京都大学 吉田キャンパス 本部構内 工学部3号館 講義室N3
Statistics and Neural Networks: Differences, Similarities, and Why Should transportationresearchers be Interested?
The 12th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management,
JSCE in FY2012
2012年度土木計画学研究委員会 第12回国際セミナー(通算 第70回国際セミナー)
日時:2012年7月6日(金) 16:30~18:00
会場:京都大学 吉田キャンパス 本部構内 工学部3号館 講義室N3
京都大学 吉田キャンパス:
本部構内 工学部3号館:
講演者: Matthew G. Karlaftis
講演題目:Statistics and Neural Networks: Differences, Similarities, and Why Should transportation researchers be Interested?
In the field of transportation, data analysis is probably the most important and widely used research tool available. In the data analysis universe, there are two ‘schools of thought’;
the first uses statistics as the tool of choice, while the second – one of the many methods from – Computational Intelligence. Although the goal of both approaches is the same, the two have kept each other at arm’s length.
Researchers frequently fail to communicate and even understand each other’s work. In this presentation we discuss differences and similarities between these two approaches, attempt to provide a set of insights for selecting the appropriate approach, and present three cases studies from transportation research that compare the two distinct approaches on the same set of data.