#137 7th International BinN Seminar





7th International BinN Seminar

Titles: Recent developments and new Behaviour Models and Advanced Observations
Organized by Daisuke FUKUDA (Tokyo Tech) and Yuki OYAMA (UT)
Guest Discusser: Moshe Ben-Akiva (MIT)
International BinN Seminar`s Aims:
We aim to serve as a research forum that brings together professionals from a wide range of disciplines interested in the study that influence activity and travel choices in networks, the formulation of new computational and analytical modeling methods and approaches for forecasting activity-travel demand, and the analysis of the land use and transportation impacts of a wide range of socio-economic, public urban policy, and new mobility services as automated vehicles and sharing.
Sunday 25 September, 1300-1430, Room 15 of Building 1 at University of Tokyo
Dr. Toru, SEO (Tokyo Tech Institute)
Automated and Adaptive Activity-Travel Survey using Online Interaction with Travelers
Dr. Junji, URATA (Kobe University)
Modelling of Tsunami evacuation behavior accounting for dynamics of heterogeneity in expected utility
Ph.D. Candidate, Yuki, OYAMA (University of Tokyo)
Structural estimation for a route choice model with uncertain measurement
Discusser: Toshiyuki YAMAMOTO(Nagoya Univ.), Giancarlos TRONCOSO(UT), Arnab JANA(IIT Bombei), Makoto CHIKARAISHI(Hiroshima Univ.), Takamasa IRYO(Kobe Univ.), Takuya MARUYAMA(Kumamoto Univ.), Kuniaki SASAKI(Yamanashi Univ.), Shinya KURAUCHI(Ehime Univ.), Hideki YAGINUMA(UTS), Yusukue HARA(Tohoku Univ.), Eiji HATO (UT)



日 時 9月20日(火) 15:30~
場 所 JACIC(http://www.jacic.or.jp/about/syozai/mapjacic.html)
内 容 計画CIM小委の今後の研究内容や進め方について

#80 災害時対応~復興支援と災害調査-熊本地震の経験を踏まえて-




岐阜大学サテライトキャンパス(岐阜スカイウイング37 東棟4階)


【日時】 2016年9月17日(土) 13:00~17:30
【場所】 岐阜大学サテライトキャンパス(岐阜スカイウイング37 東棟4階)
     〒500-8844 岐阜市吉野町6丁目31番地(JR岐阜駅北口より徒歩5分)
【主催】 (公社)土木学会 土木計画学研究委員会 減災計画研究小委員会,国際総合防災学会
【後援】 清流の国ぎふ 防災・減災セ ンター
災害の発生から復興への道筋においては現地行政職員,外部からの応援職員など多くの人々が事業に携わる.くわえて復興に向けた作業は緊急を要する場合が多く,作成された資料は多くの事業の資料に埋没 し,時間とともに散逸する.そのため,他の機会に生きる災害時の知見は蓄積されず,破棄されてしまうことも少なくない.一方で,災害時に学識者等による調査が無秩序に行われ,現地カウンターパートの負担となり現地の不満を生む事例も散見されている.したがって,災害発生時 に得られる知見を蓄積するための調査のあり方は,今後の災害支援のために大いに議論される必要がある.本ワンデイセミナーは,熊本地震を含むこれまでの災害時支援や災害時調査での経験について情報提供し,支援のあり方,調査の方法,そのための体制づくりなどについて広く議論することを目的とする.
13:00~13:10         髙木朗義(岐阜大学教授,減災計画研究小委員会委員長) 主旨説明
13:10~14:10         栗田暢之(認定NPO法人レスキューストックヤード代表理事)
14:10~15:10         田中尚人(熊本大学准教授)
                                  「五感の風景を取り戻す熊本の復興まち づくり」
15:10~15:30         休憩
15:30~16:00         臼田裕一郎(防災科学技術研究所)
16:00~16:30         伊藤秀行((株)ピーアイ物流企画)
16:30~17:00         畑山満則(京都大学防災研究所教授)
17:00~17:30         全体討議
参加希望者は,氏名・所属・連絡先 (メールアドレス等)を下記連絡先までお申込みください.
※当日参加も可能ですが,準備の都合も ありますので,できるだけ事前にお申込みください.

英文専門図書の出版予定: Life-oriented Behavioral Research for Urban Policy

英文専門図書の出版予定: Life-oriented Behavioral Research for Urban Policy

A book titled “Life-oriented Behavioral Research for Urban Policy” will be published soon by Springer (editor: Prof. Junyi Zhang, Hiroshima University) (in press)

This book presents a life-oriented approach, which is an interdisciplinary methodology proposed for cross-sectoral urban policy decisions such as transport, health, and energy policies. Improving people’s quality of life (QOL) is one of the common goals of various urban policies on one hand, while QOL is closely linked with a variety of life choices on the other. The life-oriented approach argues that life choices in different domains (e.g., residence, neighborhood, health, education, work, family life, leisure and recreation, finance, and travel behavior) are not independent of each other, and ignorance of and inability to understand interdependent life choices may result in a failure of consensus building for policy decisions. The book provides evidence about behavioral interdependencies among life domains based on both extensive literature reviews and case studies covering a broad set of life choices. This work further illustrates inter-behavioral analysis frameworks with respect to various life domains, along with a rich set of future research directions. This book deals with life choices in a relatively general way. Thus, it can serve not only as a reference for research, but also as a textbook for teaching and learning in varied behavior-related disciplines.

Unique Selling Points
– Presents a series of life-oriented behavioral studies for public policies by linking them with the quality of life mainly in an urban context
– Provides extensive literature reviews about how interdependent life choices have been captured in different disciplines
– Introduces new empirical evidence of behavioral interdependencies within and across life domains based on a broad set of life-choice data
– Illustrates inter-behavioral analysis frameworks with respect to various life domains (e.g., such as migration, job, residence, travel, health, leisure and tourism, energy consumption)

Chapter 1 Life-oriented Approach (Junyi ZHANG)
Chapter 2 Empirical Evidence of Behavioral Interdependencies across Life Choices (Yubing XIONG, Junyi ZHANG)
Chapter 3 Lifestyles and Life Choices (Veronique Van ACKER)
Chapter 4 The Car-dependent Life (Junyi ZHANG, Masashi KUWANO, Makoto CHIKARAISHI, Hajime SEYA)
Chapter 5 Household Energy Consumption Behavior (Biying YU, Junyi ZHANG)
Chapter 6 ICT-dependent Life and Its Impacts on Mobility (Giovanni CIRCELL)
Chapter 7 Health-related Life Choices (David PÉREZ BARBOSA, Junyi ZHANG)
Chapter 8 Life-oriented Tourism Behavior Research (Linghan ZHANG, Lingling WU, Junyi ZHANG)
Chapter 9 Influence of Land Use and Transport Policies on Women’s Labor Participation and Life Choices (Yubing XIONG, Junyi ZHANG)
Chapter 10 Mobility of the Elderly (Makoto CHIKARAISHI)
Chapter 11 Risky Behaviors in Life: A Focus on Young People (Ying JIANG, Junyi ZHANG)
Chapter 12 Adaptation of Behavior to Overcome Natural Disasters (Qing-Chang LU, Junyi ZHANG, Lingling WU, A.B.M. Sertajur RAHMAN)
Chapter 13 Mobility Biographies and Mobility Socialisation – New Approaches to an Old Research Field (Joachim SCHEINER)
Chapter 14 Biographical Interactions over the Life Course: Car Ownership, Residential Choice, Household Structure, and Employment/Education (Biying YU, Junyi ZHANG)
Chapter 15 Household Time Use Behavior Analysis: A Case Study of Multidimensional Timing Decisions (Junyi ZHANG, Harry TIMMERMANS)
Chapter 16 Models of Behavioral Change and Adaptation (Soora RASOULI, Harry TIMMERMANS)
Chapter 17 Behavioral Changes in Migration Associated with Jobs, Residences, and Family Life (Junyi ZHANG, Yubing XIONG, Ying JIANG, Nobuhito TANAKA, Nobuaki OHMORI, Ayako TANIGUCHI)
Chapter 18 Future Perspectives of the Life-oriented Approach (Junyi ZHANG)

#4 土木学会全国大会研究討論会「土木計画学50年の研究成果 -実践とリサーチの観点から-」




東北大学川内北キャンパス C棟102教室

土木学会全国大会研究討論会「土木計画学50年の研究成果 -実践とリサーチの観点から-」

土木計画学50年の研究成果 -実践とリサーチの観点から-

日時:9月9日(金) 13:00-15:00
場所:東北大学川内北キャンパス C棟102教室 (宮城県仙台市青葉区川内41)
座長 大西正光(京都大学)
張峻屹(広島大学)「日本における研究環境&新テーマの発掘」  聞き手:原(東北大学)
稲村肇(東北工業大学)  「学官産の学際フロンティア発掘」  聞き手:大西(京都大学)
篠原修 (東京大学) 「景観研究と土木デザインのあゆみ -新分野の社会実装-」 聞き手:山口(京都大学)
平成28年度全国大会 第71回年次学術講演会

Six International Conference on Transportation Research (TLOG 2016)の開催

Six International Conference on Transportation Research (TLOG 2016)の開催

2016.9.7-9の3日間で,台湾の国立交通大学(新竹市)において表記会議が開催され,Prof. Bellによる基調講演,パネルディスカッション,academic trackとpractical trackを併せ61件の一般発表,および見学会(台北新港,桃園空港貨物ターミナル,物流センター)が行われました.





#132 Freight data collection and sensing: some research prospects




東京大学本郷キャンパス工学部11号館 3階国際プロジェクト研究室セミナールーム

Freight data collection and sensing: some research prospects

Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II (通称「ナポリ大学」)のVittorio Marzano博士をお招きして,物流調査に関する特別講演をしていただきます.
1. 日時:2016年8月25日(木)17:30-19:00
2. 場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス工学部11号館
3. 発表タイトル:Freight data collection and sensing: some research prospects
4. 参加費:無料(終了後,簡単な懇親会があります)
5. 出席について:出席を希望される方は,事前に寒川朋子(samukawa[@]ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)までご連絡ください.
6. お問い合わせ:東京大学大学院工学系研究科 加藤浩徳教授(kato[@]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Announcement about Special International Seminar on Freight Data Collection
We would like to cordially invite you to attend a special international seminar on freight data collection where Dr Vittorio Marzano, Assistant Professor at the University of Naples Federico II (Italy) will make a presentation about his latest research achievements. Anybody who is concerned with this seminar can join it. The details are shown below. Please contact Prof. Hironori Kato (kato[@]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for more details.
1. Time and date: 17:30-19:00, August 25 (Thursday), 2016
2. Place: Seminar Room of International Project lab, 3rd floor of Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus The University of Tokyo (Campus map is available at http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/index.html)
3. Presentation title: Freight data collection and sensing: some research prospects
4. Presenter: Dr Vittorio Marzano, Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental engineering, University of Naples Federico II (Italy)
5. Abstract:
The seminar illustrates research activities on freight data collection: in fact, lack of data and knowledge is acknowledged as a main factor preventing implementation of ground-breaking policies, assessment of freight game-changers and management of inherent complexity of freight demand.
A recent attempt to overcome this issue leverages data collection of huge amounts of passive vehicles tracking observations based on GPS and smartphones: in this respect, an innovative approach in passenger data collection is Future Mobility Sensing (FMS), proposed by the Intelligent Transportation System lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US, and under extension to freight. A demonstration of innovative truck drivers’ survey is presented in a real case study in Italy, wherein trucks of an ice-cream/refrigerated products delivery company have been tracked for more than a month using GPS loggers, complemented with phone-based survey for end-of-tour/end-of-day data validation.
The seminar is part of the project SMURFS – Unified framework for next-generation data collection, sensing and modelling in future urban freight systems funded by the Università di Napoli Federico II and Compagnia di San Paolo under the STAR research program.
6. Short bio of presenter
Dr Vittorio Marzano is tenure-track assistant professor at the University of Naples Federico II (Italy), where he teaches Freight and logistics. He holds a PhD in Transport Engineering from the University of Napoli (2006) and an executive course in Supply chain management and distributive logistics from the Business School of the Politecnico di Milano (2010). He collaborates with many universities and research centres worldwide, including the Intelligent Transportation Systems lab of the MIT (Boston, USA) and the Singapore-MIT alliance for research and technology (Singapore). His research interests cover various areas of transport engineering: freight modelling and policy-making, discrete choice modelling, o-d flow estimation/updating, network sensors location, city logistics. Research results are published in 20 journal papers and more than 60 conference proceedings. He has participated to more than 20 national/international research projects. He is also consultant in transport projects in Italy and abroad, and an external expert of the Italian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructures.
7. Participation: Free of charge. Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa[@]ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for your participation.
8. Language: English
9. Contact: Professor Hironori Kato, The University of Tokyo (kato[@]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

#131 Developing effective O-D flow estimation/updating using traffic counts: Results and research prospects




京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター C1-312(C1棟会議室3)

Developing effective O-D flow estimation/updating using traffic counts: Results and research prospects

日時:    8月12日(金) 15:00~16:30
場所:    京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター C1-312(C1棟会議室3)
講師:    Dr. Vittorio Marzano, Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II
題目:   Developing effective O-D flow estimation/updating using traffic counts: Results and research prospects
Abstact: The seminar describes the main results of research activities on origin-destination (o-d) flows updating based on traffic counts, carried out by the research group at the University of Naples (Italy). A key issue in o-d flows updating is the dimensionality of the problem: by means of laboratory experiments, o-d flow updating is shown effective generally only when the ratio between equations (i.e. independent counted link flows) and unknowns (i.e. o-d flows) is close to one.  To achieve such balance, a within-day quasi-dynamic o-d flow estimator from traffic counts is presented, under the assumption that o-d shares are constant across a reference period, whilst total flows leaving each origin vary for each sub-period within the reference period. The advantage of this approach over conventional within-day dynamic estimators is to reduce drastically the number of unknowns, given the same set of observed time-varying traffic counts. The realism of the quasi-dynamic assumption and the theoretical and operational properties of the proposed quasi-dynamic estimator are discussed and tested on the real test site of A4-A23 motorways in North-Eastern Italy. Another possibility to balance unknowns and equations in o-d flows updating is to reduce the number of traffic zones in the study area, being the number of o-d flows proportional to the square of the number of traffic zones. Thus, an innovative optimization method for designing traffic zones to support o-d flows estimation/updating and relevant link flows estimation is also presented, and applied to a real case study in the Metropolitan Area of Napoli (Italy).
About the speaker: Vittorio Marzano is tenure-track assistant professor at the University of Naples Federico II (Italy), where he teaches Freight and logistics. He holds a PhD in Transport Engineering from the University of Napoli (2006) and an executive course in Supply chain management and distributive logistics from the Business School of the Politecnico di Milano (2010). He collaborates with many universities and research centres worldwide, including the Intelligent Transportation Systems lab of the MIT (Boston, USA) and the Singapore-MIT alliance for research and technology (Singapore). His research interests cover various areas of transport engineering: freight modelling and policy-making, discrete choice modelling, o-d flow estimation/updating, network sensors location, city logistics. Research results are published in 20 journal papers and more than 60 conference proceedings. He has participated to more than 20 national/international research projects. He is also consultant in transport projects in Italy and abroad, and an external expert of the Italian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructures.

#130 Collaborating Research, Business(Industrial), Administration, Teaching into better transport environment




Room 332, Building No.3, Kagurazaka Campus, Tokyo University of Science

Collaborating Research, Business(Industrial), Administration, Teaching into better transport environment

EASTS-Japan Seminar No.4+ JSCE Infrastructure Planning International Seminar, No.7
Date: Thursday, July 28, 2016
Time: 16:30-18:00
Place: Room 332, Building No.3, Kagurazaka Campus, Tokyo University of Science
(東京理科大学神楽坂キャンパス 3号館3階 332教室)
(日本語版アクセスマップ http://www.tus.ac.jp/info/access/kagcamp.html
Speaker: Dr. Chang Kyun Kim, (see detail below)
Title: Collaborating Research, Business(Industrial), Administration, Teaching into better transport environment
Keywords: Transport in Korea, Seoul ITS, Critical transport issues, Sustainable transit, Transport culture, Car sharing, Evaluation of city traffic, Transport in future.
Language: English (補足的日本語訳をします)
Fee: Free
Participants: Kindly let me know your name by e-mail, so as to prepare printed materials.
Organizer: Prof. Shintaro Terabe (terabe[@]rs.noda.tus.ac.jp)
———-Information of speaker:———-
Dr. Chang Kyun Kim
Invited Professor, Dan Kook University, Seoul, Korea
(Ph.D. Virginia Tech, USA. 1994, Transportation Engineering)
Visiting Researcher, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Professional Experiences
2014-present  CEO, Future Convergence Technology
2013-present  Invited Professor, Dan Kook University
2013-2014   Adjunct Professor, Railways Engineering, Han Yang University
2013-2014  Head, Happy Transport Institute
2012-2012, Senior manager, Infrastructure & Transportation Services, Accenture (Singapore)
2008-2012, Director, Seoul TOPIS, Seoul Metropolitan Government, South Korea
1997-2008, Professor, Transport Eng., Kwan Dong University, South Korea
1994-1997, Research Associate, The Korea Transport Institute, South Korea