), 2020
2) Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab., Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo (https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/content/400020145.pdf)
3) Presentation
– Title: Climate change and the extreme heat related impacts on the London Underground infrastructure
– Abstract:
Rail infrastructure is particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events, and damage to rail networks results in negative socioeconomic consequences such as reduced work productivity due to loss of access to commuting. The world’s oldest subway system, the London Underground (LU), operated by Transport for London (TfL) identified that extreme heat impacts the network now, and is likely to increase in future. However, previous studies are limited to passenger comfort on the deep tube and do not focus on infrastructure or a significant proportion of the network, which is in fact above ground. This research therefore aims to investigate whether causality can be determined between extreme heat events and infrastructure failure on the LU network, in order to understand the risks posed by future climate change and extreme heat events in the United Kingdom. Building on previous research using 2011-2016 data (accepted, awaiting publication), this research synthesises 2006-2018 data in greater depth, from UK Met Office archives, LU environmental observations and LU fault data with UKCP18 climate projections. Statistical tests identify the conditions, sites and assets on the LU most vulnerable to extreme heat and consequently likely to cause maximum disruption to customers in future. Preliminary findings identified a difference in surface level and deep tunnel environmental conditions and thus expect a difference in the characteristics of faults and delays accumulated. Increase in surface temperatures in the future as indicated by UKCP18 are expected to exacerbate these; scenario dependent. Results will provide TfL with quantitative information to support the business case for appropriately designed and placed climate change adaptation activity. This will ultimately help keep London moving, while simultaneously protecting a vital cultural asset to the United Kingdom.
4) Short bio of presenter
Ms Sarah Victoria Greenham is a second-year PhD student at the University of Birmingham, Department of Civil Engineering. Her PhD study is supervised by Dr Andrew Quinn & Dr Emma Ferranti at the University of Birmingham. She holds an MSc in Climate Change and Sustainability from Brunel University London, and a BSc(Hons) in Urban Planning from University College London (UCL). Sarah has worked with industry since commencing her Master’s Thesis in 2018, primarily with Transport for London (TfL), and is currently in Japan for a 2-month research fellowship with JR RTRI’s Heat and Air flow laboratory, funded by an EU project (RISEN). Last summer, Sarah was also in Japan, awarded a research fellowship under the JSPS Summer Program. She spent 2 months on a research and cultural exchange for international PhD students at The University of Tokyo’s International Project Laboratory. She and her supervisors also participate in knowledge exchange sessions between UK-based infrastructure operators (e.g. Highways England, Network Rail, Thames Water), with the aim of sharing climate change adaptation developments and best practices.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.
CSIS Seminar "Emerging Mobility Systems: Theory and Data"
24th Jan, 2020
富士ソフト秋葉プラザ 7F EXルーム
CSIS Seminar "Emerging Mobility Systems: Theory and Data"
DATE&TIME: 24th Jan 2020 13:30 – 17:30
PLACE: FUJI SOFT AKIBA PLAZA 7F EX room (富士ソフト秋葉プラザ 7F EXルーム)
ABSTRACT: Emerging mobility systems, such as connected and automated vehicles and mobility-as-a-service, are changing our mobility. In this seminar, we discuss theories and data infrastructure that support these systems, in order to show visions on future mobility systems with various modes and various scales. The topics are mathematical theories on ride-sourcing and ride-sharing services, data mining and urban computing, and transport hub service design.
13:30 – 13:50 Opening
Dr. Takahiko KUSAKABE
Assistant Professor, Center for Spatial Information Science, The
University of Tokyo, Japan
13:50 – 14:40 Supply Management of On-Demand Ride-Hailing Services
Invited Speaker: Mr. Zhengtian XU
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Michigan, USA
14:40 – 15:30 Mechanism Design of Transportation Services for the
Automated Vehicle-era
Invited Speaker: Dr. Yusuke HARA
Postdoctoral Associate, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and
Technology (SMART), Singapore
Coffee Break
15:45 – 16:25 Urban human mobility analysis based on public
transportation smart card data
Dr. Takashi Nicholas MAEDA
Postdoctoral Researcher, The Center for Advanced Intelligence Project,
RIKEN, Japan
16:25 – 17:05 Joint optimization of SAV operation and infrastructure design
Dr. Toru SEO
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan
17:05 – 17:45 A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Intelligent
Intervention Planning Framework for Real-Time Proactive Road Safety
Dr. Ananya ROY
Project Researcher, Center for Spatial Information Science, The
University of Tokyo, Japan
17:45 – 17:50 Closing Remarks
特別研究会 Special Research Seminar
January 17, 2020 (Friday) 18:55-20:25
明治大学駿河台キャンパス アカデミーコモン9階 309E教室
Meiji University, Academy Common Bldg., 9th Floor, Room 309E
特別研究会 Special Research Seminarトランジション・マネジメントとその実践 Transition Management and its Practice
講演者 (Presenter):ダーク・ローバック教授,エラスムス大学/オランダトランジション研究所 (Prof. Derk Loorbach, Erasmus University/Dutch Research Institute for Transition (DRIFT))
日時 (Date/Time):2020年1月17日(金)18:55~20:25 (January 17, 2020 (Friday) 18:55-20:25)
場所 (Venue):明治大学駿河台キャンパス アカデミーコモン9階 309E教室 (Meiji University, Academy Common Bldg., 9th Floor, Room 309E)
概要 (Abstract):
Impacts of climate change following the unstoppable global warming will surely affect our future generations around the world. In order to minimize the impact, quick-fix solutions are insufficient. Systemic transition to sustainable socioeconomic systems are needed. We will invite Professor Derk Loorbach, who is a pioneer in the research and practice of accelerating transitions.
その他 (Notes):
- 講義は英語で行われます。日英逐次通訳あり。
- Lecture will be delivered in English. Transition between English/Japanese will be provided.
- 主催:明治大学専門職大学院ガバナンス研究科 松浦研究室(※科研費助成研究「我が国の自転車通行システムの整序化へのコンセンサス形成戦略研究課題」の一環で行います)
- Organized by Prof. Masa Matsuura (Meiji University, Graduate School of Governance Studies)
- 参加費無料、研究者や学生のみなさんの積極的な参加をお待ちしています。参加希望者は次のURL (https://matsuura-lab.org/derk2020)からご登録願います。
- No fee. Looking forward to the active participation of researchers and students. If you want to join the seminar, please register using the form available at: https://matsuura-lab.org/derk2020
#206 Special seminar about urban planning in Vietnam at UTokyo
Seminar room of International Project Lab., Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
Special seminar about urban planning in Vietnam at UTokyo
We will conduct a special seminar, in which Dr. Kien TO is invited to make a special lecture about urban planning in Vietnam. This event is held at Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo from 5:30pm-7:00pm, December 3 (Tuesday). We hope you will join us for the event and engage in this important conversation. The details are shown as follows. Thank you.
1) Time and day: 5:30pm-7:00pm, December 3 (Tuesday), 2019
2) Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab., Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo (https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/content/400020145.pdf)
3) Presetnation
– Title: Urban Planning in Vietnam Then and Now
– Abstract:
As Southeast Asia’s fastest developing country and one of the world’s fastest emerging economies, urbanization in Vietnam has been progressing very rapidly, especially in the two largest cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. This talk provides an overview asa well as insights into urban planning in Vietnam across different historical eras, taking Hanoi – the cradle of Vietnam’s urban development – as the main case. The 100-year-old capital city is also the oldest one in Southeast Asia with many different historical layers reflecting changing eras. The first part of the talk reviews the past “millennium” urban development from the feudal era through the French colony th the socialist central planning system until Doi Moi (economic reform in 1986). The second part focuses on the contemporary urban development in post-Doi Moi era under the so-called “Market-oriented socialist” System. In this period, urban planning and development are controlled by government central planning, yet strongly driven by capitalist forces, with emerging trends, challenges and prospects as reflected in Hanoi asa well as Ho Chi Minh City. Fiercer economic competition, environmental and climate change threats, depleted resources and accumulated problems of three fast-growth decades have compelled the metropolises to innovate, take a more participatory approach, and find new development strategies, catalysts and momentum to sustain their development towards smarter and sustainable growth in the future.
4) Short bio of presenter
Dr. Kien TO is Senior Urban Planner and Project Manager affiliated with Tokyo-based Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants Inc. Besides practicing, he is an independent researcher and educator in Architecture, Urban Design and Planning with a 20-year academic track record and a strong focus on Asia. Educated in Japan, Germany, and Vietnam, Dr. Kien has worked in Japan, Singapore and Vietnam. He has researched and published on various sustainability, urban liveability, hyper-urbanization and historical conservation, and gives lectures and talks internationally. He gains empirical knowledge through extensive field-based research and projects in collaboration with local communities and authorities across Asia. In Singapore, he co-founded Opportunity Lab and Social Urban Research Group based at Singapore University of Technology and Design. He also initiated and co-chaired SUTD Go-Green Committee, and participated in a number of environmental as well as social activities in Singapore. He also served as a Resource Person at the Singapore Institute of Architects Sustainability Committee. Although active abroad, Dr. Kien always keeps a close connection with his home country Vietnam and is an active member of Vietnam Urban Planning and Development Association. He is involved in various professional and academic activities in Vietnam and writes a number of articles published in Vietnamese prominent urbanism and architecture journals as well as popular newspapers.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
7) Participation: Please contact Ms. Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.
#205 物流分野におけるAIS等の船舶動静データの活用に関する国際セミナー
東京大学 工学部3号館 423,424講義室
― 記 ―
開催日時:2019年 12月18日 (水) 13:30-17:40
場所:東京大学 工学部3号館 423,424講義室(東京大学本郷キャンパス内)
主催:日本船舶海洋工学会 S-18ストラテジー研究委員会 (AIS等の船舶動静ビッグデータの物流・海運・造船分野における活用に関する検討委員会),日本海運経済学会
13:30-13:40 開会の挨拶(東京大学 青山和浩教授)
第一部 <講演> (司会:広島大学 和田祐次郎特任講師)
13:40-14:20 Still looking for the holy grail: The ups and downs of AIS-based research (Prof. Roar Adland, NHH Norwegian School of Economics)
14:20-15:00 Improving Bulk Ship Positioning Strategy with Individual Ship Movement Data (Assist. Prof. Yang Dong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
15:00-15:25 Port-based estimation of global shipping pattern of dry bulk and tanker cargo by AIS and vessel movement database and its application (柴崎隆一准教授,東京大学)
15:25-15:50 Regional Disintegration in South Asia: Evidence from the end of the British Empire on Maritime Networks (坪田建明研究員,アジア経済研究所)
15:50-16:10 休憩
第二部 <パネルディスカッション> (モデレーター:柴崎隆一准教授)
パネリスト: Prof. Roar Adland, Assist. Prof. Yang Dong, Assist. Prof. Bai Xiwen (Tsinghua University), 和田祐次郎特任講師,岩佐竜至様(商船三井),前田佳彦様(MTI)
17:30-17:40 閉会の挨拶 (福知山公立大学 篠原正人教授)
18:00-20:00 懇親会 (ルヴェソンヴェール本郷) 懇親会費:5,000円/人
場所: 〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷6-16-4 フォーレスト本郷内 レストラン
問い合わせ・申込先: 和田 祐次郎 (広島大学 大学院工学研究科)
TEL:082-424-7779 FAX:082-422-7194
E-mail: waday@hiroshima-u.ac.jp
会場までのアクセス: https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ja/about/campus-guide/map01_02html
#204 Open seminar for LUTI modeling in the assessment of SDGs and QoL
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
Open seminar for LUTI modeling in the assessment of SDGs and QoL
以下の要領で、ミュンヘン工科大学からRolf Moeckel博士、Kasetsert大学からVarameth Viciensan博士をお招きし、土地利用交通マイクロシミュレーションモデルに関するセミナーを開催します。
Date: 14:00-17:00, October 10th, 2019
Venue: Block As, As311-312 Conference Room, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus (4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan)
Access: https://www.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/access/
Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/uN255EUs1QFD59KCA
Co-host: DAAD-JSPS JRP (“Are sustainable development goals within reach? Development of a microsimulation urban model to test policies for a sustainable future”), SATREPS (“Smart Transport Strategy for Thailand 4.0”).
Objective: Provide findings from the research projects in DAAD-JSPS JRP and SATREPS, discuss the LUTI modeling method, procedure, implementation, application and implication to the practice.
14:00-14:15 Opening remark (Masanobu Kii)
14:15-15:00 Application of Microsimulation modeling (Rolf Moeckel)
15:00-15:45 LUTI model in Bangkok metropolitan area (Varameth Viciensan)
15:45-16:00 Coffee break
16:00-16:45 Earth observation and spatial analysis for urban modeling (Hiroyuki Miyazaki)
16:45-17:00 Closing remark (Masanobu Kii)
#203 Real-time control for transit systems with transfers
京都大学桂キャンパス Cクラスター C1-312(C1棟会議室3)
Real-time control for transit systems with transfers
場所:京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター C1-312(C1棟会議室3)
講師: Prof. Tomer Toledo, Israel Institute of Technology (Technion), Israel
題目: Real -time control for transit systems with transfers
Abstract: We report on research to develop a real-time simulation-based control framework that attempts to coordinate the eperations of multiple transit lines simultaneously to allow smoother transfers and to maintain service regularity. The control actions, which include holding and change speed, are set as the solution of an optimization problem with the objective to minimize total passengers’ time in the system within a prediction horizon. The prediction horizon is defined by a number of downstream stops and subsequent buses. The predictions made include the arrival and departure times of vehicles at downstream stops and the passenger demands they are expected to serve. The model is demonstrated with a simulation-based case study of three lines of the BRT system in Haifa, Israel. The results show the system’s potential to reduce the total passengers’ time.
Bio: Dr. Tomer Toledo is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of civil and Environmental Engineering and the Head of the Transportation Research Institute at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. His research interests are in the areas of driver behavior, traffic modeling and simulation, intelligent transportation system and transportation network analysis. He is an Research Part C and Transportation Research Record.
#202 Seminar on short-term prediction for the next generation transport management
Meeting Room 3, Suekawa Memorial Hall, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto
Seminar on short-term prediction for the next generation transport management
The CASE (Connected, Automonous, Shared, and Electric) mobility will greatly change transport servises. One illustrative example is self-driving vehicles with multiple functions such as ride-sharing, e-coomerce, and logistics, which would enrich our daily lives. Various personalized services would be offered based on the enormous data from vehicles mobile phones, etc. At the same time, such big and real-time data would also change transport management systems drastically together with the rapid development of relevant methodologies.
One of the key common ingredients for a better mobility service and its management systems is the short-term prediction of transport conditions: an accurate short-term prediction of OD demand and travel time would be needed for a better ride-sharing service, while a better short-term prediction of traffic states using real-timedata would significantly improve dynamic traffic control and management systems. One of the emerging and promising approaches for a better short-term prediction is a machine learning approach. Appliactions of machine learning techniaues in the field of transportation have been increasing rapidly in the last couple of years. These studies have empirically shown higher prediction accuracy compared to traditional methods, opening up further possibiilties of providing new transport services as well as data-driven traffic control and management.
This seminar aims to identify unique challenges in the application of machine learning techniques to the short-term prediction, explore further possibilities ot applying deep learning techniques to transport issues, and identify potential bottlenecks in utilizing them in practice. Following a special lecture of the use of tree search and deep neural networks by Dr. Yoshizoe, two keynote lectures will be delivered by Dr. Chris van Hinsbergen and Dr. Adam Pel on the state of the art for short-term traffic prediction in Netherlands. We will then have presentation from researchers and practitioners on their ongoing works and discuss the possible future research directions and practical applications.
Date and time: 10:00-17:30 on September 20, 2019
Venue: Meeting Room 3, Suekawa Memorial Hall, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto
9 Kinugasa Himurocho, Kita-ku, Kyoto, 603-8484
(Map: https://goo.gl/maps/N2GrysfoJnb9YHaX9)
Capacity: 40 persons
Registration: Please send your name and affiliation to Makoto Chikaraishi
Note: The application will be closed as soon as the number of applicants reaches the capacity.
Project Introduction and Special Lecture
Organizer: Yasuhiro Shiomi (Ritsumeikan Unievrsity)
10:00-10:15: Introduction of research project
“Short-term travel demand prediction and comprehensive transport demand management”
by Makoto Chikaraishi (Hiroshima University)
10:15-10:30: A brief overview of the application of machine learning models in the field of transportation
by Varun Varghese (Hiroshima University)
10:30-11:30: Special Lecture: Solving Problems Using Tree Search and Deep Neural Networks
by Kazuki Yoshizoe (Leader of Search and Parallel Computing Unit, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project)
11:30-13:00: Lunch break
Keynote Lectures
Organizer: Makoto Chiakaraishi (Hiroshima University)
13:00-14:00: Keynote lecture 1: Traffic Theory & Decision Forests for prediction of local traffic patterns
by Adam Pel (Associate professor, Delft University of Technology)
14:00-15:00: Keynote lecture 2: The Neural Cell Transmission Model
by Chiris van Hinsbergen (Co-Founder & Developer, Fileradar)
15:00-15:20: Coffee break
State-of-the-Art Research and Practice
Organizer: Varun Varghese (Hiroshima University)
15:20-15:50: Traffic Congestion Control by Vehicle Trajectory Estimation
by Masaaki Ishihara (Hanshin Expressway Company Limited)
15:50-16:20: Short-Term Traffic State Prediction Using the LSTM Framework: A Case Study in Kamakura City
by Daisuke Fukuda (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
16:20-16:50: Toyota’s activities in MaaS
by Takahiro Shiga (Toyota Motor corporation)
16:50-17:20: Driver’s Behavior in Ride-hailing Service
by Junji Urata (The University of Tokyo)
17:20-17:30: Closing
#201 Special seminar about high-speed rail project in India at UTokyo
Seminar room of International Project Lab., The University of Tokyo
Special seminar about high-speed rail project in India at UTokyo
1) Time and day: 5:30pm-7:00pm, September 17 (Tuesday), 2019
2) Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab., Third floor, Engineering Buidling No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
3) Presentation
-Title: Inside of the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail Project, India’s first High-Speed Rail with Japan’s Shinkansen System
India’s first high speed rail line is planned under the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail (MAHSR) Project. The ipmlementation of the project with use of Japanese high speed rail technologies (i.e. the SHINKANSEN system) and experiences, was cofirmed at the Japan-India Summit Meeting (December 2015). Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has been providing and facilitating various types of support such as those for the detailed design of the project, dispatch of experts, conducting training in Japan, and providing ODA loans for the construction of training facilities and the MAHSR line itself. Tenders have started for both the construction of the training facilities and the main line, and intensive discussion are being held every day amongst the experts of India and Japan. Ms. Momoko Furuhashi was dispatched to the India Office of JICA from 2016 to 2019, where she first looked after road and water sector of India, and afterwards becoming officer in charge for the High Speed Rail. In the seminar she will introduce how JICA is supporting the implementation of the MAHSR, and will share her personal experience of working on the mega project.
4) Short bio of presenter
Ms. Momoko Furuhashi has just completed her tenure as a representative in the India Office of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in mid-September 2019. She has mainly been in charge of implementation management and formulation of grant aid and Official Development Assistance (ODA) projects for transport infrastructure, namely roads, bridges and airports in the JICA HQs. The projects were located in various countries such as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Democratic Republic of the Congo, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, and the Republic of Mozambique.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
7) Participation: Please cotact Ms. Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.
#200 東京大学・同済大学国際共同セミナー
Special Joint Seminar of UTokyo and Tongji University
1) Time and day: 10:00am-12:00am, August 5 (Monday), 2019
2) Place: Lecture room No.13, Department of Civil Engineering, Ground floor, Engineering Building No.1, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo (https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/content/400020145.pdf)
3) Schedule
– Opening remarks: TBD (The University of Tokyo)
– Presentation 1: Quality of life assessment of Shanghai and Guangzhou based on multi-source data source (Dr. Xiao LUO, Associate Professor, Tongji University)
-Presentation 2: The information system of multimodal transportation in Shanghai (Dr. Lijuan SHI, Lecturer, Tongji University)
– Presentation 3: Transportation investment and its impacts on regional economics: Evidences from Japan (Prof. Hironori KATO, The University of Tokyo)
4) Short bios of invited presenters
– Luo Xiao, Ph.D. is Associate Professor of Tongji University, Master Tutor, Secretary-General of Tongji-WCTRS World Transport Research Center. Mainly engaged in low-carbon transportation, built environment assessment, data mining and big data application in urban planning and transport policy. He graduate from Nagoya University in Japan in 2013 under the supervision of Prof. Yoshitsugu HAYASHI, who is ex-President of the World Transport Congress and full member of Rome Club. As the moderator/main participant, he have completed some projects on the application of low-carbon transportation and big data technology in urban and transportation research. He have good experience in international cooperation and landing of domestic projects in big-data low-carbon cities and smart transportation. He published more than 20 academic papers, including more than 10 SCI/SSCI papers, served as the editorial board of SSCI magazine Technological Forecasting and Social Change on the theme of “Smart City and Quality of Life”.
– Dr. Shi Lijuan serves as a lecturer in the department of comprehensive transportation information engineering and control in the school of traffic and transportation engineering at Tongji University. She had been a visiting scholar at the university of Wisconsin-Madison of civil engineering from 2009.8 to 2010.8. Her research area is integrated traffic and transportation informatization, automatic train control system, safety and reliability theory and technology. She has been engaged in the planning, designing and developing standards of intelligent transportation system of Shanghai, such as Shanghai traffic and transportation comprehensive information platform, Pudong new area traffic management information system, Shanghai expressway network toll collection and monitoring system, and Yangtze river delta comprehensive transportation information sharing and collaborative platform. She as a major participant in now conducting a research on a program of Comprehensive Support Technology for Railway Network Operation, which is funded by Ministry of Science and Technology of China. She is on the committee of Shanghai highway association. She has published almost 20 technical papers in journal and proceedings.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English
7) Participation: Please contact Ms. Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar.
#199 応用一般均衡分析と交通分析の統合に関する研究小委員会 国際セミナー
神戸大学六甲第一キャンパス 経済経営研究所新館 2階会議室
応用一般均衡分析と交通分析の統合に関する研究小委員会 国際セミナー
場所:神戸大学六甲第一キャンパス 経済経営研究所 2階会議室
報告1: Jos van OMMEREN (アムステルダム自由大学)
The Congestion Relief Benefit of Public Transit: Evidence from Rome
備考: 神戸大学経済経営研究所交通政策研究部会及び経済経営研究所RIEBセミナー共催,JSPS外国人研究者招聘事業
#198 Special seminar about bike planning in Maryland, USA at UTokyo
Seminar room of International Project Lab., Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus The University of Tokyo
Special seminar about bike planning in Maryland, USA at UTokyo
1) Time and day: 5:00pm-6:00pm, July 9 (Tuesday), 2019
2) Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab., Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo (https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/content/400020145.pdf)
3) Presentation
– Title: GIS Analysis for Bike Planning with Consideration for Level of Streets and Energy Consumption: A Case from Montgomery Country, Maryland, USA
– Abstract: Bike planning has become an important part of local transportation planning in urbanized areas in the US. Within it, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are used in a variety of tasks, ranging from simple mapping to advanced analysis. In this talk, I will discuss the application of GIS analysis that incorporates two important factors that cyclists experience on roads: (a) stress to travel through street built environment and (b) changes in burden in biking due to topography. While the level of stress (LOS) is used to select street segments that are appropriate for different levels of cyclists, biking energy consumption, in addition to distance, is used as travel impedance to take into account the effects of slopes and street intersections. The integration of these two factors in conventional allows planners to enhance the capability in spatial analysis. The integrated GIS analysis methods are used to select for bike infrastructure improvements in coming years in Montgomery County, Maryland in the USA.
4) Short bio of presenter
Dr Hiroyuki (Hiro) Iseki is Associate Professor of Urban Studies and Planning at University of Maryland, College Park. He also has an appointment at the National Center for Smart Growth Research & Education (NCSG). His research focuses on balancing efficiency, effectiveness, and equity in the provision of mobility and accessibility with special attentions to transportation, land use, and the diversity of needs among different socioeconomic groups. Iseki’s pas projects include the development of direct transit demand models using origin-destination trip data, the analysis of variances in perceptions of transit service quality by user’s demographic characteristics and trip characteristics, public private partnerships in transportation financing and transit service, and equity in transit finance. Iseki has published his work in a range of transportation and planning journals, including Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Transport Reviews, Research in Transportation Economics, Transport Policy, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Journal of Public Transportation, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, and Journal of Planning Education and Research.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English + Japanese
7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.
#197 アジア交通学会 国際セミナー
東京海洋大学 品川キャンパス 白鷹館1階
The Future of Transportation in Eastern Asia at the era of MaaS and Big Data
The emergence of diverse services, such as MaaS, Bigdata, Sharing mobility, AI, and Auto-Drive, with new technologies indicates a major turning point in the transportation field.
There is great interest in the development of new technologies in Asia in the future.
EASTS invites young transportation researchers and tries to discuss the future of transportation in Asia.
Date: 10th, July, 2019
Venue: Hakuyo Hall, Shinagawa Campus, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (東京海洋大学・品川キャンパス 白鷹館)
13:00-13:10 Opening remarks by Tetsuro Hyodo, Treasurer of EASTS
13:10-14:00 Keynote Speech “Big data for Transportation Survey and Planning” by Jaehak Oh, Chair of EASTS ISC, President of Korean Institute of Transport
14:00-14:25 “Current issue and future challenge of shared mobility in Australia” by Meng Li (Australia)
14:25-14:50 “User Perception on Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Based Mobility-on-Demand (MOD) Services in Singapore” by Ghim Ping Ong (Singapore)
15:05-15:30 “Road Traffic Safety Challenges and Opportunities in Taiwan” by Kun-Feng Wu (Taiwan)
15:30-15:55 “MaaS: a path for creating MaaS in Bangkok” by Sorawit Narupiti (Thailand)
16:00-17:30 Panel Discussion “Future of Transportation in Eastern Asia”
Coordinator: Shinya Hanaoka, Deputy Secretary General of EASTS
Panelist: Yulong Pei (China)
Tri Tjahjono (Indonesia)
Sungwon Lee (Korea)
Nguyen Hoang Tung (Vietnam)
Karl B. N. Vergel (Philippines)
17:30-17:45 Closing remarks by Tetsuo Yai, President of EASTS
As for the detailed program, please access the following URL
Please apply for participation at the URL below.
#196 土木計画学研究委員会・EASTS-Japan共催国際セミナー International Seminar
Seminar room 4, Tokyo University of Science, Dept. of Civil Engineering (Noda campus, Building No.5, 1st floor)
土木計画学研究委員会・EASTS-Japan共催国際セミナー International Seminar
All students and researchers interested in these studies are welcome to join this seminar. You don’t need to e-mail me before coming.
1) Main topic
“A new approach for bikeshed analysis with consideration of topography, street connectivity, and energy consumption” (地形,街路の接続性,燃料消費を考慮した,新しい自転車需要圏の分析)
2) Sub topic
“The determinants of travel demand between rail stations: A direct transit demand model using multilevel analysis for the Washington D. C. Metrorail system” (鉄道需要の決定要因:ワシントンDC地下鉄におけるマルチレベル分析を用いた重要モデル)
Date: July 8 (Monday), 2019, 5:00-6:00 pm
Place: Seminar room 4, Tokyo University of Science, Dept. of Civil Engineering (Noda campus, Building No.5, 1st floor) 東京理科大学理工学部土木工学科ゼミ室(4) (野田キャンパス5号館1F)
Speaker: Dr. Hiroyuki (Hiro) Iseki, Associate Professor of Urban Studies and Planning at University of Maryland, College Park
Source 1)
A new approach for bileshed analysis with consideration of topography, street connectivity, and energy consumption
Computers Environment and Urban System 48: 166-177, November 2014
In recent years, bike planning has gained the attention of planners and the public as a sustainable and active mode of transportation that can reduce traffic congestion, vehicle emissions, and health risks. Following the success of public bikesharing program in cities in France and Canada, multiple US cities have initiated similar programs. With this background, spatial analysis has been applied to produce heat maps of bike-travel demand, and identify suitable areas for bikeshare infrastructure. Existing research considers a variety of factors, such as resident demographics, land use, street types, and availability of bike facilities and transit services. However, few studies fully account for topography and street connectivity. The study proposes a method to combine topography and presence of intersections with estimates of energy used to bike, and incorporate the resulting travel-impedance factor, as well as street connectivity, into a spatial analysis. Using the case in Montgomery Couty, Maryland, USA, where elevation and street connectivity differ substantially among neighborhoods, this study shows how the size and shape of bikesheds (or bike demand catchment area) originating from the proposed light rail stations vary in the analysis with or without taking into account these critical factors. The analysis results have significant implications for various bike planning efforts using spatial analysis.
Source 2)
The determinants of travel demand between rail stations: A direct transit demand model using multilevel analysis for the Washington D. C. Metrorail system
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Volume 116, October 2018, Pages 635-649
In this study, we developed a time-of-day Origin-Destination Direct Transit Demand Model (OD-DTDM) that uses fare-card data from the Washington DC Metrorail system, applying a multilevel (or hierarchical) model to address the statistical problem due to the presence of groups or cluster of observations. We examine the research questions: (1) what are the determinants of transit demand between the origin and destination stations in the DC Metrorail system by time of day? and (2) what are the magnitudes of impacts that land use factors, as well as factors of fares and travel time of other modes, have on transit demand vary by time of day? To address statistical complexities intorduced by the fact that each station represents both an origin and a destination, we applied multilevel (or hierarchical) modeling techniques. Using these techniques, we found that the number of households and the number of jobs within a walkshed serve as trip generating and attracting factors, respectively, in the AM peak period, but with higher positive coefficients for jobs; these two factors reverse their roles in the PM peak period. Other variables with substantial effects on ridership include transit fares per mile, travel time between OD-stations by car and by bus, parking capacity, the level of feeder bus service, and train service levels. While these findings are not surprising, the time-of-day OD-DTDM provides more detailed information regarding the determinants of transit demand with temporal variation, and enables transit planners and managers to adopt policies and plans, such as transit oriented development, fare structure, and service levels, more fine-tuned for each origin and destination pair and by time of day.
#195 The effects of the 2013 floods on German road freight traffic
Seminar room S-519D Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
The effects of the 2013 floods on German road freight traffic
Date: June 27 (Thursday) 15:00-17:00
Place: Seminar room S-519D Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
Title: The effects of the 2013 floods on Germany’s road freight tra
Speaker: Julio Fournier, Doctoral Student, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin)
Abstract: This article quantifies the consequence of the 2013 floods on heavy vehicle’s traffic in Germany by using automatic traffic counter (ATC) data to locate affected roads and measure the stringency of the damage. The research design treats each counter as an independent time series and endogenously identifies shocks to determine the effects and dates on which the flood affected each counter. Results show a cumulative negative effect on average weekly freight traffic volumes. Although the largest number of shocks happened along the highway (Bundesstraßen) network with an overall positive effect, motorways (Autobahns) experienced larger shocks with an overall negative effect. The most affected regions were the states of Bavaria and Saxony-Anhalt, with Rosenheim (Bavaria) being the district with the largest traffic losses and Rottal-Inn (Bavaria) the one with the largest gains. Understanding the effect of repetitive meteorological events on the road network is relevant for the formulation of policies aiming to improve resilience and recovery.
#194 The 10th International Seminar on Urban Transport, Tourism and Travel Behavior Analysis
Hokkaigakuen Institute for Northeast Asia Studies (HINAS), Sapporo, Japan
The 10th International Seminar on Urban Transport, Tourism and Travel Behavior Analysis
We are very delightful to make the third announcement of the 10th International Seminar on Urban Transport, Tourism and Travel Behavior Analysis 2019. The one-day seminar will be held, Friday, August 23, from 8:30 AM to 6:10 PM at the HINAS (Hokkaigakuen Institute for Northeast Asia Studies) in Sapporo. In this seminar we commemorate the 10th anniversary of our seminar and really expect to have stimulating exchange with participants as we could exprience at the previous seminars.
Let us hereby introduce the outline of the 10th International Seminar. Prof. T. Tamura, Hokkai School of Commerce (HSC) is a host professor of our tenth seminar and we will surely provide a fulfilling one-day seminar with enjoyable semianr dinner on Friday and an impressive tour to Otaru on Saturday.
Coming Sapporo seminar is scheduled to consist of 4 keynotes, 16 research reports and an inclusive discussion. See the attached program and you can find that all of participants from China, around 20 professors have already been resistered and assigned to the timetable with presenting their titiles.
On the other hand, in case of participants from Japan, presenters have been completely registered but general participants have already got their registrations.
Meanwhile, we sincerely hope that our seminar will have a great opportunity to deepen mutural understanding and exchange between China and Japan. We are looking forward to get together at the 10th anniversary seminar in Sapporo this August.
Key dates:
– Sending Registraton form (for general participants) Deadline: July 22
– Sending Presentation Material (for presenters) Due: July 22
– Sending Seminar Program (Final version) Until: August 1
– Seminar Srarts At: 8:30 am August 23
For domestic participants:
Regular Registration (with lunch and seminar dinner): 12,000 Yen
Regular Registration + Seminar Tour (with lunch): 15,000 Yen
For domestic participants (only (graduate) students):
Regular Registration (with lunch and seminar dinner): 6,000 Yen
Regular Registration + Seminar Tour (with lunch): 8,000 Yen
For further information of the seminar, please contact:
Secretariat of The 10th International Seminar in Sapporo 2019
3-1, Gakuen-Nishi-Machi, Nishi-ku, Kobe, 651-2188, JAPAN
E-mail address: Kazuo_Nishii@red.umds.ac.jp
Phone: +81-(0)78-796-4852
#193 Special seminar about bus operation in Bangkok at UTokyo
Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
Special seminar about bus operation in Bangkok at UTokyo
Time and day: 1:00pm-3:00pm, June 3 (mon), 2019
Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab., Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
– Title: Opetational Models, Drivers’ Compensation, and Bus Service Quality in Bangkok
– Abstract:
This paper explores how operational models and compensation methods are associated with bus drivers’ incentives and consequently bus service quality and safety in Bangkok. We cross-analyze data on bus drivers’ compensation collected from a structured interview survey with data on passenger complaints and bus accidents compiled from governmental databases. We find that private joint-service operators provide their drivers with far less compensation and benefits than the state-owned operator. The private operators also tie drivers’ compensation and benefit levels to the numbers of working hours and trips, especially on routes where private operators can compete freely. These compensation methods incentivize drivers to work long hours beyond what is permitted by law, inducing fatigue and potential accidents. The key policy implication is that the bus policy aiming to improve service quality and safety should improve drivers’ compensation and working conditions.
Short bio of presenter
Saksith Chalermpong is Associate Professor in Civil Engineering at Chulalongkorn University, where he teaches transport engineering, planning, and policy. He also serves as Deputy Director of the Transportation Institute, Chulalongkorn Univeristy. His research interests include urban transport planning, public and informal transport, and equality issues in transport policy. He has published extensively in the field of transport, and has provided consulting services for several government agencies in Thailand, including Department of Land Transport, Office of Transport Planning and Policy, and Bangkok Mass Transit Authority. Dr. Chalermpong received his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Chlalongkorn University, his master’s degree from MIT, and his doctoral degree from UC Irvine, both in the field of transport.
Charge: free
Language: English only
Participation: Please contact Ms. Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-regstration.
#192 The Value of slow travel by Prof. Stephen Greaves
Room 206, IDEC, Hiroshima University
The Value of slow travel by Prof. Stephen Greaves
Date & Time: May 10, 14:30-15:30
Place: Room 206, IDEC, Hiroshima University
Name: Stephen Greaves
Affiliation: The University of Sydney
Bio: Stephen Greaves is a Professor in Transport Management in the Institute of Transport & Logistics Studies (ITLS) at the University of Sydney. He has previously Director of the Business School Doctoral studies program (2014-2017). Stephen’s research interests are focused around the health/environmental/safety impacts of transport, new vehicle technologies including electric vehicles and autonomous vehicles, and innovative travel data collection methods using the latest technologies. He has 125 refereed publications, including 43 in international journals, and has held three major ARC grants. He also provides expert advice and media commentary on a range of transport-related issues and was co-chair of a major international coference on survey methods held in Australia in 2014.
Presentation title: The value of slow travel: Economic appraisal of cycling projects using the logsum measure of consumer surplus
Abstract: Walking and cycling have clear benefts for users, even though they may be slower than other transport modes. However, these user benefits could be undervelued using traditional economic appraisal, in which speed increases or travel time savings are highly valued. This paper explores the use of the logsum measure of consumer surplus for valuing the user benefits of new active transport infrastructure, using new separated cycleways in Sydney (Australia) as a case study. The results suggest the value of user benefits can be significant – of a similar order of magnitude to the estimated value of the public health benefits – and it becames more pronounced as cycleways are intergrated into a connected network. The method could be used to inform transportation investment policy decisions in other jurisdictions, where suitable travel survey data are available.
#191 土木計画学研究委員会・EASTS-Japan 共催国際セミナー(International Seminar)
Seminar room (1), Tokyo University of Science, Dept. of Civil Engineering (Noda campus, Building No. 5, 1st floor)
土木計画学研究委員会・EASTS-Japan 共催国際セミナー(International Seminar)
Title: Enjoy Biking in Taipei: Using, Planning and Assessing (台北における自転車利用の時空間パターン,自転車道のネットワークデザイン,利用可能性評価について)
Date: April 25 (Thursday), 2019, 5:00-6:00pm
Place: Seminar room (1), Tokyo University of Ssience, Dept. of Civil Engineering (Noda campus, Building No.5, 1st floor) 東京理科大学理工学部土木工学科ゼミ室 (1) (野田キャンパス5号館1階)
Presenter: Professor Jen-Jia Lin (林楨家 教授), Department of Geography, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (国立台湾大学地理学科)
Biking is a green and active travel mode that consumers minimal energy, limited pollution, and accompanies physical activites. Taipei City government has deployed numerous biking-promotion schemes since 2009; however, because of very limited knowledge about biking in literature, a portion of the promotion schemes were developed in unprofessional ways and their effectiveness need further improvements. To fill the research gaps, attention toward to biking studies has been increasing in the past decade in Taiwan. I would like to briefly introduce three recent works in my lab, which are related to spatiotemporal patterns of public bike uses, bikeway network design model and area-wide bikeability assessment method. All of the works are empirically based on Taipei context, and their details can be found in the following articles.
Lin, J. J. and Liao, R. Y. (2016), Bikeway network design model for recreational bicycling in scenic areas, Networks and Spatial Economics, 16 (1): 9-31.
Lin, J. J. and Wei, Y. H. (2018), Assessing area-wide bikeability: A grey analytical network process, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 113: 381-396.
Liu, H. C. and Lin, J. J. (2019), Associations of built environments with spatiotemporal patterns of public bicycle use, journal of Transport Geography, 74: 299-312.
Anyone who is interesting in biking research is welcome to attend the seminar and all commnets and questions will be appreciated.
Keywords: Biking, Spatiotemporal nanalysis, Network design problem, Bikeability assessment
#190 Special seminar on land use and transport in UK at UTokyo
Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
Special seminar on land use and transport in UK at UTokyo
Time and day: 5:00pm-6:00pm, April 18 (Thursday), 2019
Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab., Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
– Title: Findings from the UK National Travel Survey Data that are cogent to new land use and transport infrastructure developments
– Abstract:
This short talk summarises the methods and findings from our studies using the UK National Travel Survey data. The methods deployed include those of structural equation modelling and latent cluster analysis for indentification of travel behavioural patterns, and those of integrated economic, land use, built form and passenger travel modelling for predicting travel demand changes in the medium and long term. The insights from the findings have been used to support our recent predictive modelling work on balancing jobs, housing, and travel in the suburbs and exurbs of London (especially for the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Mayoral Authority), and for the UK as a whole (at the UK2070 Commission in its inquiry into regional inequality and a long term plans for action). The Cambridge team is currently engaging with national travel survey teams in Germany and the Netherlands.
Short bio of presenter
Dr. Ying Jin is a Reader in Architecture and Urbanism at University of Cambridge Department of Architecture. He has been working on land use planning, transport modelling and urban design in the UK since 1992, and since 2013 leading the research group on cities and transport at the Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies, which if a leading institution in the UK in creating and using predictive models for cities and multimodal transport systems. Ying Jin’s work has increasing incorporated the social and political dynamics in transport and urban planning. He became an inaugural Visiting Fellow at the Bennett Institute for Public Policy, Univerdsity of Cambridge in 2018.
Charge: free
Language: English only
Participation: Please contact Ms. Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-regstration.
#189 Special seminar about travel-based multitasking at UTokyo
Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
Secial seminar about travel-based multitasking at UTokyo
Time and day: 2:00pm-3:00pm, April 18 (Thur), 2019
Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab., Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
– Title: Satiation in Travel-Based Multitasking: A Case Study from Mumbai, India
– Abstract:
Multitasking is an essential aspect of an individual’s overall activity participation and time allocation behavior, and travel is one of the few activities which provides the scope for natural multitasking. This study (1) analyzed the effect of parameters on multitasking choice which reflect the heterogeneity of urban settings in a developing country scenario, and (2) evaluated the existence of satiation and estimated it for different multitasking activities. A travel diary survey was conducted of 1,123 individuals residing in both formal and informal housing across the city of Mumbai, capturing information on their multitasking during travel behavior. A multiple discrete-continuous extreme value model was formulated testing the effect of parameters and estimating satiation in alternatives. Findings suggest that travel characteristics, individual and household socioeconomic characteristics, and access to information and communication technology (ICT) are important indicators affecting multitasking during travel. In addition, along with access to ICT, certain other socioeconomic characteristics such as gender, occupation type, and poor living conditions affected the participation in ICT-based multitasking activities, indicating the linkages between digital and social divide. Findings on satiation showed a glaring mismatch between participation and preference. Although the participation and time allocation in doing no activity were the highest, the levels of satiation were observed to be lower for sleeping/snoozing/resting activities and mos ICT-based multitasking alternatives. This indicated that if a suitable setting is provided, individuals prefer to participate in other activities rather than performing no activity.
Short bio of presenter
Varun Varghese is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Infrastructure Planning and Urban Risk Management lab at Hiroshima University. He is currently working on the application of advanced machine learning techniques for transportation planning and management. He is a Civil Engineer and he finished his Ph.D. from the Centre for Urban Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India. For his Ph.D. thesis, he worked on indentifying the interrelationships between ICT, travel behavior, and activity participation behavior in Mumbai, India.
Charge: free
Language: English only
Particiapation: Please contact Ms. Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.
#188 A special lecture of Applied Geographic Information Science
東北大学 青葉山新キャンパス 環境科学研究科 本館 4F 講義室2
A special lecture of Applied Geographic Information Science
Date: 15:00-17:00, March 27, 2019
Venue: 東北大学 青葉山新キャンパス 環境科学研究科 本館4階講義室2
Title: Geographically Weighted Regression with flexible choices of distance metrics
Speaker: Dr. Lu Binbin, Wuhan University, China
Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) has been developed as a local technique to investigation spatial nonstationarity in data relationships. GWR is calibrated with data whose influence decays with distance, distances that are commonly defined as straight line or Euclidean. However, the complexity of our real world that the scope of possible distance metrics is far larger than the trasitional Euclidean choice. In this talk, GWR with flexible choices of distance metrics will be presented, i.e. using Euclidean distance and non-Euclidean distance metrics. Furthermore, variatons in spatial relationships within a GWR model might also very in intensity with respect to location and direction. This assertion has led to extensions of GWR with parameter-specific distance metrics (PSDM GWR).
#187 Space-Time GIS for Human Dynamics Research
Space-Time GIS for Human Dynamics Research
Date: 16:00-17:30, March 25, 2019
Venue: 東京大学工学部14号館8階会議室(http://www.due.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/contact/)
Title: Space-Time GIS for Human Dynamics Research
Shih-Lung Shaw, Ph.D.
Alvin and Sally Beaman, Professor & Arts and Sciences Excellence Professor,
Department of Geography, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Due to widespread use of location-aware technology, information and communication technology (ICT) and mobile technology, there have been many important changes to how people carry out their activities and interactions that hace important implications to future transportation systems and services. With the unprecedented data collection of a wide range of human activities and the environments, we now have opportunities to gain insights of human dynamics in a space-time context. In the meantime, we also face many challenges of using geographic information science (GIScience) to properly support human dynamics research. This presentation will share some examples of our work in developping a space-time geographic information system (GIS) for human dynamics research, followed by a critical review of the limitations of conventional GIS and a proposed new GIScience framework to support human dynamics research in a hybrid physical-virtual space that includes four different conceptualizations for space.
About the speaker:
Dr. Shih-Lung Shaw is Alvin and Sally Beaman Professor and Arts and Sciences Excellence Professor of Geography at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. His research interests cover GIS for transporation, space-time GIS, time geography, transportaton planning and modeling, and human dynamics. His recent research has focused on space-time analytics of human dymamics in a hybrid physical-virtual world based on various types of individual tracking data. Dr. Shaw is an elected Fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS) and a recipient of the Edward L. Ullman Award fro Outstanding Contributions to Transportation Geography from the Association of American Geographers (AAG). He served as Interim Associate Provost for International Education and Head of the Department of Geography at the University of Tennessee. He is the current Chair of the Research Committee of the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS), lead editor of Spriger’s Human Dynamics in Smart Cities book series, and editorial board member of International journal of Geographical Information Science, Journal of Transport Geography, Travel Behaviour and Society, among others.
国立環境研究所 有賀敏典
Email: ariga.toshinori@nies.go.jp
#186 Using big data for modelling human decision making
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター C1-117 (C1棟会議室1)
Using big data for modelling human decision making
日時:3月20日(水) 15:00-16:30
場所:京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター C1-117(C棟会議室1)
講師:Prof. Stephane Hess, University of Leeds, UK
題目:Using big data for modelling human decision making
Abstract: Traditional data sources like household surveys are expensive to collect and sueveys are thus not conducted at regular enough intervals nor do they collect samples large enough to be representative or reliable for complex model estimation. On the other hand, very large streams of data are collected automatically from people every day, most notably in the form of mobile phone records and smart card data. While such data sourves have been used extensively for visualisarion or even in machine learning, their use in traditional transport modelling is still in its infancy. This presentation presents some ground-breaking work in this area, showing how smartcard, GPS and mobile phone data can be exploited for modelling a veriety of transport decisions and producing meaningful results. The presentation also looks at some of the steps required to make the data usable for analysis. The talk will provide a methodological overview meant to stimulate discussion. Part of the talk will also be a range of application studies, among others on tourism and evacuation modelling.
About the speaker: Stephane Hess is Professor of Choice Modelling in the Institute for Transport Studies and Director of the Choice Modelling Cntre at the University of Leeds. He is also Honorary Professor in Choice Modelling in the Institute for Transport and Logistices Studies at the University of Sydney, Honorary Professor of Modelling Behaviour in Africa at the University of Cape Town. His area of work is the analysis of human decision making using advanced mathematical models. He has made contoributions to the state of the art in the specification, estimation and interpretation of such models, as well as in facilitating the transition of ideas and approaches across disciplines. Together with his research team at the Choice Modelling Centre, he is setting the research agenda in applying choice modelling in new fields, including education, lifestyle choices, social (network) interactions and joint decision making. Advanced choice models require high quality data, and Hess and his team are leading the field in exploring and exploring novel data sources, with numerous applications using “big data”. Hess has published over 100 peer reviewed journal papers, and his work is highly cited, with a Scopus H-index of 28 (google scholar H-index of 45). HIs cotributions have been recognised for example by the 2017 ICMC award for the most innvative application of chice modelling, the 2014 Outstanding Young Member of the Transporation Research Board (TRB) award for exceptional achievements in transportation research, policy, or practice, the 2010 Fred Burggraf award handed out by the Transportation Research Board and the 2005 Eric Pas award for the best PhD thesis in the area of travel behaviour modelling. He is also the founding editor in chief of the Journal of Choice Modelling and the founder and steering committee chair of the International Choice Modelling Conference.
参加申し込み先: Jan-Dirk Schmöcker (PhD), Associate Professor
Department of Urban Management, Kyoto University
C1-2-436, Katsura Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8540, Japan
Tel : +81-75-383-3234, Fax: +81-75-383-3236
#185 MEILI an open source alternative to collect travel diary with smartphone: Lessons from Stockholm and progress
Seminar room, the 2nd floor of Midorigaoka Bldg. 5, O-okayama campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology
MEILI an open source alternative to collect travel diary with smartphone: Lessons from Stockholm and progress
1) Datetime: 11:00am-0:00pm, March 18 (Mon.), 2019
2) Place: Seminar room, the 2nd floor of Midorigaoka Bldg. 5, O-okayama campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology
3) Presentation
Speaker: Professor Yusak Susilo (KTH)
The increased interest in the automation of travel diary collection, together with the ease of access to new artificial intelligence methods led scientists to explore the prerequisites to the automatic generation of travel diaries. One of the most promising methods for this automation relies on collecting GPS traces of multiple users over a period of time, followed by asking the users to annotate their collected data by specifying the base entities for a travel diary, i.e., trips and triplegs. This led scientist on one of two paths: either develop an in-house solution for data collection and annotation, which is usually an undocumented prototype implementation limited to few users, or contract an external provider for the development, which results in additional costs. This paper provides a third path: an open-source highly modular system for the collection and annotation of travel diaries of multiple users, named MEILI. The paper discusses the architecture of MEILI with an emphasis on the data model, which allows scientists to implement and evaluate their methods of choice for the detection of the following entities: trip start/end, trip destination, trip purpose, tripleg start/end, and tripleg mode. Furthermore, the open source nature of MEILI allows scientists to modify the MEILI was successfully trialed in multiple case studies in Stockholm and Gothenburg, Sweden between 2014 and 2017.
Reference: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2018.01.011
We will conduct a special seminar, in which Prof. Yusak Susilo, a Professor in Transport Analysis and Policy at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) is invited to make a mini-seminar about an open-source Apps. for collecting travel behavior data named “MEILI” and its applications.
Participation: Please contact Daisuke Fukuda (fukuda@plan.cv.titech.ac.jp) for joining this seminar
#184 Special seminar about autonomous bus service at UTokyo
Seminar room of International Project Lab., Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
Special seminar about autonomous bus service at UTokyo
1) Time and day: 5:00pm-6:30pm, March 18 (Mon), 2019
2) Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab., Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo (https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/con
3) Presentation
– Title: Lessons from Autonomous Bus Service Deployment on a Public Road in Stockholm
– Abstract:
An EZ10 autonomous bus has been deployed in Stockholm public road from January 2018 for six months period. The service connected Kista metro station with major offices and university in Kista Science City. The focus of the deployment is the feasibility to use such service as a last mile transport option. The current service is operated between 7:00 and 18:00, with some exceptions for exceptional conditions. Until May 2018, the service has been used by 10000 passengers and logged 2000km kilometres. This project serves as the first step to understand the effects and challenges of the real AVs for shared services deployment from both technical and also to the societal, users and system perspectivest. This knowledge will important to design future deployment and pilots, to create a system that is sustainable and working from societal, environmental and economical perspective in Swedish context.
This particular presentation focuses on the users’ acceptance towards the AV service from two perspectives:
1. Acceptance and responses of the potential users and users of semi-autonomous bus service.
2. Reaction and adaptation of other road users to semi-autonomous bus running on public road.
Three-waves of panel survey among more than 500 users were deployed over the six-month period. The survey was designed to capture the longitudinal changes of attitudes, acceptance, and expectation of commuters and residents in appreciating and adopting (or use) this new public transport service. A series of psychological (attitudes, preferences and perceptions) questions, which are derived from Modified Theory of Reasoned Action, were deployed in February 2018, April 2018 and June 2018. Each survey wave includes about 30 minutes of questionnaire.
4) Short bio of presenter
Yusak O. Susilo is a Professor in Transport Analysis and Policy at the Royal Institute of Technology. His main research interest lies in the intersection between transport and urban planning, transport policy, decision making processes and behavioural interactions modelling. He received his doctoral degree from the Department of Urban Management, Kyoto University, Japan. He has been/is a principal investigator (PI) and co-investigator (co-I) in various international and national projects, including developed an open-source smartphone based travel diary collector app, MEILI, which has been deployed in 5 different cities at 3 different continents around the globe, and evaluating the impacts of autonomous buses deployment as a public transport service in a mixed public roads in Stockholm. He is currently serving as a board member of the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) and an associate editor of Transportation, European Transport Research Review and Journal of Transport and Health.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.a
8) Others: If you have some questions, please let me know them. My e-mail address is kato@civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp.
#183 The Future of Urban Transportation in Cairo-the Opportunity and Challenge
The Future of Urban Transportation in Cairo-the Opportunity and Challenge
Prof. Dr. Ahmed I. Mosa, Professor of Transportation planning, The German University in Cairo & the British University in Cairo, Co- Founder and Managing Director of MASARAT consultancy
Cairo is the 10th largest metropolis in the world with population reached 20 million and around 28 million trips/ year. Despite the high congestion in Egypt, the private car ownership rate actually remains among the lowest worldwide at approximately 50 cars per 1000 inhabitant. Even at the level of Greater Cairo Region (GCR), the most congested urban agglomerate, the rate has only recently reached approx. 100 cars/1000 inhabitants, yet it continues to rise. With regards to formal sector bus services, they have suffered an erosion of market share. Currently, around 2700 buses are working in Cairo; nearly 50% of the fleets are beyond residual life. The informal sector on the other hand (predominantly microbuses), on the other hand, appear to have achieved a very strong role in terms of road-based public transport services absorbing near 8.1 million journeys per day at present. Existing mobility systems in Cairo are close to breakdown. In 2015, the average time an urban dweller spends in traffic jams recorded 300 hours per year, three times more than the Figure in 2010. The cost of Congestion is estimated at 8 Billion $US/ Year, only in Greater Cairo Area. Delivering urban mobility will require more and more resources. Growth in urban travel needs is fast outpacing the evelopment of transport infrastructure, the need of the hour is to identify business strategies that enable sustainable integrated urban mobility. Therefore, a new economic landscape is needed to provide stakeholders with an array of opportunities to exploit, in the quest towards integrated mobility.
About a speaker
Dr. Mosa is the co-founder of MASARAT Consultancy Company that focuses on transportation, mobility, market research and investment platform. Dr. Mosa worked as the director of UITP MENA Center for Transport Excellence in Dubai where he oversees various research projects on various topics related to sustainable public transport. Mosa received a Master’s of Science and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Transportation Engineering from the University of Tokyo-Japan. As a Professor of transportation planning at the German University in Cairo, Nile University and the British university In Cairo, Mosa taught courses related to traffic engineering and transportation and participated in curriculum development and other special committees. Also before joining the UITP, he worked as the assistant to the Minister of Transportation in Egypt, and he is the founder of the Transportation Center
of Excellence at the Ministry of Transport in Egypt. Mosa established the center, supervising a team of researchers, and maintaining international and local relations with organizations and institutes such as JICA, World Bank and AFD. He was responsible for reviewing and updating the existing transportation models for Cairo (CREATS Transport model) and Egypt (MINITS) and developing transportation plans on the national, regional, international and cross-borders level including work on Egypt’s Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems and the master plans for Greater Cairo Region, national freeways road network and logistic centers. Dr. Mosa has over 16 years of experience that combine research/academic knowledge and practical experience. He won several awards, as well as authored and co- authored more than 40 papers in leading journals, conferences/workshops presentations and technical reports.
#182 日欧国際共同セミナー International Seminar on Integration of Spatial Computable General Equilibrium and Transport Modeling
日欧国際共同セミナー International Seminar on Integration of Spatial Computable General Equilibrium and Transport Modeling
応用一般均衡分析と交通分析の統合に関する研究小委員会では,日欧国際共同セミナー International Seminar on Integration of Spatial Computable General Equilibrium and Transport Modeling を,下記日程・会場にて開催します.
※参加者については募集および調整中ですが,現時点では,SCEG研究分野のパイオニアである Johannes Bröcker氏 (Kiel University),物流モデリングをご専門とされChairman of WCTR Scientific Committee も務められている Lori Tavasszy (TU Delft) のご参加が決定しています.
本セミナーへの参加をご希望・ご検討される方は,石倉 (iskr@tmu.ac.jp) までお知らせください.
#181 The Future of Urban Transportation in Cairo-the Opportunity and Challenge
The Future of Urban Transportation in Cairo-the Opportunity and Challenge
Title: The Future of Urban Transportation in Cairo- the Opportunity and
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ahmed I. Mosa, Professor of Transportation planning, The German University in Cairo & the British University in Cairo, Co- Founder and Managing Director of MASARAT consultancy
Cairo is the 10th largest metropolis in the world with population reached 20 million and around 28 million trips/ year. Despite the high congestion in Egypt, the private car ownership rate actually remains among the lowest worldwide at approximately 50 cars per 1000 inhabitant. Even at the level of Greater Cairo Region (GCR), the most congested urban agglomerate, the rate has only recently reached approx. 100 cars/1000 inhabitants, yet it continues to rise. With regards to formal sector bus services, they have suffered an erosion of market share. Currently, around 2700 buses are working in Cairo; nearly 50% of the fleets are beyond residual life. The informal sector on the other hand (predominantly microbuses), on the other hand, appear to have achieved a very strong role in terms of road-based public transport services absorbing near 8.1 million journeys per day at present. Existing mobility systems in Cairo are close to breakdown. In 2015, the average time an urban dweller spends in traffic jams recorded 300 hours per year, three times more than the Figure in 2010. The cost of Congestion is estimated at 8 Billion $US/ Year, only in Greater Cairo Area. Delivering urban mobility will require more and more resources. Growth in urban travel needs is fast outpacing the evelopment of transport infrastructure, the need of the hour is to identify business strategies that enable sustainable integrated urban mobility. Therefore, a new economic landscape is needed to provide stakeholders with an array of opportunities to exploit, in the quest towards integrated mobility.
About a speaker:
Dr. Mosa is the co-founder of MASARAT Consultancy Company that focuses on transportation, mobility, market research and investment platform. Dr. Mosa worked as the director of UITP MENA Center for Transport Excellence in Dubai where he oversees various research projects on various topics related to sustainable public transport. Mosa received a Master’s of Science and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Transportation Engineering from the University of Tokyo-Japan. As a Professor of transportation planning at the German University in Cairo, Nile University and the British university In Cairo, Mosa taught courses related to traffic engineering and transportation and participated in curriculum development and other special committees. Also before joining the UITP, he worked as the assistant to the Minister of Transportation in Egypt, and he is the founder of the Transportation Center
of Excellence at the Ministry of Transport in Egypt. Mosa established the center, supervising a team of researchers, and maintaining international and local relations with organizations and institutes such as JICA, World Bank and AFD. He was responsible for reviewing and updating the existing transportation models for Cairo (CREATS Transport model) and Egypt (MINITS) and developing transportation plans on the national, regional, international and cross-borders level including work on Egypt’s Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems and the master plans for Greater Cairo Region, national freeways road network and logistic centers. Dr. Mosa has over 16 years of experience that combine research/academic knowledge and practical experience. He won several awards, as well as authored and co- authored more than 40 papers in leading journals, conferences/workshops presentations and technical reports.
#180 Street Management Integrating Places and Public Transportation in Southeast Asian Cities - The Case of City Center of Khon Kaen City, Thailand -
横浜にぎわい座 のげシャーレ(小ホール)
Street Management Integrating Places and Public Transportation in Southeast Asian Cities - The Case of City Center of Khon Kaen City, Thailand -
横浜国立大学 交通と都市研究室主催にて,ミニ国際シンポジウム(英語発表)を開催いたします.このシンポジウムでは,タイ国コンケン大学との共同プロジェクトの成果報告をベースに,成長の著しい東南アジア地方都市の今後の街路及び交通施策のあり方について議論いたします.ゲストコメンテーターとして,大阪市立大学 吉田長裕准教授,埼玉大学 小嶋文准教授をお招きします.
場所:横浜にぎわい座 のげシャーレ(小ホール)
18:30-18:35 挨拶・趣旨説明
18:35-18:55 東南アジア地方都市の街路空間とモビリティ (横浜国立大学 中村文彦教授)
18:55-19:05 「場 (Place)」の機能とストリートマネジメント (横浜国立大学 三浦詩乃)
19:05-19:35 タイ・コンケン市での街路プロジェクト
1) 地域学生のためのメインストリートプロジェクト (横浜国立大学チーム)
2) メインストリートにおける社会実験のあり方への提言 (コンケン大学 Nayatat Tonmitr講師)
3) 住まいやすい中規模都市化に向けたコンケン市のストリートモビリティ (コンケン大学 Pattamapom Wongwiriya講師)
4) コンケン市郊外部の路上マーケットの利用実態と類型 (コンケン大学 Pornnarong Charnnuwong准教授)
19:35ー20:05 ゲストからのコメント
1) 大阪市立大学 吉田長裕准教授
2) 埼玉大学 小嶋文准教授
20:05-20:25 ディスカッションおよびQ&A
20:25-20:30 総括・閉会
※上記リンクへのアクセスができない場合には,参加者のお名前とご所属を,専用メールアドレスkkctuel2019@gmail.com までお知らせください.
#178 国際セミナー New Mobility and Society Combining Autonomous Driving Technology and Sharing Service
国際セミナー New Mobility and Society Combining Autonomous Driving Technology and Sharing Service
所在地:〒108-0023 東京都港区芝浦3-3-6
午前 10:00~12:35
1. Opening remarks
2. Keynote Speech: Research Frontiers in Autonomous Driving and Shared-Mobility (Prof. Schott Eric Le Vine, Assistant Professor, New York State University)
3. Automated driving for universal services; Japanese approach (天野 肇 氏/Mr. Hajime Amano,ITS Japan 専務理事/President and CEO, ITS Japan)
4. The Rising and Realization of Intelligent Mobility (周 磊 氏/Mr. Lei Zhou,デロイト トーマツ コンサルティング合同会社 執行役員/Partner at Monitor Deloitte/Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC)
5. Intelligent Mobility Technology Development for Sharing Economy (福島 正夫 氏/Mr. Masao Fukushima,株式会社オートモーティブテクノロジーエンジニアリングサービス部技術顧問,ITS Technical Consultant, Engineering Service Department, Nissan Automotive Technology Co., Ltd)
午後 13:30~17:00
6. 研究者による先端研究発表
(1) Consumer preference for alternative free-floating carsharing fleet management mechanisms (Prof. Scott Eric Le Vine, Assistant Professor, New York State University)
(2) On the characteristics of car sharing users (山本 俊行 先生/Prof. Toshiyuki Yamamoto, Professor, Nagoya University)
(3) Endogenous market penetration dynamics of connected and automated vehicles: Transport-oriented model and its paradox (瀬尾 亨 先生/Prof. Toru Seo, Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo)
(4) Adoption of dynamic ridesharing system under influence of information on social network (Mr. Phathinan Thaithatkul, A project researcher at Center for Spatial Information Science, The University of Tokyo)
(5) Dynamic Taxi-Pooling Service Experiment in Nagoya (金森 亮 先生/Prof. Ryo Kanamori, Research Associate Professor, Nagoya University)
(6) Social acceptance of autonomous vehicles in Japan and UK: focused on risk perception and trust (谷口 綾子 先生/Prof. Ayako Taniguchi, Associate Professor, University of Tsukuba)
(7) Mobility and society combining autonomous driving technology and sharing services (溝上 章志 先生/Prof. Shoshi Mizokami, Professor, Kumamoto University)
7. Closing remarks
連絡先:熊本大学大学院先端科学研究部 溝上 章志
#179 Innovation in shared mobility and planning
The University of Yokyo Hongo Campus, Engineering Building 14 Room 802 (8F)
Innovation in shared mobility and planning
Date: November 29th 2018
Time: 15:00 – 17:00
Place: The University of Tokyo Hongo Campus, Engineering Building 14 Room 802 (8F)
15:00 – 15:05 Introduction
15:05 – 15:55 Keynote presentation: ” Innovation in shared mobility and planning”
Presenter: Dr. Scott Le Vine
15:55 – 16:25 “Network planning problem for shared-mobility with stochastic demand”
Presenter: Dr. Sachiyo Fukushima, Research Associate, The University of Tokyo
16:25 – 16:55 “”Metro-MaaS”, an Integrated Mobility Service Concept for Magacities”
Presenter: Dr. Yohei Fujigaki, Research Associate, The University of Tokyo
16:55 – 17:00 Wrap-up
Places are limited, so if you interested in participating, please send an e-mail to
gtroncoso@ut.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp and urata@bin.ut.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp with your name and affiliation.
#177 TSU Seminar: Optimization in Transport Systems
東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス 緑が丘6号館1階緑が丘ホール
TSU Seminar: Optimization in Transport Systems
TSU Seminar: Optimization in Transport Systems
13:30-13:40 Opening address, Prof. Yasuo Asakura (Tokyo Tech)
Utility Maximising Spanning Trees: An Application to the Sydney Harbour Ferry System
Prof. Mike Bell, Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS), University of Sydney Business School
15:00-15:30 Break
Considerations of Sustainability in Transportation – A Case for Multi-Objective Optimisation
Prof. Matthias Ehrgott, Dept. of Management Science, Lancaster University Management School
Prof. Judith Wang, School of Civil Eng. and Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds
#176 土木計画学研究委員会・EASTS-Japan 共催国際セミナー (International Seminar)
東京理科大学理工学部土木工学科ゼミ室(4) (野田キャンパス5号館1F)
土木計画学研究委員会・EASTS-Japan 共催国際セミナー (International Seminar)
土木計画学研究委員会・EASTS-Japan 共催国際セミナー (International Seminar)
「KeeChoo Choi 教授を招いた特別セミナー」
日時: 2018 年 10 月 29 日(月)10:30 – 11:30
会場: 東京理科大学理工学部土木工学科ゼミ室(4) (野田キャンパス5号館1F)
題目: Public Transportation Reform in Korea: Half Success and New Agendas
講演者:Prof. KeeChoo Choi, (韓国 Ajou University 交通工学科教授/韓国交通学会会長)
東京理科大学土木工学科 寺部慎太郎
Shintaro TERABE (terabe@rs.noda.tus.ac.jp)
Tokyo University of Science, Dept. of Civil Engineering
#175 土地利用交通モデルに関する国際セミナー
In this seminar, a Land Use Transport Integrated Micro-Simulation (LUTI-MS) model is explained by the developer team from Technical University of Munich, and its application to the SDGs assessment is discussed with participants.
SDGs can be assessed based on the observed indices corresponding to the targets. Those indices have inter-relationship each other that have to be taken into account for the effective policy making to achieve the SDGs. Furthermore, the SDGs agenda pledges to “leave no one behind”. Therefore analysis of interrelationship among the various targets as well as the wide variety of impacts on diverse individuals, not the average impact, will be needed.
Microsimulation can be a suitable approach for these analytical requirements.
In this seminar, we discuss the applicability of LUTI-MS model to the SDGs target assessment especially for the targets related with urban transportation.
Through this discussion, we intend to create useful knowledge for future SDGs research in the urban transport field.
17:00-17:10 Introduction (Kii, Kagawa University)
17:10-17:30 LUTI-MS model framework (Prof. Dr. Rolf Moeckel, TUM)
17:30-18:00 Components of LUTI-MS model: MatSim/MITO/SILO
(Dr. Moreno, Dr. Lorca, Mr. Kühnel, TUM)
18:00-18:20 SDGs targets and applicability of LUTI-MS model(Kii)
18:20-19:00 Discussion
#174 シュリンキングシティ日米研究交流セミナー名古屋2018
1. 9月22日(土)13:30~17:00
野澤 千絵(東洋大学教授)
黒瀬 武史(九州大学大学院准教授)
吉武 俊一郎(株式会社吉武都市総合研究所代表取締役)
矢吹 剣一(東京大学特任研究院、アーバンデザインセンター坂井ディレクター)
※上記の4名にディスカッサー(吉田 友彦・立命館大学教授、藤井 康幸・静岡文化芸術大学教授)が加わり議論をします。
2. 9月23日(日)13:00~17:00
饗庭 伸(首都大学東京教授)
浅野 純一郎(豊橋技術科学大学大学院教授)
※パネルディスカッションでは、講演者4名にコーディネーター(服部 圭郎・龍谷大学教授)が加わり議論をします。
主催:シュリンキングシティ研究会(代表:海道 清信・名城大学都市情報学部教授)
#173 The 11th International BinN Research Seminar
東京大学 工学部14号館222教室, Faculty of Engineering Building #14, Room #222
The 11th International BinN Research Seminar
Seminar Program: the 11th International BinN Research Seminar
Date: 1500-1700, 7th of August, 2018
Venue: Faculty of Engineering Building No.14, room No.222, the University of Tokyo
Title: “Modeling and analysis of ride-sourcing systems and latest trend of transportation research”
Speaker: Yafeng Yin, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
For an application: Eiji HATO, hato@bin.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
#172 34th Tokyo Tech TSU Seminar: Resililence thinking in transport planning: Transport, air quality, health and resilience
東京工業大学 緑ヶ丘1号館 2F 206-B号室, Room 206-B, 2F, Midorigaoka Build. No. 1, Ookayama Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology
34th Tokyo Tech TSU Seminar: Resililence thinking in transport planning: Transport, air quality, health and resilience
Date: August 1st (Wed.) 2018
Time: 9:00 – 10:30 Venue: Room 206-B, 2nd floor of Midorigaoka Building No.1 at Ookayama Campus
Speaker: Prof. Judith Wang (the University of Leeds, UK)
Title: “Resilience tinking” in transport planning: Transport, air quality, health and resilience
Details are shown at,
#171 The ROLE of zakat in the provision of housing for the POOR AND needy muslims IN MALAYSIA
京都大学桂キャンパスC1棟 312会議室
The ROLE of zakat in the provision of housing for the POOR AND needy muslims IN MALAYSIA
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sharina Farihah Hasan
(Department of Quantity Surveying, Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design, International Islamic University Malaysia)
The ROLE of zakat in the provision of housing for the POOR AND needy muslims IN MALAYSIA
Zakat is one of the key instruments that address the socio-economic well-beings of needy Muslims. In terms of approach zakat has specific style as prescribed in the Al-Quran and Al-Hadiths. It is observed that the most critical problem currently facing the Muslims in Malaysia is the lack of access to decent and affordable housing for the low and middle income families especially those living in the urban areas. Zakat institutions in Malaysia have been playing their roles in assisting the poor and needy Muslims through the various assistance schemes. Specific housing assistance includes building new house, rental assistance, repairs, deposit for new house, etc.
京都大学桂キャンパスC1棟 312会議室
#170 東京大学・フランス国立土木学校(ENPC)共同国際セミナー
・日時:2018年6月26日(火)9:30 – 12:00
9:30-9:35am:開会の挨拶(Prof. Eiji HATO, Head of Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo)
Prof. Michel LYONNET du MOUTIER (Professor at Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and Professor Emeritus at University of Paris)
“Financial Innovation in Mobility: Project Finance and Toll Motorways in Europe”
Prof. Hironori KATO (Professor at Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo)
“Infrastructure Finance in Japan”
Prof. Dominique JACQUET (Professor of Financial Strategy, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées)
“Value Migration and Innovation Capabilities Transfer in the Car Industry”
Prof. Gento MOGI (Associate Professor at Department of Technology Management for Innovation, The University of Tokyo)
“BEV or FCV; consequence of the dissemination of either personal mobility”
#169 Special Seminar at The University of Tokyo: Analyzing the influence of Aberrant Driving Behaviors on traffic safety and efficiency
Seminar Room of International Project Lab (Third floor of Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus)
Special Seminar at The University of Tokyo: Analyzing the influence of Aberrant Driving Behaviors on traffic safety and efficiency
1. Presenter: Prof. SHI Jing, Dr. E., PE, APEC E, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing China
2. Theme: Analyzing the influence of Aberrant Driving Behaviors on traffic safety and efficiency
3. Date:1:30pm to 3:00pm, May 14 (Mon) 2018
4. Venue:Seminar Room of International Project Lab (Third floor of Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus)
5. Abstract: China has not yet become a mature automobile society, although its automobile industry is developing rapidly. The specific performance is the universal existence of aberrant driving behaviors. Aberrant driving behavior refers to the drivers’ behavior in driving which violates other traffic participants’ benefit, endangers the safety of themselves or others, including driving traffic violations and usually called bad habits in traffic. Aberrant Driving Behaviors are prevalent in China but have not attracted as much attention from researchers. Traffic accidents may be caused by frequently occurred aberrant driving behaviors. However, in the research, we found that aberrant driving behaviors not only threaten the traffic safety, but also may reduce traffic efficiency. The presentation will introduce the latest quantitative analysis methods and relative research results of aberrant driving behaviors.
#168 Mini-Workshop: Big Data and Transportation Dynamics
Mini-Workshop: Big Data and Transportation Dynamics



13:30 – 14:00 Opening (Introduction of the project)
Dr Takahiko Kusakabe
Assistant Professor
Spatial Infromation Science Center, the Universiy of Tokyo
14:00 – 14:30 “Application of Activity-Besed Simulator MATSIM for
Tokyo Metrpolitan Area”
Dr Takuma Mitani
Project Assistant Professor
Spatial Infromation Science Center, the Universiy of Tokyo
14:30 – 15:00 “Day-to-day dynamics of ridesharing system based on user
rational behavior”.
Dr Phathinan Thaithatkul
Project Researcher
Spatial Infromation Science Center, the Universiy of Tokyo
15:05 – 15:30 “Intentional Removals of Nodes and Links to Avoid Gridlock”
Mr Kashin Sugishita
Doctoral candidate
Tokyo Institute of Technology
15:30 – 15:55 “Departure Time and Mode Choice in Urban Cities with
Bottleneck Congestion and Crowding Cost”
Mr. Takao Dantsuji
Doctoral candidate
Tokyo Institute of Technology
15:55 – 16:30 “Considering Overtaking and Passenger Boarding Behaviour
in Bus Holding to Reduce Bus Bunching”
Dr Ronghui Liu
Associate Professor & Director of International Activities
Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds
#164 International Seminar on Integration of Spatial Computable General Equilibrium and Transport Modelling
International Seminar on Integration of Spatial Computable General Equilibrium and Transport Modelling
#165 Dynamic Risk Management of Transport Networks: Theory and Observation
神戸大学梅田インテリジェントラボラトリ Umeda intelligent laboratory of Kobe University
Dynamic Risk Management of Transport Networks: Theory and Observation
(梅田ゲートタワー 8階

(8th floor of Umeda gate tower, see

13:00-13:15 Opening (introduction to the project),
by Masao Kuwahara, Tohoku University
13:15-14:15 Challenges and opportunities in static and dynamic traffic assignment,
by Hillel Bar-gera, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel)
14:15-15:00 Group decision modelling approach to analyze response behavior of household travel survey,
by Takuya Maruyama, Kumamoto University
15:00-15:20 (break)
15:20-15:50 Continuum car-following model for capacity drop at sag and tunnel bottlenecks,
by Kentaro Wada, The University of Tokyo
15:50-16:20 Interactive probe person survey system,
by Takahiko Kusakabe, The University of Tokyo
16:20-16:40 Departure time choice equilibrium model considering the destination characteristics,
by Katsuya Sakai, Kobe University
16:40-17:00 An optimization approach for dynamic strategy of evacuation and picking-up behavior to respond to tsunami risk,
by Junji Urata, Kobe University
#166 Unsteady behavior modelling in damaged networks
Seminar Room A, 4th Floor Building 1 at UT, Hongo Campus
Unsteady behavior modelling in damaged networks
Unsteady behavior modelling in damaged networks
Program Committee:
Eiji Hato (University of Tokyo) , Schlomo Bekhor (Israel Technion),
Tomer Toledo (Israel Technion), Junji Urata (Kobe University),
Hideki Yaginuma (Tokyo Science University),
Keiichiro Hayaka
wa (TOYOTA Central Research Lab.) ,
Kayoko Hara (Nissan Motor Co.),
Giancarlos Troncoso Parady (University of Tokyo)
#167 Inferring Travel Patterns and Social Life from Mobile Phone Data. Review of Case Studies and Future Challenges
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター C1-312(C1棟会議室3)
Inferring Travel Patterns and Social Life from Mobile Phone Data. Review of Case Studies and Future Challenges
#163 Roles of Universities and Academic Societies in Infrastructure Engineering in Vietnam and Japan
Room 415 – 416, My Dinh Campus of Vietnam Japan University
Roles of Universities and Academic Societies in Infrastructure Engineering in Vietnam and Japan
“Roles of Universities and Academic Societies in Infrastructure Engineering in Vietnam and Japan”
Organized by Vietnam Japan University (VJU)
Supported by Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), Vietnam Construction Association, and Vietnam Bridge and Road Association (VIBRA)
- Objectives
– To discuss the roles of universities and academic societies in infrastructure engineering in Vietnam and Japan among Vietnamese professional associations, universities, and private firms together with Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) and Vietnam Japan University (VJU);
– To explore future collaboration and to expand human network between Vietnam and Japan on academic research and education in the field ofinfrastructure engineering; and
– To examine the expected role of VJU in the field of infrastructure engineering.
- Time and venue
– Time: 08:00am -1:00pm, Jan. 20th (Sat.), 2018;
– Venue: Room 415 – 416, My Dinh Campus of Vietnam Japan University (Luu Huu Phuoc Street, My Dinh 1, Hanoi).
- Agenda
08:00 – 08:20 Introduction of Vietnam Japan University (VJU)
08:20 – 08:40 Academic training & research activities of Master Program for Infrastructure Engineering (MIE), VJU
08:40 – 09:20 Activities of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) and its Hanoi Center
09:20 – 09:40 Coffee-break
09:40 – 10:20 Activities of two associations in the field of Infrastructure Engineering in Vietnam
10:20 – 11:00 Expectations from business communities to universities and associations
11:00 – 12:00 Panel Discussion
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
#162 31st Tokyo Tech TSU Seminar: Towards integrated urban design and simulation of autonomous vehicles: Engaging mobility @ Future Cities Laboratory
東京工業大学 緑が丘5号館 2F 小会議室 2F,Small Meeting Room, Midorigaoka Build. #5, Ookayama Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology
31st Tokyo Tech TSU Seminar: Towards integrated urban design and simulation of autonomous vehicles: Engaging mobility @ Future Cities Laboratory
#161 Measuring Economic Resilience to Natural Disasters and Terrorism
京都大学 防災研究所 大会議室 S519D
Measuring Economic Resilience to Natural Disasters and Terrorism
日時:12月14日 16:00-17:30
場所:京都大学 防災研究所 大会議室 S519D
宇治市五ケ庄 最寄駅:JR黄檗(奈良線)、京阪黄檗
講師: Prof. Adam Rose
Price School of Public Policy and Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE), University of Southern California
講演題目:Measuring Economic Resilience to Natural Disasters and Terrorism
Resilience is a powerful strategy for reducing losses from disasters. Its unique character pertains to how best to recover economic activity after a disaster has struck. This can be done by using remaining resources as effectively as possible and accelerating the repair and reconstruction of the capital stock. This presentation will focus on recent advances in measuring economic resilience in a variety of contexts, such as electricity outages, seaport disruptions, hurricanes, and earthquakes. Results of recent survey research will be presented and their implications for development of an economic resilience index will be described. A broader benefit-cost analysis framework will be explained for making resource allocation decisions, including trade-offs between (pre-event) mitigation and (post-event) resilience.
#160 Making route choice and traffic flow models more realistic
神戸大学六甲台第2キャンパス 自然科学総合研究棟3号館1階125室
Making route choice and traffic flow models more realistic
– Speaker: Dr. Adam J Pel, TU Delft, the Netherlands
– Title: “Making route choice and traffic flow models more realistic, but not more complex”
– Venue: Room 125, Science & Technology Research Building No. 3, 1F
– Place : Rokkodai 2nd Campus, Department of Engineering, Kobe University.
In this seminar I will talk about route choice models and traffic flow models as these are used in road network modelling. Road network models simulate drivers’ behaviour and how their decisions are both based on, and collectively lead to, the emerging traffic flows and congestion conditions.
I will present several existing types of models, from basic to complex, and discuss their underlying assumptions on traffic behaviour and their suitability for various modelling applications. I will present in more detail a few recent studies at Delft University of Technology on: a route choice model that incorporates dynamic rerouting behaviour; a static traffic flow model that incorporates ‘dynamic’ traffic flow congestion; and a first-order traffic flow model that incorporates some second-order traffic flow phenomena.Bio:
Dr. Adam Pel is Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. His main research field is the resilience of road transport systems. Pel’s research group studies, on the one hand how stochastics, uncertainty, dynamics and disruptions affect transport systems, including emergencies and evacuations, and on the other hands how network design, contingency planning, and mobility and traffic management can be strategically used to increase resiliency. In his research, he often uses network modelling as research method. These models are used to assess the dynamic performance of road transport systems regarding: human factors, infrastructure, services, technologies, policies, control measures and information flows. Pel’s research group develops models for more behavioural realism, faster computation, better use of (new) data, higher precision and accuracy. Furthermore, Pel works part-time at Fileradar, a university-spinoff company, where he is lead engineer for Fileradar’s predictive data analytics, used for traffic monitoring, information and control.
#159 29th Tokyo Tech TSU Seminar: Traffic Management in the Era of Vehicle Automation and Communication Systems (VACS)
東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス 緑が丘6号館 Midorigaoka Build. #6, Ookayama Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology
29th Tokyo Tech TSU Seminar: Traffic Management in the Era of Vehicle Automation and Communication Systems (VACS)
#158 The 9th International BinN Seminar: Behavior Model and Optimization
東京大学 工学部一号館 15号教室
The 9th International BinN Seminar: Behavior Model and Optimization
Behavior Model and Optimization
Prof. Michel Bierlairel (EPFL)
#154 留学生のための特別サマーセミナー「大都市の鉄道と地域開発2017」
Hongo campus, The University of Tokyo
留学生のための特別サマーセミナー「大都市の鉄道と地域開発2017」 募集要項
この度、下記の通り、東京大学大学院(社会基盤学専攻)、政策研究大学院大学並びに JR東日本、東京メトロ、東急電鉄、三井不動産、海外鉄道技術協力協会の共同で、留学生のための特別サマーセミナー「大都市の鉄道と地域開発2017」を開催いたします。特に東京を題材として、市街地がどのように都市鉄道を使いながら発展してきたのか、またそれを支えているのはどのような技術やシステムなのかについて、トップクラスの専門家や実務者等による総合的な講義に加え、ターミナル駅や都市開発事例の見学なども通じて、日本で学ぶ留学生を中心とする学生諸君に学んでもらおうというものです。
教授 家田 仁
・募集期間は2017年6月30日(金)23:59 JST までとします。
委員長 家田 仁 (東京大学・政策研究大学院大学、教授)
副委員長 加藤 浩徳 (東京大学、教授)
副委員長 中井 雅彦 (JR東日本、常務取締役)
副委員長 山村 明義 (東京メトロ、専務取締役)
副委員長 城石 文明 (東急電鉄、取締役・執行役員・鉄道事業本部長)
副委員長 山川 秀明 (三井不動産、開発企画部長)
問合せ先e-mail: urbanrailseminar@trip.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
#155 28th Tokyo Tech TSU Seminar: Solving Path Problems in Network Traffic Assignment
東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス 緑が丘6号館 Midorigaoka Build. #6, Ookayama Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology
28th Tokyo Tech TSU Seminar: Solving Path Problems in Network Traffic Assignment
Date:13th July (Thu.) 2017
Time:14:00 – 17:00
Lecture 1
Title:Another Alternative to Dial’s Logit Assignment Algorithm on All Acyclic Paths
Speaker:Dr. Takeshi Nagae (Tohoku University) and Shin-ichi Inoue (The Institute of Behavioral Sciences)
Lecture 2
Title:Why does proportionality matter in traffic assignment and how to achieve it?
Speaker:Prof. Yu (Marco) Nie (Northwestern University)
Abstract for Lecture 2:
The proportionality condition has been widely used to produce a unique path flow solution in the user equilibrium traffic assignment problem. In this talk I will first explain why proportionality offers a conceptually simple, practically viable and computationally efficient approach to determining a path flow solution that approximately conforms to the principle of entropy maximization. I will then address two hitherto open questions: (1) whether and to what extent does the proportionality condition accord to real travel behavior; and (2) how to develop an efficient algorithm that guarantees finding a solution to satisfy the proportionality condition strictly? To answer the first question, we mine a large taxi trajectory data set to obtain millions of route choice observations, and uncover hundreds of valid paired alternative segments (PAS) from the data. The results obtained by performing linear regression analysis and chi-square tests show that the majority of the PASs tested (up to 85%) satisfy the proportionality condition at a reasonable level of statistical significance. To answer the second question, we propose a novel algorithm. It alternates between constructing an origin-based and a destination-based bush representation of user equilibrium solutions, and iteratively solves the entropy maximization subproblem defined for each bush. Thanks to the special structure of bushes, these subproblems can be solved efficiently. The proposed algorithm thus obviates enumerating all UE paths or collecting a set of paired alternative segments (PAS) to cover them. We prove that the algorithm ensures convergence to a solution that perfectly satisfies the proportionality condition in general networks. The proposed algorithm solves the problem much faster than the known alternatives, with a speedup of 3 – 8 times on large networks.
Short Bio. of Dr. Yu (Marco) Nie:
Dr. Marco Nie is currently an Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northwestern University. He received his B.S. in Structural Engineering from Tsinghua University, his M.Eng. from National University of Singapore and his Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis. Dr. Nie’s research covers a variety of topics in the areas of transportation systems analysis, transportation economics, sustainable transportation and traffic flow theory and simulation. Dr. Nie is currently a member of TRB committee on Transportation Network Modeling (ADB30). He also serves as an Associate Editor for Transportation Science, an Area Editor for Networks and Spatial Economics, and is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for Transportmetrica-B and Transportation Research Part B. Dr. Nie’s research has been supported by National Science Foundation, Transportation Research Board, US Department of Transportation, US Department of Energy, and Illinois Department of Transportation.
#157 Multi-gated perimeter traffic flow control of monocentric cities
Room C2-301, Department of Engineering, Kobe University
Multi-gated perimeter traffic flow control of monocentric cities
– Speaker: Dr. Konstantinos Ampountolas, Glasgow University, UK
– Title: “Multi-gated perimeter traffic flow control of monocentric cities”
– Venue: Room C2-301, Department of Engineering, Kobe University.
#156 The 8th of International BinN Research Seminar “Dynamic Behavior Analysis and Clustring in Unsteady Networks”
Room 409, Building #1, the University of Tokyo
The 8th of International BinN Research Seminar “Dynamic Behavior Analysis and Clustring in Unsteady Networks”
The 8th International BinN Research Seminar “Dynamic Behavior Analysis in Unsteady Networks” will be held on July 5th 2015. As keynote speakers, we will invite Dr. Konstantinos Ampountolas from University of Glasgow. Dr. Dr. Konstantinos Ampountolas is currently doing research on network analysis and in the seminar, keynote lectures would focus on functional distributional algorithm for clustering heterogeneous traffic networks using spatiotemporal data. In addition, we discuss about new approaches of unsteady behavioral modeling with two researchers’ presentation.
Ashwini Venkatasubramaniama,b,c, Ludger Eversa, and Konstantinos Ampountolas*, School of Mathematics & Statistics, Urban Big Data Centre (UBDC) http://ubdc.ac.uk University of Glasgow, UK
Functional distributional clustering of traffic networks for spatio-temporal data
Clustering analysis provides a selection of a finite collection of templates that well represent, in some sense, a large collection of data. Nowadays clustering has many applications in engineering, computer science, social and life sciences, due to the availability of large volumes of data from user-generated content and emerging infrastructure-based sensors. In this talk, we present a functional distributional algorithm for clustering heterogeneous traffic networks using spatiotemporal data. The proposed algorithm seeks to identify spatially contiguous clusters in Manhattan-like grid networks and has the ability to accommodate temporal data with bi-modal characteristics. The algorithm draws on a measure of distance that utilises (cumulative distribution) functions of observations rather than functions of clusters. We describe methods to determine the optimal number of clusters within a hierarchical agglomerative clustering framework. This helps to evaluate the similarity between distinct identified clusters and “true” clusters to measure the algorithm’s performance. Results demonstrate that the proposed functional distributional clustering algorithm has a greater ability to efficiently identify clusters compared to functional only and temporal only algorithms. On-going work on dynamic clustering seeks to identify clusters that change over time.
Sachiyo Fukuyama
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo
Title: Network analysis for urban planning based on the historical development process
We propose a method of network analysis to figure out the spatial structure and characteristics of urban districts, which are assumed to be important for efficient urban planning and renovation. We use a simple index that reflect route choice behavior for analyzing road networks in the periods before behavioral surveys started. For a case study, we apply the method to the historical networks of the old city of Barcelona and find the relation between the streets of high centrality and the placement of open spaces.
Eiji Hato and Samal Dharmarathna*
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo
Unsteady travel behavior under uncertainty in densified networks
Understanding the travellers’ behavior under uncertainty is essential to minimize the congestion and maintain the service level of densified networks during unexpected events such as earthquakes or extreme weather events. During such events, drivers’ pre-trip decisions are get disturbed and it becomes quite obvious to assume that their cognition and decision-making mechanisms are more myopic as the network condition is likely to be stochastic. But still there is some space that drivers could use their spatial knowledge on the network to choose the route.
This on-going study tries to cope with both these concepts by using the generalized recursive logit (GRL) model and compare the differences, by using the probe taxi data collected in Tokyo during the period of Great East Japan Earthquake occurred on 11th March 2011 and torrential rain occurred on 23rd July 2013. Gridlock phenomena has occurred in Tokyo for the first time, after the earthquake due to the temporary shutdown of the metropolitan expressway and all railways for checking purposes. The behavior of the sequential discount rate which generalize the drivers’ decision making dynamics and represent the degree of spatial recognition of network as a parameter is compared along with other parameters such as travel time and right turn dummy within the event by using similar data collected exactly one week before and after the earthquake respectively on 04th and 18th of March 2011. During the event of torrential rain, some of the links that has under passes and depressions were inundated and the cars or taxies couldn’t move across. Hence the travellers’ use such routes under normal circumstances had to choose alternative routes. In this case also, the aforementioned parameters were estimated and compared within the event by using the similar data collected exactly one week after the event on 30th July 2013. In addition, we would like to present the comparison of parameters between the two events as well.
#152 Lecture Series on "Future Urban Mobility and Public Transportation -Challenges and Values-"
Lecture Series on "Future Urban Mobility and Public Transportation -Challenges and Values-"
#153 How can the Taxi Industry Survive the Tide of Ridesourcing? Evidence from Shenzhen, China
京都大学桂キャン パスCクラスター C1-314(C1棟会議室3)
How can the Taxi Industry Survive the Tide of Ridesourcing? Evidence from Shenzhen, China
#151 Lean Sustainable Logistics -Sustainable Performance Measurement in Sugar Industry-
Lean Sustainable Logistics -Sustainable Performance Measurement in Sugar Industry-
#150 Lecture Series on " Future Urban Mobility and Public Transportation -Challenges and Values- "
Lecture Series on " Future Urban Mobility and Public Transportation -Challenges and Values- "
#149 Public transport spatiotemporal analysis with reduced data sources availability
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター C1-312(C1棟会議室3)
Public transport spatiotemporal analysis with reduced data sources availability
#148 Integration of Active Mobility and Public Transport in Taipei
東京工業大学 蔵前会館 手島精一記念会議室
Integration of Active Mobility and Public Transport in Taipei
#147 Disaster Adaptation Investment with Inter- and Intra-port Competition and Cooperation
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター C1-2棟 3階 314会議室
Disaster Adaptation Investment with Inter- and Intra-port Competition and Cooperation
#146 22nd Tokyo Tech TSU Seminar Transport Policies in Asia: Cases from Sri Lanka and Indonesia
22nd Tokyo Tech TSU Seminar Transport Policies in Asia: Cases from Sri Lanka and Indonesia
#143 International Workshop on Mobilities and Urban Policy: Domestic Migration and its Consequences: Comparisons between Japan and China
International Workshop on Mobilities and Urban Policy: Domestic Migration and its Consequences: Comparisons between Japan and China
#145 Small International Workshop on Advanced Choice Modelling
東京工業大学 創造プロジェクト館 1F 大会議室
Small International Workshop on Advanced Choice Modelling
#144 Dynamic Risk Management of Transport Network - Social Interaction, Monitoring and Simulation
Dynamic Risk Management of Transport Network - Social Interaction, Monitoring and Simulation
#142 航空輸送と高速鉄道
#141 Developing High-Speed Rail Hubs with Metro Extensions and Land Leases: Evidence from Wuhan, China
Developing High-Speed Rail Hubs with Metro Extensions and Land Leases: Evidence from Wuhan, China
#140 メガシティにおける道路ネットワーク交通マネジメント
御茶ノ水ソラシティカンファレンスセンター Room C
#135 Carlos Daganzo 教授講演会(京都)
Carlos Daganzo 教授講演会(京都)
#134 Carlos Daganzo 教授講演会(東京)
Carlos Daganzo 教授講演会(東京)
#139 Workshop on Frontiers of Multi-Hazard Mitigation Strategies in Urban Areas
Room No.211, Lecture Hall 2, Yokohama National University (Campus Map N4-3)
Workshop on Frontiers of Multi-Hazard Mitigation Strategies in Urban Areas
#138 Karima Kourtit 博士 (スウェーデン王立工科大学) 特別講演会
北海学園大学山鼻キャンパス3号館3階 3A教室
Karima Kourtit 博士 (スウェーデン王立工科大学) 特別講演会
#133 Sustainable Land Use and Transport Planning for High-Density City
Sustainable Land Use and Transport Planning for High-Density City
#136 Moshe Ben-Akiva 教授講演会(名古屋)
名駅モリシタ名古屋駅前中央店 7階の第2+3会場
Moshe Ben-Akiva 教授講演会(名古屋)
#137 7th International BinN Seminar
7th International BinN Seminar
#132 Freight data collection and sensing: some research prospects
東京大学本郷キャンパス工学部11号館 3階国際プロジェクト研究室セミナールーム
Freight data collection and sensing: some research prospects
#131 Developing effective O-D flow estimation/updating using traffic counts: Results and research prospects
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター C1-312(C1棟会議室3)
Developing effective O-D flow estimation/updating using traffic counts: Results and research prospects
#130 Collaborating Research, Business(Industrial), Administration, Teaching into better transport environment
Room 332, Building No.3, Kagurazaka Campus, Tokyo University of Science
Collaborating Research, Business(Industrial), Administration, Teaching into better transport environment
#128 An Infrastructure Based Approach Toward Connected Automated Vehicle-Highway System
Lecture Room No.14, Engineering Building No.1, Hongo Campus The University of Tokyo
An Infrastructure Based Approach Toward Connected Automated Vehicle-Highway System
ウィスコンシン大学のRan Bin教授をお招きして,米国におけるインフラベースのITSに関するご講演をいただきます.詳細は,以下の通りです.ご関心のある方は是非ともご参加ください.
- 日時:2016年7月25日(月)16:30-18:00
- 場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス工学部1号館
(http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/campusmap/cam01_04_02_j.html)1階14号教室 - 発表タイトル:An Infrastructure Based Approach Toward Connected Automated Vehicle-Highway System (発表内容の概略については,英文をご覧ください)
- Ran Bin教授について:1986年に清華大学を卒業後,1989年に東京大学で修士号取得し,その後イリノイ大学シカゴ校でPhDを取得.MITやカリフォルニア大学バークレー校に滞在した経験もある.現在,ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校においてITSプログラムのディレクターをしている.専門は,動的交通ネットワークモデル,交通シミュレーション,交通情報システムなど.詳細は,英文をご覧下さい.
- 言語:英語
- 参加費用:無料
- お問い合わせ:
東京大学大学院工学系研究科 羽藤英二教授(hato[@]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
東京大学大学院工学系研究科 加藤浩徳教授(kato[@]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
We invite you to a special international seminar on ITS where Professor Ran Bin, Professor and Director of ITS Program at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, will make a short talk about the infrastructure-based ITS in the United States. Anybody who is concerned with his talk can join it. The details are shown below. Please contact Prof. Hironori Kato (kato[@]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for more details.
- Time and day: From 4:30pm to 6:00 pm on July 25 (Monday), 2016
- Place: Lecture Room No.14, Engineering Building No.1, Hongo Campus The University of Tokyo (Campus map is available at http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/index.html)
- Presentation Title: “An Infrastructure Based Approach Toward Connected Automated Vehicle-Highway System”
- Abstract:
Internet companies and auto makers have been focusing on developing a vehicle-centric platform for connected vehicle and autonomous driving. This presentation presents an alternative approach, which is infrastructure based and could be more cost-effective and reliable. This presentation will discuss various definitions of Connected and Automated Vehicle-Highway System. In developing these systems in the next few decades, the active roles of transportation planning, design and management agencies and organizations will be presented. In addition, this presentation will discuss about the system architecture, major technologies, and the roadmap to achieve the four levels of automation and connectivity defined by the US DOT in 2015. The system designs, R&D efforts, challenges, and international collaboration will be discussed as well.
- About Professor Ran Bin:
Dr. Bin Ran is a Professor and Director of ITS Program at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He also served as the Director of the Traffic Operations and Safety Lab (TOPS) at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Dr. Ran holds the title of National Distinguished Expert in China. Dr. Ran is also the Director for Southeast University – University of Wisconsin Joint Research Institute on Internet of Mobility, which is an international collaborative effort between China and US.
Dr. Ran is an expert in dynamic transportation network models, traffic simulation and control, traffic information system, Internet of Mobility, and Connected Automated Vehicle-Highway System. He has led the development and deployment of various traffic information systems and technologies in the US and China. He has trained younger generations of professors and experts in traffic engineering and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in the US, China, Korea, and other countries.
Dr. Ran is the author of two leading textbooks on dynamic traffic networks. He has co-authored more than 130 journal papers and more than 220 referenced papers at national and international conferences. He co-authored 6 books on intelligent highways in China. He holds 3 US patents and 10 Chinese patents, and has a few patents pending in the US and China. He is an associate editor of Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. He is the Founding President of North America Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (NACOTA, currently named as Chinese Overseas Transportation Association or COTA) from 1996 to 1998.
Earlier in his career, Dr. Ran held positions at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California at Berkeley. He is active in the Transportation Research Board and Intelligent Transportation Society of America. Dr. Ran received his PhD from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1993, his MS from the University of Tokyo in 1989, and his BS from Tsinghua University in 1986.
- Language: English
- Fee: Free of charge
- Contact: Professor Eiji Hato, The University of Tokyo (hato[@]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) or Professor Hironori Kato, The University of Tokyo (kato[@]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
#129 Influences of Intercity Transportation on Economic Development
Influences of Intercity Transportation on Economic Development
#127 International seminar on disaster management and humanitarian logistics
Rohm Plaza, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University
International seminar on disaster management and humanitarian logistics
Application: Please send an email to Qureshi.aligu.4c[@]Kyoto-u.ac.jp
Audience: The seminar is open to general public, academia, and practitionersProgram:
9:30-9:40 Eiichi Taniguchi (Kyoto University)
9:40-10:20 Eiichi Taniguchi (Kyoto University)
Humanitarian logistics in disasters
10:20-11:00 Russell G. Thompson (University of Melbourne)
Transport modelling for improved disaster management
11:00- 11:20 Break
11:20-12:00 Benny Chen (University of Melbourne)
Intelligent Disaster Decision Support System (IDDSS) and Transport
12:00- 13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:10 Jan-Dark Schmoecker (Kyoto University)
Analysing Evacuation Decisions with Data from the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake
14:10-14:50 Arash Kavani (University of Melbourne)
Modelling for Traffic Management after disasters
14:50-15:30 Rubel Das (Tohoku University)
Analysis of different relief distribution strategies during limited information environment
15:30-15:40 Russell G. Thompson (University of Melbourne)
Closing remarks
#126 Toward Smart and Connected Communities: Challenges and Opportunities in Transportation
Large Meeting Room, 1F, IDEC, Hiroshima University
Toward Smart and Connected Communities: Challenges and Opportunities in Transportation
#125 開発途上国の交通に関するセミナー International Seminar on Transportation in Developing Countries (ワンデイセミナー No.79)
JICA市ヶ谷ビル セミナールーム
開発途上国の交通に関するセミナー International Seminar on Transportation in Developing Countries (ワンデイセミナー No.79)
#124 Transport Modeling in the Era of Cloud Computing and Big Data
Transport Modeling in the Era of Cloud Computing and Big Data
2016年度土木計画学研究委員会 第1回国際セミナー(通算 第124回国際セミナー)Transport Modeling in the Era of Cloud Computing and Big Data
日時:2016年5月31日(火) 9:00-12:00 (8:30受付開始)
– Latest in our flagship product Cube, a comprehensive toolbox for transport and land use planning
– New innovative tools by integrating Cube with GIS, Cloud computing, and Big Data Analytics for accessibility analysis and public transport planning, operations and management.
08:30 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 09:10 Opening Remarks by Professor Shinya Hanaoka
09:10 – 09:20 Welcome Remarks and Introduction of Citilabs ? Mr. Luke Cheng
09:20 – 10:30 Self Introduction
09:30 – 10:30 Cube ? Transportation and Land Use Solutions ? Mr. Luke Cheng
10:30 – 10:45 Coffee Break
10:45 – 11:45 Harnessing Big Data for Better Public Transport Planning & Operations ? Mr. Luke Cheng
11:45 – 12:00 Q&A
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch time (Lunch Box)
Mr. Luke Cheng: lcheng[at]citilabs.com(英語のみ)
#123 自転車の死傷者を減らすための挑戦:自転車利用王国オランダの教訓
大阪駅前第二ビル6F 大阪市立大学梅田サテライト104教室
The 14th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第14回国際セミナー(通算 第123回国際セミナー)
日時:2016年3月15日(火) 18:00?20:00
場所:大阪駅前第二ビル6F 大阪市立大学梅田サテライト104教室(定員43名)
〒530-0001 大阪市北区梅田1-2-2-600
日時:2016年4月1日(金) 18:00?20:00
場所:ライフ・クリエーション・スペース OVE南青山(定員60名)
〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山3-4-8 KDXレジデンス南青山 1F
参加費:会員:1000円 非会員:2000円
ディベラ トゥイスク 女史
ディベラ トゥイスク女史は、英キール大学で心理学・社会学専攻し、蘭グローニンゲン大学大学院では実験心理学/人間工学を修了。その後、グローニンゲンの交通研究所、TNOを経て、オランダ交通安全研究所(SWOV)にて交通安全に関わる研究に従事。SWOVでの20年間に、初心運転者 novice drivers, 事故分析 accident analyses, トレーニング training, ヒューマンファクター human factors, ナチュラリスティックな運転とサイクリング Naturalistic driving and cycling, 自転車交通行動 cycling behaviour等の研究に従事してきました。OECDではYoung drivers the road to safety (OECD-ECMT, 2006)の編集に関わり、最近では、研究所で自転車研究のコーディネーターをつとめており、EUのUDRIVEプロジェクトにも参画しています。最新の著書は「Protecting Pre-License Teens from Road Risk」。
Challenges in reducing bicycle casualties with high volume cycle use:
lessons from the Netherlands
Dr. Divera Twisk, Bicycle Research Coordinator , Stichting
Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid (SWOV)
The Netherlands is one of the friendlies countries for cycling in the world, with cycling accounting for about one third of all trips under 7.5 km. In addition young adults in secondary schools travel almost as far a distance by bicycle as by car. Although cycling is estimated to be about four times riskier than car travel, the Netherlands is still one of the safest countries in the world.
This presentation deals with the measures that have shown to be effective in protecting cyclists. It also addresses the role of road safety education and its effects. Despite successes the Netherlands has also been faced with new challenges now that serious injuries among cyclists have been steadily rising in the last decade. Further, an aging society, policies to stimulate cycling, the use of e-bikes and speed pedelecs, and technical developments towards self-driving cars may affect safety levels in the years to come. Results from relevant studies and lessons learnt will be presented.
(English to Japanese consecutive interpreting will be provided.)
#122 災害の根本原因を探る
京都大学防災研究所 連携研究棟 3階 大セミナー室
The 13th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第13回国際セミナー(通算 第122回国際セミナー)
日時:2016年2月22日(月) 15:00?17:30
場所:京都大学防災研究所 連携研究棟 3階 大セミナー室
(1)Subhajyoti Samaddar:
The Process Mechanism of Community Based Disaster Management:
An Experience and Evaluation of a Participatory Flood Risk Mapping Exercise
(2)Irasema Alc?ntara Ayala:
Forensic Investigations of Disasters (FORIN): a closer look to disasters
メキシコ自治大学地理学研究所から当研究所に客員教授としてご滞在いただいているIrasema Alc?ntara Ayala先生と昨年10月から特定准教授としてご着任いただいているSubhajyoti Samaddar先生にご講演をいただく機会を上記のように設けました.
また,Subhajyoti Samaddar先生は,コミュニティー防災の研究者で,バングラディシュ,インド・ムンバイ,ガーナなどでフィールドを持ち,地域住民が減災に主体的に取り組むことを可能にする条件の解明やそのための仕組みづくりなどに取り組んでおられます.
#121 Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Modern Construction Management
京都大学 桂キャンパス Cクラスター 173号室
Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Modern Construction Management
The 12th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第12回国際セミナー(通算 第121回国際セミナー)
Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Modern Construction Management
日時:2016年1月7日(木) 13:00?16:15(途中15分休憩)
場所:京都大学 桂キャンパス Cクラスター 173号室
講師:Veerasak Likhitruangsilp准教授(タイ・チュラロンコン大学)
題目:Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Modern Construction Management
趣旨:コンピューターによる設計図面の作成を可能にしたBIMは設計の正確性を高めるのみならず,BIMで作成した設計図が契約図書の一部を構成するようになりつつあり,プロジェクト・マネジメントのプラクティスにも変革を迫っている. BIMをベースとしたプロジェクトマネジメントを教える大学が世界的に増加する一方,わが国ではその重要性に対する認識が普及しているとは言いがたい状況にある.本特別講演会では,BIMによる建設マネジメントの研究に精力的に取り組むVeerasak Likhitruangsilp先生から,最先端の研究内容とともに,今後の展望についてお話いただく予定である.
#120 ポートランドのまちづくり:エコ・リバブルシティに向けたまちづくりの基盤
岡山大学国際交流会館(18), 西川アゴラ(19)
The 11th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第11回国際セミナー(通算 第120回国際セミナー)
※本講演会は環境省総合研究推進費「エコ・リバブルシティの都市構造モデルの構築とその計画論に関する研究(研究代表者 氏原岳人・岡山大)」のキックオフシンポジウムとして開催致します。
内容:ポートランド市における都市計画の役割 ~より良い空間づくりのための挑戦とその条件~
講師:Ethan Seltzer 氏(ポートランド州立大学教授)
環境にやさしくて住みやすいエコ・リバブルシティとして世界的に有名なポートランド都市圏の都市計画に最も精通しているEthan Seltzer先生をお招きして、都市計画が環境や住みやすさにどのような貢献をしたのかをお話いただきます。
場所:西川アゴラ (岡山市中心部)
内容:ポートランド市の都市計画40年史 ~ポートランドの将来像を再想像する~
講師:Ethan Seltzer 氏(ポートランド州立大学教授)
ポートランド都市圏の40年史についてお話いただきます。ポートランドがなぜ世界的に認められる都市になったのか、そのポイントを説明いただきます。Ethan Seltzer教授や参加者の方々とのディスカッションを通じて、日本版エコ・リバブルシティの方向性を探ります。
#119 Perspectives on the organization of home life, workforce participation and spatio-temporal behaviour by Women and Men in Qu?bec, Canada
Perspectives on the organization of home life, workforce participation and spatio-temporal behaviour by Women and Men in Qu?bec, Canada
The 10th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第10回国際セミナー(通算 第119回国際セミナー)
Perspectives on the organization of home life, workforce participation and spatio-temporal behaviour by Women and Men in Qu?bec, Canada
Time: 12:50-18:00, November 17, 2015
Venue: 広島大学大学院国際協力研究科大会議室(1階)
Please refer to the map here.
Martin E. H. Lee-Gosselin
Emeritus Professor, Graduate School of Planning, Laval University, Qu?bec City, Canada
Visiting Professor, Imperial College London
H?l?ne Lee-Gosselin
Professor, Department of Management, Business School, Laval University, Qu?bec City, Canada
Incumbent, Chaire Claire-Bonenfant femmes-savoir-soci?t?s (Laval University’s Research Chair on Women, Knowledge and Society)
■Summary of Seminar
The seminar will be jointly animated by the two speakers, drawing on a variety of research traditions, including gender studies, organisational psychology, activity and travel behaviour analysis, longitudinal data collection and analysis, and gaming-simulation. There will be three parts to the seminar:
a) Lectures providing contextual information from longitudinal national and provincial statistics, over up to 30 years, on the evolution of workforce participation by different household structures, and from an in-depth, 3-wave longitudinal panel survey of decision-making by individuals and households about the spatio-temporal organisation of their activities and travel.
b) A period of guided exchange among seminar participants on the scope and potential of emerging data collection methods, notably as concerns life-oriented approaches and the observation of individual, household and agency decision-making. Particular reference will be made to the use of ICTs to observe, and potentially influence, mobility behaviour in the interests of transport safety and system performance.
c) An open discussion on the implications of insights and inferences from research in these areas, and on the identification of leading problem areas, appealing research designs, new and improved methods, and promising public policy levers.
■Sponsored by
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Principal researcher: Prof. Junyi Zhang, Hiroshima University
Project period: 2015.04~2019.03
Project title: Interdisciplinary research on policies promoting young people’s migration to and permanent residence in local cities
#118 International Seminar on City Logistics and Freight Transport
Jinyu Hall, Kyoto University, Katsura Campus
International Seminar on City Logistics and Freight Transport
The 9th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第9回国際セミナー(通算 第118回国際セミナー)
International Seminar on City Logistics and Freight Transport
Date: 12-13 November 2015
Venue: Jinyu Hall, Kyoto University, Katsura Campus
Please refer to the map here(English, Japanese).
Day 1 Program (Thursday, 12th November 2015)
930 – 1000 Registration
Session 1
1000 – 1010 Welcome; Prof. Eiichi Taniguchi, Kyoto University
Welcome; Prof. Satoshi Fujii, Head of Department of Urban Management, Kyoto University
1010 – 1040 Presentation 1: Paradigm change for city logistics; Prof. Eiichi Taniguchi, Kyoto University
1040 – 1110 Presentation 2: City Logistics: past, present and future; Associate Prof. Russell Thompson, The University of Melbourne
1110 – 1140 Presentation 3: Developing a freight strategy in London: Challenges and lessons learned 1985-2015; Prof. Michael Browne, The University of Gothenburg
1140 – 1200 Discussion
Lunch 1200-1330
Session 2
1330 – 1400 Presentation 4: Freight demand management; Prof. Jose Holguin-Veras, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
1400 – 1430 Presentation 5: Business continuity management methodologies for port logistics; Prof. Kenji Ono, Kyoto University
1430 – 1450 Discussion
1450 – 1700 Technical visit
Day 2 Program (Friday, 13th November 2015)
Session 3
1000 – 1030 Presentation 6: Social Impact of “team pickup/delivery” on Last Mile Parcel Delivery Network; Prof. Toshinori Nemoto, Hitotsubashi University, Prof. Katsuhiko Hayashi, Ryutsu Keizai University, Mr. Kosuke Miyatake, Hitotsubashi University
1030 – 1100 Presentation 7: City planning and freight – Searching for intersections; Associate Prof. Kazuya Kawamura, University of Illinois
1100 – 1130 Presentation 8: Vehicle routing models in humanitarian logistics; Associate Prof. Ali G. Qureshi, Kyoto University
1130 – 1150 Discussion
Lunch 1150-1400
Session 4
1400 – 1430 Presentation 9: 25 years of city logistics in the Netherlands; Dr. Johan Visser, Delft University of Technology
1430 – 1500 Presentation 10: Framework for citywide road freight transport management; Dr. Yoshikazu Imanishi, Public Planning and Policy Studies
1500 – 1520 Discussion
1520 – 1530 Concluding Remarks; Prof. Michael Browne, The University of Gothenburg
1530 – 1630 Technical Tour
Application:Please send an email to Qureshi.aligu.4c[@]Kyoto-u.ac.jp
Free to attend
The seminar is open to general public, academia, and practitioners.
#117 The 5th International Seminar on Integration of Spatial Computable General Equilibrium and Transport Modeling
The 5th International Seminar on Integration of Spatial Computable General Equilibrium and Transport Modeling
The 8th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第8回国際セミナー(通算 第117回国際セミナー)
The 5th International Seminar on Integration of Spatial Computable General Equilibrium and Transport Modeling
1日目:10月15日(木) Octorber 15th
10:00-11:30 Morning Lecture(■実務者向け,日本語セッション)
小池淳司(神戸大学) Atsushi Koike (Kobe University)
“Assessing Economic impacts of Transport Investment”(in Japanese)
13:00-13:30 開会挨拶 Opening Address
Lori Tavasszy (TNO/TU Delft)
13:30-14:30 基調講演 Keynote Lecture
Johaness Brocker (Kiel University)
14:50-16:20 セッション1:国際物流 (Global freight flows)
Ryuichi Shibasaki (NILIM)
“Modeling of international freight flow on worldwide intermodal network including both maritime and land shipping and its application”
Kees Ruijgrok (University of Tilburg)
“Slow steaming and its effects on international freight network optimization”
田邊怜(東京大学 博士後期課程)
Satoshi Tanabe (University of Tokyo)
“Impact Assessment Model of International Transportation Infrastructure Development: Focusing on Trade and Freight Traffic in Central Asia”
16:40-17:40 セッション2:貿易と経済 (Trade & Economic Modeling)
Shunsuke Segi (Kyoto University)
“Economic Impacts of Reduced Wait Time at Canada-US Border Crossing: Integrating CGE Model and Cross-Border Transportation“
Lori Tavasszy (TNO/TU Delft)
“Effects of internalization of external costs of supply chains”
18:00-20:00 Participants Meeting (invitation only)
2日目:10月16日(金) Octorber 16th
10:00-11:00 セッション3:ロジスティクスと交通 (Logistics and Transport Modeling)
円山 琢也(熊本大学)
Takuya Maruyama (Kumamoto University)
“Long-Term Travel Forecasting using Trip-Chain-Based User Equilibrium Model”
Igor Davydenko (TNO):
“Logistics Chains in Freight Transport Modeling”
11:20-12:20 セッション4:直接・間接効果 (Direct and Indirect Effects)
Euijune Kim (Seoul National University)
“Impact of Railroad Investments on Regional Economies: an Approach of Spatial CGE Model with a Microsimulation Module of Railroad and Highway Networks”
石倉 智樹 (東京首都大学)
Tomoki Ishikura (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
“Transnational Interregional CGE Model and Assessment of International and Intranational Transport Development”
12:30-14:00 昼食
14:00-15:00 セッション5:災害マネジメント1(Disaster Management I)
奥山 恭英 (北九州市立大学)
Yasuhide Okuyama (University of Kitakyushu)
“Rise and Fall of the Kobe Economy from the 1995 Earthquake”
Masato Yamazaki (Nagoya University)
“A multi-regional dynamic CGE model for assessing the economic impacts of natural disasters”
15:20-16:20 セッション6:災害マネジメント2 (Disaster Management II)
Olga Ivanova (PBL, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency)
“Using EU-wide SCGE model for the assessment of indirect impacts of past climate extreme events”
織田澤 利守(神戸大学)
Toshimori Otazawa (Kobe University)
“ Industrial Location and Vulnerability to Natural Hazards”
16:40-17:10 Closing Remarks
#115 The 8th Japan-China Joint Seminar on Sustainable Management of Cities and Regions under Disaster and Environmental Risks
Kusunoki Kaikan Hall, Kurokami Campus, Kumamoto University
The 8th Japan-China Joint Seminar on Sustainable Management of Cities and Regions under Disaster and Environmental Risks
The 6th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第6回国際セミナー(通算 第115回国際セミナー)
The 8th Japan-China Joint Seminar on Sustainable Management of Cities and Regions under Disaster and Environmental Risks
Date: August 22-24, 2015 9:00-18:00
Venue: Kusunoki Kaikan Hall, Kurokami Campus, Kumamoto University
Fulfilling energy demands is an inevitable issue in cities and regions all over the world. It is essential to establish a proper system to manage and govern limited enery resources to achieve sustainable society. However, cities and regions are threaten by environmental and disastrous risks that will disrupt economic and social activities in cases. It is a critical issue to establish robust and resilient society against such risks. Against such a background, the seminar aims to deepen an understanding of urban and regional management schemes and policies that enable us to live in cities and regions with limited resources threaten by environmental and disastrous risks. Such schemes and policies are applicable (in cases, exchangeable) among cities and regions. In this sense, the seminar provides an opportunity to exchange opinions on schemes or policies to sustain cities and regions in different social and cultural context.
Key objectives of the seminar are:
? To discuss sustainable cities and regions threaten by disaster/environmental risks
? To discuss sustainable management of basic human needs, such as water, foods and energy
? To broad a network among sustainable cities and regions all over the world
Topics of interest in the seminar includes
1. Methodologies for disaster/environmental risk analysis and management
2. Methodologies for modeling of social vulnerability, including social, human and production capital
3. Policy analysis of disaster and environmental risk management
4. Methodologies for community-based disaster and environmental risk management
5. Methodologies for dealing with critical infrastructure against disaster/environmental risks
6. Infrastructural planning and management for sustainable management of cities and regions
7. Methodologies for flood risk management
8. Other issues related with the seminar theme
Prof. Norio OKADA (Kwansai Gakuin University)
Prof. Asao ANDO (Tohoku University)
We are pleased to welcome all researches, practitioners and students interested in the above objectives.
The official language of the conference is English.
The Implementation Research and Education System Center for Reducing Disaster Risk (IRESC), Kumamoto University
#116 第5回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #5)
Room. 429 at Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 14, The University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)
第5回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #5)
The 7th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第7回国際セミナー(通算 第116回国際セミナー)
第5回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #5)
“Modeling for evaluation of new urban transit and recent innovation in data-service technologies”
JSPS Kaken S/A by Kuwahara, M.(Tohoku Univ) and Hato, E.(UT)
Organizer: Yaginuma, H.(UT)
The 5th International BinN Research Seminar will be held on Tuesday Aug. 11th 2015. As keynote speakers, we will invite Dr. Oded Cats from TU Delft and Dr. Jan-Dirk Schm?cker from Kyoto University. Dr. Cats is currently doing research on agent-based dynamic public transit modeling. In this seminar, the keynote lectures will focus on developed dynamic model and its application to real network. In addition, we will discuss new approaches to new urban mobility modeling considering recent innovation of technologies. .
Date: Aug 11th (Tue.) 2015, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Venue: Room. 429 at Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 14, The University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)
2:00 pm – 2:45 pm
Keynote Lecture 1: “An agent-based approach to modelling public transport dynamics”
Oded Cats (TU Delft)
* Brief bio can be founded below.
2:45 pm – 3:30 pm
Keynote Lecture 2: “Smart transit systems for even smarter travellers”
Jan-Dirk Schm?cker (Kyoto Univ.)
3:45 pm – 4:30 pmm
Research Presentation 1
“Innovative ITS Approaches for Control of Large-Scale Urban Networks”
Mehdi Keyvan-Ekbatani (TU Delft)
** Brief bio can be founded below.
4:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Research Presentation 2
“Demand control management for one-way car sharing system focus on the imbalance between demand and supply”
Nodoka Kasahara (Tokyo Univ.)
After party:
After party will probably take place around The University of Tokyo in the evening.
Application:yaginuma[at]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp (mail to Hideki YAGINUMA)
Free to attend
The symposium is open to public.
You can see information about past seminars here.
* Brief Bio:
Dr. Oded Cats is an Assistant Professor in Public Transport Operation at the Department of Transport and Planning at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands and part-time at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. Oded holds a dual-PhD from KTH and Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. He is a member of the US Transport Research Board committee on Transit Management and Performance and Public Transportation Marketing and Fare Policy. His areas of expertise include the dynamics of public transport operations and demand, multimodal urban networks and simulation modelling and the impacts of reliability, congestion, disruptions and information on passengers’ decisions. His research activities are geared to support transport agencies and operators’ decision making.
** Brief Bio:
Dr. Mehdi Keyvan-Ekbatani is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Transport and Planning, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. In 2013, he received his PhD degree in Real-Time Urban Traffic Control from Dynamic Systems and Simulation Laboratory (DSSL), Technical University of Crete, Greece. DSSL is among the leading institutions in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS); the lab was awarded with the IEEE ITS Institutional Lead Award in 2011. In 2012, he visited Urban Transport Systems Laboratory (LUTS), Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland as a visiting scholar. He was the recipient of a scholarship for his PhD from NEARCTIS (Network of Excellence for Advanced Road Cooperative Traffic management in the Information Society), by European Commission (2010-2013). In 2012, he received the Best Paper Award at the European Transportation Research Arena. In addition, he was also a finalist for the Eltis Award Europe 2012. Dr. Keyvan-Ekbatani is the recipient of the 2014 IEEE ITSS Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award. His main research interests include: Traffic flow theory, traffic control, transportation systems, driving behaviour modelling and public transport systems.
#114 High Speed Rail and the demand for speed: a sustainability issue (名古屋大学持続的共発展教育研究センターセミナー)
Engineering-Bldg. #8, Room#102, Nagoya University
High Speed Rail and the demand for speed: a sustainability issue (名古屋大学持続的共発展教育研究センターセミナー)
The 5th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第5回国際セミナー(通算 第114回国際セミナー)
Education and Research Center for Sustainable Co-Development Seminer
High Speed Rail and the demand for speed: a sustainability issue
Date: July 8 (Wed), 2015 10:30-12:00
Venue: Engineering-Bldg. #8, Room#102, Nagoya University
Lecturer: Prof. Yves Crozet
(the Laboratory of Economy of the Transport (LET), Lumi?re University Lyon 2)
#113 第4回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #4)
Room. 429 at Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 14, The University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)
第4回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #4)
The 4th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第4回国際セミナー(通算 第113回国際セミナー)
第4回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #4)
“Dynamic modeling based on bounded rationality to understand diversifying travel behavior”
JSPS Kaken S/A by Kuwahara, M.(Tohoku Univ) and Hato, E.(UT)
The 4th International BinN Research Seminar “Dynamic modeling based on bounded rationality to understand diversifying travel behavior” will be held on Saturday June 13th 2015. As keynote speakers, we will invite Dr. Theo Arentze from Eindhoven University of Technology and Prof. Morikawa from Nagoya University. Dr. Arentze is currently doing research on dynamic activity-based modeling involving human cognition and learning. In this seminar, the keynote lectures will focus on bounded rationality in individual decision making, and its implications for policy making. In addition, two invited researchers will discuss new approaches to disaggregate behavioral modeling.
Although much progress has been made over the years, the basis of current transport models is still the rational-agent model. This traditional view is regarded to lead to numerous biases in the description of human behavior. In this seminar, new approaches to travel behavior modeling based on bounded rationality are discussed, particularly focusing on how to accurately represent the decision making context and process. In addition, this seminar aims at discussing about methods for integrating new data and technologies into models.
Date: June 13th (Sat.) 2015, 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Venue: Room. 429 at Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 14, The University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Keynote Lecture 1: “The role of bounded rationality in travel choice behavior and implications for transport modeling”
Theo Arentze (Eindhoven University of Technology)
* This lecture’s abstract and Dr. Connors brief bio can be found below.
2:45 pm – 3:30 pm
Keynote Lecture 2: “Bounded Rationality in Travel Behavior Modeling”
Takayuki Morikawa (Nagoya University)
3:40 pm – 4:20 pm
Research Presentation 1
“Modeling shopping behavior in a neighborhood with endogenous representation of retail attractiveness”
Makoto Chikaraishi (Hiroshima University)
4:20 pm – 5:00 pm
Research Presentation 2
“Choice set generation of pedestrian route choice using data distribution of walking behavior in urban space”
Sachiyo Fukuyama (National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management)
After party:
After party will probably take place around the University of Tokyo in the evening.
Application:oyama[at]bin.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp (mail to Yuki OYAMA)
Free to attend
The symposium is open to public.
* You can see information about past seminars here.
Title & Abstract
“The role of bounded rationality in travel choice behavior and implications for transport modeling”
Understanding people’s activity-travel behaviour is critical for effective policy making in urban and transport planning. Traditionally, transport models play an important role as a tool for forecasting and policy evaluation. Although much progress has been made over the years, the basis of current transport models is still the rational-agent model. Recent experimental research in psychology and behavioural economics show that this traditional view on behaviour is severely misguided. Numerous biases, which stem from heuristics people use in judgment and decision making, have been revealed. In the presentation I discuss what the known biases in (travel) choice behaviour are, what there implications are for policy making and how they can be taken into account in new approaches to travel behaviour modelling. I argue that a prerequisite for incorporating bounded rationality in transport models is that the current cross-sectional basis is replaced by a longitudinal, dynamic approach. First steps in this direction have recently been made and are supported by new GPS-based survey technologies which allow collection of activity-travel behavior data for longer periods of time. Although dynamic models offer appealing new perspectives, they also raise new issues when it comes to implementation in large-scale simulation systems and application in practice. Only recently the new approach is being explored and experience to date is limited to small-scale prototype systems. I will review approaches in the area of dynamic activity-based models for large-scale micro-simulation and discuss theoretical and computational issues as well as first experiences.
Brief Bio:
Dr. Theo Arentze is associated professor of Urban Planning at the Eindhoven University of Technology. His research interests include activity-based modelling, discrete choice modelling, agentbased modelling, human cognition/learning, and traveller information systems for application in transportation and urban planning. The main focus of his research is to increase behaviour realism in models of spatial choice behaviour of individuals and households in urban environments. The results of his research find application in large-scale simulation systems of urban processes. An example is the Albatross model which has defined a new state-of-the-art in travel demand modelling. He is involved as principle researcher, supervisor or project leader in a constant stream of PhD, Postdoc and EU projects on these topics. He is member of the editorial board of several international peerreviewed journals and acts as an ad-hoc reviewer and program committee member for many journals, conferences and research foundations in transportation, planning, geography and consumer research.
#111 Special Seminar Series on Transportation Planning and Travel Behavioral Analysis (Axhausen教授を囲む会)
Meeting Room of International Project Lab., 3rd floor of Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
Special Seminar Series on Transportation Planning and Travel Behavioral Analysis (Axhausen教授を囲む会)
The 2nd International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第2回国際セミナー(通算 第111回国際セミナー)
Special Seminar Series on Transportation Planning and Travel Behavioral Analysis
1. 主催者:加藤浩徳(東京大学),福田大輔(東京工業大学)
2. 後援:土木学会土木計画学研究委員会
3. 開催趣旨:本年4月より7月まで,スイス連邦工科大学(ETH)チューリッヒ校のKay Axhausen教授が,東京大学の客員研究員として滞在されています.Axhausen教授は,Transportation誌の編集長を務めるなど,交通計画・交通行動分析の分野で世界的に広く知られる研究者です(詳しくはこちら).せっかくの機会ですので,Axhausen教授にご参加いただいて,交通計画・交通行動分析に関わる国際セミナーを連続で開催します(Axhausen教授は,全ての回に出席される予定です).皆様のご参加をお待ちしております.
4. 場所:東京大学・本郷キャンパス工学部11号館 3階国際プロジェクト研究室会議室(113-8656 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1)
5. 参加費:無料(参加人数を知りたいので,参加を希望される方は,事前に加藤までご連絡願います.)
6. 言語:英語のみです.
7. その他:終了後に簡単な懇親会を開催する予定です.
8. スケジュール(案)
第1回 5月28日(木)16:00-18:00
1. Kay Axhausen (ETH, Zurich): Social Network and Transportation
2. 加藤浩徳(東京大学):Recent Issues of Urban Rail Network in Tokyo
第2回 6月4日(木)16:00-18:00
1. 山本俊行(名古屋大学): Analysis on Battery Charging Behavior of Electric Vehicles
2. Giancarlos Troncoso(東京大学): The Effect of Social Networks and Personality Traits on Out-of-home Leisure Activity Generation: A Case Study of Fukuoka, Japan
第3回 6月12日(金)16:00-18:00
1. 小早川悟(日本大学): Parking Management System in Japan, Current and Future Perspective
2. 佐々木邦明(山梨大学): Real-time Adjustment of Parameters in a Traffic Simulator
第4回 6月19日(金)16:00-18:00
1. 大森宣暁 (宇都宮大学): Recent Trends in Travel Time Use: Impacts of Mobile ICTs
2. 松尾美和 (早稲田大学): Efficiency and Effectiveness of Rural Bus Transit in the US
第5回 6月25日(木)16:00-18:00
1. 日下部貴彦(東京工業大学): Continuous Travel Behaviour Data Collection from Smart Devices
2. 羽藤英二・大山雄己(東京大学): Trip Chain Analysis using Probe Data Collected Through Mobile Phones
第6回 7月3日(金)16:00-18:00
1. 大口敬(東京大学): Impact of ACC Introduction for Alleviating Motorway Bottlenecks
2. 清水哲夫(首都大学東京): Tourism Policies, Data and Researches in Japan
第7回 7月16日(木)17:00-19:00
1. 福田大輔(東京工業大学): Development of Hyperpath-based Risk-averse Route Guidance System and its Verification by a Field Experiment
2. 米崎克彦(運輸調査局): Overview of Air Transport Policy in Japan
English version
1. Organizers: Prof Hironori Kato (The University of Tokyo) and Dr Daisuke Fukuda (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
2. Support: Infrastructure Planning Committee, JSCE
3. Purpose: Professor Kay Axhausen from ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Zurich has been staying at the University of Tokyo as Visiting Professor from April to July, 2015. He is a well-known transportation researcher, for example the editor-in-chief of Transportation (see more details here). Then we organize a series of seminars regarding transportation planning and travel behavioral analysis where Professor Axhausen join and discuss together. At each seminar two presenters will give short talks. Anyone who is concerned with the seminars is invited. Please contact Professor Hironori Kato for your participation.
4. Location: Meeting Room of International Project Lab., 3rd floor of Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
5. Language: English
6. Contact: Professor Hironori Kato
7. Other: Small networking-party will be held after each seminar.
8. Schedule
Seminar 1: 16:00-18:00 May 28 (Thursday)
1. Prof Kay Axhausen (ETH, Zurich): Social Network and Transportation 2. Prof Hironori Kato (The University of Tokyo):Recent Issues of Urban Rail Network in Tokyo
Seminar 2: 16:00-18:00 June 4 (Thursday)
1. Prof Toshiyuki Yamamoto (Nagoya University): Analysis on Battery Charging Behavior of Electric Vehicles
2. Dr Giancarlos Troncoso (The University of Tokyo): The Effect of Social Networks and Personality Traits on Out-of-home Leisure Activity Generation: A Case Study of Fukuoka, Japan
Seminar 3: 16:00-18:00 June 12 (Friday)
1. Prof Satoru Kobayakawa (Nihon University): Parking Management System in Japan, Current and Future Perspective
2. Prof Kuniaki Sasaki (University of Yamanashi): Real-time Adjustment of Parameters in a Traffic Simulator
Seminar 4: 16:00-18:00 June 19 (Friday)
1. Prof Nobuaki Ohmori (Utsunomiya University): Recent Trends in Travel Time Use: Impacts of Mobile ICTs
2. Dr Miwa Matsuo (Waseda University): Efficiency and Effectiveness of Rural Bus Transit in the US
Seminar 5: 16:00-18:00 June 25 (Thursday)
1. Dr Takahiko Kusakabe (Tokyo Institute of Technology): Continuous Travel Behaviour Data Collection from Smart Devices
2. Prof Eiji Hato & Yuki Oyama: Trip Chain Analysis using Probe Data Collected Through Mobile Phones
Seminar 6: 16:00-18:00 July 3 (Friday)
1. Prof Takashi Oguchi (The University of Tokyo): Impact of ACC introduction for Alleviating Motorway Bottlenecks
2. Prof Tetsuo Shimizu (Tokyo Metropolitan University): Tourism Policies, Data and Researches in Japan
Seminar 7: 17:00-19:00 July 16 (Thursday)
1. Dr Daisuke Fukuda (Tokyo Institute of Technology): Development of Hyperpath-based Risk-averse Route Guidance System and its Verification by a Field Experiment
2. Dr Katsuhiko Yonezaki (Institute of Transportation Economics): Overview of Air Transport Policy in Japan
#112 Global Economy and the Emerging Role of India (第9回グローバルビジネス講演会)
Case Study Room, 3F Reserhc Bldg No.2, Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University
Global Economy and the Emerging Role of India (第9回グローバルビジネス講演会)
The 3rd International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第3回国際セミナー(通算 第112回国際セミナー)
Global Economy and the Emerging Role of India (第9回グローバルビジネス講演会)
Date: May 23 (Sat), 2015 14:45-16:15
Venue: Case Study Room, 3F Reserhc Bldg No.2, Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University
Organizer:Research in Bisiness Administrattion, Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University
Detailed informaion is shown here.
#110 Current Issues and Future Prospect of Locally Adapted, Modified and Advanced Transportation (LAMAT) in Developing Countries
Royal Blue Hall, TokyoTech Front
Current Issues and Future Prospect of Locally Adapted, Modified and Advanced Transportation (LAMAT) in Developing Countries
The 1st International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第1回国際セミナー(通算 第110回国際セミナー)
The 14th TSU Seminar
“Current Issues and Future Prospect of Locally Adapted, Modified and Advanced Transportation (LAMAT) in Developing Countries”
Date: April 20 (Mon), 2015 13:00-16:45
Venue: Royal Blue Hall, TokyoTech Front (Oookayama 2-12-1, Meguroku, 1520033, Tokyo)
Organizer: TokyoTech Transport Studies Unit (TSU)
Support: Infrastructure Planning Committee, JSCE, Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, and Association for Planning and Transportation Studies
Detailed informaion is shown here (in English and Japanese).
#109 「アジアにおける持続可能な交通(EST)」公開国際シンポジウム
名古屋大学 東山キャンパス 環境総合館 1階 レクチャーホール
The 16th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2014
2014年度土木計画学研究委員会 第16回国際セミナー(通算 第109回国際セミナー)
“Public Symposium on Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) in Asia”
日時:2015年3月19日(木) 13:00 – 17:00
場所:名古屋大学 東山キャンパス 環境総合館 1階 レクチャーホール
共 催:名古屋大学大学院環境学研究科附属持続的共発展教育研究センター (SusCoDe)、国際連合地域開発センター(UNCRD)
対 象:科学者、研究者、民間企業、行政機関、ご関心のある一般の方
言 語:英語(日本語同時通訳あり)
申 込:以下のアドレスに氏名・所属先・メールアドレスをご記入の上、事前にお申し込みください。
13:00 – 13:20 開会の辞
13:20 – 13:45 「アジアEST地域フォーラムの成果」 (UNCRD)
13:45 – 14:10 基調講演「バンコク2020宣言を越えて」(名古屋大学・共発展センター)
14:10 – 15:20 セッション1:「統合されたEST政策とレジリエンス(社会の復元力)」
15:20 – 15:30 休憩
15:30 – 16:40 セッション2:「PPP-ESTのための戦略的金融・投資」
16:40 – 16:50 まとめ(UNCRD、共発展センター)
16:50 – 17:00 閉会の辞
#108 第3回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #3)
Room. 411 at Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 1, The University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)
第3回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #3)
The 15th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2014
2014年度土木計画学研究委員会 第15回国際セミナー(通算 第108回国際セミナー)
第3回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #3)
“Network configuration and multi-scale behavior analysis”
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research S (Principle Investigator: Masao Kuwahara)
“Dynamic risk management of transportation networks using mobile system monitoring”
Group 3 Dynamic network management
Co-host: Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management
The 3rd International BinN Research Seminar “Network configuration and multi-scale behavior analysis” will be held on March 4th 2015. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Richard Connors from the Institute for Transport Studies (University of Leeds). Dr. Connors is currently doing research on network equilibrium and topological configuration of transportation networks. His lecture will focus on understanding how network configuration impacts performance. In addition, two researchers will discuss their research regarding travel behavior and the recognition of behavioral space.
The optimal spatial scale of analysis of travel behavior differs given the target behavior of interest. As a result, modelling travel behavior in micro, meso and macro scale is necessary to adequately analyze and evaluate transportation networks. In addition, scale aggregation is sometimes necessary not only to match the scale at which spatial recognition is conducted by individuals, but also to reduce calculation costs. This seminar aims at deepen the discussion regarding the relationship between spatial configuration and travel behavior in a multi-scale framework.
Date: March 4th 2015, 9:30am – 11:30am
Venue: Room. 411 at Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 1, The University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)
9:30 am – 10:30 am
Keynote Lecture: “Ensemble Analysis of Transport Networks”
Richard Connors (Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds)
* This lecture’s abstract and Dr. Connors brief bio can be found below.
10:30 am – 11:00 am
Research Presentation 1
“Experimental study of driving behaviour of personal mobility vehicles”
Miho Iryo-Asano (The University of Tokyo)
11:00 am – 11:30 am
Research Presentation 2
“A joint estimation model of destination choice and evacuation timing: Case study of Kesennuma City”
Giancarlos TRONCOSO (The University of Tokyo)
Application:gtroncoso[at]bin.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp (mail to Giancarlos TRONCOSO)
Free to attend
The symposium is open to public.
* You can see information about past seminars here.
Title & Abstract
”Ensemble Analysis of Transport Networks”
How does the topological configuration of a transport network impact upon its performance? Answering this question is difficult because the space of all possible transport networks is large (of high dimension). Moreover, each network in this space could have flows arising from a high dimensional space of all possible demand matrices. Nevertheless, we seek to answer this question by bringing together characterisations of the topology, structural properties and spatial embedding of transport networks. We adopt an approach from Network Science and generate ensembles of synthetic road-like networks in order to systematically test performance as a function of topology. Here I set out a methodology and highlight the research questions that need to be considered within this process of generating synthetics networks, grouping them into ensembles and analysing their performance.
Brief Bio:
Dr Richard Connors is a senior research fellow at ITS-Leeds, UK. He has published research on a range of transport problems, including models for network equilibrium, bi-level network design, quasi-dynamic traffic assignment, network reliability and predictive accident models. Richard’ s current research considers characteristics of urban systems that arise from the spatial configuration of transportation infrastructure. The aim, in the context of transport systems, is to understand how network configuration impacts upon network performance, to what extent universal features emerge and can be identified in such systems, and hence how to establish methods to model urban evolution on the aggregate scale that consistently represent the underlying networked infrastructures. This research framework comprises work on: the analytic aggregation of network equilibrium models; network evolution algorithms; empirical ensemble analysis of synthetic planar networks; multi-objective optimisation of urban spatial evolution.
#107 International workshop on context and social interactions in activity and travel decisions
Large Meeting Room (1F), Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University
International workshop on context and social interactions in activity and travel decisions
The 14th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2014
2014年度土木計画学研究委員会 第14回国際セミナー(通算 第107回国際セミナー)
International workshop on context and social interactions in activity and travel decisions (The 3rd IWATS)
Time: 9:00-19:00, March 4 (Wednesday)
Venue: Large Meeting Room (1F), Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University
Language: English
Free of charge and open to the public, but need to register via e-mail
[9:00-9:10] Opening remarks
Opening remarks [Akimasa Fujiwara, Hiroshima University]
[9:10-11:10] Session 1: Local interactions in different contexts (Moderator: Makoto Chikaraishi)
Influences of home-workplace configuration and motorcycle ownership on two-worker households’ task allocation in Hanoi, Vietnam / Tran Minh Tu, Makoto Chikaraishi, Junyi Zhang, Akimasa Fujiwara (Hiroshima University)
The Role of subjective social norms on students car purchase intention / Prawira Fajarindra Belgiawan (Kyoto University), Jan-Dirk Schm?cker (Kyoto University), Maya Abou-Zeid (American University Beirut), Joan Walker (University California at Berkeley), Satoshi Fujii (Kyoto University)
Analysis of social interactions in evacuation behaviors using a structural estimation / Junji Urata, Eiji Hato (The University of Tokyo)
[11:10-11:30] Break
[11:30-12:30] Keynote 1
Survey challenges, modelling challenges [Kay Axhausen, ETH Z?rich]
[12:30-13:30] Lunch
[13:30-14:30] Keynote 2
Context-sensitive behavior analysis and life-oriented approach: Re-visiting residential self-selection issues [Junyi Zhang, Hiroshima University]
[14:30-14:50] Break
[14:50-16:50] Session 2: Social interactions and mechanism design (Moderator: Hajime Seya)
Transportation service auction mechanism for preference elicitation / Yusuke Hara (Tohoku University)
Analysis of driver’s interaction on highways with structural estimation / Atsushi Ito, Hideki Yaginuma, Eiji Hato (The University of Tokyo)
Spatially explicit land-use scenarios and urban resilience / Yoshiki Yamagata (National Institute for Environmental Studies), Hajime Seya (Hiroshima University), Murakami Daisuke (Tsukuba University)
[16:50-17:10] Break
[17:10-18:30] Session 3: Interactions in long-term planning contexts (Moderator: Makoto Tsukai)
An analysis of intermodal competition on intercity transportation network / Kazuaki Okubo (Saitama University)
Modelling and estimating positive demand feedback processes / Jan-Dirk Schm?cker (Kyoto University)
[18:30-19:00] Discussion
#106 Prof. William P. Anderson講演会
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター C1-2棟 3階 314会議室
Prof. William P. Anderson講演会
The 13th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2014
2014年度土木計画学研究委員会 第13回国際セミナー(通算 第106回国際セミナー)
Prof. William P. Anderson講演会
場所:京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター C1-2棟 3階 314会議室
講師:Prof. William P. Anderson (Director, Cross-Border Institute, University of Windsor)
題目:The Border and the Ontario Economy
概要:Ontario is Canada’s largest province in terms of both population and GDP. It accounts for about half of Canada-US trade, which is still the largest bilateral trade relationship in the world. The great majority of trade is in manufactured goods, many of which are intermediate goods moving between production facilities in cross-border supply chains. Border costs have a negative impact on the efficiency of these supply chains and the production systems they support.
Costs at the Canada-US border are substantial for a number of reasons. NAFTA is not a customs union, so substantial documentation is required even on goods that cross duty-free. There are inconsistent product regulations and health inspections are often repeated on each side of the border. Geography dictates that crossings are limited to a small number of rivers that connect the Great Lakes, so traffic congestion is common. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 led to heightened security measures that have increased the cost and time of border crossings for both goods and people.
This presentation will summarize research on border costs and their economic impacts. It will also review policy initiatives directed at making borders more efficient, with emphasis on reducing border inspections through enhanced supply chain security.
#105 Urban transport in Medellin, Colomnbia and China
Urban transport in Medellin, Colomnbia and China
The 12th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2014
2014年度土木計画学研究委員会 第12回国際セミナー(通算 第105回国際セミナー)
Urban transport in Medellin, Colomnbia and China
日時:2015年 2月 5日(木) 10:00~12:00
講演者:Prof. Ian Salmiento and Prof. Shengchuan Zhao
1. Urban transport in Medellin, Colombia by Prof. Ian Salmiento
2. Urban transport in China by Prof. Shengchuan Zhao
3. Free Discussion
#104 Prof. Sagara講演会
Prof. Sagara講演会
The 11th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2014
2014年度土木計画学研究委員会 第11回国際セミナー(通算 第104回国際セミナー)
Prof. Sagara講演会
日時:2015年 1月14日(水) 15:00~17:00
講演者:Dr. Saut Sagala (Assistant Professor, Institute of Technology Bandung (IIB), Indonesia)
講演タイトル: Tourists’ Risk Perception and Preparedness to Potential Tsunami: Case Study from Sanur Area, Denpasar, Bali (旅行者のリスク認知と懸念される津波に対する備え:バリ島デンパサール,サヌア地域におけるケーススタディ)
講演概要:This research is part of a larger research umbrella SANREST which stands for Sanur Resilience to Tsunami. Sanur is one of a popular beach areas and tourist resorts in Bali. Despite it’s attraction for tourism sector, some tourism areas in Bali are prone to tsunami disasters. Therefore, it is important to assess the resilience of communities, tourists and local government to tsunami disasters. Currently, only limited literature explores tourist’s understanding (perception) and their preparedness towards disasters. In this particular session, we seek for the information how tourists understand about potential disasters that might occur in the tourism areas. We explore and apply common indicators used when assessing risk perception and preparedness to disasters. In general, tourists have had information or exposed to previous disasters. Nonetheless, we found that only a small number of tourists have prepared information about the potential disasters in Sanur and what to do in case disaster occurs. This implies that equiping enough information and preparedness measures would be very important to ensure tourists’ safety.
#103 超高齢社会の社会インフラと交通に関する国際セミナー
中央大学後楽園キャンパス 5号館 1階 36号室
The 10th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2014
2014年度土木計画学研究委員会 第10回国際セミナー(通算 第103回国際セミナー)
日時:2015年 1月14日(水) 10:00受付開始
場所:中央大学後楽園キャンパス 5号館 1階 36号室
#102 Professor D. Marc Kilgour講演会
Professor D. Marc Kilgour講演会
The 9th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2014
2014年度土木計画学研究委員会 第9回国際セミナー(通算 第102回国際セミナー)
Professor D. Marc Kilgour講演会
日時:2014年11月17日(月) 15:00-17:00
講演者:Professor D. Marc Kilgour (Department of Mathematics, Wilfrid Laurier University)
講演タイトル: Fair Division: Old and New.
講演概要:Often, group decision and negotiation can be broken down into two processes: ? ascertaining the relative preferences of the parties, and then ? using preference information to find an allocation making each party “reasonably” happy. This talk concentrates on the second problem: Assuming some information about preferences, can an allocation that meets certain fairness criteria be selected? If so, how? For example, an allocation is envy-free if each participant feels that his or her portion is at least tied for best ? and therefore does not envy anyone else. A prototype procedure for fair division between two persons is “I Cut, You Choose,” (ICYC), for splitting a divisible (continuous) good between two people. ICYC is assessed, and various improvements and extensions introduced. ICYC also lies at the heart of certain procedures for the allocation of indivisible items, particularly in situations with very limited information about preferences. One special case has been identified in which there is an elegant, easy-to-compute solution. Fair division procedures and principles are, in principle, fundamental! to procedural approaches to allocation and interest negotiation. Their relevance to problems in economics, computer science, operations research, management, and politics is discussed.
#101 Professor Tim McDaniels講演会
Professor Tim McDaniels講演会
The 8th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2014
2014年度土木計画学研究委員会 第8回国際セミナー(通算 第101回国際セミナー)
Professor Tim McDaniels講演会
日時:2014年11月13日(木) 15:30-17:00
講演者:Professor Tim McDaniels (University of British Columbia)
講演タイトル: Building risk communication among interdependent groups for self-organizing efforts to improve disaster resilience
講演概要:This presentation is concerned with the transition from risk communication to resilience communication, a term used by Professor Hayashi and colleagues. I discuss how self-organizing efforts among interdependent groups can serve as a basis for self-organizing efforts (a crucial aspect of building resilience in any complex system). I use two examples to show that the concepts are relevant at many levels of social organization. At one extreme, I discuss risk communication among the interdependent infrastructure systems in a region, based on a case study in Vancouver, BC. At another extreme, I discuss efforts in Japan by the Disaster Rescue Stockyard, in Nagoya, to build disaster resilience among neighbors in small rural or semi-urban areas of Japan. The results point to a new paradigm for risk communication, or more accurately, resilience communication, to enhance mutual efforts to work with peers to build resilience without the aid of governments, aside for organizational support.
#100 第2回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #2)
Room. 15 at Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 1, The University of Tokyo(Hongo Campus)
第2回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #2)
The 7th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2014
2014年度土木計画学研究委員会 第7回国際セミナー(通算 第100回国際セミナー)
第2回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #2)
“Advanced activity model for capturing dynamic changes”
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research S (Principle Investigator: Masao Kuwahara)
“Dynamic risk management of transportation networks using mobile system monitoring”
Group 3 Dynamic network management (Seminar planning: Junji Urata)
Co-host: Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management
The 2nd International BinN Research Seminar “Advanced activity model for capturing dynamic changes” will be held on September 27th and 28th. We invite Prof. Shlomo Bekhor, who belongs to Israel Institute of Technology and studies on transportation planning, network optimization and behavioral models. Prof. Bekhor will lecture about an advanced behavior modelling and an activity-based model on Sept 27. Three young researchers will talk about their recently studies about behaviors with observations, built environments and interactions on Sept 28 and discuss with Prof. Bekhor and audiences.
In this decade, activity-based models based on a series of choices have become progressively popular. Activity-based models are able to illustrate and evaluate personal activities and their traffic environments. The models have been implemented for various policy applications. For the highly precise application, activity-based models integrate with accurate observations and predictions of traffic states under dynamic situation. We try to develop an advanced activity model based on previous researches. In this seminar, we want to discuss about the direction of advanced activity theory.
Keynote Lecture – Saturday, September 27, 2014, 10:30am – noon
Early Bird Session – Sunday, September 28, 2014, 0:30pm – 2pm
Venue: Room. 15 at Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 1, The University of Tokyo(Hongo Campus)
Sept 27, 10:30 am – noon
Keynote Lecture: Shlomo Bekhor (Israel Institute of Technology)
“Stability analysis of activity-based models: case study of the Tel Aviv transportation model”
Sept 28, 0:30 pm – 2 pm
Early Bird Session
1. “Transportation system monitoring method by using probe vehicles that observe other vehicles”
Toru Seo (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
2. “The built environment-travel behavior connection: A propensity score approach under a continuous treatment regime”
Giancarlos TRONCOSO (The University of Tokyo)
3. “Modelling the contraction of local interaction using dynamic programming under a heavy rain disaster”
Junji Urata (The University of Tokyo)
Application:urata[at]bin.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp (mail to Junji URATA)
Free to attend
The symposium is open to public.
Those who wish to attend are asked to submit to me (urata[at]bin.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
URL: http://bin.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/I-BinN-S/index.html
* this site has the report of the last seminar.
#99 持続可能な都市開発のモデル分析に関するシンポジウム
The 6th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2014
2014年度土木計画学研究委員会 第6回国際セミナー(通算 第99回国際セミナー)
ウイーン工科大学・交通研究所・交通計画・交通工学研究センターのG?nter Emberger教授を迎えして、持続可能な都市開発のモデル分析に関するシンポジュウムを開催します。シンポジュウムでは、先生を中心に開発されたMARS(Metropolitan Activity Relocation Simulator)注)を紹介して頂くとともに、日本とタイの研究者から持続可能な都市開発あるいは低炭素都市開発に関連するアクセシビリティーの研究やシステム・ダイナミックスを用いた分析の動向を紹介して頂き、持続可能な都市開発の分析の方向性に関して討議を行います。
日時:9月19日(金) 13:00~17:30
日本大学理工学部交通システム工学科 石坂哲宏 office@j-s-d.jp
13:00-13:05 開会の挨拶 日本大学理工学部教授・システム・ダイナミックス学会日本支部事務局長 福田 敦
13:05-14:35 特別講演「Outline of Metropolitan Activity Relocation Simulator and its application」
ウイーン工科大学交通研究所教授 G?nter Emberger
14:35-16:45 休憩
14:45-15:10 講演「マイクロシミュレーションモデルを用いた世帯立地のダイナミックスと都市政策評価」
名城大学理工学部准教授 鈴木 温
15:10-15:35 講演「人口減少下にある都市の持続可能性に関する実証分析:札幌・帯広都市圏のケース」
室蘭工業大学 大学院工学研究科准教授 有村 幹治
15:35-16:00 講演 Change of Land Use in Bangkok due to Accessibility Improvement」
カセサート大学工学部准教授 Varameth Vichiensan
16:00-16:20 講演「我が国の都市分析におけるシステムダイナミックスモデルの系譜」
日本大学理工学部助教 石坂 哲宏
16:20-16:30 休憩
16:30-17:20 パネルディスカッション
名古屋大学工学部教授・日本環境共生学会会長 林 良嗣
ウイーン工科大学交通研究所教授 G?nter Emberger
カセサート大学工学部准教授 Varameth Vichiensan
名城大学理工学部准教授 鈴木 温
室蘭工業大学 大学院工学研究科准教授 有村 幹治
17:20-17:30 閉会の挨拶
専修大学商学部教授・システム・ダイナミックス学会日本支部会長 内野 明
#97 Analysis of Firm Location and Relocation around Maryland andWashington, DC Metro Rail Stations
Analysis of Firm Location and Relocation around Maryland andWashington, DC Metro Rail Stations
The 4th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2014
2014年度土木計画学研究委員会 第4回国際セミナー(通算 第97回国際セミナー)
Title: Analysis of Firm Location and Relocation around Maryland andWashington, DC Metro Rail Stations
Transportation investments can have substantial impacts on the location of social and economic activities by changing the overall level of accessibility. Changes in the amount and location of activities lead to different levels of economic development among locations. Particularly, transit oriented development (TOD) has been touted as a catalyst to stimulate local economic development and increase property values, as well as integrating transportation and land use, promoting mixed land uses, and making transit and pedestrian travel more viable. While a few studies have found that rail transit proximity and TOD are associated with a higher concentration of firms and employment in particular industries, such as finance, insurance, and real estate (FIRE) industries, and these claims need more evidence based on solid empirical research.
We have been working to examine the impacts of rail station investments on the geographic distribution of firms in selected industries with a strong presence in the region, including FIRE industries. We are currently working on a descriptive analysis part that seeks to address three key questions about the effects of station proximity: 1) What is the overall distribution of firms in relation to metro station locations? 2) What industries, if any, are more likely to locate near transit stations? 3) Whether Metro station openings have a substantial effect on the distribution of firms across the region? 4) Does a new transit station result in a net gain of firms within the station proximity and for the region or does it merely redistribute existing firms?
We apply GISs, statistics, and economic development analysis method to examine the National Establishment Time Series (NETS) dataset within the Washington DC region (comprising Washington, DC, Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties in Maryland and covering the 66 stations of Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Metro service). The NETS dataset contains longitudinal and cross-sectional firm-level data for the years 1990 – 2010, which allow us to look at changes in number of firms within relatively small geographic areas around Metro stations, several of which were constructed during the 21 year period. The NETS dataset also provides firm-level relocation information for the same time period to assess firm movement within and outside of the study area as they relate to transit stations. (Please note that this study is working in progress, and I will present results that we have obtained so far.)
講演者:Dr Hiroyuki Iseki, Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation, University of Maryland, College Park(メリーランド 大学カレッジパーク校講師)
#98 第一回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #1)
東京大学工学部14号館 144番教室
第一回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #1)
The 5th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2014
2014年度土木計画学研究委員会 第5回国際セミナー(通算 第98回国際セミナー)
第一回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #1) “Dynamic Travel Behavior Modelling for Evacuation”
グループ3 動的ネットワーク運用方策の構築(セミナー企画:浦田淳司)
日時:2014年7月12日 (土) 13時30分~17時
場所:東大本郷キャンパス工学部14号館 144番教室
概要:東日本大震災の甚大な被害への対策,また将来の東海・東南海地震に備え て,日本では各地で避難研究・避難対策を行われている.同時に,海外でもスマ トラ沖地震やハリケーンカトリーナ以降,避難研究・対策が注目を集めている. また,今後の防災計画にむけ,住民の避難行動の解明や情報技術を用いた避難交 通マネジメント,人/情報/交通の減災ネットワークデザインが必要とされる. 今回,TU Delftで避難行動研究の若手研究者であるDr. Pelをお招きして,避難 行動モデリングの現在とこれからについて議論したい.限られた時間の中で突発的 な判断・行動が必要な状況下での最善の避難には,動的な予測と制御が必要とな る.そのためには,これまで蓄積された日常の交通行動研究を下敷きにした非日 常の交通行動研究が求められる.本セミナーでは,今後の避難行動研究の理論の 方向性について深堀した議論を展開したい.
Date: Saturday, July 12, 2014, 1:30pm – 5:00pm
Venue: Room. 144 at Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 14, The University of Tokyo(Hongo Campus) http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/campusmap/cam01_04_15_j.html
1:30pm – 3:00pm
“Route choice Behavior and Optimal traffic management in Evacuation”
Key Note Lecture:Adam Pel (TU Delft)
– A review of dynamic route choice model in evacuation
– Route choice model including information and compliance
– Optimal traffic management in evacuation
3:15pm – 4:00pm
Research Presentation 1 “Directions of evacuation traffic (Tentative)” Takamasa IRYO (Kobe University)
4:05pm – 4:50pm
Research Presentation 2 “A Dynamic Discrete Choice Model of Collective Behaviors incorporated in Spatial Reference Group under Disaster Situation” Junji URATA (The University of Tokyo)
4:50pm – 5:00pm
Application:urata[at]bin.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp (mail to Junji URATA) Free to attend The symposium is open to public. Those who wish to attend are asked to submit to me (urata[at]bin.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
#96 High Speed Railway in the Asia and Urban Development around Station Areas
政策研究大学院大学 1階 想海樓ホール(東京都港区六本木7-22-1)
High Speed Railway in the Asia and Urban Development around Station Areas
High Speed Railway in the Asia and Urban Development around Station Areas ―International Comparison Study―
国際シンポジウム「アジアにおける新幹線と駅周辺の都市開発 -国際比較分析-」
主催 政策研究大学院大学
共催 アジア交通学会 EASTS (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies)
後援 一般財団法人 運輸政策研究機構
日時 2014年7月4日 13:30-17:00
場所 政策研究大学院大学 1階 想海樓ホール(東京都港区六本木7-22-1)
プログラムなどの詳細は http://www.easts.info/announce20140606.html をご参照ください.
参加申し込みは,上記のプログラムなどの詳細ページの中にある[Application form] をダウンロードして,ご記入いただき指定のアドレスにお送りください.
#95 1st International Workshop on Utilizing Transit Smart Card Data for Service Planning
長良川国際会議場 国際会議室
1st International Workshop on Utilizing Transit Smart Card Data for Service Planning
会議名:1st International Workshop on Utilizing Transit Smart Card Data for Service Planning
場所:長良川国際会議場 国際会議室
倉内文孝(岐阜大学教授) 実行委員長
Schmoecker, Jan-Dirk(京都大学工学研究科准教授)
#94 International Seminar on Road Networks for Earthquake Resilient Societies (ROADERS)
Rakuyu Kaikan, Kyoto University
International Seminar on Road Networks for Earthquake Resilient Societies (ROADERS)
The 1st International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2014
2014年度土木計画学研究委員会 第1回国際セミナー(通算 第94回国際セミナー)
Date: 10:15-16:40, April 2, 2014
Venue: Rakuyu Kaikan, Kyoto University, Yoshidanihonmatsu-cho, Sakyoku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
Registration fee: Free (E-mail to register is much appreciated – joel.teo@kiban.kuciv.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
Access (Please refer to poster for details):
http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/access/getting/getting_1.htm (English)
http://www.t.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/access/yoshida (Japanese)
Seminar Description:
Emergency functionality and rapid recovery of road networks after a worst-case earthquake that has triggered additional hazards such as post-quake fires, landslides, tsunamis and a series of large aftershocks are vital requirements for the sustainability of any modern society, which, in the light of recent events like the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, has not been properly addressed. This seminar will discuss the potential of post-disaster transportation needs for evacuation and humanitarian logistics operations after an extreme event and how these may lead to the identification of the most critical components and the definition of their required performance beyond their design limit (robustness). Since the assets could be mainly bridges, due to their generally large operational loss potential, the seminar will includes topics on innovative structural concepts that may be capable of providing the required robustness and speedy recovery within acceptable economic and time co! nstraints. The resilience based optimization methods for transportation and humanitarian logistics analysis will offer a rational framework for decision-making and resource allocation in addition to structural enhancements.
Programme Outline
10.15am Registration
10.30am-10.40am Opening speech (Prof. Eiichi Taniguchi)
Welcome speech (Prof. Uwe E. Dorka)
10.40am-11.10am Humanitarian Logistics
Prof. Eiichi Taniguchi (Kyoto University)
11.10am-11.40am Robustness of bridges under multiple extreme events
Prof. Uwe E. Dorka (University of Kassel)
11.45am-2.00pm Lunch
2.00pm-2.30pm Research progress in road network seismic resilience for the North-Eastern Region of Romania
Prof. Gabriela M. Atanasiu, Assoc. Prof. Florin Leon (Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” from Ia?i)
2.30pm-3.00pm Network resilience and Osaka case study of evacuation modelling
Assoc. Prof. Jan-Dirk Schm?cker, Asst. Prof. Hiroki Yamazaki (Kyoto University)
3.00pm-3.20pm Coffee Break
3.20pm-3.50pm Methods for improving the resilience of road networks
Assoc. Prof. Russell G. Thompson (University of Melbourne)
3.50pm-4.30pm Discussion
4.30pm-4.35pm Wrap-up (Prof. Eiichi Taniguchi)
4.40pm End of Workshop
#93 Perspectives of Conflict and Risk Governance
京都大学宇治キャンパス きはだホール
Perspectives of Conflict and Risk Governance
The 15th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第15回国際セミナー(通算 第93回国際セミナー)
Keith W. Hipel 教授 来日記念シンポジウム
日時: 2014年3月8日(土) 13:00-18:00 (受付12:30-)
会場: 京都大学宇治キャンパス きはだホール
参加料: 無料, 使用言語:英語
講演者: Keith W. Hipel 教授・カナダ・ウォータールー大学
講演題目: コンフリクトとリスク・ガバナンス研究のパースペクティブ:Perspectives of Conflict and Risk Governance
本講演では、社会や国が直面する大規模かつ複雑化した様々な問題に取り組み、実効性を持ち得る ガバナンスを目指すための、”Systems of Systems” のエンジニリングデザイン法による統合的・ 適応型設計アプローチを提唱する。”Systems of Systems” の枠組みを用いることによって、参加型 アプローチによりさまざまなステークホルダーの価値観を反映しつつ、持続可能性や公平性、 レジリエンスといった目標を多精することが可能となる。
講演題目: 想定外リスクと計画概念
福山 敬教授(鳥取大学)
日時: 2013年3月8日(土)18:30-
場所: レストランきはだ
会費: 3,000円
お手数ですが、会場準備のため、懇親会にご出席いただく場合は、メールにて、3/3(月)までに社会防災研究部門 山下までお申込下さい。
連絡先: yamasita@imdr.dpri.kyoto-u.ac.jp 内線 4039
#91 The 9th TSU (Transport Studies Unit) Seminar
Kuramae Hall, TokyoTech Front, Oookayama 2-12-1, Meguroku, Tokyo
The 9th TSU (Transport Studies Unit) Seminar
#92 Feasibility Study of BRT in Da Nang City, Vietnam
Room 1458, 5nd Floor, Building No.14, Funabashi Campus, Nihon University
Feasibility Study of BRT in Da Nang City, Vietnam
The 14th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013 2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第14回国際セミナー(通算 第92回国際セミナー) 講演者:Nguyen Van Truong (Lecturer, UTC:University of Transport and Communication) 講演テーマ:Feasibility Study of BRT in Da Nang City, Vietnam 日時:2014年2月20日(木)14:00~15:00 講演後、質疑を予定。 場所:日本大学理工学部船橋校舎14号館5階1458教室 http://www.cst.nihon-u.ac.jp/campus/access.html 言語:英語 申込:参加費無料で申込みは必要ございません。当日、直接会場にお越しください。
#90 Road Safety Analysis Model Development
Room 144, 2F, Faculty of Engineering Building #14, The University of Tokyo
Road Safety Analysis Model Development
The 12th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013 2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第12回国際セミナー(通算 第90回国際セミナー) Date & Time: January 8, 2014 (Wed), 15:00-16:15 Venue: Room 144, 2F, Faculty of Engineering Building #14, The University of Tokyo http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/campusmap/cam01_04_15_j.html http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/campusmap/map01_02_j.html Seminar Title: Road Safety Analysis Model Development Speaker: Dr. Joon-Ki Kim (Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS)) Abstract: 現在、韓国の道路政策は、道路の新設?拡張は止めて、道路の線形や施設を改良して、安全性を向上させて、効率的に運営することができる方向に進んでいる。道路の安全性向上事業を効果的に推進するためには道路の安全性を客観的かつ科学的に判断して事業を選定することと事業に伴う安全性の向上を評価することが必要である。本研究では、これらの道路の安全性の分析および評価のためのモデルを開発する目的がある。本研究の主な内容は、米国のHSM(Highway Safety Manual)を根幹として、韓国の実情に合わせて、道路の安全性を分析し、評価することができるモデルを開発することである。モデルを構築するために一般国道、総13,797 kmのうち2,879 km(20.1%)、 国の支援する地方道(日本の県道)3,879 kmのうち475km(12.2%)を対象にして、道路幾何構造、交通特性、安全施設、気象、環境などのデータを収集した。構築されたデータに基づいて、負の二項回帰分析モデル(NB:Negative binomial regression model)を構築して、これに基づいて、交通量や道路の区間延長を利用して、発生事故件数を予測する安全性能関数(SPF:Safety Performance Function)と道路幾何構造の特性等の変化に応じて、事故の発生頻度の変化を決定する事故修正係数(CMF:Crash Modification Factors)を開発した。 Language: English Contact: Nobuaki OHMORI Department of Urban Engineering The University of Tokyo TEL: +81-3-5841-6235 E-mail: nobuaki@ut.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
#89 Wait Marketing and the City
Room 144, 2F, Building #14, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Wait Marketing and the City
The11th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第11回国際セミナー(通算 第89回国際セミナー)
Date & Time: November 25, 2013 (Mon), 14:00-15:30
Venue: Room 144, 2F, Faculty of Engineering Building #14, The University of Tokyo
Seminar Title: Wait Marketing and the City
Speaker: Prof. Diana Derval (DervalResearch)
– Urban transports: Waiting from A to B
– Tokyo: How to connect with 13 million city dwellers?
– WeChat or Angry Birds? Variations in perception of time
– Wait Marketing cases in Amsterdam, Paris, and Shanghai
Even when high-speed trains are punctual, city dwellers spend hours waiting in public transports. Applications like WeChat and games like Angry Birds help keep them entertained. How can brands, transportations, and cities, together, implement Wait Marketing strategies in order to better connect with and serve their urban audience? In this interactive session Prof. Diana Derval, researcher in physiology and sensory perception, founder of DervalResearch, and author of the books “Wait Marketing”, and “The Right Sensory Mix”- AMA-Berry best marketing book award- will explain how to make the most of our journey in the city.
Nobuaki OHMORI
Department of Urban Engineering
The University of Tokyo
TEL: +81-3-5841-6235
E-mail: nobuaki@ut.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
#88 国際セミナー「海外から見た日本の土木計画学,及び土木計画学研究・土木計画学研究の国際性・国際化の推進のために」
Room 132, Building #1, Sugimoto Campus, Osaka City University
The 10th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第10回国際セミナー(通算 第88回国際セミナー)
本セミナーは,教育・産業界だけでなく学術の視点でもグローバル人材育成や国際的に評価される研究促進が要請される中, 我が国固有の土木計画学研究が,海外の研究者にどのように評価されているのか,今後の土木計画学研究の国際性の向上と国際化の推進のための方策を議論することを目的としています.
Prof. Lee (Kyonggi University, Korea)
Prof. Shengcuhan Zhao (Dalian University of Technology, China)
Dr. Varameth Vichiensan (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
Prof. Lee (Kyonggi University, Korea)
Prof. Shengcuhan Zhao (Dalian University of Technology, China)
Dr. Varameth Vichiensan (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
[日 時] 平成25年11月2日(土)13:00-15:00
[会 場]大阪市立大学 杉本キャンパス1号館132教室
[主 催] 土木学会土木計画学研究委員会 学術小委員会
#87 自転車利用環境向上国際セミナー「自転車利用環境向上のための施策 バーゼル市の取り組みから」
大阪駅前第二ビル6F 大阪市立大学梅田サテライト101教室
自転車利用環境向上国際セミナー「自転車利用環境向上のための施策 バーゼル市の取り組みから」
The 9th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第9回国際セミナー(通算 第87回国際セミナー)
本セミナーでは、アンティエ ハンマー女史より自転車利用環境の向上を目指して取り組んでおられる スイスバーゼル市における自転車施策についてご講演を頂き、引き続き我が国の自転車施策のあり方についてパネルディスカッションを行います。
アンティエ ハンマー女史は、ドイツのダルムシュタット工科大学とスイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校で都市交通計画を専門に土木工学を学び、卒業しました。 その後、交通計画の事務所や地方及び地域の行政機関、大学などの調査で、交通プランナーとして15 年以上活動しました。 2009 年からは、国際交通のプロジェクトやモビリティ・マネジメントを担当し、バーゼル市の公共事業や交通に関する部門に従事しています。http://velo-city2013.com/?page_id=5256
[日 時] 平成25年11月1日(金)15:00-17:30
[会 場] 大阪駅前第二ビル6F 大阪市立大学梅田サテライト101教室(定員75名)〒530-0001 大阪市北区梅田1-2-2-600
[主 催] 土木学会土木計画学研究委員会 自転車政策研究小委員会
[共 催] 地球の友・金沢、(特)自転車活用推進研究会
[協 力] 公益財団法人交通エコロジー・モビリティ財団
[参加費] 1000円(資料代として)
[申 込]
http://goo.gl/M5MYzq に入力してください.
1.開会挨拶 山中英生 徳島大学
2.基調講演 Ms.Antje Hamme バーゼル市 「バーゼル市における自転車施策」
(通訳解説 三国千秋 北陸大学)
3.ミニパネル討議 自転車利用環境向上のための施策 ーソフトな試みに着目してー
Ms.Antje Hamme バーゼル市
三国千秋 北陸大学
三国成子 地球の友・金沢
金 利昭 茨城大学
元田良彦 岩手県立大学
小林成基 (特)自転車活用推進研究会
(進行 山中英生 徳島大学)
自転車政策研究小委員会事務局 吉田(大阪市立大学)
#86 From Visioning to Implementation of Low-Carbon Transport in Asia
CST Hall, Nihon University
From Visioning to Implementation of Low-Carbon Transport in Asia
The 8th International Seminar of the Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第8回国際セミナー(通算 第86回国際セミナー)
1st Day: 2013 / 10 / 16(Wed) 10:00-17:30
2nd Day: 2013 / 10 / 17(Thu) 09:30-17:00
1st Day: CST Hall, Nihon University (1-8-14 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan)
2nd Day: U Thant International Conference Hall, United Nations University (5-53-70 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan)
※1 The Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (S-6-5) , the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ)
※2 Graduate School of Environmental Studies ,Nagoya University
※3 Department of Transportation Systems Engineering, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan (NIES)
Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE
1st day: English Only
2nd day:Simultaneous Translation (English, Japanese)
[Registration fee]
Please email your name, affiliation, and dates of your attendance
E-mail : s65sympo@urban.env.nagoya-u.ac.jp
It is also possible to attend the symposium on the day.
In Asian developing countries, rapid economic growth will cause drastic emission growth, which will become significant part of future global emissions. This symposium is aimed at discussing how to design long-term measures to develop low-carbon transport systems in Asia in a leap-frog manner and in a backcasting way, decoupling economic growth with CO2 emission increase. For the discussion, we invite international experts on low-carbon development of urban transport and inter-regional transport. The symposium is sponsored by the “Low-Carbon Asia” research project, funded by Ministry of the Environment, Japan, as the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (S6). We have sessions to discuss the outcome of the project on the transport part, “Low-Carbon Transport in Asia” (S6-5). On the 2nd day, we also have a collaborative symposium with our partners working on low-carbon development of various sectors in the “Low-Carbon Asia” project (S6).
1st day
October 2013 (Wed) 10:00-17:30
CST-Hall, Nihon-University
10:00 – 10:20 Registration
10:20 ? 10:30 Welcome address
・Prof. Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Nagoya University, Japan
10:30-12:00 Session1-1:Visioning Low-Carbon Urban Transport Systems in Asia
・Prof. Wiroj Rujopakarn, Kasetart University, Thailand(Keynote Address)
・Prof. Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Nagoya University, Japan
・Dr. Kazuki Nakamura, Nagoya University, Japan
・Prof. Fumihiko Nakamura, Yokohama National University, Japan
13:00-15:30 Session1-2:Case Studies of Low-Carbon Urban Transport Development in Asia
・Prof. Atsushi Fukuda, Nihon University, Japan
・Dr. Varameth Vichiensan, Kasetsart University, Thailand
・Dr. Paramet Luathep, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
・Dr. Thaned Satiennam, KhonKaen University, Thailand
・Dr. Nuwong Chollacoop, National Metal and Material Technology Centre, Thailand
・Dr. Sittha Jaensirisak, Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand
15:50- 17:20 Session1-3:Low-Carbon Development of Inter-Regional Transport Systems in Asia
・Prof. Werner Rothengatter, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany(Keynote Address)
・Dr. Poon Thiengburanathum, Chiang-Mai University, Thailand
・Dr. Shinya Hanaoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
・Prof. Takaaki Okuda, Nanzan University, Japan
17:20 ? 17:30 Closing Remarks
2nd day
October 2013 (Wed) 09:30-17:00
U Thant International Conference Hall, United Nations University
09:00 ? 09:30 Registration
09:30 ? 09:40 Welcome address
・Prof. Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Nagoya University, Japan
09:40 ? 12:00 Session2 : Comparison of Low-Carbon Transport Development between ASEAN and China
・Prof. Atsushi Fukuda, Nihon University, Japan
・Dr. Shinya Hanaoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
・Prof. Pan Xiao, Tonji University, China
・Prof. Tae Oum, The University of British Colombia, Vancouver, Canada
・Mr. Cornie Huizenga, SLoCaT, Shanghai, China
・Panel Discussion (Chair : Prof. Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Nagoya University, Japan)
13:00 ? 17:00 Symposium on “Low-Carbon Asia” (S6)
※プログラムの内容等は、一部変更の可 能性があります。
名古屋大学大学院 環境学研究科附属 交通・都市国際研究センター林・加藤研究室
E-mail: s65sympo@urban.env.nagoya-u.ac.jp
電話/Phone: +81-52-789-2773
【シンポジウムHP/Symposium HP】
#85 International Seminar on Happiness and Urban/Transport Policies
Room 144, 2F, Building #14, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
International Seminar on Happiness and Urban/Transport Policies
The 7th International Seminar of the Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013: International Seminar on Happiness and Urban/Transport Policies
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第7回国際セミナー(通算 第85回国際セミナー)「幸福度と都市・交通政策」
Time: 10:30 ~ 18:30, October 9, 2013
Venue: Room 144, 2F, Building #14, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Organizer: The Subcommittee of Citizen Life Behavior Studies, The Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE
Morning session (in Japanese)
10:30~10:40 Activity Report of the Subcommittee
10:40~12:00 Reports of members’ research activities
10:40~11:10 Change of car-dependent lifestyles and its implications on policies
Toshiyuki Yamamoto, Nagoya University
11:10~11:40 Risk analysis in transport studies: Case of traffic accidents
Makoto Chikaraishi, The University of Tokyo
11:40~12:00 Discussion
12:00~13:30 Lunch
Afternoon session (in English)
13:30~13:40 Opening remarks, Junyi Zhang, Hiroshima University (Chair of the Subcommittee)
13:40~14:40 Session (1): Lifestyle, mobilities and happiness
13:40 ~14:10 Residential environment, travel behavior and life satisfaction
Yubing Xiong and Junyi Zhang, Hiroshima University
14:10~14:40 Households’ total mobilities over life course
Biying Yu, Kyoto University; Junyi Zhang, Hiroshima University
14:40~16:10 Session (2): Keynote speech
Happiness and Public Policy
Prof. Ruut Veenhoven, Emeritus Prof., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam
Founding editor of the Journal of Happiness Studies
16:10~16:20 Break
16:20~18:30 Session (3): Happiness during travel
16:20~16:50 Troublesome behavior and the happiness during travel:
An international comparison
Nobuaki Ohmori, The University of Tokyo
16:50~17:20 Travel with children and the happiness during travel
Ayako Taniguchi, University of Tsukuba
17:20~17:50 Smile and pedestrian walking environment
Aya Kojima, Hisashi Kubota, Saitama University
17:50~18:30 Comments from Prof. Veenhoven, and discussion
18:30~ Closing remarks
#84 "User-oriented measurement of travel time reliability: concepts and applications
Midorigaoka 5th Building 1F Conference room, Tokyo Tech, Meguroku, Tokyo
"User-oriented measurement of travel time reliability: concepts and applications
The 6th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第6回国際セミナー(通算 第84回国際セミナー)
Date: September 12, 2013 (Thursday), 17:00-18:00
Venue: Midorigaoka 5th Building 1F Conference room, Tokyo Tech, 東京工業大学創造プロジェクト館1F大会議室
Seminar Title: User-oriented measurement of travel time reliability: concepts and applications
Speaker: Dr. Ioannis Kaparias
(Lecturer, City University of London)
This study introduces a new user-oriented measure of travel time reliability for implementation in the dynamic routing algorithm of an intelligent car navigation system. The measure is based on the log-normal distribution of travel time on a link and consists of two indices corresponding to the extreme values of the distribution, such that they reflect the shortest and longest travel times that may be experienced on the link. Through a series of mathematical manipulations, the indices are expressed in terms of the characteristic values of the speed distribution on the link. An expression relating the indices of a route and the indices of the individual links forming it is derived. The accuracy of the measure is then assessed through a field experiment and the results are presented.
#83 A Behavioral Freight Transportation Modeling System
Room C1-4-191 Katsura Campus, Kyoto University, Nishikyoku, Kyoto
A Behavioral Freight Transportation Modeling System
The 5th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第5回国際セミナー(通算 第83回国際セミナー)
Date: June 27, 2013 (Thursday), 15:00-16:30
Venue: Room C1-4-191 Katsura Campus, Kyoto University, Nishikyoku, Kyoto 615-8540, Japan
http://www.t.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/access/katsura (English)
http://www.t.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/access/katsura?set_language=ja (Japanese)
Seminar Title: A Behavioral Freight Transportation Modeling System
Speaker: Dr. Kazuya Kawamura
(Associate Professor, College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs, University of Illinois, Chicago)
Seminar Description:
Compared against passenger travels, freight transportation is a relatively less-researched field in terms of advanced demand modeling.
The main challenges to build reliable freight demand models include lack of data, complexity of decision-making in freight system,
lack of proper validation process, etc. In the last decade, researchers around the world and the field have rapidly made advancements
in many fronts, including data collection, modeling frameworks and operational strategies. However, there are still significant gaps
in terms of our understanding of the fundamentals and the nature of freight movement systems and their behavioral decision making process.
The presentation outlines a new framework for freight transportation modeling by incorporating more detailed logistics choices into
an operational large-scale freight transportation modeling system that has been under development at the University of Illinois, Chicago.
Interested participants are encouraged to contact Dr. Joel Teo.
Dr. Joel Teo (Program-specific Researcher)
C1-2-338 Kyoto University, Katsura,
Nishikyoku, Kyoto, Japan 615-8540
Tel. +81-75-383-3231, Fax. +81-75-950-3800
E-mail: joel.teo@kiban.kuciv.kyoto-u.ac.jp
#82 Special Seminar on International Maritime Shipping
Seminar Room E&F, JSCE
Special Seminar on International Maritime Shipping
The 4th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第4回国際セミナー(通算 第82回国際セミナー)
Special Seminar on International Maritime Shipping
Date & Time: June 21 (Fri.) 13:00-15:00
Venue: Seminar Room E & F, JSCE
Abstract: Due to the globalization of the world economy and advancement of transport and communication technology,
international maritime shipping in each region of the world has become more interdependent. The Suez Canal and Panama Canal,
key infrastructures of maritime shipping, are also influenced by each other as well as by other factors such as world
economic trends and regional development plans. In particular, the capacity of the Panama Canal will be expanded through
construction of the third lock in 2015. Also, Arctic shipping via the Northern Sea Route (along the Russian Arctic coast)
has the potential to shorten the distance of worldwide maritime shipping, due to the melting of sea ice. This special
seminar will bring together specialists from Egypt and Japan who will provide the latest information on the current status
and future prospect of the Suez Canal, Panama Canal, and Northern Sea Route. Discussion after the presentations is also expected.
1) 13:00-13:05 Greeting from Host
2) 13:05-13:40 Current Status and Future Prospect: (1) Suez Canal
Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Elmanakhly, Board Member & Transit Director, Suez Canal Authority
3) 13:40-14:10 Current Status and Future Prospect: (2) Panama Canal
Dr. Koji Kobune, Ides Inc.
4) 14:10-14:40 Current Status and Future Prospect: (3) Northern Sea Route
Dr. Natsuhiko Otsuka, North Japan Port Consultants, Inc.
5) 14:40-15:00 Discussion
Language: English
Deadline for Application: June 17 (Mon.) (Seating Capacity: 25 people, first-come basis)
Host: Special committee for Managing and Supporting International Research Activities on Logistics, JSCE
土木学会 土木計画学研究委員会 物流に関わる国際戦略・研究活動支援事業運営小委員会
Ryuichi SHIBASAKI, Dr. Eng.
The Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan (OCDI)
tel: +81-3-5570-5931
(一財)国際臨海開発研究センター 柴崎隆一(運営小委員会幹事長)
#81 The 12th TSU (Transport Studies Unit) Seminar:Sharing of Research Works on Logistics Management
Ookayama Campus, Ishikawadai-4 bldg., B1F, Room B02-05, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
The 12th TSU (Transport Studies Unit) Seminar:Sharing of Research Works on Logistics Management
The 3rd International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第3回国際セミナー(通算 第81回国際セミナー)
The 12th TokyoTech TSU (Transport Studies Unit) Seminar
Date: June 6th. (Thu.) 2013
Time: 17:00-18:30
Venue: Tokyo Tech. Ookayama Campus, Ishikawadai-4 bldg., B1F, Room B02-05
(東工大・大岡山キャンパス 石川台4号館 地下1F B02-05室)
*Prior expression of interest to Assoc. Prof. Hanaoka by email would be appreciated.
email: hanaoka[at]ide.titech.ac.jp
Speaker: Prof. Tsung-Sheng Chang (張宗勝教授)
(Graduate Institute of Logistics Management, National Dong Hwa University (国立東華大学), Taiwan)
He is staying in Japan as a visiting professor of Hanaoka Lab.
He is also a specialist of OR (Operations Research).
Title: Sharing of Research Works on Logistics Management
Logistics has recently received much attention in both practical and academic fields. So far, many logistics issues have been raised and studied in academia. However, there should be many various and important real-world logistics problems that are not fully researched or that even remain unexplored. Therefore, this presentation seeks, through my sharing of some of the main logistics works in which I have or am currently engaging, to not only inspire researchers to participate in the research on logistics management, but also to help them bring forth new and interesting logistics research topics. The research works to be introduced include global logistics, distribution logistics, facility location, city logistics, hazmat logistics, natural disaster logistics, perishable products logistics, and so on.
#80 The 11th TSU (Transport Studies Unit) Seminar: Managing the Repositioning Problem in Bike-Sharing Systems
Ookayama Campus, Midorigaoka Bldg. No. 5,Room1F, Meeting Room, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
The 11th TSU (Transport Studies Unit) Seminar: Managing the Repositioning Problem in Bike-Sharing Systems
The 2nd International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第2回国際セミナー(通算 第80回国際セミナー)
The 11th TokyoTech TSU (Transport Studies Unit) Seminar
Date: May 23 (Thu.) 2013 16:00-17:30
Venue: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama Campus, Midorigaoka Bldg. No. 5, Room1F, Meeting Room
(8 min walk from Midorigaoka station of Tokyu Ooimachi-line)
Sperker: Dr. Panagiotis Angeloudis氏
(Lecturer at Imperial College London,
Director of the Port Operations Research and Technology Centre)
Title: Managing the Repositioning Problem in Bike-Sharing Systems
概要:The presence of enough bicycles and free docking points to satisfy user demands in stations is a known operational issue in bicycle-sharing schemes. Empty and full stations in such systems are equally undesirable and disruptive for the operation of the network, since the former turn away potential users while the latter could not be used to terminate bicycle journeys. Repositioning practices have been used in the past to address this situation with partial success. This study introduces a new planning approach for such activities, addressing both routing and assignment aspects of bicycle repositioning using a fleet of carrier vehicles. A case study on bicycle usage patterns from a large bicycle-sharing scheme is carried out; examples are also provided that demonstrate the behaviour of the algorithm. Implementation concerns and means to improve computational performance are also discussed.
Note: Towards the end of the seminar (or privately), Dr. Panageotis could also talk about some of his ongoing work on infrastructure resilience.
#79 International Seminar on Resilient and Sustainable Road Freight Systems and Humanitarian Logistics
Jin-Yu Hall, C1-2-311 Katsura Campus, Kyoto University, Nishikyoku, Kyoto 615-8540, Japan
International Seminar on Resilient and Sustainable Road Freight Systems and Humanitarian Logistics
The 1st International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第1回国際セミナー(通算 第79回国際セミナー)
Seminar Title: International Seminar on Resilient and Sustainable Road Freight Systems and Humanitarian Logistics
Date: 0900-1715, April 9, 2013
Venue: Jin-Yu Hall, C1-2-311 Katsura Campus, Kyoto University, Nishikyoku, Kyoto 615-8540, Japan
http://www.t.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/access/katsura (English)
http://www.t.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/access/katsura?set_language=ja (Japanese)
Seminar Description:
The disparity of commercial logistics and humanitarian logistics has motivated researchers and practitioners to create leading edge solutions to handle their differences. However both the commercial and humanitarian logistics share the same effort to reach resiliency and sustainability. Commercial logistics involves the operations of storage and transporting of goods to conform to customers’ requirements while being economically efficient. In contrast, humanitarian logistics is viewed simply as a wide range of activities aimed at saving lives and eliminating the sufferings of victims in a disaster or catastrophe. In recent years, the issues related to humanitarian logistics are so complex that a multi-disciplinary approach and the sharing of information and field experiences are so important to overcome the challenges of future devastating events.
This seminar hopes to create a platform for all key stakeholders and professionals in the area of road freight systems and humanitarian logistics to share on the following subjects:
? Innovative strategies to build resilient and sustainable road and maritime freight systems
? Valuable experiences and lessons learnt from the distribution of relief goods in the aftermath of a disaster or catastrophe
? International collaborative effort in disaster response and recovery
? State of the art modeling techniques
Programme Outline
0900 Prof. Eiichi Taniguchi (Kyoto University) Welcome address
0905 Prof. Eiichi Taniguchi (Kyoto University) Humanitarian Logistics in Disasters
0945 Ms. Megumi Tsukizoe (Deputy Asst. Director, Global Env. Dept., Disaster Mgmt. Div. 2, JICA) JICA’s strategy for disaster risk management
1025 Break
1035 Dr. Russell G. Thompson (Senior Lecturer, Monash University) Increasing the Resilience of Road Freight Systems
1115 Dr. Panagiotis Angeloudis (Lecturer, Imperial College London) Resilience of Transport Infrastructure Against Flooding
1155 Lunch
1330 Mr Osamu Suzuki (President, MOL Ferry Co. Ltd.) Expected Activity of the Mega Ferry Boats When Extensive Disaster has Taken Place
1415 Prof. Kenji Ono (Kyoto University) The Possible Policy Development for Facilitating ER Operations by Ro-Ro Vessels
1500 Break
1510 Assoc. Prof. Jan-dirk Schm?cker (Kyoto University) Risk Adverse Route Planning: Which Worst Case to Consider?
1550 Mr Rubel Das (PhD. Candidate, Tokyo Institute of Technology) Agent Based Simulation Model for Humanitarian Logistics
1630 Dr. Joel Teo (Post-doc Researcher, Kyoto University) Prospects of Multi-agent Systems Models for Urban Freight and Humanitarian Logistics
1710 Dr. Russell G. Thompson (Senior Lecturer, Monash University) Closing Remarks
Dr. Joel Teo
C1-2-338 Kyoto University, Katsura, Nishikyoku, Kyoto, Japan 615-8540 Tel. +81-75-383-3231, Fax. +81-75-950-3800
E-mail: joel.teo@kiban.kuciv.kyoto-u.ac.jp
#78 Keith W. Hipel教授(カナダ・ウォータールー大学) 特別講演会のご案内
京都大学宇治キャンパス 木質ホール
Keith W. Hipel教授(カナダ・ウォータールー大学) 特別講演会のご案内
The 20th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第20回国際セミナー(通算 第78回国際セミナー)
下記のように、Keith W. Hipel教授(カナダ・ウォータールー大学)による、特
別講演会を開催いたします。Keith W. Hipel教授は、社会システム工学における
振興会・外国人著名研究者招へ い事業により来日されます。この機会に、長年
きますので、皆様方には 是非ご参加いただきたくご案内申し上げます。学生諸
日時:3月4日(月) 15:00?16:30
場所:京都大学宇治キャンパス 木質ホール
講演者:Prof. Keith W. Hipel, カナダ・ウォータールー大学
講演題目: 気候変動への挑戦
Tackling Climate Change: A System of Systems Engineering Perspective
気候変動に取り組む責任ある統制に向けた、Systems of Systems Engineeringの
枠組みをベースとした統合的・適応型アプローチを提唱します。System of
Systems Engineering の枠組みは、参加型アプローチを用いて様々なステークホ
が可能です。セミナー 後半には、講演者が研究者・教育者として心がけている
問い合わせ先:京都大学防災研究所 横松(0774-38-4279)
同 山下(0774-38-4039)
日時: 2013年3月4日(月)17:00 – 18:30
場所: レストランきはだ
会費: 3,000円
2/27(水)までに 京都大学防災研究所 社会防災研究部門 山下 秘書までお
申込先: yamasita@imdr.dpri.kyoto-u.ac.jp
多々納裕一 (代理送信:横松)
#77 International Workshop on Transport Networks under Hazardous Conditions
International Workshop on Transport Networks under Hazardous Conditions
The 19th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第19回国際セミナー(通算 第77回国際セミナー)
このワークショップは,科学研究費補助金(基盤A)による「移動体シミュレー ションと連動した交通ネットワークの信頼性評価」,および,国土交通 省の道 路政策の質の向上 に資する技術研究開発「都市高速道路における突発事象時の 最適交通運用についての研究開発」の成果を報告することを狙いとし て,東京 工業大学TSU(Transport Studies Unit) が企画・開催するもので,土木学会土 木計画学研究委員会の国際セミナーを兼ねています.国内外の関連分野の研究者 に発表いただく予定ですので,お忙しい時 期ではありますが,皆様のご参加を お待ちしております.
1.日時: 2013年3月1日(金曜)~2日(土曜)
2.場所: 永田町「砂防会館」
3.プログラム: 東工大 Transport Studies Unit のWEB,および,下記 6.をご覧ください.
4. 申し込み方法:
会場準備の都合上,2月15日までに,「ご所属,お名前,連絡先Email」の情報を お知らせ下さい.質問等も併せて受け付けます.
申し込み先: 朝倉康夫 asakura[at]plan.cv.titech.ac.jp
前日の2/28に,東工大TSUの国際セミナー「Challenging Issues on Transport Studies」が開催されま す.併せてご参加ください.
6.International Workshop on Transport Networks under Hazardous Conditions
Dates:1st (Friday) and 2nd (Saturday), March, 2013
Venue:Sabo-kaikan (砂防会館)
1st (Friday) March
09:30-10:00 Opening (Yasuo Asakura)
10:00-10:45 Approaches to Modelling Degradable Networks (Mike Bell)
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-11:30 Estimating Vehicle Trajectories on a Motorway by Data Fusion of Probe and Detector Data (Masao Kuwahara, Takeshi Ohhata, Tsubasa Takigawa, Takeshi Imai, Koichi Abe, Kiichiro Nakamura)
11:30-12:00 Traffic Accident Risk at Designated Expressway Road Networks (Toshio Yoshii)
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:15 Temporal and Spatial Impacts of Rainfall Intensity on Traffic Accidents in Hong Kong (William Lam)
14:15-14:35 Traffic Prediction under Accidents using Dynamic Traffic Simulation on Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway (Hiroshi Warita, Ryota Horiguchi, Yuji Tamura, Hikaru Sato)
14:35-14:55 Behavior Changes of Drivers in Traffic Jams Due to Traffic Information Provision Based on Portable Traffic Detectors (Tomoyuki Adachi) 14:55-15:15 Improvement of Travel Time Information under Incident Condition Using Prediction Model Based on Current Traffic Condition (Toshihiko Kitazawa, Dai Tamagawa, Jun Tanabe, Takeshi Hagihara, Akito Higatani)
15:15-15:30 Break
15:30-16:15 Trip-timing decisions with traffic incidents(Mogens Fosgerau)
16:15-16:40 The impact of prevailing traffic conditions on incident characteristics (Zoi Christoforou)
16:40-17:05 The Progress of Miyako Recovery Plan from Tsunami Disaster (Tetsuo Yai)
17:05-17:30 Land-use Structure and Disaster Vulnerability (Daisuke Fukuda)
Session closed by 18:00
2nd (Saturday) March
09:15-10:00 Managing Pedestrian Crowds: for First Principles to Crowd Control Strategies (Serge Hoogendoorn)
10:00-10:45 A virtual travel laboratory: New methodological ways to unravel traffic and travel behaviour under extreme conditions (Hans van Lint)
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-11:30 Modeling the Cooperation Network Formation Process for Evacuation Systems Design in Disaster Areas with a Focus on Japanese Mega-disasters (Eiji Hato, Jun Urata)
11:30-12:00 Evacuation Dynamics and Social Interactions (Takamasa Iryo, Shingo Tsujimoto, Kazunobu Amano)
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:15 Resilience Issues in Vulnerable Transport Networks (Seungjae Lee)
14:15-14:45 Simulation analysis of commuters unable to get home and traffic congestion at large-scale disaster in Nagoya metropolitan area (Toshiyuki Yamamoto)
14:45-15:15 Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Gasoline Shortage in Tohoku Region after Great East Japan Earthquake (Takashi Akamatsu, Takeshi Nagae)
15:15-15:30 Break
15:30-16:00 Respondents’ Attitude on Large-scale Probe Person Survey using Smartphone Apps (Takuya Maruyama)
16:00-16:30 Stochasticity of Transportation Networks: Asymptotic distribution of travel times and maximum likelihood method (Sho-ichiro Nakayama)
16:30-16:40 Closing
Session closed by 17:00
#76 TokyoTech TSU Seminar "Challenging Issues on Transport Studies"
TokyoTech TSU Seminar "Challenging Issues on Transport Studies"
The 18th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第18回国際セミナー(通算 第76回国際セミナー)
東京工業大学TSU(Transport Studies Unit)では,以下の要領で 2月28日午後に国際セミナーを開催致します.本セミナーは,東工大 TSUに所属する各研究グループの主要研究テーマ発表,並びに, 国内外からの招聘研究者による講演によって構成されております.
特に今回は,デンマーク工科大学のモーンス フォスグロゥ教授, 並びに,京都大学の文世一教授より基調講演を行って頂くことと なっております.
年度末のお忙しい時期ではございますが,興味ある多くの方々からの ご参加をお待ち申し上げております.
TSU Seminar “Challenging Issues on Transport Studies”
1. 日時: 2013年2月28日(木曜) 13時-18時半
Date: 13:00-18:30PM, February 28 (Thu), 2013
2. 主催: 東京工業大学イノベーション研究推進体
Organizer: TokyoTech Transport Studies Unit (TSU)
後援: 土木学会土木計画学研究委員会(国際セミナー)
Support: Infrastructure Planning Committee, JSCE
Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS)
Association for Planning and Transportation Studies (APTS)
3. 会場: TokyoTechフロント「ロイヤルブルーホール」
[〒152-0033 東京都目黒区大岡山2丁目12-1 東工大蔵前会館内]
(東急目黒線/大井町線大岡山駅 徒歩1分)
Venue: Royal Blue Hall, TokyoTech Front
[Ookayama 2-12-1, Meguro-ku, 1520033 Tokyo, Japan]
(1 minute walk from Ookayama Station,
Tokyu Meguro/Oimachi Lines)
4. プログラム (Program, all presentations done in English)
13:00-13:05 (5 min.)
Opening Remarks / Daisuke FUKUDA (Associate Professor, TokyoTech)
13:05-13:15 (10 min.)
Activities of TSU / Tetsuo YAI (Professor, TokyoTech)
(Session 1: City, Environment and Institution)
13:15-13:35 (20 min.)
“Innovative infrastructure planning process in Japanese communicative culture”
/ Tetsuo YAI (Professor, TokyoTech)
13:35-13:55 (20 min.)
“Development of cycling simulator for traffic safety analysis”
/ Mio SUZUKI (Assistant Professor, TokyoTech)
13:55-14:15 (20 min.)
“Airport capacity expansion and mitigation of aircraft noise impacts in Tokyo metropolitan area”
/ Terumitsu HIRATA (Adjunct Associate Professor, TokyoTech)
14:15-14:35 (20 min.)
“Transport and climate change in Japan: Current status”
/ Yasunori MUROMACHI (Associate Professor, TokyoTech)
(Session 2: Safety and Security)
14:35-14:55 (20 min.)
“Real-time crash prediction model for urban expressways”
/ Dr. Moinul HOSSAIN
(Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Canada) 14:55-15:15 (20 min.)
“Behavioural data collection for disaster risk evaluation”
/ Yasuo ASAKURA (Professor, TokyoTech) and Takahiko KUSAKABE (Assistant Professor, Tokyo Tech)
(Session 3: Travel Time Variability)
15:30-16:10 [Special Invited Lecture 1] (40 min.)
“Economic evaluation of travel time variability”
/ Professor Mogens FOSGERAU (Technical University of Denmark)
[Note] Dr. Mogens Fosgerau is a professor of economics at Department for Transport, Technical University of Denmark. His areas of research include micro-economics and micro-econometrics applied to problems in transportation, in particular to issues concerning time, reliability and congestion. He has contributed to the econometrics of discrete choice emphasising the problem of recovering the distribution of latent variables such as the value of travel time from observed choices. He has also worked on the value of reliability, providing a foundation for this concept in scheduling preferences. His most recent research area is policies to regulate urban congestion during demand peaks. He is a founding editor of Economics of Transportation.
http://www.transport.dtu.dk/upload/institutter/dtu%20transport/cv/cv-mf.pdf http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/22120122/
16:10-16:30 (20 min.)
“The value of reliability for headway-based transit in Paris”
/ Assistant Professor Nicolas COULOMBEL (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France)
16:30-16:50 (20 min.)
“Japanese update of the valuation of travel time variability”
/ Daisuke FUKUDA (Associate Professor, TokyoTech)
(Session 4: Aviation and International Logistics)
16:50-17:30 [Special Invited Lecture 2] (40 min.)
“Port competition and welfare effect of privatization”
/ Professor Se-il MUN (Kyoto University)
17:30-17:50 (20 min.)
“Airline-airport cooperation in liberalized aviation market”
/ Batari Saraswati (Doctoral Student, TokyoTech) and Shinya Hanaoka (Associate Professor, TokyoTech)
17:50-18:30 (40 min.)
Comprehensive Discussion and Concluding Remarks
/ Yasuo ASAKURA (Professor, TokyoTech)
5. 申し込み方法 (How to apply):
「ご所属,お名前,連絡先Email」 の情報をお知らせ下さい.質問等も併せて受け付けます.
Please send the participant’s information (Name, affiliation, and the contact email address) to Dr. Daisuke FUKUDA (fukuda@plan.cv.titech.ac.jp). Any inquiry about the seminar are also welcomed.
6. 関連情報(Relevant information): 翌日の3月1日-2日には,TSU国際ワークショップ “Transport Networks under Hazardous Conditions” (会場:砂防会館,別途案内)も開催されますので,興味ある方は併せてご参加頂けますよう,お願い申し上げます.
International Workshop on Transport Networks under Hazardous Conditions Dates: 1st-2nd March 2013
Venue: Sabo Kaikan, Tokyo, Japan
(Address: 2-7-5, Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0093)
#75 Transport & Planning (TU Delft) Seminar
京都大学 桂キャンパス Cクラスター315号室
Transport & Planning (TU Delft) Seminar
The 17th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第17回国際セミナー(通算 第75回国際セミナー)
講師:デルフト工科大学 Prof. Bart van Arem, Prof. Victor Knoop, Mr. Bernat Goni Ros他
日時:平成24年11月14日(水) 13:30 – 16:30
場所:京都大学 桂キャンパス Cクラスター315号室
13:30 – 14:00 Mr. Masami Yanagihara (Kyoto University)
– A Model for Transition of Latent Intentions: An Integration of Driving Phase/Regime Models
14:00 – 14:30 Dr. Yasuhiro Shiomi (Ritsumeikan University)
– Travel time measurement based on loop detectors considering lane changes
14:30 – 14:45 Coffee break
14:45 – 15:15 Mr. Bernat Goni Ros (Delft University of Technology)
– Car-following behavior at sags and its impacts on traffic flow
15:15 – 15:45 Prof. Victor Knoop (Delft University of Technology)
– Generalized macroscopic fundamental diagram in traffic
15:45 – 16:15 Prof. Bart van Arem (Delft University of Technology)
– Towards cooperative traffic management in the Netherlands
立命館大学 塩見(shiomi@fc.ritsumei.ac.jp)までご一報下さい.
#74 International Seminar on Humanitarian Logistics and Emergency Management
Jin-Yu Hall, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University
International Seminar on Humanitarian Logistics and Emergency Management
The 16th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第16回国際セミナー(通算 第74回国際セミナー)
Seminar Title: International Seminar on Humanitarian Logistics and Emergency Management
Date: 9:00 – 16:30, November 6, 2012
Venue: Jin-Yu Hall, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University
Seminar Description:
Disasters both natural and man-made have significantly affected population across the world. Consequently, substantial efforts have been made to create societies that are disaster resilient. Humanitarian logistics being a key process towards disaster resilience, have gained significant attention from researchers and practitioners in the field. The purpose of the seminar is to bring an opportunity for multi-disciplinary researchers and practitioners to discuss and exchange ideas on:
– Past disaster experiences and lessons learnt
– Issues and challenges in humanitarian logistics
– Modeling techniques
– Emergency management, response and recovery
– Risk management strategies
The overall objective is to explore innovative yet practical research ideas that can strengthen humanitarian logistics system.
9:00 Prof. Eiichi Taniguchi (Kyoto University) Welcome Address
9:10 Prof. Eiichi Taniguchi (Kyoto University) The relief supply distribution in the Tohoku disasters
10:00 Break
10:15 Prof. Kenji Ono (Kyoto University) An impact of the east Japan great earthquake on the local and global logistics
11:05 Mr. Motohisa Abe (National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management) Emergency relief logistics supported by the maritime sector at the East Japan Great Earthquake – operations and challenges
11:55 Lunch Break
14:00 Dr. Russell G. Thompson (Monash University) Recovery of road freight networks after disasters
14:50 Break
15:05 Dr. Rojee Pradhananga (Kyoto University) Risk management in hazardous material transportation
15:45 Mr. Andie Pramudita (Kyoto University) Application of debris collection operation after disasters model case study: Tokyo metropolitan area hazard maps
16:25 Dr. Russell G. Thompson (Monash University) Closing Remarks
Dr. Rojee Pradhananga
C1-3-182 Kyoto-daigaku Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8540, Japan
Tel: +81-75-383-3415 Fax: +81-75-950-3800
Email: rojee@kiban.kuciv.kyoto-u.ac.jp
#73 Special seminar on public-private partnerships (PPPs)
京都大学 吉田キャンパス 総合研究棟 2号館3階 ケーススタディ室
Special seminar on public-private partnerships (PPPs)
The 15th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第15回国際セミナー(通算 第73回国際セミナー)
日時:日時:平成24年9月19日(水) 10:00 – 12:00
場所:京都大学 吉田キャンパス 総合研究棟 2号館3階 ケーススタディ室
10:00 – 10:05 Introduction
10:05 – 10:35 Comparative Study on PPPs around the World
Speaker: Masamitsu Onishi
Assistant Professor at Graduate School of Engineering,
Kyoto University
10:35 – 10:45 Break
10:45 – 11:30 PPP Policy and Implementation in Philippine
Speaker: Cayetano Paderanga, Jr.
Former Director-General of the National Economic and
Development Authority (NEDA),
the government of Philippine Professor at University of
Visiting Research Fellow at Center for Southeast Asian Studies,
Kyoto University
11:30 – 12:00 Free discussion
京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会学専攻 大西正光
京都大学 百周年時計台記念館 2F 会議室Ⅲ
The 14th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第14回国際セミナー(通算 第72回国際セミナー)
場所:京都大学 百周年時計台記念館 2F 会議室Ⅲ
講演者: ジョン・フォレスター教授 コーネル大学 都市地域計画学科
MEDIATORS OF PUBLIC DISPUTES: Micropolitics and Possibilities
講演概要:フォレスター先生は、Planning in the Face of Power (1989)、The Deliberative Practitioner (1999)などの著作を通じ、都市計画の決定過程における対話や意思決定の実態をつぶさに観察するすることで、都市計画家の役割を、技術専門家としてだけではなく、多様な市民の調整役にまで拡大再定義された第一人者です。
参加手続き: 参加無料・要事前登録
参加お申し込みは http://bit.ly/OqUOjM からお願いします。
連絡先:東京大学公共政策大学院 特任准教授
松浦正浩 matsuura@pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp
#71 THE CHALLENGE OF A CRITICAL PRAGMATISM:Integrating Learning and Acting through Creative Negotiations
東京大学本郷キャンパス 経済学研究科 小島ホール(2階)
THE CHALLENGE OF A CRITICAL PRAGMATISM:Integrating Learning and Acting through Creative Negotiations
The 13th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第13回国際セミナー
(通算 第71回国際セミナー)
場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス 経済学研究科 小島ホール(2階)
講演者: ジョン・フォレスター教授 コーネル大学 都市地域計画学科
Integrating Learning and Acting through Creative Negotiations
講演概要: フォレスター先生は、Planning in the Face of Power (1989)、he Argumentative Turn in Policy Analysis and Planning (1993)Frank Fischerと共編)、The Deliberative Practitioner (1999)などの作を通じ、都市計画を中心とした政策形成過程におけるディスコースに目し、 対話や意思決定の実態に基づき、批判的視点から政策分析の理論を進めてきた第一人者です。
13:00~14:30 講演会
15:00~16:00 ライティング・ワークショップ
参加手続き: 参加無料・要事前登録 参加お申し込みは
http://bit.ly/MzO1Bf からお願いします。
連絡先:東京大学公共政策大学院 特任准教授
松浦正浩 matsuura@pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp
#62 Temporal Aggregation in Traffic Forecasting: Implications for Statistical Characteristics and Model Choice 「交通需要予測における時間的な集計:統計的な特性とモデルの選択への示唆」
東京大学工学部1号館2階 社会基盤学科セミナーB室
Temporal Aggregation in Traffic Forecasting: Implications for Statistical Characteristics and Model Choice 「交通需要予測における時間的な集計:統計的な特性とモデルの選択への示唆」
The 4th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第4回国際セミナー(通算 第62回国際セミナー)
・講演タイトル:Temporal Aggregation in Traffic Forecasting: Implications for Statistical Characteristics and Model Choice
Temporal Aggregation in Traffic Forecasting: Implications for Statistical Characteristics and Model Choice Time series techniques are useful for analyzing transportation data, uncovering past trends and providing projections. Such analyses are sensitive to the temporal aggregation of the data, an issue that has been widely ignored in the transportation literature. In traffic engineering, aggregation usually equals to the average of a variable across large regular time intervals, such as 15 minutes, hours, days, months and so on. We investigate the effects of temporal aggregation on time series of traffic volume and occupancy in urban signalized arterials. Results indicate that aggregation eliminates long memory characteristics and variance heterogeneity; this leads to smoothing traffic variation and creating a time series structure that has reduced sensitivity to changes in traffic. Moreover, aggregation was found to directly affect volatility as captured by the parameters of the Generalized Auto-Regressive Conditionally Heteroskedastic (GARCH) models.
・講演者:Matthew G. Karlaftis, Associate Professor of the National
Technical University of Athens(国立アテネ工科大学准教授)
#70 Statistics and Neural Networks: Differences, Similarities, and Why Should transportationresearchers be Interested?
京都大学 吉田キャンパス 本部構内 工学部3号館 講義室N3
Statistics and Neural Networks: Differences, Similarities, and Why Should transportationresearchers be Interested?
The 12th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management,
JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第12回国際セミナー(通算 第70回国際セミナー)
日時:2012年7月6日(金) 16:30~18:00
会場:京都大学 吉田キャンパス 本部構内 工学部3号館 講義室N3
京都大学 吉田キャンパス:http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/access/campus/map5r.htm
本部構内 工学部3号館:http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/access/campus/map6r_y.htm
講演者: Matthew G. Karlaftis
講演題目:Statistics and Neural Networks: Differences, Similarities, and Why Should transportation researchers be Interested?
In the field of transportation, data analysis is probably the most important and widely used research tool available. In the data analysis universe, there are two ‘schools of thought’;
the first uses statistics as the tool of choice, while the second – one of the many methods from – Computational Intelligence. Although the goal of both approaches is the same, the two have kept each other at arm’s length.
Researchers frequently fail to communicate and even understand each other’s work. In this presentation we discuss differences and similarities between these two approaches, attempt to provide a set of insights for selecting the appropriate approach, and present three cases studies from transportation research that compare the two distinct approaches on the same set of data.
#69 Short Term Traffic and Travel Time Forecasting: Objectives,Methods,Future Directions
Short Term Traffic and Travel Time Forecasting: Objectives,Methods,Future Directions
The 11th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第11回国際セミナー(通算 第69回国際セミナー)
講演者:Matthew G. Karlaftis先生(国立アテネ工科大学准教授)
講演題目:Short Term Traffic and Travel Time Forecasting: Objectives, Methods, Future Directions
講演概要:In the last two decades, the growing need for short-term prediction of traffic parameters embedded in a real-time intelligent transportation systems environment has led to the development of a vast number of forecasting algorithms.
Despite this, researchers rarely have a clear view regarding the various requirements involved in modeling short term traffic flow. We examine developments in the field by separating short-term traffic forecasting into its three basic aspects:
determination of scope, data quality, and core modeling. We critically discuss several interactions between the above parameters and offer an approach that can be used as a framework for developing successful short-term traffic and travel time forecasting models.
連絡・問い合わせ先:名古屋大学 山本俊行(yamamoto@civil.nagoya-u.ac.jp)
#68 Attitudes and Value of Time Heterogeneity
Attitudes and Value of Time Heterogeneity
The 10th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第10回国際セミナー(通算 第68回国際セミナー)
第5回東京工業大学TSU (Transport Studies Unit)セミナー http://www.transport-titech.jp/
講師:Maya Abou-Zeid氏 (American University of Beirut 講師,MIT-ITSプログラム研究員)
講演タイトル:Attitudes and Value of Time Heterogeneity (態度と時間価値異質性の関連性)
There is ample evidence showing a high level of heterogeneity of values of time among travelers.
Previous studies have represented this heterogeneity by a distribution such as lognormal whose parameters depend on covariates like income, trip purpose, and mode of travel.
We present and demonstrate a model where the distribution of the value of time also depends on attitudes towards travel. Attitudes are latent, or unobservable, and their distribution determines the conditional distribution of the value of time given the observable covariates such as income. We illustrate this model using data from a stated preferences survey. The estimation results show that as expected the median value of time increases with income and that the variability of value of time also increases with income reflecting the greater effect that the attitude towards travel has for high income groups.
東京工業大学大学院理工学研究科 福田大輔 fukuda@plan.cv.titech.ac.jp
#66 Does Biofuel Reduce GHG Emissions from the Transport Sector? :Some Insights from Global Economic Modeling 「バイオ燃料は交通部門の地球温暖化ガスを減少させるのか?:世界経済モデルからの知見」
東京大学工学部1号館社会基盤学科1階 13号講義室
Does Biofuel Reduce GHG Emissions from the Transport Sector? :Some Insights from Global Economic Modeling 「バイオ燃料は交通部門の地球温暖化ガスを減少させるのか?:世界経済モデルからの知見」
The 8th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第8回国際セミナー(通算 第66回国際セミナー)
講演者:Govinda R Timilsina博士(世界銀行シニアリサーチエコノミスト)
講演タイトル:Does Biofuel Reduce GHG Emissions from the Transport Sector?
Some Insights from Global Economic Modeling?
#67 Probabilistic Fusion of Vehicle Features for Re-identification and Travel Time Estimation Using Video Image Data
東京工業大学・大岡山キャンパス西8号館E棟 E1001会議室
Probabilistic Fusion of Vehicle Features for Re-identification and Travel Time Estimation Using Video Image Data
The 9th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第9回国際セミナー(通算 第67回国際セミナー)
日時:2012年6月26日(火) 15:00-18:00
場所:東京工業大学・大岡山キャンパス 西8号館E棟 E1001会議室
講師: Dr. Agachai Sumalee (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
題目:Probabilistic Fusion of Vehicle Features for Re-identification and Travel Time Estimation Using Video Image Data
送信先:tsu-office@plan.cv.titech.ac.jp(東京工業大学 日下部貴彦)
#65 Happiness and Travel Mode Switching: Comparison of Findings from two Public Transportation Experiments 「幸福度と交通手段変容の関連性」
京都大学・吉田キャンパス工学部3号館2階 北棟N5講義室
Happiness and Travel Mode Switching: Comparison of Findings from two Public Transportation Experiments 「幸福度と交通手段変容の関連性」
The 7th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第7回国際セミナー(通算 第65回国際セミナー)
日時 平成24年6月20日(水) 16時00分~
場所 京都大学吉田キャンパス 工学部3号館2階 北棟 N5講義室
講師:Maya Abou-Zeid 氏 (American University of Beirut 講師,MIT-ITSプログラム研究員)
講演タイトル:Happiness and Travel Mode Switching: Comparison of Findings from two Public Transportation Experiments
都市社会工学専攻 交通マネジメント工学講座 交通行動システム分野 神田 佑亮
#64 Japanese ODA and Contribution to DPWH Infrastructure Development 「フィリピン共和国公共事業道路省インフラ開発における日本政府開発援助の貢献」
Japanese ODA and Contribution to DPWH Infrastructure Development 「フィリピン共和国公共事業道路省インフラ開発における日本政府開発援助の貢献」
The 6th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第6回国際セミナー(通算 第64回国際セミナー)
フィリピン共和国 エンカルナシオン氏 土木学会国際貢献賞受賞記念セミナー
日時:2012年6月15日(金)15:30 – 17:30
場所:国際協力機構(JICA) 本部会議室109-110
フィリピン共和国 公共事業道路省インフラ開発における日本政府開発援助の貢献
Japanese ODA and Contribution to DPWH Infrastructure Development
講師:ティオドロ・トリニダッド・エンカルナシオン氏(Mr.Teodoro Trinidad Encarnacion)
フィリピン共和国公共事業道路省(Department of Public Works & Highways (DPWH))元次官。
エンカルナシオン氏はフィリピン共和国公共事業道路省(Department of Public Works & Highways (DPWH))の元次官として、JICAがDPWHと実施してきた数々のプロジェクトを総括してきました。
独立行政法人 国際協力機構(JICA) 経済基盤開発部
運輸交通・情報通信第二課 西形 康太郎
E-mail: Nishigata.Kohtaro@jica.go.jp
Nishigata Kotaro
#63 Comparison the airliners' productivity 「航空会社の生産性比較」
東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス石川台4号館地下 B02-05室
Comparison the airliners' productivity 「航空会社の生産性比較」
The 5th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第5回国際セミナー(通算 第63回国際セミナー)
第3回東京工業大学TSU (Transport Studies Unit)セミナーhttp://www.transport-titech.jp/
日時:2012年6月13日(水) 16:30-18:00
題目:”Comparison the airliners’ productivity”
講師:Prof. Seock-Jin Hong(洪 錫普)
Professor of Supply Chain and Transport, Bordeaux Management School, Bordeaux, France Hong教授は,仁川大学物流大学院(韓国)助教授時代に運輸政策研究所の運輸セミナーでご講演をされるなど,わが国の航空関係の研究者にもおなじみの方です.2009年より現職に異動され,欧州を拠点に,航空貨物やサプライ・チェーンの研究に従事されております.
東京工業大学 大学院理工学研究科 国際開発工学専攻
TEL/FAX 03-5734-3468 hanaoka@ide.titech.ac.jp
#60 Public Transport in the Era of ITS 「ITS時代の公共交通」
A531, Engineering Building, Gifu University (岐阜大学工学部A棟 A531室)
Public Transport in the Era of ITS 「ITS時代の公共交通」
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第2回国際セミナー(通算 第60回国際セミナー)
Public Transport in the Era of ITS 「ITS時代の公共交通」
Date: 11th, May, 2012 13:00 – 17:30
Venue: A531, Engineering Building, Gifu University (岐阜大学工学部A棟A531室)
The challenge of sustainability is facing calls for a shift of the demand for mobility from individual to collective means of transport.
Hence more attractive public transport systems are required, above all in urban contexts.
Since a shortage of funds for public transport is envisaged for the next years, efforts are needed to allocate money in the most effective and efficient way. Transit assignment models describe and predict the patterns of network usage by passengers, which are a fundamental input for transport planning. The models currently used do not take adequately into consideration the effects on transit operations and on passenger behaviour brought about by increasingly advanced and widespread Intelligent Transportation Systems, nor do they exploit to the full the amount of high quality data made available by such new technologies.
This deficiency can delay the realisation of the benefits of enhanced passenger information provision.
Currently the European Union is providing funding to a number of researchers to discuss how these challenges can be addressed. This workshop is aiming to bridge the gap to research conducted in Japan.
We invite interested persons to contribute or participate in this workshop. Contributions that address advances in our understanding of passenger behaviour, passenger flow modelling, processing and use of smart card data or other related topics are welcome.
Tentative list of speakers:
1.Mike Bell : Overview of COST Action TU1004 “Public transport assignment in the era of ITS”
2.Valentina Trozzi : Stop models and dynamic transit assignment
3.Achille Fonzone : A regret / bounded rationality approach for passenger route choice
4.Jan-Dirk Schmoecker : Population uptake of sustainable transport
5.Hiroshi Shimamoto and Fumitaka Kurauchi: Transit behaviour analysis using smartcard data
6.Hironori Kato: Rail demand forecasting on Tokyo Metropolitan area
7.Takahiko Kusakabe and Yasuo Asakura: Estimation of behavioural change of railway passengers using smart card data
8.Daisuke Fukuda and Hideki Yaginuma: A large scale application of a hyperpath based railway route assignment model considering congestion effects to Tokyo Metropolitan Area
9.Daisuke Fukuda and Jiangshan Ma: Hyperpath and route guidance
参加者のお名前( )
あり ・ なし (どちらかを残してください.)
( )
する ・ しない (どちらかを残してください.)
送付先::岐阜大学 倉内文孝先生 kurauchi@gifu-u.ac.jp
#61 Rescue centre location in degradable transport networks 「災害時に寸断される可能性のある交通ネットワークにおける救援センターの配置問題」
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター 人融ホール
Rescue centre location in degradable transport networks 「災害時に寸断される可能性のある交通ネットワークにおける救援センターの配置問題」
The 3rd International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第3回国際セミナー(通算 第61回国際セミナー)
題目:Rescue centre location in degradable transport networks
講師:Prof. Michael G H Bell
(Professor of Transport Operations and Director, PORTeC
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London)
日時:2012年5月8日 16時~18時
場所:京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター 人融ホール
概要:Areas which are prone to natural or man-made disasters, such as earth quakes, fires, floods or attacks, are reliant on the residual transport network for the rescue of survivors. Pre-disaster planning requires assumptions about how the transport network may degrade. This paper focuses on the location of rescue centres in earth quake zones and assumes that links in mountainous areas and closer to fault lines will sustain higher levels of damage. Sichuan province is China is chosen to illustrate the problem. To facilitate a cautious approach to rescue centre location, it is assumed that the transport network is subject to attack by node-specific demons with the power to degrade one link leading out of every node. The mixed strategy Nash equilibrium for the non-cooperative zero sum game between rescuers seeking to reach population centres and the node-specific demons defines our interpretation of the worst credible case link damage probabilities, which in turn leads to pessimistic estimates of travel costs from rescue centres to population centres. These costs are used to find the best locations for a limited number of rescue centres where each has an upper limit on the maximum number of households it can cover. The rescue centre location problem is solved initially by a greedy heuristic and then by a relaxation method.
#59 「Advanced Technologies on Transport Network Systems」
東京工業大学・大岡山キャンパス本館 H111
「Advanced Technologies on Transport Network Systems」
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第1回国際セミナー(通算 第59回国際セミナー)
「Advanced Technologies on Transport Network Systems」
日時:2012年4月3日(火) 13:00-17:00
場所:東京工業大学・大岡山キャンパス本館 H111
13:00-14:15 William Lam (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
「Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Hong Kong: Recent Development
and Future Applications」
Takamasa Iryo (Kobe University)
「Empirical Study on Demand Change of an Urban Expressway Caused by Incidents」
14:45-15:00 Break
Chong Wei (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
「A Statistical Approach to Traffic Estimation on Stochastic User Equilibrium Networks」
Ma Jiangshan and Daisuke Fukuda (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
「Hyperpath-Based Route Guidance」
Takahiko Kusakabe (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
「Behavioural Analysis of Smart Card Data」
Yusuke Hara and Eiji Hato(The University of Tokyo)
「Tradable Permit System for Mobility Sharing」
申込先:「東京工業大学 日下部貴彦 t.kusakabe@plan.cv.titech.ac.jp」まで,下記のフォームをご返信ください.
#56 ISO国際規格アセットマネジメント・セミナー
都市センターホテル 606会議室
2011年度土木計画学研究委員会 第16回国際セミナー
そこで、当大学院では、ISO/PC251アセットマネジメントの議長を務めている英国のMr. Rhys Daviesならびにアセットモニタリングを専門とするMISTRAS Group Inc.からMr. Phillip T. ColeとMr. Samuel Ternowchekをお招きして、ISO5500xの目的を深く理解するとともに、アセットマネジメントの標準化と、それを取り巻く英国、米国でのビジネス動向についてのセミナーを、下記の通り開催することと致しました。
日 時: 2012年2月29日(水) 13:00pm~17:30pm
場 所: 都市センターホテル 606会議室
〒102-0093 東京都千代田区平河町2-4-1
Tel. 03-3265-8211
主 催: 京都大学 経営管理大学院
共 催: 土木学会 土木計画学研究委員会
後 援: 一般社団法人 京都ビジネスリサーチセンター(KBRC)
言 語: 日本語/英語(同時通訳付き)
定 員: 100名(定員になり次第申し込みを締め切らせて頂きます)
参加料: 無料
参加登録: 以下の別紙フォームに必要事項を記載の上、uketsuke@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
別紙フォーム: http://www.jsce.or.jp/committee/ip/events/articles/registration_1116.doc
事務局担当:京都大学経営管理大学院 澤井克紀/豊嶋恵子
(問い合わせ:uketsuke@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp, Tel.075-753-3530)
2012年2月29日(水) 13:00pm ~ 17:30pm
都市センターホテル 606会議室
12:30~ 受付開始
13:00~13:10 開催の挨拶
13:10~14:25 “We have been Managing our Assets for a long time – why do we need International Standards for Asset Management?”
Mr. Rhys Davies
Chairman of ISO/PC251 Asset Management
Managing Director, Smart Asset Management Solutions Ltd. UK
14:25~15:25 “TBD”
Mr. Phillip T. Cole
Executive Vice President, International Division
15:25~15:45 コーヒーブレイク
15:45~16:45 “On Line Asset Integrity Monitoring with Acoustic Emission Technology “
Mr. Samuel Ternowchek
Vice President, AE Business Development & Support
16:45~17:30 “国際技術標準化戦略について”
京都大学経営管理大学院 院長
17:30 閉会
Mr. Rhys Davies
Rhys Davies graduated with BEng (Hons) and MEng in Electronic Engineering from University College of North Wales in 1990 and 91. He went on to complete an MBA in 1999 and is a Chartered Engineer. Rhys has developed his career as an asset management specialist in a variety of industries including Aerospace, Defence, Rail, Telecoms,
Utilities and the Oil industry. Rhys’ roles have included systems design, consultancy, operations management and audit.
Rhys is the Chairman of the ISO Committee (PC251) developing formal International Standards for Asset Management. He has been fundamentally involved in the development of PAS 55 and was Vice Chair of the Steering Group for PAS 55:2008.
Rhys is Managing Director and Founder of Smart Asset Management Solutions Limited and has been involved with the Institute of Asset Management (IAM) in a variety of roles over 5 years, notably: IAM Council Member 2008 – 2010; IAM Patrons Representative (for Lloyd’s Register) 2005 – 2010 and various committee roles. Rhys was been a member of the Executive Committee of the Joint IET/IAM Technical Professional Network for Asset Management since January 2011.
Mr. Phillip T. Cole
Phillip Cole is Executive Vice President of Mistras Group, a company specializing in inspection and monitoring solutions, and listed on the New-York stock exchange. He has spent his career in the development and application of non-destructive testing and condition monitoring to process plant and structures in the oil and gas, process, and civil industries, and has published more than fifty papers.
Since 1980 he has primarily been involved in asset inspection and monitoring, using a diverse range of inspection and monitoring methods. He is most associated with the use of acoustic emission to monitor the structural integrity and degradation of assets. Structures monitored include suspension bridge main cables, post-tensioned concrete and steel bridges, offshore structures, and process vessels in the oil, gas, and nuclear industries. The Plant Condition Monitoring Systems division of his company specializes in asset integrity management software for refineries, which combines inspection data management and risk-based inspection methodology based on the American Petroleum Institute codes.
In the civil area university research project partners include the University of Wales, Cardiff, and CICE Loughborough University, researching steel bridge structures and corrosion of reinforcing bar in concrete. The Cardiff work on steel bridge structures was given an engineering excellence award by the Royal Society.
Phillip Cole has been a member of British Institute of NDT, European Working Group for Acoustic Emission since 1980, including a period as secretary, and a member of the codes sub-group, CEN TC 138 WG 7 for the development of European codes in acoustic emission, Technical advisor to ISO TC 135 SC09 HOIS, the prime industry forum for discussing inspection issues and utilizing improved inspection technology for applications in oil and gas.
Mr. Samuel Ternowchek
Sam Ternowchek is Vice President, On Line Asset Integrity Monitoring with the Mistras Group. In this capacity he is responsible for the company’s development of Advance NDT as it applies to On Line Asset Integrity Management. He has extensive experience in Advance NDT techniques especially acoustic emission, having participated as an engineer in the first applications of the technology to quality control at the Western Electric Company during the mid 1970’s. He participated in the start up of Physical Acoustics Corporation in 1978. He has served the company in a wide range of capacities in the intervening years. He has been active in many different Advance NDT applications within the company including guided wave technology and phased array ultrasonics. He is coordinator of the MONPAC(R) User’s Group, secretary of the CARP committee, Mistras’s representative to the AAR Tank Car Committee NDT Task Group. He is also active in API and is chairmen of the NACE Acoustic Emission committee.
He is an ASNT Fellow.
He is a graduate of Penn State University with a degree in Engineering Technology.
In total, Mr. Ternowchek has over thirty-eight (38) years of industry experience in applying Advance NDT and Acoustic Emission technology.
He has written numerous publications and has made presentations at several conferences.
Prof. Kiyoshi Kobayashi
Kiyoshi Kobayashi is Professor of Infrastructure Economics and the Dean of the Graduate School of Management of Kyoto University. He is also Professor of Planning and Management Theory of Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University. He is a world renowned researcher in the fields of Urban and Infrastructure Management and Economics and a recipient of several awards including the Distinguished Research Awards by Japan Society of Civil Engineers and registered as a Top 50 City Creator and Urban Expert by the Danish Ministry of Environment.
He experienced the President of the Applied Regional Science Conference and serves on the editorial boards of international journals including the American Society of Civil Engineers, and on the series editor-in-chief of the Journals of Japan Society of Civil Engineers and the Journal of Applied Regional Science.
Currently, he is a member of National Land Development Council of Japan, a committee expert on Transport Policy Council of Japan, and a coalition member of Science Council of Japan. He was an adjunct professor of 10 oversea universities and a visiting fellow of international organizations of OECE, WHO, and World Bank, etc.
He is the author and co-editor of 53 books including “Kobayashi, K.et al.(eds.) Joint Ventures in Construction, Thomas Teleford, 2009 and over 370 academic reviewed papers.
小林潔司氏は、現在、京都大学経営大学院大学院長・インフラ経済学担当教授であり、同時に京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻・計画マネジメント論教授を併任している。同教授は都市マネジメント、インフラマネジメント、インフラ経済学の分野で国際的に著名な研究者であり、土木学会研究業績賞、World TOP 50 City Creatorand Urban Expert (デンマーク環境大臣)を初めとして種々の受賞歴を持っている。
応用地域学会会長、アメリカ土木学会論文集副編集長を初めとした国際論文集の編集委員会委員、土木学会論文集委員長、応用地域学会論文集委員長を歴任。その間,国土交通省国土審議会,交通政策審議会委員,日本学術会議連携会員等に任命されるとともに、海外10大学の客員教授、OECD, WHO, 世界銀行等の客員研究員を経験した。
著書約50冊 (たとえば, Joint Ventures in Construction, Thomas Telford, 2009), 査読学術論文約370編を出版している.
#57 アジアにおける低炭素交通システム実現方策に関する国際ワークショップ
主催:日本大学大学院理工学研究科社会交通工学専攻 交通研究センター
会場:日本大学理工学部駿河台 校舎1号館1階122教室
最寄駅 JR御茶ノ水駅、メトロ千代田線新御茶ノ水駅
13:30 – 13:50 Opening Session
Prof. Dr. Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Nagoya University
13:50 – 14:00 Development of Future Vision of Low Carbon Society in Khon Kaen
Prof. Dr. Atsushi Fukuda
Director of Transportation Research Center, Nihon University
14:00 – 14:10 Spatial Development and Transport toward Low-Carbon Asia
– a research plan –
Prof. Dr. Takaaki Okuda, Nagoya University
14:10 – 14:20 Optimum speed of container vessels with the reduction of
CO2 emission in maritime transport
Dr. Shinya Hanaoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology
14:20 – 14:40 -Title to be determined-
Dr. Anthony Chin Theng Heng, National University of Singapore, Singapore
14:40 – 15:00 -Title to be determined-
Dr. Viet Hung Khuat, Centre for International Research and Education Cooperation, Vietnam.
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 – 15:40 Issues on BRT introduction in Developing megacities
-learning from Latin American experiences- Prof. Dr. Fumihiko Nakamura, Yokohama National University
15:40 – 16:00 “Captivity”: the Effects on transport demand forecasting
Dr. Sittha Jaensirisak, Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand Dr. Paramet Luathep, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
16:00 – 16:20 -Title to be determined-
Dr. Varameth Vichiensan, Kasetsart University, Thailand
16:20 – 16:40 Impact of CO2 Emission Reductions by Introducing BRT in
Metro Manila
Dr. Alexis Morales Fillone, De La Salle University, Philippines
16:40 – 17:00 Discussion Session
Moderator: Dr. Sittha Jaensirisak, Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand
東京工業大学 大学院理工学研究科 国際開発工学専攻
TEL/FAX 03-5734-3468 hanaoka@ide.titech.ac.jp
#58 「中国における港湾改革の貨物取扱量に対する影響」
海事センタービル 7階 701・702会議室
2011年度土木計画学研究委員会 第18回国際セミナー
発表者:Anthony Chin シンガポール国立大学准教授
会場:海事センタービル 7階 701・702会議室
問い合わせ先:川崎智也(日本海事センター 研究員)
TEL: 03-3263-9421
email: t-kawasaki@jpmac.or.jp
Political events and Ports Reforms: Testing for Structure Break in Chinese Ports Throughput Development
Dong Yang Anthony Chin Shun Chen
Chinese ports has been witnessed a series of international or domestic economics and political events. In addition, after China inaugurated its policy of economic reform and openness at 1978, a succession of reform measures have been introduced to ports in the subsequent thirty years. This range from decentralization, corporatization to privatization in an effort to promote the growing economy and port efficiency. This paper attempts to identify and interpret the impacts on evolution of traffic level of Chinese ports and sets out to identify the relative contributions of economic reform, political events and port legislation through applying structural break.
Findings suggest that foreign trade triggers the Chinese port throughput, especially foreign and coastal throughput. The development of port throughputs in return leads to an increase in domestic retail sales (or domestic demand) while port investment lags behind the rise of port throughput. The development of Chinese ports maritime traffics was affected by multiple shocks. The political, economic events like the Great Leap Forward affected Chinese ports throughput greatly in addition to the level of foreign trade and retail sales. The ports reform policies and infrastructure development did not have an important impact on port throughput but rather events such as China’s accession to WTO. It affirms the role of transport infrastructure as subject to derived demand, enablers and facilitators of trade and economic growth.
#54 シェアードスペースと生活支援交通の将来像
キャンパスポート大阪 ルームD+E
2011年度土木計画学研究委員会 第14回国際セミナー
このたび大阪大学大学院工学研究科交通・地域計画学領域では、大阪大学-ロンドン大学合同セミナー「シェアードスペースと生活支援交通の将来像」といたしまして、ロンドン大学Nick Tyler教授、藤山講師、英国障害者交通諮問委員会の委員長Dai Powell氏をお迎えし、セミナーを開催いたします。
Nick Tyler教授はロンドン大学で土木工学を担当され、特にユニバーサルデザインで顕著な実績を残しておられます。歩行者と自動車などの複数の交通モードを分離し通行させるのではなく、同じ道路空間を共有させ、通行させることにより、良好な歩行環境を構成するというシェアードスペースの導入が欧州で進んでおります。今回は欧州で導入が進むシェアードスペースについて、事例やその効用、問題点などをご講演いただきます。
Dai Powell氏はロンドン市ハックニー区でコミュニティトランスポートという会社を運営しておられます。この会社は、バス交通を運営する部門と障害者や高齢者の生活支援交通を提供する部門からなり、バス交通の利益により、非採算である障害者や高齢者の生活支援交通を提供する社会的企業(ソーシャルエンタープライズ)を運営しておられます。また、DPTAC(英国障害者交通諮問委員会)の委員長もしておられ、障害者交通をどのように実現していくかに精通しておられます。本セミナーでは、障害者・高齢者の移動を促進する仕組みとして、ハックニーコミュニティトランスポートとDPTACについてご講演いただきます。
場所:キャンパスポート大阪 ルームD+E
大阪市北区梅田1-2-2-400 大阪駅前第2ビル4階
13:30-13:35 開会挨拶:新田保次(大阪大学教授)
13:35-14:35 講演:Nick Tyler教授(University College of London ロンドン大学教授)
14:35-14:45 質疑応答
14:45-14:55 休憩
14:55-15:55 講演:Dai Powell氏(英国障害者交通諮問委員会(DPTAC))
仮題:障害者・高齢者の移動を促進する仕組み DPTAC(英国障
15:55-16:05 質疑応答
16:05-16:20 ワークショップ報告:秋山哲男(北星学園大学客員教授)
16:20-16:40 討議
16:40-16:50 まとめ
定員:80名 (定員になり次第締め切らせていただきます)
TEL:06-6879-7610、7610 FAX:06-6879-7612
e-mail: application@civil.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
#53 道路交通時間価値に関する国際セミナー
2011年度土木計画学研究委員会 第13回国際セミナー
日時:2012年2月7日(火) 13:00~16:30(12:30開場)
場所:東京大学山上会館大会議室 http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/campusmap/cam01_00_02_j.html
道路交通時間会研究会(代表:加藤浩徳(東京大学))は,国土交通省道路局の「道路政策の質の向上に資する技術研究開発」(新道路技術会議)の支援を受けて,2009年度より3カ年にわたり道路交通時間価値に関する研究をしてまいりました.この度,その成果を報告するとともに,リーズ大学よりMark Wardman教授をお招きして,欧州の交通時間価値研究の動向について講演をしていただきます.
13:00 開会
13:05-14:05 Mark Wardman教授(Leeds大学)講演
14:05-14:30 質疑応答
14:30-14:45 休憩
14:45-15:45 我が国の道路交通時間価値に関する研究報告
15:45-16:05 コメンテーターよりコメント
・Jan-Dirk Schmoecker准教授(京都大学)
16:05-16:30 質疑応答
16:30 閉会
#55 ヒューマニタリアンロジスティクスと非常時マネジメントに関するシンポジウム
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター 人融ホール
2011年度土木計画学研究委員会 第15回国際セミナー
日時:2012年2月1日 14時~17時半
場所:京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター 人融ホール
14:00 開会挨拶 谷口栄一教授(京都大学)
14:10 Recovery and Reconstruction: Options and cases from global best practices Dr. Sanjaya Bhatia(国際復興支援プラットホーム)
15:10 Post-disaster Humanitarian Logistics Operations after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake Frederico Ferreira研究員(京都大学)
15:50 Debris Collection Operation After Disasters Andie Pramudita
16:20 Challenges for Humanitarian Logistics in Brazil and Sao Paulo
Hugo Yoshizaki准教授(サンパウロ大学)
17:20 閉会挨拶 谷口栄一教授
概要:In the awake of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, academics and practitioners are faced with challenges never before experienced in the field of disasters management. The highly complex environment surrounding the response to the humanitarian crises in the Tohoku Region in Japan and the need to carefully re-design current building and urban planning practices indicate that an integrated perspective is paramount in order to reduce the risks in future disaster events.
In this backdrop, this symposium intends to bring an opportunity for multidisciplinary researchers to discuss and exchange ideas on:
・Risk Management strategies in the context of natural hazards;
・Emergency Management response and recovery;
・Reconstruction after natural disasters;
・Debris management after disasters; and
・Modeling techniques applied for disaster mitigation.
Overall, the event envisages to allow the proposal of innovative academic approaches yet readily applicable into practice due to the urgent need of effective tools for disasters mitigation, response and recovery.
#52 交通CO2排出コミュニケーションと認識の影響(Carbon Aware Travel Choice (CATCH))
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター 2F 217室
交通CO2排出コミュニケーションと認識の影響(Carbon Aware Travel Choice (CATCH))
2011年度土木計画学研究委員会 第12回国際セミナー
「交通CO2排出コミュニケーションと認識の影響(Carbon Aware Travel Choice (CATCH))」
講師:Dr. Owen Waygood(University of the West of England)
場所:京都大学桂キャンパス Cクラスター 2F 217室
参加希望の方は,Jan-Dirk Schmoecker准教授までメールでお申し込みください。
http://www.jsce.or.jp/committee/ip/events/articles/CATCH seminar details.pdf
12th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management in FY 2011
A seminar on the CATCH project (Carbon Aware Travel Choice (CATCH): Communicating Transport CO2 and Influencing Perceptions)
Spearker: Dr. Owen Waygood (University of the West of England)
Date and Time: Dec 21, 4pm-5.30pm
Venue: Kyoto University, Katsura Campus, C Cluster, 2nd Floor, Room 217
Contact: Assoc. Prof. Jan-Dirk Schmoecker
See the the following file for detail.
http://www.jsce.or.jp/committee/ip/events/articles/CATCH seminar details.pdf
#51 京都大学工学研究科低炭素都市圏政策ユニット 第4回国際シンポジウム
芝蘭会館 稲盛ホール
京都大学工学研究科低炭素都市圏政策ユニット 第4回国際シンポジウム
2011年度土木計画学研究委員会 第11回国際セミナー
■場所:芝蘭会館 稲盛ホール(京都市左京区吉田近衛町 京都大学医学部構内)
12:30 受付開始
13:00 開会
13:00~13:10 開会の挨拶
京都大学工学研究科教授(ユニット長) 谷口栄一
13:10~14:30 基調講演1
ロンドン大学教授 Peter Jones氏
Title:Encouraging Sustainable Transport in Urban Areas:
wider approaches to transport planning and street design
14:30~14:45 休憩
14:45~16:05 基調講演2
中国交通運輸部都市交通研究センター センター長 Yulin Jiang氏
Title:Transportation Development Policy for Low-Carbon City in China
16:05~16:15 閉会
京都大学工学研究科教授(ユニット政策支援センター長) 中川 大
京都大学大学院 工学研究科 低炭素都市圏政策ユニット
e-mail : info@upl.kyoto-u.ac.jp
TEL: 075-231-1255 FAX: 075-231-1255
#50 国際シンポジウム「環境共生のまちづくりを考える-福岡アイランドシティを事例として-」
福岡大学 A棟AB01教室
2011年度土木計画学研究委員会 第10回国際セミナー
主催:福岡大学工学部社会デザイン工学科 景観まちづくり研究室
〒814-0180 福岡市城南区七隈8-19-1
「カリフォルニア大学バークレイ校(SAVE International)・福岡大学によるアイランドシティのまちづくり・野鳥公園のデザイン提案」
ランドルフ・T・へスター(カリフォルニア大学バークレイ校 名誉教授)
マーシャ・マクナリー(カリフォルニア大学バークレイ校 特任教授)
出口 敦(東京大学大学院 新領域創成科学研究科 教授)
(進行)柴田 久(福岡大学 工学部社会デザイン工学科 准教授)
「環境共生」のあり方が模索される今日、豊かな自然に囲まれたここ福岡の博多湾には、世界的に貴重な野鳥「クロツラヘラサギ」が越冬地として飛来する。現在、博多湾に浮かぶ人工島福岡アイランドシティには野鳥公園の建設も予定されており、同時にアイランドシティの土地利用のあり方として、福岡の活力ある産業活動やまちづくりの方向性が模索されている。この度、米国カリフォルニア大学バークレイ校のメンバーを中心とした環境保護団体 SAVE Internationalと福岡大学景観まちづくり研究室による環境共生に関わる共同研究として、福岡アイランドシティを対象としたまちづくりと野鳥公園のデザイン考案がなされた。本シンポジウムはその成果報告と有識者によるパネルディスカッションを行い、今後の持続可能な環境共生のまちづくりについて考えてみたい。
#48 第3回「東アジアの交通統計に関するワークショップ」
神戸大学深江キャンパス 梅木記念ホール
2011年度土木計画学研究委員会 第8回国際セミナー
後援:国土交通省近畿地方整備局,神戸市,EASTS IRG17
8th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management in FY 2011
The Third Workshop on Transport Statistics in East Asian Countries
In order to conduct research works for realization of the concept of the Seamless Asia, which is stated in “The New National Land Sustainability Plan (National Plan)”, improvement of statistics of traffic and transportation is the major issue.
The first and the second workshops on transport statistics in East Asian counties were held in March and November 2008 and current data issues of traffic and transportation statistics were discussed. In the workshop, importance of commoditization and standardization of traffic and transportation statistics was identified, and the course of action to be taken was proposed.
This time, the presentation of country reports and free discussion for desirable transportation statistics will be organized, with experts of transport statistics from East Asian countries, in order to deepen discussions in the first and the second workshops.
Date & Venue:
15th and 16th November, 2011
Kobe University at FUKAE; UMEKI Memorial Hall
5-1-1 Fukae Minamicho, Higashi Nada-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture
Language: English
Admission Fee: The admission to the workshop is free of charge.
See the following webpage for detail:
#49 国際交流公開講座「再考 コミュニティ・デザイン」
福岡大学 A棟AB01教室
国際交流公開講座「再考 コミュニティ・デザイン」
2011年度土木計画学研究委員会 第9回国際セミナー
国際交流公開講座「再考 コミュニティ・デザイン」
18:00 開会挨拶・主旨説明
柴田 久(福岡大学准教授)
18:10 基調講演1「米国でのコミュニティ・デザインの実践」
18:50 基調講演2「我が国におけるコミュニティデザインの行方」
19:10 休憩
19:20 パネルディスカッション
コーディネーター: 柴田 久
柴田 久 担当:石橋悠 (092-871-6631内線6484/hisashi@fukuoka-u.ac.jp)
#47 Andre Dantas先生 講演会
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター 人融ホール
Andre Dantas先生 講演会
2011年度土木計画学研究委員会 第7回国際セミナー
7th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management in FY 2011
会場:京都大学 桂キャンパス C Cluster, Jin-Yu Hall (Room 311)
講演者:Dr. Andre Dantas (National Association of Urban Transport Companies)
Presentation outline:
Dr. Andre Dantas will present the most recent initiatives on the implementation of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems in Brazil. He will discuss the details of how 12 Brazilian cities are geared towards planning, managing and operating high quality public transport services.
In specific, the presentation will show the overall context of each study area and how BRT will be incorporated as part of the existing system. Also, details of the basic, executive and operation plans will be described. Dr. Dantas’ presentation is part of the National Association of Urban Transport Companies’ (NTU) initiatives to encourage the development of efficient and equitable public transport systems in Brazil.
Dr. Andre Dantas’ BIO:
Dr. Dantas is an internationally recognized professional working in strategic planning and related areas who has has acted as an expert consultant around the world. In these projects, Dr. Dantas has provided advisory services to a large variety of infrastructure-related clients.
The Urban Transportation Network Reliability Assessment Techniques in Beijing, China and the Port of Brisbane Motorway upgrade, Australia are examples of major projects in which Dr. Dantas used his modeling, economics, planning and logistics background. MWH Australia also used Andre’s services in business and service development activities. Taking advantage of his fluency in Portuguese, English, Spanish and Japanese. During his tenure at the University of Canterbury, Dr. Dantas participated in a series of applied research projects such as logistics of postal services, energy constrained transport systems and airport cities. Dr. Dantas returned to Brazil in 2010, where he has been involved in a consultancy project about the cost of rural school transport. Since 2011, Dr. Dantas is working at the National Association of Urban Transport Companies, where he leads a technical team providing assistance to over 600 bus operators throughout Brazil.
#46 Rodney Smith准教授 特別講演会
京都大学 吉田キャンパス 総合研究2号館 3F ケーススタディ演習室
Rodney Smith准教授 特別講演会
2011年度土木計画学研究委員会 第6回国際セミナー
6th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management in FY 2011
場所:京都大学 吉田キャンパス 総合研究2号館 3F ケーススタディ演習室
講演者:Rodney Smith氏(アメリカ・ミネソタ大学応用経済学部 准教授)
タイトル: “On the Flow and Stock Values of non-Market Natural Resources:
Theory and Practical Considerations”
A recent UNEP report (TEEB) concluded the current set of valuation tools is ill-equipped to measure the value of ecosystem services in macroeconomic settings. This project uses water resources in Japan to illustrate the hurdles one encounters when trying to measure the economic value of a natural asset as pervasive as water, and the steps one can take to overcome them. In telling this story, I lay out a dynamic, general equilibrium model of economic growth. With this model,
I discuss how we typically link IO data to the model, and point out (non-market) water has no role in such a framework. I suggest (a possibly obvious) remedy to this problem, and present simulation results based on 2005 Japanese IO data. I then discuss how we use the results to calculate the stock values of water over time. I conclude with a brief discussion of extending the model to accommodate ecosystem services – where an ecosystem is described by one or more dynamic stock variables.
#45 Roger Vickerman教授 講演会
日本大学理工学部駿河台校舎1号館 4階141教室
Roger Vickerman教授 講演会
講師:Roger Vickerman教授
Dean of the University of Kent at Brussels
Professor of European Economics
Wider economic impacts of transport investments: issues for appraisal
This seminar will include an assessment of current UK practice and its use in major rail projects such as Crossrail in London and High-speed rail from North England to Scottland.
Crossrail:ロンドンを東西に横断する予定のheavy rail計画
High-speed rail:完成しているSt. PancrasからEuro Star規格の高速鉄道を北イングランド–>スコットランドへと延ばす計画
最寄駅 JR御茶ノ水駅、メトロ千代田線新御茶ノ水駅
東京工業大学 大学院理工学研究科 国際開発工学専攻
TEL/FAX 03-5734-3468 hanaoka@ide.titech.ac.jp
#44 Seminar on Transportation and Logistics for Human Security in Asian Cities
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター 人融ホール
Seminar on Transportation and Logistics for Human Security in Asian Cities
4th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management in FY 2011
Title: “Seminar on Transportation and Logistics for Human Security in Asian Cities:
Perspective Towards Safer and Sustainable Transport Logistics”
Date: September 16, 2011 (14:00 – 17:00)
Venue: Jin-Yu Hall, C Cluster, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University
Outline: Transportation and logistics are keys to development, but are also responsible for a range of negative impacts such as the road accidents, traffic congestion and environmental degradation. Obtaining safe, secure and sustainable transportation is an immense challenge, and transport planners and managers are working hard on several policies to achieve it. For Asian cities, things have become more and more challenging due to recent unwarranted rise of traffic in all the three modes (Road, Water and Air) of transportation in these cities.
Scientific research studies can come up with innovative yet realistic approaches to deal with the challenges. But, it is also equally important to encourage public and private partnership to translate the research to field implementation.
This seminar aims at presenting
1. Scientific ideas to foster the safety, security and sustainability of the transportation and logistics schemes especially in concern to Asian cities.
2. Approaches to obtain public acceptability for implementation of such innovative ideas.
The overall objective is to create a platform for discussion among researchers in the field to exchange their knowledge, ideas and experiences that may direct towards further effective tools.
The seminar is an open seminar and all the related personnel are requested to participate.
Prof. Kunnawee Kanitpong (Asian Institute of Technology)
Dr. Frederico Ferreira (Kyoto University)
Dr. Rojee Pradhananga (Kyoto University)
Mr. Joel Sze Ern Teo (Kyoto University)
Ms. Batari Saraswati (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
For details contact:
Dr. Rojee Pradhananga
C1-3-182 Kyoto-daigaku Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8540, Japan
Tel: +81-75-383-3415
Fax: +81-75-950-3800
#43 ヘンリック・グッドムンドソン先生(デンマーク工科大学)
日時:2011年7月7日(木曜日) 15:00-18:30
“Indicators and performance measures of sustainability in transportation”
Sustainability has become an overarching concern for transportation policy and planning around the world. The notion of sustainability for transportation however remains poorly specified which allows many policies and practices to be identified as ‘sustainable’ whilst business as usual approaches are pursued. There is a strong need to make the notion operational for application in transportation and related fields.
The lecture will focus on the use of indicators and performance measures as key tools to make sustainability operational within the field of transportation planning and management. An indicator can be defined as a variable, or a combination of variables, being selected to represent a certain wider phenomenon or problem of interest, to support observation, communication, or intervention.
A performance measure is an indicator that is connected to organizational objectives, goals, targets, and/or practices.
The lecture will:
*Introduce the topic of sustainability in general, and in transportation (concept of present and future needs, the three dimensions, the impacts that transport has on sustainability, key principles and goals, challenges involved in defining sustainability for a subsystem such as transport)
*Introduce and define various types of indicators and performance measures, and their functions and roles for different transport planning, management and decision making applications. (definitions, types of criteria for good indicators, applications of indicators)
The lecture will shift between PowerPoint presentation, small group work sessions, and interactive plenary sessions, where results of group discussions are reported and discussed. Total duration would be around 3,5 hours.
Tentatively, the schedule could be:
*One hour lecture on the first topic, followed by 20 minutes of group discussions and 20 minutes of interactive feedback, with breaks in between, as appropriate
*One hour lecture on the second topic, followed by 20 minutes of group
discussions and 20 minutes of interactive feedback, with breaks in between as appropriate
The emphasis will be on introducing concepts and typologies; no mathematics or calculation exercises will be involved. The lecture will be based on draft chapters of a textbook currently in preparation called “Sustainability in Transportation: Making it Count”. The book is scheduled to be completed in 2012, and published by Springer.
It is intended as teaching material for transportation classes at higher education
institutions, as well as for practitioners in transport planning around the world.
The lecture could provide valuable feed-back to improve the drafting of the textbook.
Lecture Schedule:
15:00-16:00 (1) Lecture on the topic of sustainability in general, and in transportation
16:00-16:20 (1) Group Discussion
16:20-16:40 (1) Interactive Feedback
(Short break)
16:50-17:50 (2) Lecture on indicators and performance measures, and their functions and roles for different transport planning, management and decision making applications
17:50-18:10 (2) Group Discussion
18:10-18:30 (2) Interactive Feedback
18:30 Concluding Remarks
#42 ヘンリック・グッドムンドソン先生(デンマーク工科大学)
日時:2011年6月9日(木曜日) 15:00-17:00
“The Use of Indicators for Sustainable Transport Planning”
by Dr. Henrik Gudmundsson
(Senior Researcher, Department of Transport, Technical University of Denmark)
[topics of lecture]
– Principles of sustainability for transport policy and planning
– Concept and examples of indicators and performance measures
– The assessment and use of appropriate indicators in transport planning and policy making
The lecture will be based on recent and ongoing research work in two European research projects. “COST Action 356, Indicators of environmental sustainability in transport: An interdisciplinary approach to methods” (http://cost356.inrets.fr), and ” POINT – The Policy Influence of Indicators”
(http://bayswaterinst.squarespace.com/), as well as one project in the US: “NCHRP 08-74, Sustainability Performance Measures for State DOTs and Other Transportation Agencies”.
#41 Jose Holguin-Veras先生 特別講演会
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター 314号室
Jose Holguin-Veras先生 特別講演会
Jose Holguin-Veras先生 特別講演会
日時:2011年5月23日 10時~12時
場所:京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター 314号室
講師:Jose Holguin-Veras 教授
Extreme events pose serious logistical challenges to emergency and aid organizations active in preparation, response and recovery operations, as the disturbances they bring about have the potential to suddenly turn normal conditions into chaos. Under these conditions, delivering the critical supplies (e.g., food, water, medical supplies) urgently required becomes an extremely difficult task because of the severe damages to the physical and virtual infrastructures and the very limited, or non-existent, transportation capacity. In this context, the recovery process is made more difficult by the prevailing lack of knowledge about the nature and challenges of emergency supply chains. As a result, the design of reliable humanitarian logistic systems is hampered by the lack of: knowledge about the particulars of how formal and informal (emergent) supply chains operate and interact; methods to properly analyze and coordinate the flows of both priority and non-priority goods; and, in general, scientific methods to analyze logistic systems under extreme conditions.
This presentation is based on the quick response field work conducted by the author and his colleagues on New Orleans and Haiti. The presentation provides a succinct description of the key logistical issues that plagued the Katrina response, and then discusses preliminary observations concerning the response to the Port au Prince earthquake. These cases provide an example of the need to significantly improve the efficiency of humanitarian logistics. The paper is based, to a great extent, on public accounts of the event and the interviews conducted by the authors during a number of field visits to the impacted sites, as part of research projects funded by the National Science Foundation. Then, in the second part of the presentation, he will discuss policy implications of relevance to ensure an efficient flow of critical supplies to a site impacted by a natural or a man-made disaster.
This research was supported by the National Science Foundation’s grants entitled NSF-RAPID 1034365: “Field Investigation on the Comparative Performance of Alternative Humanitarian Logistic Structures;” “DRU: Contending with Materiel Convergence: Optimal Control, Coordination, and Delivery of Critical Supplies to the Site of Extreme Events” (National Science Foundation CMMI-0624083); and “Characterization of the Supply Chains in the Aftermath of an Extreme Event: The Gulf Coast Experience,” (NSF-CMS-SGER 0554949).
This support is both acknowledged and appreciated.
#40 リノベーションまちづくり国際セミナー
大阪大学中之島センター2F 講義室1
講師の一人であるLloyd WRIGHT氏は、国際交通計画コンサルタントとして、国連、アメリカ環境保護庁、ドイツ技術援助庁などでの業務として、都市交通と地球環境問題について取り組んできており、非動力系交通やBRT(Bus Rapid Transport)などに深い見識を持っておられます。また、もう一人の講師であるBounta ONNAVONG氏は、大阪大学で地球環境問題と交通に関して研究を行い、博士号を取得の後、母国ラオスに帰国しラオス政府公共事業交通省で地球環境問題と交通について、取り組んでおられ、ASEANの持続可能な交通に関する国際会議など様々な場で活躍をしておられます。このようにアジアの現場で持続可能な交通まちづくりに取り組んでおられるお二方にお越しいただき、深い議論を行いたいと思いますので、奮って、ご参加ください。
■日時:2011年3月28日(月) 13:00~17:00 開場12:30
■場所:大阪大学中之島センター 2F 講義室1
〒530-0005 大阪市北区中之島4-3-53
TEL:06(6444)2100 FAX:06(6444)2338
定員:50名 (定員になり次第締め切らせていただきます)
13:00 開場
13:30~13:45 開会挨拶および研究紹介
リノベーションまちづくり研究拠点 代表 新田保次
13:45~14:45 講演1「アジアにおける持続可能な交通の最先端-持続可能な財源を含めて-」
Lloyd WRIGHT氏 Viva Cities事務局長
14:45~14:55 質疑応答
14:55~15:05 休憩
15:05~15:35 講演2 「ラオスにおけるEST(Environmental Sustainable Transport )」
Bounta ONNAVONG氏 ラオス政府公共事業交通省
15:35~15:45 質疑応答
15:45~16:15 講演3 「ベトナムにおける都市・交通の低炭素化の取り組み」
児玉 健氏(日建設計総合研究所)
16:15~16:25 質疑応答
16:25~16:30 閉会挨拶
申し込み先:FAX:06-6879-7612、 E-mail:application@civil.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
大阪大学大学院工学研究科地球総合工学専攻交通システム学研究室 宛て
■共催:財団法人災害科学研究所 交通まちづくり学研究会
#39 Stephanie E. Chang教授 特別講義
京都大学防災研究所大会議室 D1518室
Stephanie E. Chang教授 特別講義
Stephanie E. Chang教授 特別講義
日時: 2011年3月10日(木) 16:00~18:00
会場: 京都大学防災研究所大会議室 D1518室(宇治研究所本館5F)
Stephanie E. Chang教授
School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP)
and Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability (IRES)
University of British Columbia
Modeling Social Impact of earthquakes
社会防災研究部門 防災社会システム分野(多々納研究室)
TEL 0774-38-4039
#37 Strategy of City Mobility Management with Community Cycle: From London to Japanese Cities
共立女子大学 共立講堂
Strategy of City Mobility Management with Community Cycle: From London to Japanese Cities
“Strategy of City Mobility Management with Community Cycle:
From London to Japanese Cities”
○場所:共立女子大学 共立講堂(東京都千代田区一ツ橋2-2-1)
12:30 開場
13:00-13:05 はじめに
13:05-14:00 基調講演「ロンドンのコミュニティサイクル」
Mr. Alan Stannard
(Operations Director, Serco Civil Government,
Barclays Cycle Hire Scheme)
14:00-14:15 「日本の自転車政策とコミュニティサイクルのレビュー」
14:15-15:00 「日本のコミュニティサイクルの事例」
15:00-15:15 休憩
15:15-16:15 パネルディスカッション「日本の都市におけるコミュニティサイクルの未来」
Mr. Alan Stannard
コーディネーター 大森宣暁(東京大学)
16:15-16:25 質疑応答
16:25-16:30 総括
コミュニティバイク研究会事務局(e-mail: symposium@community-bike.com)宛に、下記事項をご記入の上、2/25(金)までに電子メールでお申し込み下さい。
#38 Jonathan L. Gifford教授講演会
京都大学 総合研究2号館3階 マルチメディア演習室
Jonathan L. Gifford教授講演会
2010年度土木計画学研究委員会第15回国際セミナー ジョージメイソン大学 Jonathan L. Gifford教授講演会 この度,京都大学大学院工学研究科 低炭素都市圏政策ユニットの活動の一環といたしましてジョージメイソン大学・公共政策学部のJonathan L. Gifford教授(専門:交通政策)をお招きし,下記の通りに講演会を開催いたします. ■ 日 時:23年2月18日(金) 17時30分より ■ 講演者:Jonathan L. Gifford教授 (ジョージメイソン大学・公共政策学部教授,研究担当副学長兼務) ■ 講演題目:”The Financial Crossroads in the U.S. Surface Infrastructure Policy” ■ 講演概要: U.S. surface infrastructure policy is near deadlock. The interstate highway program, and the Highway Trust Fund that provided the federal financing for its construction, is essentially bankrupt, having required $35 billion in the last 2 years to remain solvent. Revenue growth has stalled because of increasing fuel efficiency. State financing is also facing a dim outlook. Thus, public funding for highway system expansion is virtually non-existent. Most existing funding is consumed with maintenance and rehabilitation. The newly elected Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives has no interest in raising gas taxes, and indeed seeks to cut spending governmentwide. Private finance has made some promising inroads in the last two decades. But there are substantial barriers to investment — political, financial and institutional. The primary U.S. surface transportation statute expired on September 30, 2009, and has only been extended temporarily, giving states no long-term federal financial commitment to use in planning multi-year construction and improvement programs. Experts and interest groups agree that the traditional program is badly in need of reform to make it more focused on performance, transparency and accountability. Yet doing so with flat or reduced budgets poses enormous challenges. However, difficult challenges also sometimes force consideration of alternatives that would normally be out of the question. Washington is awash in bold proposals for program reform, including streamlining, devolution, and rethinking the locus of responsibility and authority for future highway and transit investment. ■ 会 場:吉田キャンパス 総合研究2号館3階 マルチメディア演習室 (http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/access/campus/map6r_y.htm) ※総合研究2号館は百万遍の門から入って南を向いて左手(旧化学系)の建物です. ※小演習室1は「ロ」の字型の建物の東側にございます. 本件に関するご質問は,塩見(shiomi@trans.kuciv.kyoto-u.ac.jp)までお願いいたします.
#36 Jae H.Lee氏(サムスン石油化学・前CEO)講演会
京都大学吉田キャンパス総合研究2号館 3F ケーススタディ演習室
Jae H.Lee氏(サムスン石油化学・前CEO)講演会
Jae H.Lee氏講演会
■場所:京都大学吉田キャンパス総合研究2号館 3F ケーススタディ演習室
■講師:Mr.Jae H.Lee
(Former CEO of Samsung-BP Petro-Chemical, and Samsung Venture Capital)
■題目:A comparative view on management of big companies in Korea
Cases of venture business incubation in Korea
#35 An instrumented traffic information platform for human security engineering
An instrumented traffic information platform for human security engineering
12th International JSCE Seminar in fiscal year 2010
“An instrumented traffic information platform for human security engineering”
Speakers: Dr. Russell G. Thompson and Dr. Majid Sarvi, Institute of Transport Studies, Monash University
Date: 21st January 2011
Place: Room 314, C1 building, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University
Time: 14:00 to 16:00
Inquiry: Please contact Dr. Pradhananga Rojee at rojee.p[at]ks3.ecs.kyoto-u.ac.jp
#34 中国内陸部の高速鉄道ネットワークの計画
山梨大学甲府キャンパス 情報メディア館5F多目的ホール
日時:2010年12月14日(火) 10時30分~12時30分
10:30 開会の挨拶 山梨大学教授 北村眞一
10:35 学部長挨拶 山梨大学工学部長 豊木博泰
10:40 講演 彭其淵(西南交通大学 運輸交通学院院長)
11:50 講演 ?海峰(西南交通大学運輸交通学院副教授)
12:30:閉会の挨拶 山梨大学准教授 佐々木邦明
#31 David Boyce先生特別講演会
David Boyce先生特別講演会
David Boyce 先生 特別講演会
日時: 2010年10月12日 (火曜日) 10:00 – 13:00
場所: 土木学会講堂(新宿区四谷一丁目外濠公園内)http://www.jsce.or.jp/contact/map.shtml
参加費: 無料
講師: David Boyce 教授
講演内容: 交通計画における交通量予測手法について
概要:利用者均衡配分をはじめとする交通量配分手法・交通需要予測の理論と実践に関しての世界的な研究者の一人であるシカゴ大学イリノイ校名誉教授 ノースウェスタン大学客員教授 David Boyce 先生が来日するのにあわせて特別講演会を企画いたします。Boyce 先生は、厳密な数理モデルに基づく交通需要予測モデルの学術的な先端研究から、その実務における利用法まで幅広い見識をお持ちです。今回の講演会でも、最新のモデルとアルゴリズムの研究紹介 (with Hillel Bar-Gera and Yu (Marco) Nie) から、それをどのように実用化するかについて、日本の研究者や実務者まで話す機会を持ちたいという相談からもちあがった企画です。
10:00 世話人挨拶とBoyce先生の経歴紹介
10:05 – 11:10 Session 1セッション1 Boyce 教授特別講演
10:05 – 11:00 Distinguished Special Lecture by Prof. David Boyce
“Predicting Road Traffic Flows for Transportation Planning Practice (仮)”
11:00 – 11:10 質疑応答 (日英 逐次通訳予定)
11:10 – 12:30 Session 2 Japanese Practices of Road Traffic Assignments (詳細調整中)
11:10- 11:25 計量計画研究所 井上紳一 (仮)
“Japanese Experience on Use of Advanced Algorithm of Equilibrium Assignment and Issue of Convergence Error” (仮)
11:30- 12:15:
日本における交通量配分モデルの実務への適用事例の紹介(1~2件程度, 調整中))
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch with Prof. Boyce
Boyce 先生の経歴と研究業績などは以下のページを参照してください。
熊本大学 政策創造研究教育センター 准教授 円山琢也
e-mail: takumaru@kumamoto-u.ac.jp
〒860-8555 熊本市黒髪2-39-1
Tel: 096-342-3283 (直通) Fax: 096-342-2042
財団法人計量計画研究所(IBS) 井上紳一
e-mail: sinoue@ibs.or.jp
〒162-0845 新宿区市谷本村町2-9
Tel: 03-3268-9977 (直通) Fax: 03-5229-8081
#33 Fourth Workshop on Transport Logistics
Global Hall[Jin-yu], Katsura Campus, Kyoto University
Fourth Workshop on Transport Logistics
Fourth Workshop on Transport Logistics
Date: 27th September 2010
Venue: Global Hall[Jin-yu], 3rd floor C1-2 building, Katsura Campus,
Kyoto University
The event details can also be accessed at following links:
The workshop is part of a series of such events jointly organized by Global Center of Excellence (GCOE) at Kyoto University and the Center for Maritime Studies, National University of Singapore (CMS-NUS), which is a GCOE partner institute.
9.30 am – 10.00 am Registration
10.00 am – 10.15 am Welcome Address:
Prof. Eiichi TANIGUCHI (KU)
Prof. Tien Fang FWA (NUS)
10.15 am – 11.15 am Morning Session 1
Presentation 1 : City Logistics Policies – Overview
Prof. Eiichi TANIGUCHI (KU)
Presentation 2 : Transport Logistics Issues of Port Cities
Prof. Tien Fang FWA (NUS)
11.15 am – 11.30 am B r e a k
11.30 am – 12.30 pm Morning Session 2
Presentation 3: Method of Extracting Characteristics of Truck Road Usage from GPS Data
Prof. Takayoshi YOKOTA (KU)
Presentation 4 : A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Intermodal Hub-and-Spoke Network Design with Stochastic Equilibrium Flows
Prof. Qiang MENG (NUS)
12.30 pm – 1.30 pm L u n c h B r e a k
1.30 pm – 3.00 pm Afternoon Session 1
Presentation 5 : Estimating Personal Physical Activity from Transport
Prof. Russell G. THOMPSON (Monash University, Australia)
Presentation 6 : Conflict Analysis for Mixed Traffic Flow with Motorcycles
Prof. Yasuhiro SHIOMI (KU)
Presentation 7 : Exact Solution of the Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem with Soft Time Windows
Prof. Ali Gul QURESHI (KU)
3.00 pm – 3.15 pm B r e a k
3.15 pm – 4.45 pm Afternoon Session 2
Presentation 8 : Speed-based Congestion Toll Design
Mr. Zhiyuan LIU (PhD. Candidate, NUS)
Presentation 9 : A Route Choice Model based on Evolutionary Game Theory considering Travel Time Reliability and Traffic Impediments
Mr. Naohiro UCHIYAMA (PhD. Candidate, KU)
Presentation 9 : Fuel Consumption Prediction Model for “ECO” Route Search
Ms. Mariko OKUDE (PhD. Candidate, KU)
4.45 pm – 5.00 pm Closing Speech
Prof. Eiichi TANIGUCHI (KU)
Prof. Tien Fang FWA (NUS)
#32 大メコン河地域の越境交通インフラに関するセミナー
・発表者:Pichai Uamturapojn博士(東京大学JSPS研究員)
・問い合わせ先:東京大学大学院工学系研究科社会基盤学専攻 加藤浩徳(kato@civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
[Special seminar on cross-border transport in the GMS]
– Time and date: 14:00-16:00 on September 24 (Fri);
– Presenter: Dr. Pichai Uamturapojn (JSPS researcher);
– Title: Institutional aspect of cross-border transport infrastructure in the Greater Mekong Subregion;
– Venue: Meeting room at the 3rd floor, Engineering Building No.11 (Hongo Campus), University of Tokyo;
– Language: English only; and
– Inquiry: Please contact Dr. Hironori Kato at kato@civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp.
#30 Kim Hassall先生特別講演会
Kim Hassall先生特別講演会
Kim Hassall 先生 特別講演会
日時:9/9(木) 10:00~12:00
講演者:メルボルン大学土木環境工学部准教授 Kim Hassall
題目:Bi-Modal terminals and Mid-corridor connect intermodal solutions –
A new leap in Freight Productivity
The concept for a Bi-Modal terminal was developed in Australia and used for a major State Freight network strategy. (DoTV, 2008). The concept for Bi-modal terminals is one that exhibits aspects of both inter-modal and multi-modal freight systems. The terminals are served by Performance Based Standard (High Productivity) road freight vehicles as one freight technology combined with a rail freight shuttle locomotive as the second vehicle technology. The combined power of these technologies, within a closed, or fixed, freight network can generate significant productivity improvements.
Bi-Modal terminals are useful in an urban environment as well as a long distance corridor environment. Another concept that can be used in conjunction with long distance corridor freight operations is that of ‘mid-corridor connect’intermodal freight networks. Mid corridor connect solutions are useful in many ‘semi’ time sensitive freight operations and require the use of two modes inter-connecting at some point within a freight corridor. Freight is then exchanged to the other mode for delivery to a final terminal or distribution centre and achieving a lower cost than the fastest individual mode and with a better standard of customer services than the slowest individual freight mode. Despite the power of the ‘mid corridor connect’ concept few operators offer such a service to their customers. The paper examines two Australian case studies to show the power of ‘mid corridor connect’ solutions. Mid corridor connect solutions can also be used in conjunction with Bi-modal terminals.
Keywords: Bi-modal transport, freight productivity, performance based standards, freight exposure, urban freight, logistic parks.
京都大学大学院 工学研究科・医学研究科 安寧の都市ユニット
〒615-8540 京都市西京区京都大学桂C1-313
Tel:075-383-2819 Fax:075-383-2820
#29 熊本大学・ソウル市立大学・カルガリー大学共同セミナー 2010
#29 熊本大学・ソウル市立大学・カルガリー大学共同セミナー 2010
(熊本大学・ソウル市立大学・カルガリー大学共同セミナー 2010)
1. 会議名称
「熊本大学・ソウル市立大学・カルガリー大学共同セミナー 2010」
– 交通・防災・景観・健康・まちづくりに関する3大学合同国際会議
US-UC-KU International Joint Seminar at Kumamoto 2010
– Korea-Canada-Japan Joint Seminar on Urban Transportation, Disaster
Prevention, Landscape Design, Health and Community Development at Kumamoto
2. 実施期日 2010年8月25日(水) ~ 8月27日(金)
3. 会 場 熊本大学黒髪キャンパス (くすのき会館、工学部1号館2F共用A会議室ほかを予定)
4.主 催 熊本大学工学部社会環境工学科 持続可能な地域づくり研究グループ (代表: 溝上章志)
5.共 催 熊本大学工学部社会環境工学科、熊本大学政策創造研究教育センター、ソウル市立大学交通工学科、カルガリー大学土木工学科
実行委員長 熊本大学工学部社会環境工学科教授 溝上章志
事務局長 熊本大学政策創造研究教育センター准教授 円山琢也
7. スケジュール案
2010年8月25日(水) AM 参加者空港出迎え
PM 会議開始。招待講演など。 (くすのき会館)
夕方 Welcome Dinner
8月26日(木) 研究発表会議 (工学部1号館共用会議室A)
8月27日(金) AM 研究発表 会議 (工学部1号館共用会議室A)
昼食, PM Technical Tour 、個別研究討議 など。
8. 現時点の参加予定者と発表予定タイトル (順不同、敬称略)
ソウル市立大学 (University of Seoul)
– Do-Gyeong Kim (Assistant Professor, University of Seoul) : Developing crash prediction models for hot spot Identification without zero crash counts
– Youngchan Kim (Professor): Traffic flow simulation of freeway exit-ramp congestion based on Daganzo’s two-pipe model
– Jaisung Choi (Professor) : Analysis of Safety Effects of Geometric Design Standards for Roundabouts
– SooBeom Lee (Associate Professor): A study on driver’s psychological reaction in a very long Tunnel using a driving simulator
– Seungjae Lee (Professor):Driver’s Compliance Analysis in Car Navigation Systems
カルガリー大学 (University of Calgary)
– John Douglas Hunt (Professor) : Factors Affecting Utility of Passenger Modes in Calgary (with M Hassanvand)
– DeBarros (Assistant Professor): Factors affecting the ability of airports to attract transfer passenger traffic
熊本大学 (Kumamoto University)
– 溝上章志: Bus Network Reorganization and Mechanism Design for Incentive Subsidy Scheme (Shoshi MIZOKAMI and Toshio FUJIMI)
– 山田文彦、柿本竜治、藤見俊夫 (以上、社会環境工学科)
– 上野眞也、田中尚人、円山琢也 (政創研)
– 河村洋子 (政創研) Entertainment-education strategy for healthy community
– 両角光男 (工学部長、建築学科) Planning goals and tasks for 400 year old Castle City: Kumamoto (仮、予定)
– 助友裕子 (国立がん研究センター・リサーチレジデント) Hiroko YAKO-SUKETOMO
(Ph.D., National Cancer Center) Intersectoral collaboration for health promotion activities 健康社会学 (三郷市でのICウォークの話など)
– 小林 華弥子*(由布市議会議員/熊本大学大学院社会文化科学研究科 公共政策学専攻 博士前期課程)・米田 誠司(元・由布院観光総合事務所事務局長/熊本大学大学院社会文化科学研究科公共政策学専攻 博士後期課程)・高尾 忠志(九州大学大学院工学研究院 特任助教)「由布院の観光まちづくりと湯の坪地域における住民主体の景観計画・協定の策定」Kayako Kobayashi (A member of Yufu City Council/ Graduate School of Public Policy, Kumamoto University, Seiji Yoneda (Ex-secretary general of Yufuin Tourism Office/ Graduate School of Public Policy, Kumamoto University), Tadashi Takao (Research Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering, Kyushu University): Tourism Development in Yufuin / Making a Landscape plan and Agreement of Yunotsubo District in Yufuin by local residents.
– 岡崎勘造*(早稲田大学 スポーツ科学学術院 研究助手) ほか Kanzo OKAZAKI*, Ai SHIBATA, Kaori ISHII, Fujimi TAKEDA-IMAI, Hiroko YAKO-SUKETOMO, Yoko KAWAMURA, Keiko MORIYA, Koichiro OKA: Municipal approach for promoting walking in local community: integration of environmental equipment and ICT program
– 三谷卓摩*(東京大学研究員)・羽藤英二(東京大学准教授) Takuma MITANI & Eiji HATO: Application of Traffic Assignment Using Probe Person Data and Micro-Traffic Simulator (Tentative)
– 福本雅之 (名古屋大学研究員) ほか : FUKUMOTO Masayuki, NISHIYAMA Yosuke, KATO Hirokazu, SUN Zhuo: A feasibility analysis of introduction of small capacity public transport system in an area with sparse public transport demand
9. 参加費: 無料
10. 使用言語: 英語 後日英語版の周知文を作成予定
11. 発表申し込み
・ 7月31日(土) までに、担当: 円山 (takumaru@kumamoto-u.ac.jp) まで発表タイトルと発表者・連名者を連絡してください。時間の都合上、発表の申し込みをお断りさせていただくことがあります。
・ 8月9日(月) までに発表用PPTファイルを送付してください。期日までに送付されたPPTは、Proceedings として当日印刷・配布予定です。期日に遅れたものは、発表者各自での配布準備をお願いする予定です。
12. 問合せ先
熊本大学 政策創造研究教育センター
准教授 円山琢也
email: takumaru@kumamoto-u.ac.jp
〒860-8555 熊本市黒髪2-39-1
Tel: 096-342-3283 (直通) Fax: 096-342-2042
13. (参考) これまでの経緯と開催趣旨
#28 Prof. Mike Bell & Prof. Guilio Cantarella
京都大学桂キャンパス 314室
Prof. Mike Bell & Prof. Guilio Cantarella
(Prof. Michael G H Bell & Prof. Giulio E. Cantarella)
日時:8月2日(月) 15時~18時
会場:桂キャンパスCクラスター C1棟 314号室
講演者1:Prof. Giulio E. Cantarella
(Transportation system analysis, University of Salerno, Italy)
“Deterministic process models for assignment: analysis of stability”
“Signal setting with equilibrium and stability constraints”
講演者2:Prof. Michael G. H. Bell
(Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London)
“Rescue centre location in degradable networks”
#27 Shared Space 国際セミナーのご案内
(社)土木学会 A会議室
Shared Space 国際セミナーのご案内
■主催: 土木計画学研究委員会 JCOMM実行委員会
■日時: 2010年8月2日(月) 10:00-14:00(予定)
■場所: (社)土木学会 A会議室
〒160-0004 東京都新宿区四谷一丁目 外濠公園内
■講師: Karl-Heinz Posch (カール・ハインツ・ポッシュ)氏
Coordinator of EPOMM / Managing Director of FGM-AMOR
10:00-10:05 開催挨拶、 ポッシュさんの紹介 (筑波大 谷口(綾))
10:05-11:05 ポッシュさん講演
仮題:EUにおけるShared Space の現状と事例
11:05-12:00 質 疑
12:00-12:45 昼 食 (各自、またはお弁当(未定))
12:45-13:30 四ッ谷近辺の Shared Space 候補地?の視察
13:30-14:00 討 議 (または現地解散?)
■参加費: 無料 (昼食は個々人でお願いします)
E-mail : taniguchi@risk.tsukuba.ac.jp
■ ※ Shared Space とは?
「Shared Space(共有空間)」はオランダの交通専門家ハンス・モンデルマンが提唱したコンセプトで、(一義的には「交通安全」を目的として)信号・標識の多くを撤去し、歩道や自転車道、車道などの区別をやめた空間を言います。
この Shared Spaceでは、みんなが自然と行動に責任を持つので、車の走行速度がさがり、重大事故の減少効果があると報告されています。
#26 第3回「安寧の都市ユニット」公開セミナー
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター 314号室
#26 第3回「安寧の都市ユニット」公開セミナー
第3回 「安寧の都市ユニット」公開セミナー
題目:Active Transport and Health
日時:2010年6月30日 16時~18時
場所:京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター 314号室
講師:Dr. Russell G. Thompson (Monash University)
A substantial and growing proportion of people in developed countries are overweight or obese. Personal physical activity protects against weight gain and obesity. Personal physical inactivity has been linked to a number of common and increasing prevalent health problems such as cardiovascular disease and a number of chronic diseases such as cancer (colon and breast), diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis and depression. This seminar will outline a number of modelling and monitoring research projects aimed at promoting active transport.
Methods for providing information to travellers such as an, “Active Transport Journey Planner” (with multi-modal options) and an active transport guidance service (including monitoring, route planning, parking and maintenance) will be outlined. Procedures for monitoring personal physical activity from active transport (using GPS and accelerometers) will be described.
Details of how to measure the contribution of active transport to the liveability of cities (including walkability and accessibility) as well as the link between urban ecology and active transport (behavioural change modelling) will be presented. Case studies from Melbourne’s bike-sharing scheme (such as the optimal location and sizing of stations and redistribution of bikes) and bike-lane planning and design in Melbourne’s suburbs (using a bi-level optimisation model) will also be presented.
#25 Dr. Anke Haarmann and Professor Harald Lemke
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター 172教室
Dr. Anke Haarmann and Professor Harald Lemke
題目:Participatory Town Planning in Cooperation with Artists and Philosophers
講師:Dr. Anke Haarmann and Professor Harald Lemke
日時:2010年5月14日(金) 午後4時30分~6時
場所: 京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター 172教室
(アクセスは, http://trans.kuciv.kyoto-u.ac.jp/tba/index.php/access.html)
Metropolises worldwide are searching for solutions to the challenges created by global warming and the need to secure better standards of urban life.
Possible strategies are usually designed by urban planners and implemented from the top down. Can master planning be the only proper approach when issues of a socially and economically fair future are at stake and when committed urban citizens would like to see their local expertise taken into account? Based on the complex relationship between “urban culture”, the lecture will present and discuss examples of cooperative planning processes, artistic interventions and philosophical reflections, examining how sustainable urban development could shape up to include citizens and local actors. (http://www.natur-kultur.net/en_index.htm)
Anke Haarmann is philosopher and scholar in cultural studies, works also as curator and conceptual artist. At the Leuphana University of Lueneburg in Germany she researches on visual culture and she wrote her doctoral thesis on the postmodern notion of knowledge and nature. Furthermore since 1998 she presents her art works at international exhibitions and film festivals, among others, Yamagata Documentary Film Festival (Japan), Palazzo delle Papesse Siena (Italien), MAK Schindler Los Angeles (USA)
Harald Lemke, works as philosopher and curator; teaches at the Institute for Cultural Theory, Culture Research and Arts at Leuphana University in Lueneburg, Germany. 2010 Visiting Professor at the University of Human Environments Okazaki, Japan. 2007 Visiting Professor at the East China Normal University in Shanghai, China. 2006 Habilitation, 1999 PhD in Philosophy. Fellow of the Jan van Eyck Academy for Fine Art, Design and Theory in Maastricht, Netherlands. He studied philosophy and history at the University of Hamburg, Konstanz and Berkeley.
#24 KeeYeon HWANG(韓国交通研究院 院長)
東京理科大学神楽坂校舎 森戸記念館 第2フォーラム
KeeYeon HWANG(韓国交通研究院 院長)
日時:2010年4月8日(木曜日) 17:30-19:00
“Korea Government Strategies of Transport for Green Growth”
講師:KeeYeon HWANG (韓国交通研究院 院長)
東京理科大学神楽坂校舎 森戸記念館 第2フォーラム
JR中央・総武線飯田橋駅 西口より徒歩6分
東京工業大学 大学院理工学研究科 国際開発工学専攻
TEL/FAX 03-5734-3468 hanaoka@ide.titech.ac.jp
#23 リノベーションまちづくり国際セミナー ~歩行者のための都市環境デザイン~
大阪大学中之島センター 7階セミナー室
リノベーションまちづくり国際セミナー ~歩行者のための都市環境デザイン~
本セミナーにおいては、ロンドン大学(University College London)のNick Tyler教授、藤山拓講師をお迎えし、歩行者優先の都市環境、バリアフリー・ユニバーサルデザインによる交通まちづくり、生活との関連性を考慮した交通まちづくりの評価について知見を深めたいと思います。奮って、ご参加ください。
■日時:2010年3月26日(金) 13:00~17:00 開場:12:30
■場所:大阪大学中之島センター 7階セミナー室
〒530-0005 大阪市北区中之島4-3-53
TEL:06(6444)2100 FAX:06(6444)2338
■定員:100名 (定員になり次第締め切らせていただきます)
12:30 開場
13:00~13:15 開会挨拶および研究紹介
リノベーションまちづくり研究拠点 代表 新田保次
13:15~14:45 基調講演「歩行者のための都市環境デザイン
Designing urban Environments for Pedestrians」
ニックタイラー(Nick Tyler)氏 UCL教授
Head of Department and Professor of Civil Engineering
14:45~15:15 質疑応答
15:15~15:30 休憩
15:30~16:00 講演1 「交通と生活の質 (Quality of Life)」
藤山拓氏 UCL専任講師
Centre for Transport Studies, University College London
16:00~16:30 講演2 「地域交通とCapability Approach」
猪井博登 大阪大学助教
16:30~16:50 質疑応答
16:50~17:00 閉会挨拶
申し込み先:FAX:06-6879-7612、 E-mail:kajikawa@civil.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
大阪大学大学院工学研究科地球総合工学専攻交通システム学研究室 宛て
#22 Prof. Xue Ling (北京大学政府管理)
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスターC1棟 312会議室
Prof. Xue Ling (北京大学政府管理)
土木計画学研究委員会 平成21年度第9回国際セミナーのご案内
1.日時 平成22年3月4日(木)午後4時~午後6時
2.場所 京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスターC1棟 312会議室
3.講師 Prof. Xue Ling (北京大学政府管理)
4.題目 ”Taking spatial economics out of equilibrium: agent based modeling and spatial complexity”
5.問い合わせ先 松島 (kakuya@psa.mbox.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
#20 Toward a frequency-based maritime container assignment model
東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス 創造プロジェクト館 1階会議室
Toward a frequency-based maritime container assignment model
土木計画学研究委員会 平成21年度第7回国際セミナーのご案内
「Toward a frequency-based maritime container assignment model」
というタイトルで,頻度ベース公共交通配分の古典的モデル(Spiess and Florian,1989,TR-B)を海上コンテナの配分へと拡張適用したご研究の成果について,ご講演いただきます.
参加ご希望の方は,資料の都合もございますので,シューマッカー [ schmoecker@plan.cv.titech.ac.jp ]まで,ご一報下さい
講師:Michael G H Bell先生
(Professor of Transport Operations,
Center for Transport Studies, Imperial College London)
題目:Toward a frequency-based maritime container assignment model
司会:Jan-Dirk Schmoecker (東京工業大学土木工学専攻客員准教授)
日時:2010年2月19日(金) 午後5時~午後6時15分頃
場所:東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス
創造プロジェクト館 1階会議室
(東急大井町線 緑が丘駅より,徒歩5分)
On Fri 19 February, 17:00-18:15 Professor Michael G H Bell from Imperial College London will give a seminar titled
“Toward a frequency-based maritime container assignment model”
at Tokyo Institute of Technology. The seminar will be held at Midorigaoka 5th Building, 1st floor meeting room.
Please find below an abstract.
Access to the seminar: Building 20 in this map:
The seminar is open to anyone. For estimation of numbers please send a short reply to me if you are intending to come.
Best regards, Jan-Dirk Schmoecker
In this seminar the classic frequency-based transit assignment method of Spiess and Florian to containers to demonstrate the promise of the method for a global maritime container assignment model. To simplify the problem we consider only one size of container and assume that containers are inter-changeable. To suit the container context, we include the return of empty containers and a capacity constraint for transhipment ports. An origin-destination matrix of full containers is assigned to routes so as to minimise an objective function measured in time units, which considers both full and empty containers. We assume that shipping lines operate strings with given frequencies but base container dwell time calculations on the assumption that vessels arrive randomly and without coordination. Where a port capacity constraint binds, we assume the imposition of a surcharge measured in time units for loading and unloading a container, which is sufficient to bring demand into line wi!
th capacity. We allow the delay to empty containers to be discounted in, or entirely excluded from, the objective function, to reflect the absence of inventory in such containers. Interesting properties of the model are illustrated both by means of a proposition and proof as well as by a simple numerical example. The paper concludes by considering the next steps toward realising a usable container assignment model.
#21 特別講演会(都市物流関係)
土木計画学研究委員会 平成21年度第8回国際セミナーのご案内
1.日時 平成21年2月15日(月)13:00~15:00
2.場所 京都大学桂キャンパスBクラスター3F,研修室B
3.講師 Asst.Prof. Claire Capo(Aix-Marseille大学)
4.題目 ”Approaches on French research on logistics and distribution - Example of the center of research on transport and logistics of Aix-Marseille University”
5.問い合わせ先 安東 (n-ando@kiban.kuciv.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
#19 リノベーションまちづくり国際セミナー ~道路空間の新たな使い方:戦略・計画・デザイン~
大阪大学中之島センター 10F ホール
リノベーションまちづくり国際セミナー ~道路空間の新たな使い方:戦略・計画・デザイン~
土木計画学研究委員会 平成21年度第6回国際セミナーのご案内
本セミナーにおいては、ロンドン大学(University College London)のJones教授をお迎えするとともに、わが国の交通まちづくりの第一人者である、小谷教授(神戸大学)をお招きし、車優先からの転換を目指す、道路空間の新たな使い方について、戦略・計画・デザインの視点から考えたいと思います。奮って、ご参加ください。
日時:2010年2月9日(火) 13:00~17:00 開場:12:30
場所:大阪大学中之島センター 10F ホール(196名)
〒530-0005 大阪市北区中之島4-3-53
TEL:06(6444)2100 FAX:06(6444)2338
定員:100名 (定員になり次第締め切らせていただきます)
12:30 開場
13:00~13:15 開会挨拶および研究紹介
リノベーションまちづくり研究拠点 代表 新田保次
13:15~14:45 基調講演
「道路空間の再生~”Link & Place”street planning and design」
ピーター・ジョーンズ (Peter Jones) 氏
Professor of Transport and Sustainable Development Centre for Transport Studies
Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
University College London
14:45~15:10 質疑応答
15:10~15:30 休憩
15:30~16:00 講演1 「LRTを活かしたまちづくり」
小谷通泰氏 神戸大学大学院海事科学研究科 教授
16:00~16:30 講演2 「自転車を活かしたまちづくり」
新田保次 大阪大学大学院工学研究科 教授
16:30~16:50 質疑応答
16:50~17:00 閉会挨拶
申し込み先:FAX:06-6879-7612、 E-mail:kajikawa@civil.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
大阪大学大学院工学研究科地球総合工学専攻交通システム学研究室 宛て
申込日 月 日
参加する (参加される場合は、○をつけてください。会費は5000円程度、場所は、JR福島駅付近を予定。)
#18 Unilateral Greenhouse Gas Control Measures and the Aviation Industry: A Theoretical Analysis
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスターC1棟 312会議室
Unilateral Greenhouse Gas Control Measures and the Aviation Industry: A Theoretical Analysis
土木計画学研究委員会 平成21年度第5回国際セミナーのご案内
1.日時 平成21年9月18日(金)午後4時から午後6時
2.場所 京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスターC1棟 312会議室
3.講師 Prof. Anming Zhang (The University of British Columbia)
4.題目 “Unilateral Greenhouse Gas Control Measures and the Aviation Industry: A Theoretical Analysis”
5.概要 This paper analytically examines the effects of unilateral greenhouse gas (GHG) control measures on the aviation industry and global GHG emissions. Our results suggest that such measures may lead to an increase in aviation fees charged by the implementing country. The increased fees may weaken the competitiveness of its domestic airlines, relative to its foreign competitors, in the air travel market. At the same time, domestic connecting flights between hub and spoke airports may be shifted outside the country, which may result in an increase in global emissions. This result emphasizes the importance of adopting a global sectoral approach to deal with aviation GHG emissions.
#17 Measuring the Benefits of Water Access Improvement
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスターC1棟 314会議室
Measuring the Benefits of Water Access Improvement
土木計画学研究委員会 平成21年度第4回国際セミナーのご案内
1.日時 平成21年8月3日(月)午後3時~5時
2.場所 京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスターC1棟 314会議室
3.講師 Dr. Ibnu Syabri (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
4.題目 “Measuring the Benefits of Water Access Improvement:
A Spatial Hedonic Approach with an Application to Bandung, West Java, Indonesia”
5.概要 Access to sufficient, safe and affordable water is vital for human development. However, in many developing countries to provide and finance water services in a fair and efficient manner, policy makers have to deal with a decision to be made with full comprehension of both a significant increase in the demand for water, while, at the same time, addressing the backlog of investments.
This paper describes the development of an analytical model representing the estimate of benefits from infrastructure investments.
A spatial-econometric hedonic water price model is estimated for the Bandung Metropolitan Area to measure the marginal value of improved clean water access. Validity findings include significant scope sensitivity in WTP for water services. Further, results indicate that households are willing to pay from 2.1% to 8.1% of reported household income above their current water bill for safe and reliable drinking water services, depending upon the assumptions about response uncertainty.
#16 アジアの大規模交通プロジェクトの現状と今後の展望
東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス 石川台地区4号館
土木計画学研究委員会 平成21年度第3回国際セミナーのご案内
国連アジア太平洋経済社会委員会(UNESCAP)のOfficerであるMr. Madan B. Regmiをお招きし,本年度第3回の国際セミナーを開催致します.
講師: Mr. Madan B. Regmi (国連アジア太平洋経済社会委員会:UNESCAP)
題目: アジアの大規模交通プロジェクトの現状と今後の展望
Development and Challenges of International Transport Projects in Asia
日時: 2009年7月14日(火) 18:00~19:30
場所:東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス 石川台地区4号館地下
司会:花岡伸也 (東京工業大学 准教授)
東京工業大学 大学院理工学研究科 国際開発工学専攻
TEL/FAX 03-5734-3468 hanaoka@ide.titech.ac.jp
Development and Challenges of International Transport Projects in Asia
Growing trade within Asia as well as with other regions demands efficient international transport in the region. The access to sea ports is even more important for 12 Asian landlocked countries. United Nations ESCAP,
Asian governments and development partners are collaborating together to develop international highway, railway and intermodal transport networks.
Different level of development in Asia provides challenges as well as opportunities for international transport. The challenges are harmonizing standards, improving and upgrading transport infrastructure, mobilization of funds, facilitation of cross border transport, improving road safety and ensuring sustainable maintenance of transport infrastructure.
Regional Intergovernmental Agreements on Asian Highway and Trans-Asian Railway are strengthening regional cooperation among member countries for transport development. Currently there is growing concern on impacts of climate change on transport and global efforts are needed to plan and develop sustainable transport infrastructure and mitigate carbon emission from transport.
#15 自転車とまちづくりセミナー ~韓国で進む自転車まちづくり~
自転車とまちづくりセミナー ~韓国で進む自転車まちづくり~
自転車とまちづくりセミナー ~韓国で進む自転車まちづくり~
土木学会・土木計画学研究委員会 2009年度第2回国際セミナー
【日 時】2009年4月26日(日)
【会 場】土木学会講堂(四谷駅から徒歩5分)
NPO)日本都市計画家協会 NPO)自転車活用推進研究会
【後 援】国土技術政策総合研究所(予定)/ NPO)日本サイクルラック協会
1.開会挨拶 山中英生【徳島大学 教授】
2.講師紹介 小林成基【自転車活用推進研究会 事務局長】
キム・ジョンソク(KIM Jong-Seok)
ファン・ホーシュン(Hwang Ho-Shun)
5.座談会 ~アジアにおける自転車まちづくり~ 講演者2名との座談会
山中英生【徳島大学 教授】
吉田長裕【大阪市立大学 講師】
小林成基【自転車活用推進研究会 事務局長】
須藤敦司【自転車まちづくり研究会 代表】
大脇鉄也【国土交通省国土技術政策総合研究所 主任研究員】
土木学会会員以外の方は 添付用紙に記入の上FAXで土木学会へ申し込みください。
◆ 開催趣旨
◆ 講師紹介
キム・ジョンソク(KIM Jong-Seok) 民族舞踊の伝承者であり俳優、演出家でもある。高名な学者であり、自転車で通う国会議員としても有名な朴贊石議員の政策担当を経て、自転車利用活性化中央評価委員(行政自治部)などを歴任。ソウル市、大邱市、始興市などの自転車利用活性化推進委員会の役員として活躍する韓国自転車政策のリードオフマン。
ファン・ホーシュン(Hwang Ho-Shun) 三星GROUP、太平洋生命保險(株)、(株)Uniwide-Technology、(株)韓國Filmなど韓国大手企業で頭角を現し、2003年に無人式駐輪場システムを展開するEUROITS.CO.,LTDを設立。08年からは17 個所で無人レンタサイクルSystemを設置し運営をスタートさせた注目の若手経営者。
問い合わせ先 (株)オリエンタルコンサルタンツ 松原 淳
TEL 03-6311-7858 matsubara@oriconsul.co.jp
#14 Prof. Chan Wirashinghe (the University of Calgary)
Prof. Chan Wirashinghe (the University of Calgary)
このたび,公共交通の研究で著名なChan Wirasinghe教授(カルガリー大学)を東京にお招きし,特別講演会を開催することになりましたので,ご案内いたします.
講師:Prof. Chan Wirashinghe (the University of Calgary)
題目:Mathematical Modeling of Public Transport Systems; Some Insights, Extensions & Issues Related to Newell’s Approach
The late Professor Gordon Newell of the ITS (formerly ITE) of the University of California at Berkeley was a physicist and mathematician whose appointment was as a Professor of Civil Engineering. He spent a lifetime analyzing transportation systems and bringing a rigorous scientific approach to the young discipline of transportation engineering. He is well known for his contributions to traffic flow theory, transport networks and traffic signal systems. In this presentation, we highlight his considerable contributions to public transit. His publications in the areas of control of buses, location of transit facilities, scheduling (dispatching policies), transit networks, elevators systems and queuing theory are analyzed. For each group, we summarize his contributions, highlight the unique insights that he obtained, mention some limitations, indicate the research that he spawned by seminal papers and mention related work by those students at Berkeley who were significantly influenced by Professor Newell. The Newell approach to research, as interpreted by the authors, is described.
問い合わせ先:洪 性俊 mrhong@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
#13 Prof. John Andrew BLACK
Prof. John Andrew BLACK
土木計画学研究委員会 平成20年度第11回国際セミナーのご案内
東北大学東北アジア研究センター客員教授John Andrew BLACK 先生を東京にお招きし,国際セミナーを開催致します.
講師:John Andrew BLACK 先生(東北大学東北アジア研究センター客員教授)
日時:2009年3月16日(月) 16:00~17:30
場所:計画・交通研究会会議室 http://www.keikaku-kotsu.org/
司会:花岡伸也 (東京工業大学 准教授)
東京工業大学 大学院理工学研究科 国際開発工学専攻
TEL/FAX 03-5734-3468 hanaoka@ide.titech.ac.jp
The global problems of urbanization at increasingly low densities in car-dependent cities in well documented. A common policy response by urban governments to achieve more sustainable cities is to increase densities and achieve more compact cities, as for example in Japan. In the policy cycle, where alternative urban forms with differing spatial patterns of homes and workplaces and transport systems are evaluated, the accessibility patterns to employment and the O-D flows of commuters and resulting person (or vehicle) kilometres of travel are key performance indicators of social and economic sustainability, respectively. Spatial modelling, or accessibility modelling and trip distribution modelling, are the technical underpinnings of these types of policy analysis.
The presenter, and his academic colleagues and students, have researched these two areas of spatial modelling since 1968 and this seminar will summarize some of the key theoretical debates and practical results from this research. The originality of these contributions in the field of spatial modelling can be verified by referring to Erlander and Stewart’s book on the gravity model and its extensions where the presenter’s name appears in a table on significant advances made, bracketed together with such luminaries as Sir Isaac Newton and Sir Alan Wilson (at a time when the presenter was a doctoral candidate), and that the fact that the translation of Urban Transport Planning into Chinese in 1987 was the first time accessibility had been introduced to Chinese transport planners.
The seminar on theory and modelling covers: the equivalence of the gravity model and mathematical programming; behavioral patterns of commuting as represented by the inverse of Stouffer’s hypothesis of intervening opportunities that we call preference functions; the optimal assignment model of commuter traffic; and Hansen-type accessibility models and equivalences. Remembering that the main theme of the seminar is sustainable cities the empirical and practical applications of such models in policy analysis are introduced with examples. The dual variables in the optimal solution are in fact point to land-use solutions for more optimal urban form or priorities for investment to increase link capacities on a network. Gravity models and intervening opportunity models are developed, calibrated, and analyzed for goodness of fit before applying them forecast the travel implications of urban release areas, and how transport infrastructure such as metros can induce longer commutes. The preference functions and optimal assignment problem can quantify trip length changes (and hence VKT) from re-arranging homes and workplaces into different spatial configurations.
Finally, challenges of a more sustainable city such as Sydney, Australia are introduced and recent research that is an integrated modelling framework on a GIS platform with triple bottom line performance indicators built around accessibility to homes and to workplaces, embodied energy and greenhouse gas emissions.
#12 都市物流政策に関する日仏セミナー
日時:平成21年1月20日(火) 10:00-17:00
10:00-1200 日本の都市物流政策
(1)General policies on fright transport(物流政策全般)
(2)Policies on urban freight transport(都市物流政策)
(3)Policies on coastal shipping(内航海運政策)
14:00-16:00 フランスの都市物流政策
(1)French national policies and cities’ policies on urban freight
Dr. Laetitia DABLANC, Senior Researcher at INRETS
(2)Case studies on city logistics in Paris
Dr. Herve Levifve, City of Paris
16:00-17:00 総括討議
#11 Prof.Liping Fang (Ryerson University)
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスターC1棟 312会議室
Prof.Liping Fang (Ryerson University)
京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻計画マネジメント論分野(小林潔司教授)では,このたびRyerson University (カナダ)のLiping Fang教授をお招きして,下記の日程で第9回土木計画学研究委員会国際セミナーとして講演会を開催いたします.
1.日時 平成20年11月17日(月)午後4時半~6時
2.場所 京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスターC1棟 312会議室
3.講師 Prof.Liping Fang (Ryerson University)
4.題目 “Cooperative Water Resources Allocation”
5.概要 The Cooperative Water Allocation Model (CWAM) is presented for modeling equitable and efficient water allocation among competing users in a river basin. CWAM is a large-scale optimization program which is based on concepts from cooperative game theory, economics, and hydrology and is comprised of two main steps: initial water rights allocation and subsequent water and net benefits reallocation. In the first step, initial allocation of water rights to water stakeholders and users is based on existing legal water rights systems or agreements. Within the second step, the net benefits are fairly reallocated to achieve optimal utilization of the water resources using cooperative game theoretic approaches. A large-scale water allocation problem in the South Saskatchewan River Basin located in southern Alberta, Canada, is used as a case study to demonstrate how CWAM can be utilized as a tool for promoting the understanding and cooperation of water users to achieve maximum welfare in a river basin. The presentation is based on joint work with Lizhong Wang and Keith W. Hipel.
#10 Prof. Hans Westlund (Royal Institute of Technology)
京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスターC1棟 312会議室
Prof. Hans Westlund (Royal Institute of Technology)
京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻計画マネジメント論分野(小林潔司教授)では,このたびRoyal Institute of Technology (スウェーデン)のHans Westlund教授をお招きして,下記の日程で第8回土木計画学研究委員会国際セミナーとして講演会を開催いたします.
1.日時 平成20年11月17日(月)午後3時~4時半
2.場所 京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスターC1棟 312会議室
3.講師 Prof. Hans Westlund (Royal Institute of Technology)
4.題目 “The social capital of the firm: How ethical issues are affecting the norms, values and networks of firms and how firms responds to changes of values in society”
#9 2nd T-LOG Seminar
2nd T-LOG Seminar
#8 Dr. Henrik Gudmundsson (Technical University of Denmark)
東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス 本館 H111教室
Dr. Henrik Gudmundsson (Technical University of Denmark)
来る10月15日,東京工業大学にデンマーク工科大学・交通研究所・主任研究員のヘンリック・グッドムッドソン博士をお招きし,第6回土木計画学研究委員会国際セミナーとして講演会を開催いたします.今回のセミナーでは,スウェーデン・ストックホルム市において昨年公式にスタートした道路混雑税(Stockholm Congestion Tax)について,そのトライアル社会実験の時代から振り返り,導入の経緯とプロセス,課金のデザイン,社会実験,住民投票,公式導入後の効果等について,ご講演を頂きます.
土木計画学研究委員会 平成20年度 第6回国際セミナー
講師:Henrik Gudmundsson博士
(Senior Researcher, Department for Transport, Technical University of Denmark)
題目:”Stockholm Congestion Tax: the Role of Knowledge and Decision Support for the Implementation Process”
司会:福田 大輔 (東京工業大学土木工学専攻)
日時:2008年10月15日(水) 午後5時~午後6時30分頃
場所:東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス 本館 H111教室
(東急目黒線/大井町線 大岡山駅より徒歩5分)
申込先:東京工業大学 福田大輔
Email: fukuda@plan.cv.titech.ac.jp
Tel:03-5734-2577 Fax:03-5734-3578
グッドムッドソン氏Curriculum Vitae:
#7 先進国及び途上国における地区交通に関する国際会議
主として、EASTS IRG10として活動してきたメンバーによる発表及び討議が行われます。直前の通知でまことに申し訳ありませんが、興味をお持ちの方のご参加をお待ちいたします。
International Conference on Urban Transport in “micro” areas
– Sharing Knowledge between Developed and Developing Countries –
International Research Group – 10 of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS)
Saitama University, September 16-17, 2008
International Research Group – 10 (IRG-10) is pleased to announce that the International Conference on Urban Transport in “micro” areas – Sharing Knowledge between Developed and Developing Countries – will be held in Saitama University in Japan from 16 to 17 September 2009.
This conference has an aim to share experience and knowledge regarding the approaches to handle the problem of urban transport particularly in “micro” areas, such as neighborhood areas and city centers. Target topics are transportation policy, traffic safety, consensus building, travel behavior and perception of neighborhood transportation planning both in developed and developing countries. Several academic and practical presentations will be made by member of this IRG, i.e. researchers from Indonesia, Philippines, United Kingdom, Thailand and Japan.
International Seminar Room, Department of Engineering, Saitama University
255 Shimo-okubo, Sakura-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama, JAPAN
16th September
09:45-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:15 Welcome
10:15-10:45 Keynote Lecture
Prof. Hisashi KUBOTA
10:45-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Session-1: Chair: Dr. Tri Basuki Joewono
Transport Policy for Indonesian Cities: Past, Present, and Future
/ Wimpy Santosa, Professor, Parahyangan Catholic University
Establishment of a Model Road Traffic Safety Zone
/ Jose Regin F. Regidor, Associate Professor, University of the Philippines-Diliman
Traffic Simulation as a Tool for Solving Neighborhood Transportation Problem
/ Kunihiro Sakamoto, Research Associate, Saitama University
12:30-14:00 Lunch (lunch on meeting of IRG-10 activity)
14:00-15:00 Session-2: Chair: Prof. Jose Regin F. Regidor
On-going Research on Urban Public Transport in Indonesia
/ Tri Basuki Joewono, Lecturer, Parahyangan Catholic University
Public perception on express boat system along Chao Phraya River
/ Djoen San Santoso, Assistant to the Dean, Asian Institute of Technology
15:00-15:15 Coffee Break
15:15-17:15 Session-3: Chair: Dr. Kunihiro Sakamoto
Integrated Urban Transport Planning: Have you ever think that you travel too close?
/ Yusak Susilo, Senior Lecturer, University of the West of England
Pricing policy in congested city centers
/ Zaw Naing Win, Doctoral student, Saitama University
Traffic Calming for Residential Areas;
/ Farzana Rahman, Doctoral student, Saitama University
Consensus building and silent group in traffic calming
/ Aya Kojima, Doctoral student, Saitama University
Improvement of Road Safety Data for Indonesian Context
/ Budi Hartanto Susilo, Doctoral student, Parahyangan Catholic University
17:15-17:30 Closing Remarks
Prof. Hisashi KUBOTA
17th September
10:00-16:00 Technical Tour (Kawagoe-city)
Venue and Registration fee;
The conference will take place on September 16 and 17, 2008, at Saitama University.
Free of charge.
Kunihiro Sakamoto (sakamoto@dp.civil.saitama-u.ac.jp)
e-mail : IRG-10@dp.civil.saitama-u.ac.jp
website: http://www.dp.civil.saitama-u.ac.jp/easts-irg-10/
#6 William Young (Monash University)
東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス 本館 H東京大学生産技術研究所(駒場IIキャンパス) 【D棟6階601号室(Dw601)】112教室
William Young (Monash University)
■William Young 教授 講演会
交通専門の研究者および教育者として世界的に有名なWilliam Young先生(Monash University, Austrailia)を講師としてお招きし,「マイクロシミュレーションを用いて交差点の安全性を評価する手法」に関する最新の研究成果を紹介します.
A microsimulation approach to estimate safety at intersections
日時:2008年9月16日(火曜日)10:00 – 12:00
洪 性俊(東京大学生産技術研究所)
#5 Prof. Mike Bell (Imperial College London)
東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス 本館 H112教室
#5 Prof. Mike Bell (Imperial College London)
「Travel demand unmanaged: The future for shared spaces」というタイトルで,新しい交通需要の(非)マネジメントの考え方である”シェアード・スペース”(http://www.shared-space.org/)の今後についてご講演頂きます.
Schmoecker・福田・藤井 (東京工業大学 土木工学専攻)
土木計画学研究委員会 平成20年度 第3回国際セミナー
講師:Mike Bell先生
(Professor of Transport Operations, Center for Transport Studies, Imperial College London)
題目:Travel demand unmanaged: The future for shared spaces
司会:Jan-Dirk Schmoecker (東京工業大学土木工学専攻客員准教授)
日時:2008年9月10日 午後5時~午後6時15分頃
場所:東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス 本館 H112教室
(東急目黒線/大井町線 大岡山駅より,徒歩5分)
mail: kaz.sato@plan.cv.titech.ac.jp
tel & fax:03-5734-2590
#4 パスカル・バンデン・ノールト氏(Master Plan BV 事務局長) スティーブ・ジョンソン氏(ポーランド州立大学)
パスカル・バンデン・ノールト氏(Master Plan BV 事務局長) スティーブ・ジョンソン氏(ポーランド州立大学)
お問い合わせは 自転車空間研究小委員会
大阪市立大学 吉田長裕 yoshida@civil.eng.osaka-cu.ac.jp
国土技術政策総合研究所 大脇鉄也 oowaki-t24r@nilim.go.jp
土木計画学研究委員会 平成20年度 第2回国際セミナー
パスカル氏、スティーブ氏来日記念 自転車とまちづくりセミナー
~オランダと米国から 市民による自転車まちづくり~
【日 時】2008年7月11日(金)13:00~16:00
【会 場】土木学会講堂(四谷駅から徒歩5分)http://www.jsce.or.jp/index.html
【主催者】社)土木学会 土木計画学研究委員会 自転車空間研究小委員会
【後 援】国土技術政策総合研究所 / NPO)日本サイクルラック協会 / 計画・
3.パスカル氏講演 ~(仮)近年の欧州における自転車施策と市民の動き~
– Promoting Sustainable Mobility –
4.スティーブ氏講演 ~(仮)ポートランドの交通施策と市民の連携~
5.ディスカッション ~これからの都市と自転車交通~
<進行兼通訳>古池弘隆【宇都宮共和大学 教授】
<パネリスト>パスカル・バンデン・ノールト【Master Plan BV 事務局長】
スティーブ・ジョンソン【ポーランド州立大学 教員】
山中英生【徳島大学 教授】
小林成基【自転車活用推進研究会 事務局長】
須藤敦司【自転車まちづくり研究会 代表】
【参加費】3,000円 ※当日は、ご自由にご来場下さい。
◆ 講師紹介 ◆
◇パスカル・バンデン・ノールト(Pascal van den Noort)
・Master Plan BV の事務局長であり、国際的な組織、プロジェクト、会議、イベント等の設立・運営などを多数経験。
・現在、Velo-Mondial (自転車奨励協会) / Velo.Info (The European Network for Cycling Expertise) / SpiCycles (Sustainable Planning & Innovation for biCYCLES) の事務局長・理事
・アムステルダム市を持続可能なモビリティ都市とするべく、Amsterdam Cyclying Capital (アムステルダム自転車基金)を立ち上げ、活動中。
◇スティーブ・ジョンソン(Steve Johnson)
・ポートランド州立大学教員(Adjunct Professor)。
#3 Mr. Hiralio Sean Palmiano(フィリピン大学) Mr. Marloe B. Sundo(フィリピン大学)
東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス 創造プロジェクト館1階 会議室
Mr. Hiralio Sean Palmiano(フィリピン大学) Mr. Marloe B. Sundo(フィリピン大学)
(fukuda@plan.cv.titech.ac.jp) まで,ご連絡を頂けますと幸いです.
土木計画学研究委員会 平成20年度第1回国際セミナー
1.Dr. Hiralio Sean Palmiano
“Analysis of measures to reduce delay and particulate matter emission at jeepney stops”
2.Mr. Marloe B. Sundo
“The Impact of Truck Overloading on Pavement Life as Influenced by the Enforcement of Republic Act 8794”
東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス 創造プロジェクト館1階 会議室
福田 大輔(東京工業大学)
福田 大輔
東京工業大学 大学院理工学研究科土木工学専攻
TEL: 03-5734-2577 mailto:fukuda@plan.cv.titech.ac.jp
・計画・交通研究会 平成20年度5月定例研究会
#2 Noriel Christopher C. Tiglao先生(フィリピン大学)
Noriel Christopher C. Tiglao先生(フィリピン大学)
講師:Noriel Christopher C. Tiglao 先生(フィリピン大学・講師)
司会:岡本直久 先生(筑波大学 准教授)
Abstract: Rapid urbanization and high in-migration rates coupled with weak land use controls have contributed to the proliferation of informal settlements in Metro Manila. The uncontrolled pattern of development has encouraged low-density developments in the outer areas and location of informal households in the inner city areas. However, there is a lack of understanding on the spatial implications of such phenomenon.
Spatial analysis is hampered due to serious data limitations and the complexity of issues. On the other hand, the existence of household and individual microdata and spatial microsimulation approaches have great potential in providing spatially-disaggregate information which allow for more comprehensive analysis of spatial patterns and relationships. This paper focuses on the development of a spatial microsimulation model for the City of Manila and discusses the potential application of spatial microsimulation in analyzing the location choices of informal households.
Keywords: spatial microsimulation, informal households, location choice, spatial analysis
#1 Dr. Jan-Dirk Schmoecker(東京工業大学客員准教授)
Dr. Jan-Dirk Schmoecker(東京工業大学客員准教授)
1st International Seminar in 2007,
Infrastructure Planninng Commiittee, Japan Society of Civil Engineers
演題:「Overcoming Mobility Impairments」
講師:Dr. Jan-Dirk Schmoecker
(東京工業大学大学院 理工学研究科 土木工学専攻 客員准教授)
日時:2007年10月29日(月) 17:30~
Transportation policy increasingly has to focus on supporting schemes that provide for an ageing population. This seminar will look at travel behaviour of those with mobility impairments; in particular trip frequency and mode choice decisions. Reasons and consequences of reduced travel opportunities will be pointed out.
In the second part of the seminar approaches used in London, U.K. to improve mobility of those with impairments will be presented. Dial-a-Ride and “Scootability” are two successful schemes aiming to do so. The seminar will conclude with some thoughts on future policies needed and their sustainability given current mobility trends and limited public funding.
お問い合わせ先:東京工業大学 藤井聡・羽鳥剛史
E-mail: fujii@plan.cv.titech.ac.jp,