


Royal Blue Hall, TokyoTech Front

Current Issues and Future Prospect of Locally Adapted, Modified and Advanced Transportation (LAMAT) in Developing Countries

The 1st International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第1回国際セミナー(通算 第110回国際セミナー)

The 14th TSU Seminar
“Current Issues and Future Prospect of Locally Adapted, Modified and Advanced Transportation (LAMAT) in Developing Countries”

Date: April 20 (Mon), 2015 13:00-16:45
Venue: Royal Blue Hall, TokyoTech Front (Oookayama 2-12-1, Meguroku, 1520033, Tokyo)
Organizer: TokyoTech Transport Studies Unit (TSU)
Support: Infrastructure Planning Committee, JSCE, Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, and Association for Planning and Transportation Studies

Detailed informaion is shown here (in English and Japanese).