#88 国際セミナー「海外から見た日本の土木計画学,及び土木計画学研究・土木計画学研究の国際性・国際化の推進のために」




Room 132, Building #1, Sugimoto Campus, Osaka City University


The 10th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第10回国際セミナー(通算 第88回国際セミナー)

本セミナーは,教育・産業界だけでなく学術の視点でもグローバル人材育成や国際的に評価される研究促進が要請される中, 我が国固有の土木計画学研究が,海外の研究者にどのように評価されているのか,今後の土木計画学研究の国際性の向上と国際化の推進のための方策を議論することを目的としています.

Prof. Lee (Kyonggi University, Korea)
Prof. Shengcuhan Zhao (Dalian University of Technology, China)
Dr. Varameth Vichiensan (Kasetsart University, Thailand)

Prof. Lee (Kyonggi University, Korea)
Prof. Shengcuhan Zhao (Dalian University of Technology, China)
Dr. Varameth Vichiensan (Kasetsart University, Thailand)

[日 時] 平成25年11月2日(土)13:00-15:00

[会 場]大阪市立大学 杉本キャンパス1号館132教室

[主 催] 土木学会土木計画学研究委員会 学術小委員会

#87 自転車利用環境向上国際セミナー「自転車利用環境向上のための施策 バーゼル市の取り組みから」




大阪駅前第二ビル6F 大阪市立大学梅田サテライト101教室

自転車利用環境向上国際セミナー「自転車利用環境向上のための施策 バーゼル市の取り組みから」

The 9th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第9回国際セミナー(通算 第87回国際セミナー)

本セミナーでは、アンティエ ハンマー女史より自転車利用環境の向上を目指して取り組んでおられる スイスバーゼル市における自転車施策についてご講演を頂き、引き続き我が国の自転車施策のあり方についてパネルディスカッションを行います。

アンティエ ハンマー女史は、ドイツのダルムシュタット工科大学とスイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校で都市交通計画を専門に土木工学を学び、卒業しました。 その後、交通計画の事務所や地方及び地域の行政機関、大学などの調査で、交通プランナーとして15 年以上活動しました。 2009 年からは、国際交通のプロジェクトやモビリティ・マネジメントを担当し、バーゼル市の公共事業や交通に関する部門に従事しています。http://velo-city2013.com/?page_id=5256

[日 時] 平成25年11月1日(金)15:00-17:30

[会 場] 大阪駅前第二ビル6F 大阪市立大学梅田サテライト101教室(定員75名)〒530-0001 大阪市北区梅田1-2-2-600

[主 催] 土木学会土木計画学研究委員会 自転車政策研究小委員会

[共 催] 地球の友・金沢、(特)自転車活用推進研究会

[協 力] 公益財団法人交通エコロジー・モビリティ財団

[参加費] 1000円(資料代として)

[申 込]
http://goo.gl/M5MYzq に入力してください.


1.開会挨拶 山中英生 徳島大学

2.基調講演 Ms.Antje Hamme バーゼル市 「バーゼル市における自転車施策」
(通訳解説 三国千秋 北陸大学)

3.ミニパネル討議 自転車利用環境向上のための施策 ーソフトな試みに着目してー
Ms.Antje Hamme バーゼル市
三国千秋    北陸大学
三国成子    地球の友・金沢
金 利昭    茨城大学
元田良彦    岩手県立大学
小林成基    (特)自転車活用推進研究会
(進行 山中英生 徳島大学)

自転車政策研究小委員会事務局 吉田(大阪市立大学)

#86 From Visioning to Implementation of Low-Carbon Transport in Asia




CST Hall, Nihon University

From Visioning to Implementation of Low-Carbon Transport in Asia

The 8th International Seminar of the Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第8回国際セミナー(通算 第86回国際セミナー)

1st Day: 2013 / 10 / 16(Wed) 10:00-17:30
2nd Day: 2013 / 10 / 17(Thu) 09:30-17:00

1st Day: CST Hall, Nihon University (1-8-14 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan)
2nd Day: U Thant International Conference Hall, United Nations University (5-53-70 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan)

※1 The Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (S-6-5) , the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ)
※2 Graduate School of Environmental Studies ,Nagoya University
※3 Department of Transportation Systems Engineering, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University

National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan (NIES)
Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE

1st day: English Only
2nd day:Simultaneous Translation (English, Japanese)

[Registration fee]

Please email your name, affiliation, and dates of your attendance
E-mail : s65sympo@urban.env.nagoya-u.ac.jp
It is also possible to attend the symposium on the day.

In Asian developing countries, rapid economic growth will cause drastic emission growth, which will become significant part of future global emissions. This symposium is aimed at discussing how to design long-term measures to develop low-carbon transport systems in Asia in a leap-frog manner and in a backcasting way, decoupling economic growth with CO2 emission increase. For the discussion, we invite international experts on low-carbon development of urban transport and inter-regional transport. The symposium is sponsored by the “Low-Carbon Asia” research project, funded by Ministry of the Environment, Japan, as the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (S6). We have sessions to discuss the outcome of the project on the transport part, “Low-Carbon Transport in Asia” (S6-5). On the 2nd day, we also have a collaborative symposium with our partners working on low-carbon development of various sectors in the “Low-Carbon Asia” project (S6).


1st day
October 2013 (Wed) 10:00-17:30
CST-Hall, Nihon-University

10:00 – 10:20 Registration
10:20 ? 10:30 Welcome address
・Prof. Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Nagoya University, Japan
10:30-12:00 Session1-1:Visioning Low-Carbon Urban Transport Systems in Asia
・Prof. Wiroj Rujopakarn, Kasetart University, Thailand(Keynote Address)
・Prof. Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Nagoya University, Japan
・Dr. Kazuki Nakamura, Nagoya University, Japan
・Prof. Fumihiko Nakamura, Yokohama National University, Japan
13:00-15:30 Session1-2:Case Studies of Low-Carbon Urban Transport Development in Asia
・Prof. Atsushi Fukuda, Nihon University, Japan
・Dr. Varameth Vichiensan, Kasetsart University, Thailand
・Dr. Paramet Luathep, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
・Dr. Thaned Satiennam, KhonKaen University, Thailand
・Dr. Nuwong Chollacoop, National Metal and Material Technology Centre, Thailand
・Dr. Sittha Jaensirisak, Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand
15:50- 17:20 Session1-3:Low-Carbon Development of Inter-Regional Transport Systems in Asia
・Prof. Werner Rothengatter, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany(Keynote Address)
・Dr. Poon Thiengburanathum, Chiang-Mai University, Thailand
・Dr. Shinya Hanaoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
・Prof. Takaaki Okuda, Nanzan University, Japan
17:20 ? 17:30 Closing Remarks

2nd day
October 2013 (Wed) 09:30-17:00
U Thant International Conference Hall, United Nations University

09:00 ? 09:30 Registration
09:30 ? 09:40 Welcome address
・Prof. Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Nagoya University, Japan
09:40 ? 12:00 Session2 : Comparison of Low-Carbon Transport Development between ASEAN and China
・Prof. Atsushi Fukuda, Nihon University, Japan
・Dr. Shinya Hanaoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
・Prof. Pan Xiao, Tonji University, China
・Prof. Tae Oum, The University of British Colombia, Vancouver, Canada
・Mr. Cornie Huizenga, SLoCaT, Shanghai, China
・Panel Discussion (Chair : Prof. Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Nagoya University, Japan)
13:00 ? 17:00 Symposium on “Low-Carbon Asia” (S6)

※プログラムの内容等は、一部変更の可 能性があります。

名古屋大学大学院 環境学研究科附属  交通・都市国際研究センター林・加藤研究室
E-mail: s65sympo@urban.env.nagoya-u.ac.jp
電話/Phone: +81-52-789-2773

【シンポジウムHP/Symposium HP】

#85 International Seminar on Happiness and Urban/Transport Policies




Room 144, 2F, Building #14, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

International Seminar on Happiness and Urban/Transport Policies

The 7th International Seminar of the Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013: International Seminar on Happiness and Urban/Transport Policies
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第7回国際セミナー(通算 第85回国際セミナー)「幸福度と都市・交通政策」

Time: 10:30 ~ 18:30, October 9, 2013
Venue: Room 144, 2F, Building #14, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Organizer: The Subcommittee of Citizen Life Behavior Studies, The Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE

Morning session (in Japanese)
10:30~10:40 Activity Report of the Subcommittee
10:40~12:00 Reports of members’ research activities
10:40~11:10 Change of car-dependent lifestyles and its implications on policies
Toshiyuki Yamamoto, Nagoya University
11:10~11:40 Risk analysis in transport studies: Case of traffic accidents
Makoto Chikaraishi, The University of Tokyo
11:40~12:00 Discussion

12:00~13:30 Lunch

Afternoon session (in English)
13:30~13:40 Opening remarks, Junyi Zhang, Hiroshima University (Chair of the Subcommittee)
13:40~14:40 Session (1): Lifestyle, mobilities and happiness
13:40 ~14:10 Residential environment, travel behavior and life satisfaction
Yubing Xiong and Junyi Zhang, Hiroshima University
14:10~14:40 Households’ total mobilities over life course
Biying Yu, Kyoto University; Junyi Zhang, Hiroshima University
14:40~16:10 Session (2): Keynote speech
Happiness and Public Policy
Prof. Ruut Veenhoven, Emeritus Prof., Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam
Founding editor of the Journal of Happiness Studies

16:10~16:20 Break

16:20~18:30 Session (3): Happiness during travel
16:20~16:50 Troublesome behavior and the happiness during travel:
An international comparison
Nobuaki Ohmori, The University of Tokyo
16:50~17:20 Travel with children and the happiness during travel
Ayako Taniguchi, University of Tsukuba
17:20~17:50 Smile and pedestrian walking environment
Aya Kojima, Hisashi Kubota, Saitama University
17:50~18:30 Comments from Prof. Veenhoven, and discussion
18:30~ Closing remarks


#84 "User-oriented measurement of travel time reliability: concepts and applications




Midorigaoka 5th Building 1F Conference room, Tokyo Tech, Meguroku, Tokyo

"User-oriented measurement of travel time reliability: concepts and applications

The 6th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第6回国際セミナー(通算 第84回国際セミナー)

Date: September 12, 2013 (Thursday), 17:00-18:00

Venue: Midorigaoka 5th Building 1F Conference room, Tokyo Tech, 東京工業大学創造プロジェクト館1F大会議室

Seminar Title: User-oriented measurement of travel time reliability: concepts and applications

Speaker: Dr. Ioannis Kaparias
(Lecturer, City University of London)

This study introduces a new user-oriented measure of travel time reliability for implementation in the dynamic routing algorithm of an intelligent car navigation system. The measure is based on the log-normal distribution of travel time on a link and consists of two indices corresponding to the extreme values of the distribution, such that they reflect the shortest and longest travel times that may be experienced on the link. Through a series of mathematical manipulations, the indices are expressed in terms of the characteristic values of the speed distribution on the link. An expression relating the indices of a route and the indices of the individual links forming it is derived. The accuracy of the measure is then assessed through a field experiment and the results are presented.

#4 都市再生と地下空間 -期待と展望-




日本大学生産工学部津田沼キャンパス 37号館605教室(会場名:V-4)

#4 都市再生と地下空間 -期待と展望-

平成25年度土木学会全国大会 研究討論会 <日本大学>

題目:都市再生と地下空間 -期待と展望-

概要:高密度化する都市において、地下空間??残された貴重な空間て?あり、そ??活用??都市??再生においても重要な役割??果たしている。本討論会て???、各地??都市再生フ?ロシ?ェクトにおける地下街??事例を 紹介しつつ、地上空間と??連携、鉄道駅なと?インフラと??関係、快適な移動??ため??アメニティ??確保、災害時??避難行動なと?、多様な視点から地下空間へ??期待を述へ?ていたた?く。それらをもとに、今後?? 展望について総合的な議論を展開するも??のて?ある。

座 長:
渡邉 浩司 東日本旅客鉄道(株)ターミナル計画部担当部長
岩倉 成志 芝浦工業大学工学部教授
粕谷 太郎 都市地下空間活用研究会主任研究員
羽藤 英二 東京大学大学院
和氣 典二 神奈川大学客員教授

日時: 9月4日(水) 16:15-18:15

場所: 日本大学生産工学部津田沼キャンパス

#83 A Behavioral Freight Transportation Modeling System




Room C1-4-191 Katsura Campus, Kyoto University, Nishikyoku, Kyoto

A Behavioral Freight Transportation Modeling System

The 5th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第5回国際セミナー(通算 第83回国際セミナー)

Date: June 27, 2013 (Thursday), 15:00-16:30

Venue: Room C1-4-191 Katsura Campus, Kyoto University, Nishikyoku, Kyoto 615-8540, Japan

http://www.t.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/access/katsura (English)
http://www.t.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/access/katsura?set_language=ja (Japanese)

Seminar Title: A Behavioral Freight Transportation Modeling System

Speaker: Dr. Kazuya Kawamura
(Associate Professor, College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs, University of Illinois, Chicago)

Seminar Description:
Compared against passenger travels, freight transportation is a relatively less-researched field in terms of advanced demand modeling.
The main challenges to build reliable freight demand models include lack of data, complexity of decision-making in freight system,
lack of proper validation process, etc. In the last decade, researchers around the world and the field have rapidly made advancements
in many fronts, including data collection, modeling frameworks and operational strategies. However, there are still significant gaps
in terms of our understanding of the fundamentals and the nature of freight movement systems and their behavioral decision making process.
The presentation outlines a new framework for freight transportation modeling by incorporating more detailed logistics choices into
an operational large-scale freight transportation modeling system that has been under development at the University of Illinois, Chicago.

Interested participants are encouraged to contact Dr. Joel Teo.

Dr. Joel Teo (Program-specific Researcher)
C1-2-338 Kyoto University, Katsura,
Nishikyoku, Kyoto, Japan 615-8540
Tel. +81-75-383-3231, Fax. +81-75-950-3800
E-mail: joel.teo@kiban.kuciv.kyoto-u.ac.jp

#82 Special Seminar on International Maritime Shipping




Seminar Room E&F, JSCE

Special Seminar on International Maritime Shipping

The 4th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第4回国際セミナー(通算 第82回国際セミナー)

Special Seminar on International Maritime Shipping

Date & Time: June 21 (Fri.) 13:00-15:00
Venue: Seminar Room E & F, JSCE
Abstract: Due to the globalization of the world economy and advancement of transport and communication technology,
international maritime shipping in each region of the world has become more interdependent. The Suez Canal and Panama Canal,
key infrastructures of maritime shipping, are also influenced by each other as well as by other factors such as world
economic trends and regional development plans. In particular, the capacity of the Panama Canal will be expanded through
construction of the third lock in 2015. Also, Arctic shipping via the Northern Sea Route (along the Russian Arctic coast)
has the potential to shorten the distance of worldwide maritime shipping, due to the melting of sea ice. This special
seminar will bring together specialists from Egypt and Japan who will provide the latest information on the current status
and future prospect of the Suez Canal, Panama Canal, and Northern Sea Route. Discussion after the presentations is also expected.

1) 13:00-13:05 Greeting from Host
2) 13:05-13:40 Current Status and Future Prospect: (1) Suez Canal
Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Elmanakhly, Board Member & Transit Director, Suez Canal Authority
3) 13:40-14:10 Current Status and Future Prospect: (2) Panama Canal
Dr. Koji Kobune, Ides Inc.
4) 14:10-14:40 Current Status and Future Prospect: (3) Northern Sea Route
Dr. Natsuhiko Otsuka, North Japan Port Consultants, Inc.
5) 14:40-15:00 Discussion

Language: English

Deadline for Application: June 17 (Mon.) (Seating Capacity: 25 people, first-come basis)

Host: Special committee for Managing and Supporting International Research Activities on Logistics, JSCE
土木学会 土木計画学研究委員会 物流に関わる国際戦略・研究活動支援事業運営小委員会

Ryuichi SHIBASAKI, Dr. Eng.
The Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan (OCDI)
tel: +81-3-5570-5931
(一財)国際臨海開発研究センター 柴崎隆一(運営小委員会幹事長)

#81 The 12th TSU (Transport Studies Unit) Seminar:Sharing of Research Works on Logistics Management




Ookayama Campus, Ishikawadai-4 bldg., B1F, Room B02-05, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

The 12th TSU (Transport Studies Unit) Seminar:Sharing of Research Works on Logistics Management

The 3rd International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2013
2013年度土木計画学研究委員会 第3回国際セミナー(通算 第81回国際セミナー)

The 12th TokyoTech TSU (Transport Studies Unit) Seminar

Date: June 6th. (Thu.) 2013

Time: 17:00-18:30

Venue: Tokyo Tech. Ookayama Campus, Ishikawadai-4 bldg., B1F, Room B02-05
(東工大・大岡山キャンパス 石川台4号館 地下1F B02-05室)

*Prior expression of interest to Assoc. Prof. Hanaoka by email would be appreciated.
email: hanaoka[at]ide.titech.ac.jp

Speaker: Prof. Tsung-Sheng Chang (張宗勝教授)
(Graduate Institute of Logistics Management, National Dong Hwa University (国立東華大学), Taiwan)
He is staying in Japan as a visiting professor of Hanaoka Lab.
He is also a specialist of OR (Operations Research).

Title: Sharing of Research Works on Logistics Management

Logistics has recently received much attention in both practical and academic fields. So far, many logistics issues have been raised and studied in academia. However, there should be many various and important real-world logistics problems that are not fully researched or that even remain unexplored. Therefore, this presentation seeks, through my sharing of some of the main logistics works in which I have or am currently engaging, to not only inspire researchers to participate in the research on logistics management, but also to help them bring forth new and interesting logistics research topics. The research works to be introduced include global logistics, distribution logistics, facility location, city logistics, hazmat logistics, natural disaster logistics, perishable products logistics, and so on.









参加登録(発表者以外の方): 以下の学会HPより登録してください.

( http://www.jsce.or.jp/event/active/information.asp
聴講参加者の受付開始は4月15日(月),締切は5月18日(金), 参加費は一般6,000円,学生3,000円です.
なお,発表者(企画部門,SS部門,公共政策デザインコンペ部門(5名以内)) はこちらで自動的に登録しますので,参加登録して頂く必要はございません.








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