


北海学園大学山鼻キャンパス3号館3階 3A教室

Karima Kourtit 博士 (スウェーデン王立工科大学) 特別講演会

日 時:平成28年10月12日(水) 16:00~17:30
会 場:北海学園大学山鼻キャンパス3号館3階 3A教室
〒064-0926 札幌市中央区南26条西11丁目1-1
講 師:Karima Kourtit博士(スウェーデン王立工科大学研究員)
演 題:Impacts of Digital Data Systems on Smart Cities performance in the New Urban World
概 要:Our planet is gradually moving towards an urbanized world. Modern urban agglomerations tend to turn nowadays into advanced information hubs supporting a smart management of dynamic urban systems.  The currently popular notion of ‘smart cities’ aims to provide a new perspective for sustainable and high-performance strategies of city stakeholders in our ‘urban century’. In this context, digital information technology provides a new tool for efficient and effective management and planning of urban space, inter alia in the field of transportation, environment, public facilities or advanced service provision to citizens. This presentation aims to offer, first, a concise overview of the emerging opportunities of information and communication  technology (ICT) for smart urban policy; digital technology in particular, appears to provide novel pathways for modern planning strategies in smart cities. Against this background, the presentation sketches out the complex force field of global urbanization phenomena and highlights the data and information needs for strategic planning of cities (using inter alia as a framework the so-called ‘urban piazza’ strategy framework). Secondly, various new decision support tools that are currently emerging and that offer a new promising scope for handling complex urban management issues (for instance, on accessibility, congestion, safety or sustainability) are briefly presented. And finally, the potential of such digital data systems for urban management and policy is concisely illustrated by means of some recent applications in the area of smartphone data systems. The presentation concludes with a discussion of the challenges ahead for urban policy, inter alia by paying attention to institutional and governance aspects of ‘big digital data’ management in urban systems.
講師紹介:アムステルダム自由大学(VU UNIVERSITY AMSTERDAM)において博士(経済学)を取得した後、スウェーデン王立工科大学(KTH ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY)において博士(地理学)を取得し、二つの博士号を有している。研究分野としては、地域・都市関係、特に新産業創成、都市開発、文化遺産、デジタル・テクノロジー、等の分野で多くの研究実績を有している。また、多くの著書や国際ジャーナルなどのエディターをつとめている。