Lecture Room No.14, Engineering Building No.1, Hongo Campus The University of Tokyo
An Infrastructure Based Approach Toward Connected Automated Vehicle-Highway System
ウィスコンシン大学のRan Bin教授をお招きして,米国におけるインフラベースのITSに関するご講演をいただきます.詳細は,以下の通りです.ご関心のある方は是非ともご参加ください.
- 日時:2016年7月25日(月)16:30-18:00
- 場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス工学部1号館
(階14号教室 - 発表タイトル:An Infrastructure Based Approach Toward Connected Automated Vehicle-Highway System (発表内容の概略については,英文をご覧ください)
- Ran Bin教授について:1986年に清華大学を卒業後,1989年に東京大学で修士号取得し,その後イリノイ大学シカゴ校でPhDを取得.MITやカリフォルニア大学バークレー校に滞在した経験もある.現在,ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校においてITSプログラムのディレクターをしている.専門は,動的交通ネットワークモデル,交通シミュレーション,交通情報システムなど.詳細は,英文をご覧下さい.
- 言語:英語
- 参加費用:無料
- お問い合わせ:
東京大学大学院工学系研究科 羽藤英二教授(hato[@]
東京大学大学院工学系研究科 加藤浩徳教授(kato[@]
We invite you to a special international seminar on ITS where Professor Ran Bin, Professor and Director of ITS Program at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, will make a short talk about the infrastructure-based ITS in the United States. Anybody who is concerned with his talk can join it. The details are shown below. Please contact Prof. Hironori Kato (kato[@] for more details.
- Time and day: From 4:30pm to 6:00 pm on July 25 (Monday), 2016
- Place: Lecture Room No.14, Engineering Building No.1, Hongo Campus The University of Tokyo (Campus map is available at
- Presentation Title: “An Infrastructure Based Approach Toward Connected Automated Vehicle-Highway System”
- Abstract:
Internet companies and auto makers have been focusing on developing a vehicle-centric platform for connected vehicle and autonomous driving. This presentation presents an alternative approach, which is infrastructure based and could be more cost-effective and reliable. This presentation will discuss various definitions of Connected and Automated Vehicle-Highway System. In developing these systems in the next few decades, the active roles of transportation planning, design and management agencies and organizations will be presented. In addition, this presentation will discuss about the system architecture, major technologies, and the roadmap to achieve the four levels of automation and connectivity defined by the US DOT in 2015. The system designs, R&D efforts, challenges, and international collaboration will be discussed as well.
- About Professor Ran Bin:
Dr. Bin Ran is a Professor and Director of ITS Program at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He also served as the Director of the Traffic Operations and Safety Lab (TOPS) at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Dr. Ran holds the title of National Distinguished Expert in China. Dr. Ran is also the Director for Southeast University – University of Wisconsin Joint Research Institute on Internet of Mobility, which is an international collaborative effort between China and US.
Dr. Ran is an expert in dynamic transportation network models, traffic simulation and control, traffic information system, Internet of Mobility, and Connected Automated Vehicle-Highway System. He has led the development and deployment of various traffic information systems and technologies in the US and China. He has trained younger generations of professors and experts in traffic engineering and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in the US, China, Korea, and other countries.
Dr. Ran is the author of two leading textbooks on dynamic traffic networks. He has co-authored more than 130 journal papers and more than 220 referenced papers at national and international conferences. He co-authored 6 books on intelligent highways in China. He holds 3 US patents and 10 Chinese patents, and has a few patents pending in the US and China. He is an associate editor of Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. He is the Founding President of North America Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (NACOTA, currently named as Chinese Overseas Transportation Association or COTA) from 1996 to 1998.
Earlier in his career, Dr. Ran held positions at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California at Berkeley. He is active in the Transportation Research Board and Intelligent Transportation Society of America. Dr. Ran received his PhD from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1993, his MS from the University of Tokyo in 1989, and his BS from Tsinghua University in 1986.
- Language: English
- Fee: Free of charge
- Contact: Professor Eiji Hato, The University of Tokyo (hato[@] or Professor Hironori Kato, The University of Tokyo (kato[@]