#117 The 5th International Seminar on Integration of Spatial Computable General Equilibrium and Transport Modeling





The 5th International Seminar on Integration of Spatial Computable General Equilibrium and Transport Modeling

The 8th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第8回国際セミナー(通算 第117回国際セミナー)

The 5th International Seminar on Integration of Spatial Computable General Equilibrium and Transport Modeling


1日目:10月15日(木) Octorber 15th

10:00-11:30 Morning Lecture(■実務者向け,日本語セッション)
小池淳司(神戸大学) Atsushi Koike (Kobe University)
“Assessing Economic impacts of Transport Investment”(in Japanese)

13:00-13:30 開会挨拶 Opening Address
Lori Tavasszy (TNO/TU Delft)

13:30-14:30 基調講演 Keynote Lecture
Johaness Brocker (Kiel University)

14:50-16:20 セッション1:国際物流 (Global freight flows)
Ryuichi Shibasaki (NILIM)
“Modeling of international freight flow on worldwide intermodal network including both maritime and land shipping and its application”

Kees Ruijgrok (University of Tilburg)
“Slow steaming and its effects on international freight network optimization”

田邊怜(東京大学 博士後期課程)
Satoshi Tanabe (University of Tokyo)
“Impact Assessment Model of International Transportation Infrastructure Development: Focusing on Trade and Freight Traffic in Central Asia”

16:40-17:40 セッション2:貿易と経済 (Trade & Economic Modeling)
Shunsuke Segi (Kyoto University)
“Economic Impacts of Reduced Wait Time at Canada-US Border Crossing: Integrating CGE Model and Cross-Border Transportation“

Lori Tavasszy (TNO/TU Delft)
“Effects of internalization of external costs of supply chains”

18:00-20:00 Participants Meeting (invitation only)

2日目:10月16日(金) Octorber 16th

10:00-11:00 セッション3:ロジスティクスと交通 (Logistics and Transport Modeling)
円山 琢也(熊本大学)
Takuya Maruyama (Kumamoto University)
“Long-Term Travel Forecasting using Trip-Chain-Based User Equilibrium Model”

Igor Davydenko (TNO):
“Logistics Chains in Freight Transport Modeling”

11:20-12:20 セッション4:直接・間接効果 (Direct and Indirect Effects)
Euijune Kim (Seoul National University)
“Impact of Railroad Investments on Regional Economies: an Approach of Spatial CGE Model with a Microsimulation Module of Railroad and Highway Networks”

石倉 智樹 (東京首都大学)
Tomoki Ishikura (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
“Transnational Interregional CGE Model and Assessment of International and Intranational Transport Development”

12:30-14:00 昼食

14:00-15:00 セッション5:災害マネジメント1(Disaster Management I)
奥山 恭英 (北九州市立大学)
Yasuhide Okuyama (University of Kitakyushu)
“Rise and Fall of the Kobe Economy from the 1995 Earthquake”

Masato Yamazaki (Nagoya University)
“A multi-regional dynamic CGE model for assessing the economic impacts of natural disasters”

15:20-16:20 セッション6:災害マネジメント2 (Disaster Management II)
Olga Ivanova (PBL, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency)
“Using EU-wide SCGE model for the assessment of indirect impacts of past climate extreme events”

織田澤 利守(神戸大学)
Toshimori Otazawa (Kobe University)
“ Industrial Location and Vulnerability to Natural Hazards”

16:40-17:10 Closing Remarks

#5 復興と土木:対話できる社会基盤と新たな国土デザインを考える




岡山大学 津島キャンパス 文法経講義棟 12番講義室(会場名:V-3)

#5 復興と土木:対話できる社会基盤と新たな国土デザインを考える

平成27年度土木学会全国大会 研究討論会 <岡山大学>



座 長:
羽藤 英二(東京大学大学院工学系研究科教授)
磯部 雅彦(土木学会前会長)
佐藤 慎司(海岸工学委員長)
家田 仁 (東大・政策研究大学院大学教授)
石川 幹子(中央大学教授)

日時: 9月18日(金) 16:20~18:20

場所: 岡山大学 津島キャンパス
文法経講義棟 12番講義室(会場名:V-3)

#115 The 8th Japan-China Joint Seminar on Sustainable Management of Cities and Regions under Disaster and Environmental Risks




Kusunoki Kaikan Hall, Kurokami Campus, Kumamoto University

The 8th Japan-China Joint Seminar on Sustainable Management of Cities and Regions under Disaster and Environmental Risks

The 6th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第6回国際セミナー(通算 第115回国際セミナー)

The 8th Japan-China Joint Seminar on Sustainable Management of Cities and Regions under Disaster and Environmental Risks

Date: August 22-24, 2015 9:00-18:00
Venue: Kusunoki Kaikan Hall, Kurokami Campus, Kumamoto University

Fulfilling energy demands is an inevitable issue in cities and regions all over the world. It is essential to establish a proper system to manage and govern limited enery resources to achieve sustainable society. However, cities and regions are threaten by environmental and disastrous risks that will disrupt economic and social activities in cases. It is a critical issue to establish robust and resilient society against such risks. Against such a background, the seminar aims to deepen an understanding of urban and regional management schemes and policies that enable us to live in cities and regions with limited resources threaten by environmental and disastrous risks. Such schemes and policies are applicable (in cases, exchangeable) among cities and regions. In this sense, the seminar provides an opportunity to exchange opinions on schemes or policies to sustain cities and regions in different social and cultural context.

Key objectives of the seminar are:
? To discuss sustainable cities and regions threaten by disaster/environmental risks
? To discuss sustainable management of basic human needs, such as water, foods and energy
? To broad a network among sustainable cities and regions all over the world
Topics of interest in the seminar includes
1. Methodologies for disaster/environmental risk analysis and management
2. Methodologies for modeling of social vulnerability, including social, human and production capital
3. Policy analysis of disaster and environmental risk management
4. Methodologies for community-based disaster and environmental risk management
5. Methodologies for dealing with critical infrastructure against disaster/environmental risks
6. Infrastructural planning and management for sustainable management of cities and regions
7. Methodologies for flood risk management
8. Other issues related with the seminar theme

Prof. Norio OKADA (Kwansai Gakuin University)
Prof. Asao ANDO (Tohoku University)

We are pleased to welcome all researches, practitioners and students interested in the above objectives.
The official language of the conference is English.

The Implementation Research and Education System Center for Reducing Disaster Risk (IRESC), Kumamoto University

#116 第5回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #5)




Room. 429 at Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 14, The University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)

第5回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #5)

The 7th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第7回国際セミナー(通算 第116回国際セミナー)

第5回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #5)
“Modeling for evaluation of new urban transit and recent innovation in data-service technologies”

JSPS Kaken S/A by Kuwahara, M.(Tohoku Univ) and Hato, E.(UT)
Organizer: Yaginuma, H.(UT)

The 5th International BinN Research Seminar will be held on Tuesday Aug. 11th 2015. As keynote speakers, we will invite Dr. Oded Cats from TU Delft and Dr. Jan-Dirk Schm?cker from Kyoto University. Dr. Cats is currently doing research on agent-based dynamic public transit modeling. In this seminar, the keynote lectures will focus on developed dynamic model and its application to real network. In addition, we will discuss new approaches to new urban mobility modeling considering recent innovation of technologies. .

Date: Aug 11th (Tue.) 2015, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Venue: Room. 429 at Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 14, The University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)

2:00 pm – 2:45 pm
Keynote Lecture 1: “An agent-based approach to modelling public transport dynamics”
Oded Cats (TU Delft)
* Brief bio can be founded below.

2:45 pm – 3:30 pm
Keynote Lecture 2: “Smart transit systems for even smarter travellers”
Jan-Dirk Schm?cker (Kyoto Univ.)

3:45 pm – 4:30 pmm
Research Presentation 1
“Innovative ITS Approaches for Control of Large-Scale Urban Networks”
Mehdi Keyvan-Ekbatani (TU Delft)
** Brief bio can be founded below.

4:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Research Presentation 2
“Demand control management for one-way car sharing system focus on the imbalance between demand and supply”
Nodoka Kasahara (Tokyo Univ.)

After party:
After party will probably take place around The University of Tokyo in the evening.

Application:yaginuma[at]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp (mail to Hideki YAGINUMA)
Free to attend
The symposium is open to public.
You can see information about past seminars here.

* Brief Bio:
Dr. Oded Cats is an Assistant Professor in Public Transport Operation at the Department of Transport and Planning at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands and part-time at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. Oded holds a dual-PhD from KTH and Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. He is a member of the US Transport Research Board committee on Transit Management and Performance and Public Transportation Marketing and Fare Policy. His areas of expertise include the dynamics of public transport operations and demand, multimodal urban networks and simulation modelling and the impacts of reliability, congestion, disruptions and information on passengers’ decisions. His research activities are geared to support transport agencies and operators’ decision making.

** Brief Bio:
Dr. Mehdi Keyvan-Ekbatani is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Transport and Planning, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. In 2013, he received his PhD degree in Real-Time Urban Traffic Control from Dynamic Systems and Simulation Laboratory (DSSL), Technical University of Crete, Greece. DSSL is among the leading institutions in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS); the lab was awarded with the IEEE ITS Institutional Lead Award in 2011. In 2012, he visited Urban Transport Systems Laboratory (LUTS), Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland as a visiting scholar. He was the recipient of a scholarship for his PhD from NEARCTIS (Network of Excellence for Advanced Road Cooperative Traffic management in the Information Society), by European Commission (2010-2013). In 2012, he received the Best Paper Award at the European Transportation Research Arena. In addition, he was also a finalist for the Eltis Award Europe 2012. Dr. Keyvan-Ekbatani is the recipient of the 2014 IEEE ITSS Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award. His main research interests include: Traffic flow theory, traffic control, transportation systems, driving behaviour modelling and public transport systems.

#2 2015北海道道路国際シンポジウム -人間社会とリスク-





2015北海道道路国際シンポジウム -人間社会とリスク-

と き: 2015年8月10日(月)13:00-17:30
ところ: 京王プラザホテル札幌 (北海道札幌市中央区北5条西7丁目2?1)
参加国数 4カ国(日本含む)
参加者数 日本在住:合計334名

土木学会土木計画学委員会は2016年に設立50周年を迎えることとなり、 その記念行事の一環として、この度北海道に於いて国際シンポジウムを企画いたしました。 周知のとおり土木学会は2014年に創立100周年を迎え、従来の学会員の満足度向上を改め、 「市民の満足度向上」を目標に掲げて活動を行っております。 この流れに沿って、本国際シンポジュ-ムの目的は、交通と災害をテ-マとする 世界的な研究者を北海道に招いて、「人間社会とリスク」という市民に身近なタイトルで 学会から市民へ世界の潮流と新しいものの考え方を発信するものです。

■主催 2015北海道道路国際シンポジウム実行委員会
(北海道大学、北見工業大学、室蘭工業大学、公益社団法人土木学会土木計画学研究委員会、国立研究開発法人 土木研究所 寒地土木研究所、一般社団法人北海道開発技術センタ-、一般財団法人北海道道路管理技術センタ-、一般財団法人北海道建設技術センター)

13:00-13:15 開会挨拶

13:15-14:55 人間社会とリスク(海外の事例)
Michael G.H.Bell (University of Sydney)
Michael A.P. Taylor (University of South Australia)
Henry X. Liu (University of Michigan)
William H.K. Lam (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Agachai Sumalee (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology)
14:55-15:25 わが国への示唆

(休憩 15:25-15:45)

15:45-17:15 パネルディスカション「防災と交通 -人間社会とリスク-」

17:15-17:30 閉会挨拶


Michael G.H.Bell (University of Sydney)
Michael A.P. Taylor(University of South Australia)
Henry X. Liu (University of Michigan)
William H.K. Lam (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

International Workshop on the Life-oriented Approach for Transportation Studies

International Workshop on the Life-oriented Approach for Transportation Studies

Our subcommittee organized this international workshop at the IATBR’2015 Conference, Windsor, UK, July 19-23, 2015. The program is shown as follows:

July 20 (Monday), 16:00 ~ 18:00

(1) 16:00~16:10  Introduction of the workshop

Prof. Junyi ZHANG, Hiroshima University

(2) 16:10~16:40  Keynote Speech: Consumption and happiness

Prof. Ruut VEENHOVEN, Emeritus Professor of Erasmus University Rotterdam; Director of the World Database of Happiness and a founding editor of the Journal of Happiness Studies

(3) 16:40~16:50     Discussion on the Keynote Speech

Assoc. Prof. Dick ETTEMA, Utrecht University

(4) 16:50~17:10  Raising Big Questions (1): Lifestyle based activity-travel behavior analysis

Assis. Prof. Veronique VAN ACKER, University of Amsterdam

(5) 17:10~17:20     Discussion on the talk by Assis. Prof. Veronique VAN ACKER

Prof. Kay W. AXHAUSEN, IVT, ETH Zurich

(6) 17:20~18:00  Open discussion


July 22 (Wednesday), 11:00 ~ 13:00

(1) 11:00~11:05  Summary of discussion on July 20

Prof. Junyi ZHANG, Hiroshima University

(2) 11:05~11:25  Resource Paper: Understanding changing travel behavior

over the life course: Contributions from biographical research

Assoc. Prof. Joachim SCHEINER, Dortmund University of Technology

Assoc. Prof. Kiron CHATTERJEE, University of the West of England

(3) 11:25~11:35     Discussion on the Resource Paper

Prof. Patricia L. MOKHTARIAN, Georgia Institute of Technology

(4) 11:35~11:55  Raising Big Questions (2): Choice context in travel behavior models

Prof. Konstadinos G. GOULIAS, University of California, Santa Barbara

(5) 11:55~12:05     Discussion on the talk by Prof. Konstadinos G. GOULIAS

Prof. Donggen WANG, Hong Kong Baptist University

(6) 12:05~12:15  Discussant to the whole workshop

Prof. Martin LANZENDORF, Goethe University Frankfurt

(7) 12:15~13:00  Open discussion

#114 High Speed Rail and the demand for speed: a sustainability issue (名古屋大学持続的共発展教育研究センターセミナー)




Engineering-Bldg. #8, Room#102, Nagoya University

High Speed Rail and the demand for speed: a sustainability issue (名古屋大学持続的共発展教育研究センターセミナー)

The 5th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第5回国際セミナー(通算 第114回国際セミナー)

Education and Research Center for Sustainable Co-Development Seminer
High Speed Rail and the demand for speed: a sustainability issue

Date: July 8 (Wed), 2015 10:30-12:00

Venue: Engineering-Bldg. #8, Room#102, Nagoya University

Lecturer: Prof. Yves Crozet
(the Laboratory of Economy of the Transport (LET), Lumi?re University Lyon 2)



日時:2015年6月25日 14:10~18:00
14:10~14:50 土木学会出版図書「市民生活行動学」(2015年3月)の解説
15:00~16:30 講演その1
16:30~17:30 講演その2
講演者:鳥取県地域振興部とっとり暮らし支援課 前田康博様
17:30~18:00 全体討議

#113 第4回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #4)




Room. 429 at Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 14, The University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)

第4回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #4)

The 4th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第4回国際セミナー(通算 第113回国際セミナー)

第4回国際研究BinNセミナー(BinN International Research Seminar #4)
“Dynamic modeling based on bounded rationality to understand diversifying travel behavior”

JSPS Kaken S/A by Kuwahara, M.(Tohoku Univ) and Hato, E.(UT)

The 4th International BinN Research Seminar “Dynamic modeling based on bounded rationality to understand diversifying travel behavior” will be held on Saturday June 13th 2015. As keynote speakers, we will invite Dr. Theo Arentze from Eindhoven University of Technology and Prof. Morikawa from Nagoya University. Dr. Arentze is currently doing research on dynamic activity-based modeling involving human cognition and learning. In this seminar, the keynote lectures will focus on bounded rationality in individual decision making, and its implications for policy making. In addition, two invited researchers will discuss new approaches to disaggregate behavioral modeling.

Although much progress has been made over the years, the basis of current transport models is still the rational-agent model. This traditional view is regarded to lead to numerous biases in the description of human behavior. In this seminar, new approaches to travel behavior modeling based on bounded rationality are discussed, particularly focusing on how to accurately represent the decision making context and process. In addition, this seminar aims at discussing about methods for integrating new data and technologies into models.

Date: June 13th (Sat.) 2015, 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Venue: Room. 429 at Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 14, The University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)

1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Keynote Lecture 1: “The role of bounded rationality in travel choice behavior and implications for transport modeling”
Theo Arentze (Eindhoven University of Technology)
* This lecture’s abstract and Dr. Connors brief bio can be found below.

2:45 pm – 3:30 pm
Keynote Lecture 2: “Bounded Rationality in Travel Behavior Modeling”
Takayuki Morikawa (Nagoya University)

3:40 pm – 4:20 pm
Research Presentation 1
“Modeling shopping behavior in a neighborhood with endogenous representation of retail attractiveness”
Makoto Chikaraishi (Hiroshima University)

4:20 pm – 5:00 pm
Research Presentation 2
“Choice set generation of pedestrian route choice using data distribution of walking behavior in urban space”
Sachiyo Fukuyama (National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management)

After party:
After party will probably take place around the University of Tokyo in the evening.

Application:oyama[at]bin.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp (mail to Yuki OYAMA)
Free to attend
The symposium is open to public.
* You can see information about past seminars here.

Title & Abstract
“The role of bounded rationality in travel choice behavior and implications for transport modeling”
Understanding people’s activity-travel behaviour is critical for effective policy making in urban and transport planning. Traditionally, transport models play an important role as a tool for forecasting and policy evaluation. Although much progress has been made over the years, the basis of current transport models is still the rational-agent model. Recent experimental research in psychology and behavioural economics show that this traditional view on behaviour is severely misguided. Numerous biases, which stem from heuristics people use in judgment and decision making, have been revealed. In the presentation I discuss what the known biases in (travel) choice behaviour are, what there implications are for policy making and how they can be taken into account in new approaches to travel behaviour modelling. I argue that a prerequisite for incorporating bounded rationality in transport models is that the current cross-sectional basis is replaced by a longitudinal, dynamic approach. First steps in this direction have recently been made and are supported by new GPS-based survey technologies which allow collection of activity-travel behavior data for longer periods of time. Although dynamic models offer appealing new perspectives, they also raise new issues when it comes to implementation in large-scale simulation systems and application in practice. Only recently the new approach is being explored and experience to date is limited to small-scale prototype systems. I will review approaches in the area of dynamic activity-based models for large-scale micro-simulation and discuss theoretical and computational issues as well as first experiences.

Brief Bio:
Dr. Theo Arentze is associated professor of Urban Planning at the Eindhoven University of Technology. His research interests include activity-based modelling, discrete choice modelling, agentbased modelling, human cognition/learning, and traveller information systems for application in transportation and urban planning. The main focus of his research is to increase behaviour realism in models of spatial choice behaviour of individuals and households in urban environments. The results of his research find application in large-scale simulation systems of urban processes. An example is the Albatross model which has defined a new state-of-the-art in travel demand modelling. He is involved as principle researcher, supervisor or project leader in a constant stream of PhD, Postdoc and EU projects on these topics. He is member of the editorial board of several international peerreviewed journals and acts as an ad-hoc reviewer and program committee member for many journals, conferences and research foundations in transportation, planning, geography and consumer research.









企画論文部門は、オーガナイザーを公募し提案された企画テーマでの論文公募を行い、口頭発表またはポスター形式での発表を行うものです。SS部門は、既存の研究小委員会等が主催して、研究討議・意見交換を中心にセッションを構成するもので、本大会では12 セッションを限度とします。また、企画論文部門・SS部門の並行セッションは最大10 会場を想定しております。

企画部門およびSSオーガナイザー申込 <終了しました>



公共政策デザインコンペは、学生グループまたは学生個人(2015年2 月28 日時点)を対象に「われわれを取り巻く社会環境における問題を自ら発見し、その問題の背景を熟考し、これを含めた社会を改善するための手立て(公共政策)の提案」を募集し、プレゼンテーションならびにポスター展示による発表を競うものです。優秀な作品には、以下の賞が授与されます。 岡田賞(主として実践的取組を評価:賞金5万円)、北村記念賞(主として構想力を評価:賞金5万円)、土木計画学委員会賞(賞金5万円)





○スペシャルセッション(SS) 部門
テーマの申請 2014年11月11日(火)(予定)~2014年11月28日(金)
発表者の決定 2015年3月13日(金)まで

応募受付 2015年3月13日(金)まで
ポスター提出 2015年5月8日(金)まで










参加申込書(PDF / MS-Word






各発表会場には,液晶プロジェクターとディスプレイケープルを準備します(OHP,スライドは使用できません).なお,ノートPCは各自で持参して下さい. 各発表会場に設置されている液晶プロジェクタヘの接続は,各発表者の責任にて行って下さい.セッションが円滑に進行するようにご準備のご協力をお願い致します.




① 規定の応募方法に従って企画論文部門*に投稿された発表会前原稿のうち、文量が2ページ以上の論文であること。
② 研究発表会において、著者により当該論文の発表が行われている**こと。

* 特集号への投稿資格を満たさない論文でも、企画論文部門セッションで発表すること自体は可能です。なお、SS部門への投稿論文については、特集号への投稿資格はありません。
** 発表がキャンセルされた場合、たとえ①の条件を満たしていても特集号への投稿資格はありません。また、著者以外の第三者による代理発表がなされた場合も投稿資格はありません。

e-mail: keikaku51@jsce.or.jp
林 淳二 e-mail: j-hayashi@jsce.or.jp Tel:03-3355-3559

