





日時: 11月20日(月) 16:30 ~18:00
場所: 京都大学吉田キャンパス、38号館、共通4(入口は63号館の反対側)

日時: 11月21日(火) 16:30 ~18:00
場所: 東大工学部本郷キャンパス工学部1号館4階セミナーA

Prateek Bansal (
“Individual-level and System-level Behavioural Science in Transportation”
Bio: Dr Prateek Bansal is a Presidential Young (Assistant) Professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Before joining NUS in 2022, he was a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow at Imperial College London and did a Ph.D. from Cornell, an MSc from UT Austin, a BTech from IIT Delhi. Prateek leads the Behavioural & Cognitive Science Lab at NUS, and is a co-principal investigator of the Adaptive Mobility module at Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore. His research group is interested in creating new methods to address challenging questions related to mobility behavior and the adoption of emerging technologies at an individual level and an urban scale. His research has led to over 55 journal articles. Apart from top Transportation journals, he regularly publishes in interdisciplinary journals like Energy Economics and Statistics and Computing. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Transport Economics & Policy and the Journal of Public Transportation. He also serves as the editorial board member of Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, and Journal of Choice Modelling, among others. He is a member of the TRB’s standing committees on Travel Survey Methods (AEP25) and Travel Forecasting (AEP50). Abstract: This talk will focus on system-level activity-based models and individual-level behaviour models. Specifically, three main system-level topics will be discussed: (i) novel deep generative models for feasible and diverse synthetic population, (ii) an analytical approach to simultaneously generate synthetic population and home-work locations by fusing travel survey data with the cellular signal data, (iii) generating synthetic population and activity chains by fusing travel survey data with the transit farecard data. The talk will conclude with an individual-level interpretable and flexible behaviour model, marrying data-driven and theory-driven approaches.

Xinwei Li:
“Marrying Cognitive Psychology and Behaviour Modelling: New Advancements and Results”
Bio: Ms. Xinwei Li is a Ph.D. student supervised by Dr. Prateek Bansal in the Civil and Environment Engineering Department at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Before joining the Behavioral & Cognitive lab, she achieved her MSc. in Statistics from NUS, and her B.S. in Mathematical Statistics from Renmin University of China. Xinwei focused on combining the discrete choice models with neurobiological data. Particularly, she is interested in Sequential Sampling Models(SSMs) developments, parameter estimations, and its extensions with choice process data like response time (RT) and eye-movement.
Abstract: This talk will focus on new models from mathematic psychology, known as sequential sampling models (SSMs), that are inherently dynamic to facilitate joint modelling of choice, response time (RT), and other data related to decision-making process (eye-movement of decision-makers). SSMs can also better explain the effect of nudges. The talk will focus on three main advancements in SSMs: (i) First empirical application of SSMs in transportation to explain the role of decoy effects in nudging ride-hailing drivers to adopt electric vehicles, (ii) mathematical proof for the value of involving RT into discrete choice models in terms of econometric estimation, (iii) Joint modelling of lab-based and web-based stated-preference data. By addressing challenges in existing SSMs, the talk will make a strong case for their applications in travel behavior modelling.