



Professor D. Marc Kilgour講演会

The 9th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2014
2014年度土木計画学研究委員会 第9回国際セミナー(通算 第102回国際セミナー)

Professor D. Marc Kilgour講演会

日時:2014年11月17日(月) 15:00-17:00

講演者:Professor D. Marc Kilgour (Department of Mathematics, Wilfrid Laurier University)
講演タイトル: Fair Division: Old and New.
講演概要:Often, group decision and negotiation can be broken down into two processes: ? ascertaining the relative preferences of the parties, and then ? using preference information to find an allocation making each party “reasonably” happy. This talk concentrates on the second problem: Assuming some information about preferences, can an allocation that meets certain fairness criteria be selected? If so, how? For example, an allocation is envy-free if each participant feels that his or her portion is at least tied for best ? and therefore does not envy anyone else. A prototype procedure for fair division between two persons is “I Cut, You Choose,” (ICYC), for splitting a divisible (continuous) good between two people. ICYC is assessed, and various improvements and extensions introduced. ICYC also lies at the heart of certain procedures for the allocation of indivisible items, particularly in situations with very limited information about preferences. One special case has been identified in which there is an elegant, easy-to-compute solution. Fair division procedures and principles are, in principle, fundamental! to procedural approaches to allocation and interest negotiation. Their relevance to problems in economics, computer science, operations research, management, and politics is discussed.