#221 The 7th UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar





The 7th UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar

1) Time and day: 4:00pm-5:30pm (Japan Standard Time), February 13 (Monday), 2023

2) Place: Zoom meeting room (https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/88101614989?pwd=OFY2djIwU1VUZnRjOHltQ2kyYnpZdz09)

3) Presentation

Title: The role of ride-hailing services during COVID-19 in Indonesia

Abstract: Millions of people’s activities have been disrupted by the 2019 coronavirus. As an alternative to out-of-home activities, online activities have significantly risen. Due to this phenomenon, our presentation will explore the travel behavior change during the pandemic and understand how ride-hailing services support in-home activities in Indonesia. The use of ride-hailing services for online shopping with same-day delivery services become an interesting point that will be explored in our presentation

4) Short bio of presenter

Muhammad Zudhy Irawan is an associate professor of transportation planning and modeling in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. He holds a doctoral degree from Kyushu University, Japan. His research interests are related to travel behavior, traffic simulation, and decision-making process.

5) Charge: free

6) Language: English only

7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.

#220 The 6th UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar





The 6th UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar

1) Time and day: 1:00pm-2:30pm (Japan Standard Time), February 2nd (Thursday), 2023

2) Place: Zoom meeting room (https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/86742542338?pwd=RmpwT0E4cGJmVE81RytQU201aWcxUT09)

3) Presentation

Title: Analyzing transport transition issues from the perspective of justice using multi-criteria mapping method

Abstract: In this presentation, I apply the concept of justice and its dimensions (distributive, procedural, recognition, cosmopolitan and restorative) to transitions in public transportation systems. I also introduce the multi-criteria mapping (MCM) method (Coburn and Stirling, 2019), which was originally developed for the appraisal of contested visions. I demonstrate the applicability of both the concept and the method to the three cases of ongoing transport system transition in the Philippines, namely the (non)legitimation of motorcycle taxis, the formalization of jeepney and the implementation of high-priority bus system. I attempt to unpack the (in)justice issues arising from these transition initiatives. Finally, I argue for the need to pay due attention to the ethical aspects and justice issues of transitions, which, being sources of tension, conflict and discontent, may powerfully resist the hoped-for sustainable transitions.

Keywords: Just transition; transport justice; sustainability transition; global south

Sunio, V. (2021). Unpacking justice issues and tensions in transport system transition using multi-criteria mapping method. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 96, 102887.
Sunio, V., Ugay, J. C., Li, C. W., Liwanag, H. J., & Santos, J. (2023). Impact of Public Transport Disruption on Access to Healthcare Facility and Well-being During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Case Study in Metro Manila, Philippines. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 100948.

4) Short bio of presenter

Dr. Varsolo Sunio is affiliated with the Philippines Department of Science and Technology (DOST) as an S&T Fellow II (for transport and logistics) and a visiting researcher at The University of Tokyo. He also holds (or has held) appointments as a research fellow at the University of Asia and the Pacific, De La Salle University, Ateneo de Manila University, and the University of Macau. He finished his doctorate degree in Urban Management at Kyoto University and earned degrees from the National University of Singapore, University of the Philippines, and the Ateneo de Manila University. He previously worked as part of the data science team of the Philippines Department of Transportation (DoTr), the information technology team of Accenture, and the Supply Chain Department of Makati Medical Center. He has published papers on transportation issues in the developing country context, covering themes such as equity and justice, access and well-being, sustainable transitions, and financing of informal transport. His works appear in Transportation Research Part A, D and F, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Transport Policy, Research in Transportation Economics, Research in Transportation Business & Management, etc. He is also a regular reviewer for several transportation journals. He is a member of Transportation Science Society of the Philippines (TSSP), National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) and Analytics Association of the Philippines (AAP). His personal website is: https://sites.google.com/uap.asia/varsolo-sunio/

5) Charge: free

6) Language: English only

7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.







#219 The 5th UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar





The 5th UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar

1) Time and day: 4:00pm-5:30pm (Japan Standard Time), January 23 (Monday), 2022

2) Place: Zoom meeting room (https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/89737816643?pwd=WmVUOTZMNCttY3RiN2VJU21iNXVZUT09)

3) Presentation

Title: Use of Ride Hailing Services in Metro Manila, Bangkok, and Hanoi: A Comparison

Abstract: The study compared the use of the ride hailing services (RHS) in three (3) Southeast Asian cities, namely, Metro Manila, Bangkok, and Hanoi, during the Covid-19 pandemic period. It attempted to zero in on the varying ways by which citizens in these cities availed of RHS in 2020. A similar set of questionnaire survey form was administered, albeit differently; it was administered online in Metro Manila, while it was done face-to-face in Bangkok and Hanoi. The differing method of survey administration may have affected the representativeness of the samples. Nevertheless, similarities and dissimilarities are presented regarding the personal characteristics of RHS users and their usage of RHS in these three cities during the time of the pandemic.

4) Short bio of presenter

Dr. Alexis M. Fillone is a Professor of the Civil Engineering Department, De La Salle University, Manila. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Degree (Cum Laude) from Central Philippine University, Iloilo City, his Master of Engineering (Transportation) at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand and his PhD in Urban and Regional Planning at the School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP), University of the Philippines, Diliman, Philippines. He was a former president of the Transportation Science Society of the Philippines (TSSP). He has around 30 years of experience as a teacher in the field of transportation planning and traffic engineering and currently mentors several Master and PhD students at De La Salle University, Manila. He also has more than 20 years of experience in transport research focusing on travel behavior analysis, travel demand modeling, public transport planning, and traffic impact studies as well as consultancy work with the government and the private sector. He has published several articles in SCOPUS and ISI-listed journals. Aside from being a registered Civil Engineer, he is also a registered Environmental Planner.

5) Charge: free

6) Language: English only

7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.










  • 実施期日:2023年6月3日(土)・4日(日)
  • 開催場所:福岡大学七隈キャンパス(対面開催)
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  • 印刷用プログラム [PDF(6/2版)]
    • 誤り等がございましたら keikaku67@jsce.or.jp までお問い合わせください.
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  • 論文投稿期間:2023年2月1日(水)〜3月10日(金) 17:00
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e-mail: keikaku67@jsce.or.jp

#218 The 4th UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar





The 4th UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar

1) Time and day: 4:00pm-5:30pm (Japan Standard Time), December 19 (Monday), 2022

2) Place: Zoom meeting room (https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/86183190905?pwd=MTZaVzY4Umg4UERJL1hrQ3lva1Jqdz09)

3) Presentation

Title: Motorization Pattern and Private Vehicle Dependence in Asian Developing Countries

Abstract: In many developing countries, rapid motorization has been ongoing where owners of private vehicles tend to rely on their own vehicles for making trips. Although the ownership in developing cities is lower than that in developed cities, the excessive dependence on private vehicles has caused serious road traffic congestion, accidents, and negative environmental impacts in those cities. They require the mitigation of people’s dependency on private vehicles, including both private cars and motorcycles. This study investigates the private-vehicle-dependent behavior mainly in Asian developing countries. The presentation contains the topics: 1) review of motorization progress pattern and its influential factors based on statistical data of registered private vehicles in major Asian cities; 2) empirical analysis of private-vehicle dependency with mobility gaps between car/motorcycle owners and non-owners, using the JICA’s person-trips surveys; and 3) identification of factors affecting private-vehicle-dependent travel behavior, highlighting consciousness and attitude toward walkable-distance trips.

4) Short bio of presenter

Mr. Takayoshi Futose is an urban and transport consultant at ALMEC Corporation, Japan. After receiving his master’s degree from Yokohama National University, Japan, he has participated in various transport projects in developing countries, including African countries, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Philippines, and Vietnam. His main research concerns are transport survey, demand forecasting, public transport improvement, and transport planning. He is currently enrolled in the doctoral program at the graduate school of Toyo University, Japan. His doctoral research highlights the people’s private vehicle dependency in major Asian cities for contributing to urban transport planning in developing world.

5) Charge: free

6) Language: English only

7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.

#217 EASTS-ITF special seminar: Prospects for Transport Decarbonisation in a rapidly changing environment





EASTS-ITF special seminar: Prospects for Transport Decarbonisation in a rapidly changing environment



(東京都千代田区一ツ橋2-1-2 学術総合センター2階)


13:30-13:40 開会挨拶
山内 弘隆(一般財団法人運輸総合研究所所長)
平岡 成哲(国土交通省国際統括官)

13:40-14:10 基調講演: ITFのアウトリーチ活動および研究活動に関する発表

14:10-14:50 発表 交通の脱炭素化の未来(40分)
2.竹内 智仁(一般財団法人運輸総合研究所主任研究員)

14:50-15:55 パネルディスカッション(65分)
藤原 章正(EASTS-Japan会長/広島大学教授)
竹内 智仁(一般財団法人運輸総合研究所主任研究員)
<モデレータ> 花岡 伸也(EASTS-Japan事務局長/東京工業大学教授)

15:55-16:00 閉会挨拶
兵藤 哲朗(EASTS事務局長/東京海洋大学教授)


#216 Introduction of Road Technology and Policy Making - International Joint Seminar of VJU and NILIM -





Introduction of Road Technology and Policy Making - International Joint Seminar of VJU and NILIM -

This is an announcement of online international seminar on technology and policy of Japan’s road, which is organized jointly by Vietnam Japan University (VJU) and National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan. This event is held online from 15:00-17:20 (Japan Standard Time) on November 25 (Friday), 2022. This seminar aims to introduce the Japan’s road technology and policy making mainly to international students in Asian region including Japan. The details are shown in an attached file. Please find it. We hope you will join this seminar and engage in this important conversation. If you have any questions on this seminar, do not hesitate to contact Prof. Hironori Kato (Co-director of Master program in Civil Engineering, VJU, kato@civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) and Prof. Shinichi Takeda (JICA long-term expert at VJU, takeda.s@vju.ac.vn). Thank you.

1) Time and day: 15:00-17:20 (Japan Standard Time), Nov 25 (Fri), 2022

2) Place: Zoom meeting room (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSehj-_C–AcXKcer71EaTVRCBbBTVu-_xuiu5H0YwVLseudhQ/viewform)

Please have a look at the attached files for the details.

FinalVersion_Flyer_Introduction of road technology and policy making

#215 The 3rd UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar





The 3rd UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar

1) Time and day: 4:00pm-5:30pm (Japan Standard Time), December 5 (Monday), 2022

2) Place: Zoom meeting room (https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/87281677470?pwd=c3VmZlFxMDJXakVhME1kNit2NDFWQT09)

3) Presentation

Title: Ride-Hailing Service Adoption and Local Context in Motorcycle-Based Societies: Case Study in Hanoi, Vietnam

Abstract: The ride-hailing service (RHS) has emerged as a major form of daily travel in many Southeast Asian cities where motorcycles are extensively used. This study aims to analyze the local context in motorcycle-based societies, which may affect the establishment of travelers choice set after the appearance of RHSs. In particular, it empirically compares three types of choice-set structures in the context of urban travel mode choice by estimating standard logit and nested logit models to test six hypotheses on the associations of RHS adoption with its determinants. Revealed preference data of 449 trips from both RHS users and non-RHS users were collected through a face-to-face interview-based questionnaire survey in Hanoi, Vietnam, in December 2020. The results of model estimations revealed: (1) a substitutional effect for two-wheelers but not for four-wheelers, (2) a significant positive influence of car ownership on car RHS adoption but not on motorcycle RHS adoption, (3) significantly high sensitivity to travel time of motorcycle RHS but not of car RHS, (4) a significant negative effect of traffic congestion on car RHS adoption but an insignificant one on motorcycle RHS adoption, and (5) a significant positive association of an individuals experience in using a smartphone with car RHSs but insignificant association with motorcycle RHSs. Our findings suggest that transportation policies of RHS motorcycles should be different from those of RHS cars because of the heterogeneity in travel behaviors of RHS users between them. They also indicate that the transition from motorcycles to cars as well as the difference in service availability among different types of RHSs should be incorporated into the development of transportation policies in Southeast Asian cities.

4) Short bio of presenter

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Hoang-Tung is currently a researcher at University of Transport and Communications, Vietnam. He obtained a Ph.D. in Civil & Environmental Engineering, Saitama University, Japan in 2014. He worked as a research associate at Saitama University and as an invited lecturer at Vietnam Japan University, Vietnam. He has more than 15 year experience in the academic and industrial fields of the transport sector. He was involved in numerous transport projects in Vietnam and Japan, mainly as an in-house consultant for the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and Japan International Cooperation Agency. His major interest is a green transportation system and public-private partnerships. He and his co-authors were awarded the best research paper by the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS) in 2020.

5) Charge: free

6) Language: English only

7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.