


都市センターホテル 606会議室


2011年度土木計画学研究委員会 第16回国際セミナー

そこで、当大学院では、ISO/PC251アセットマネジメントの議長を務めている英国のMr. Rhys Daviesならびにアセットモニタリングを専門とするMISTRAS Group Inc.からMr. Phillip T. ColeとMr. Samuel Ternowchekをお招きして、ISO5500xの目的を深く理解するとともに、アセットマネジメントの標準化と、それを取り巻く英国、米国でのビジネス動向についてのセミナーを、下記の通り開催することと致しました。

日 時: 2012年2月29日(水) 13:00pm~17:30pm
場 所: 都市センターホテル 606会議室
〒102-0093 東京都千代田区平河町2-4-1
Tel. 03-3265-8211
主 催: 京都大学 経営管理大学院
共 催: 土木学会 土木計画学研究委員会
後 援: 一般社団法人 京都ビジネスリサーチセンター(KBRC)
言 語: 日本語/英語(同時通訳付き)
定 員: 100名(定員になり次第申し込みを締め切らせて頂きます)
参加料: 無料
参加登録: 以下の別紙フォームに必要事項を記載の上、
事務局担当:京都大学経営管理大学院 澤井克紀/豊嶋恵子
(問い合わせ, Tel.075-753-3530)

2012年2月29日(水) 13:00pm ~ 17:30pm
都市センターホテル 606会議室
12:30~ 受付開始
13:00~13:10 開催の挨拶

13:10~14:25 “We have been Managing our Assets for a long time – why do we need International Standards for Asset Management?”
Mr. Rhys Davies
Chairman of ISO/PC251 Asset Management
Managing Director, Smart Asset Management Solutions Ltd. UK

14:25~15:25 “TBD”
Mr. Phillip T. Cole
Executive Vice President, International Division

15:25~15:45 コーヒーブレイク

15:45~16:45 “On Line Asset Integrity Monitoring with Acoustic Emission Technology ”
Mr. Samuel Ternowchek
Vice President, AE Business Development & Support

16:45~17:30 “国際技術標準化戦略について”
京都大学経営管理大学院 院長

17:30 閉会

Mr. Rhys Davies
Rhys Davies graduated with BEng (Hons) and MEng in Electronic Engineering from University College of North Wales in 1990 and 91. He went on to complete an MBA in 1999 and is a Chartered Engineer. Rhys has developed his career as an asset management specialist in a variety of industries including Aerospace, Defence, Rail, Telecoms,
Utilities and the Oil industry. Rhys’ roles have included systems design, consultancy, operations management and audit.
Rhys is the Chairman of the ISO Committee (PC251) developing formal International Standards for Asset Management. He has been fundamentally involved in the development of PAS 55 and was Vice Chair of the Steering Group for PAS 55:2008.
Rhys is Managing Director and Founder of Smart Asset Management Solutions Limited and has been involved with the Institute of Asset Management (IAM) in a variety of roles over 5 years, notably: IAM Council Member 2008 – 2010; IAM Patrons Representative (for Lloyd’s Register) 2005 – 2010 and various committee roles. Rhys was been a member of the Executive Committee of the Joint IET/IAM Technical Professional Network for Asset Management since January 2011.

Mr. Phillip T. Cole
Phillip Cole is Executive Vice President of Mistras Group, a company specializing in inspection and monitoring solutions, and listed on the New-York stock exchange. He has spent his career in the development and application of non-destructive testing and condition monitoring to process plant and structures in the oil and gas, process, and civil industries, and has published more than fifty papers.
Since 1980 he has primarily been involved in asset inspection and monitoring, using a diverse range of inspection and monitoring methods. He is most associated with the use of acoustic emission to monitor the structural integrity and degradation of assets. Structures monitored include suspension bridge main cables, post-tensioned concrete and steel bridges, offshore structures, and process vessels in the oil, gas, and nuclear industries. The Plant Condition Monitoring Systems division of his company specializes in asset integrity management software for refineries, which combines inspection data management and risk-based inspection methodology based on the American Petroleum Institute codes.
In the civil area university research project partners include the University of Wales, Cardiff, and CICE Loughborough University, researching steel bridge structures and corrosion of reinforcing bar in concrete. The Cardiff work on steel bridge structures was given an engineering excellence award by the Royal Society.
Phillip Cole has been a member of British Institute of NDT, European Working Group for Acoustic Emission since 1980, including a period as secretary, and a member of the codes sub-group, CEN TC 138 WG 7 for the development of European codes in acoustic emission, Technical advisor to ISO TC 135 SC09 HOIS, the prime industry forum for discussing inspection issues and utilizing improved inspection technology for applications in oil and gas.

Mr. Samuel Ternowchek
Sam Ternowchek is Vice President, On Line Asset Integrity Monitoring with the Mistras Group. In this capacity he is responsible for the company’s development of Advance NDT as it applies to On Line Asset Integrity Management. He has extensive experience in Advance NDT techniques especially acoustic emission, having participated as an engineer in the first applications of the technology to quality control at the Western Electric Company during the mid 1970’s. He participated in the start up of Physical Acoustics Corporation in 1978. He has served the company in a wide range of capacities in the intervening years. He has been active in many different Advance NDT applications within the company including guided wave technology and phased array ultrasonics. He is coordinator of the MONPAC(R) User’s Group, secretary of the CARP committee, Mistras’s representative to the AAR Tank Car Committee NDT Task Group. He is also active in API and is chairmen of the NACE Acoustic Emission committee.
He is an ASNT Fellow.
He is a graduate of Penn State University with a degree in Engineering Technology.
In total, Mr. Ternowchek has over thirty-eight (38) years of industry experience in applying Advance NDT and Acoustic Emission technology.
He has written numerous publications and has made presentations at several conferences.

Prof. Kiyoshi Kobayashi
Kiyoshi Kobayashi is Professor of Infrastructure Economics and the Dean of the Graduate School of Management of Kyoto University. He is also Professor of Planning and Management Theory of Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University. He is a world renowned researcher in the fields of Urban and Infrastructure Management and Economics and a recipient of several awards including the Distinguished Research Awards by Japan Society of Civil Engineers and registered as a Top 50 City Creator and Urban Expert by the Danish Ministry of Environment.
He experienced the President of the Applied Regional Science Conference and serves on the editorial boards of international journals including the American Society of Civil Engineers, and on the series editor-in-chief of the Journals of Japan Society of Civil Engineers and the Journal of Applied Regional Science.
Currently, he is a member of National Land Development Council of Japan, a committee expert on Transport Policy Council of Japan, and a coalition member of Science Council of Japan. He was an adjunct professor of 10 oversea universities and a visiting fellow of international organizations of OECE, WHO, and World Bank, etc.
He is the author and co-editor of 53 books including “Kobayashi, al.(eds.) Joint Ventures in Construction, Thomas Teleford, 2009 and over 370 academic reviewed papers.
小林潔司氏は、現在、京都大学経営大学院大学院長・インフラ経済学担当教授であり、同時に京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻・計画マネジメント論教授を併任している。同教授は都市マネジメント、インフラマネジメント、インフラ経済学の分野で国際的に著名な研究者であり、土木学会研究業績賞、World TOP 50 City Creatorand Urban Expert (デンマーク環境大臣)を初めとして種々の受賞歴を持っている。
応用地域学会会長、アメリカ土木学会論文集副編集長を初めとした国際論文集の編集委員会委員、土木学会論文集委員長、応用地域学会論文集委員長を歴任。その間,国土交通省国土審議会,交通政策審議会委員,日本学術会議連携会員等に任命されるとともに、海外10大学の客員教授、OECD, WHO, 世界銀行等の客員研究員を経験した。
著書約50冊 (たとえば, Joint Ventures in Construction, Thomas Telford, 2009), 査読学術論文約370編を出版している.