


Meeting Room of International Project Lab., 3rd floor of Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo

Special Seminar Series on Transportation Planning and Travel Behavioral Analysis (Axhausen教授を囲む会)

The 2nd International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2015年度土木計画学研究委員会 第2回国際セミナー(通算 第111回国際セミナー)

Special Seminar Series on Transportation Planning and Travel Behavioral Analysis

1. 主催者:加藤浩徳(東京大学),福田大輔(東京工業大学)
2. 後援:土木学会土木計画学研究委員会
3. 開催趣旨:本年4月より7月まで,スイス連邦工科大学(ETH)チューリッヒ校のKay Axhausen教授が,東京大学の客員研究員として滞在されています.Axhausen教授は,Transportation誌の編集長を務めるなど,交通計画・交通行動分析の分野で世界的に広く知られる研究者です(詳しくはこちら).せっかくの機会ですので,Axhausen教授にご参加いただいて,交通計画・交通行動分析に関わる国際セミナーを連続で開催します(Axhausen教授は,全ての回に出席される予定です).皆様のご参加をお待ちしております.
4. 場所:東京大学・本郷キャンパス工学部11号館 3階国際プロジェクト研究室会議室(113-8656 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1)
5. 参加費:無料(参加人数を知りたいので,参加を希望される方は,事前に加藤までご連絡願います.)
6. 言語:英語のみです.
7. その他:終了後に簡単な懇親会を開催する予定です.
8. スケジュール(案)
第1回 5月28日(木)16:00-18:00
1. Kay Axhausen (ETH, Zurich): Social Network and Transportation
2. 加藤浩徳(東京大学):Recent Issues of Urban Rail Network in Tokyo
第2回 6月4日(木)16:00-18:00
1. 山本俊行(名古屋大学): Analysis on Battery Charging Behavior of Electric Vehicles
2. Giancarlos Troncoso(東京大学): The Effect of Social Networks and Personality Traits on Out-of-home Leisure Activity Generation: A Case Study of Fukuoka, Japan
第3回 6月12日(金)16:00-18:00
1. 小早川悟(日本大学): Parking Management System in Japan, Current and Future Perspective
2. 佐々木邦明(山梨大学): Real-time Adjustment of Parameters in a Traffic Simulator
第4回 6月19日(金)16:00-18:00
1. 大森宣暁 (宇都宮大学): Recent Trends in Travel Time Use: Impacts of Mobile ICTs
2. 松尾美和 (早稲田大学): Efficiency and Effectiveness of Rural Bus Transit in the US
第5回 6月25日(木)16:00-18:00
1. 日下部貴彦(東京工業大学): Continuous Travel Behaviour Data Collection from Smart Devices
2. 羽藤英二・大山雄己(東京大学): Trip Chain Analysis using Probe Data Collected Through Mobile Phones
第6回 7月3日(金)16:00-18:00
1. 大口敬(東京大学): Impact of ACC Introduction for Alleviating Motorway Bottlenecks
2. 清水哲夫(首都大学東京): Tourism Policies, Data and Researches in Japan
第7回 7月16日(木)17:00-19:00
1. 福田大輔(東京工業大学): Development of Hyperpath-based Risk-averse Route Guidance System and its Verification by a Field Experiment
2. 米崎克彦(運輸調査局): Overview of Air Transport Policy in Japan

English version
1. Organizers: Prof Hironori Kato (The University of Tokyo) and Dr Daisuke Fukuda (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
2. Support: Infrastructure Planning Committee, JSCE
3. Purpose: Professor Kay Axhausen from ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Zurich has been staying at the University of Tokyo as Visiting Professor from April to July, 2015. He is a well-known transportation researcher, for example the editor-in-chief of Transportation (see more details here). Then we organize a series of seminars regarding transportation planning and travel behavioral analysis where Professor Axhausen join and discuss together. At each seminar two presenters will give short talks. Anyone who is concerned with the seminars is invited. Please contact Professor Hironori Kato for your participation.
4. Location: Meeting Room of International Project Lab., 3rd floor of Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
5. Language: English
6. Contact: Professor Hironori Kato
7. Other: Small networking-party will be held after each seminar.
8. Schedule
Seminar 1: 16:00-18:00 May 28 (Thursday)
1. Prof Kay Axhausen (ETH, Zurich): Social Network and Transportation 2. Prof Hironori Kato (The University of Tokyo):Recent Issues of Urban Rail Network in Tokyo
Seminar 2: 16:00-18:00 June 4 (Thursday)
1. Prof Toshiyuki Yamamoto (Nagoya University): Analysis on Battery Charging Behavior of Electric Vehicles
2. Dr Giancarlos Troncoso (The University of Tokyo): The Effect of Social Networks and Personality Traits on Out-of-home Leisure Activity Generation: A Case Study of Fukuoka, Japan
Seminar 3: 16:00-18:00 June 12 (Friday)
1. Prof Satoru Kobayakawa (Nihon University): Parking Management System in Japan, Current and Future Perspective
2. Prof Kuniaki Sasaki (University of Yamanashi): Real-time Adjustment of Parameters in a Traffic Simulator
Seminar 4: 16:00-18:00 June 19 (Friday)
1. Prof Nobuaki Ohmori (Utsunomiya University): Recent Trends in Travel Time Use: Impacts of Mobile ICTs
2. Dr Miwa Matsuo (Waseda University): Efficiency and Effectiveness of Rural Bus Transit in the US
Seminar 5: 16:00-18:00 June 25 (Thursday)
1. Dr Takahiko Kusakabe (Tokyo Institute of Technology): Continuous Travel Behaviour Data Collection from Smart Devices
2. Prof Eiji Hato & Yuki Oyama: Trip Chain Analysis using Probe Data Collected Through Mobile Phones
Seminar 6: 16:00-18:00 July 3 (Friday)
1. Prof Takashi Oguchi (The University of Tokyo): Impact of ACC introduction for Alleviating Motorway Bottlenecks
2. Prof Tetsuo Shimizu (Tokyo Metropolitan University): Tourism Policies, Data and Researches in Japan
Seminar 7: 17:00-19:00 July 16 (Thursday)
1. Dr Daisuke Fukuda (Tokyo Institute of Technology): Development of Hyperpath-based Risk-averse Route Guidance System and its Verification by a Field Experiment
2. Dr Katsuhiko Yonezaki (Institute of Transportation Economics): Overview of Air Transport Policy in Japan