#203 Real-time control for transit systems with transfers




京都大学桂キャンパス Cクラスター C1-312(C1棟会議室3)

Real-time control for transit systems with transfers


場所:京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター C1-312(C1棟会議室3)


講師: Prof. Tomer Toledo, Israel Institute of Technology (Technion), Israel

題目: Real -time control for transit systems with transfers



Abstract: We report on research to develop a real-time simulation-based control framework that attempts to coordinate the eperations of multiple transit lines simultaneously to allow smoother transfers and to maintain service regularity. The control actions, which include holding and change speed, are set as the solution of an optimization problem with the objective to minimize total passengers’ time in the system within a prediction horizon. The prediction horizon is defined by a number of downstream stops and subsequent buses. The predictions made include the arrival and departure times of vehicles at downstream stops and the passenger demands they are expected to serve. The model is demonstrated with a simulation-based case study of three lines of the BRT system in Haifa, Israel. The results show the system’s potential to reduce the total passengers’ time.

Bio: Dr. Tomer Toledo is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of civil and Environmental Engineering and the Head of the Transportation Research Institute at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. His research interests are in the areas of driver behavior, traffic modeling and simulation, intelligent transportation system and transportation network analysis. He is an Research Part C and Transportation Research Record.

#202 Seminar on short-term prediction for the next generation transport management




Meeting Room 3, Suekawa Memorial Hall, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto

Seminar on short-term prediction for the next generation transport management

The CASE (Connected, Automonous, Shared, and Electric) mobility will greatly change transport servises. One illustrative example is self-driving vehicles with multiple functions such as ride-sharing, e-coomerce, and logistics, which would enrich our daily lives. Various personalized services would be offered based on the enormous data from vehicles mobile phones, etc. At the same time, such big and real-time data would also change transport management systems drastically together with the rapid development of relevant methodologies.

One of the key common ingredients for a better mobility service and its management systems is the short-term prediction of transport conditions: an accurate short-term prediction of OD demand and travel time would be needed for a better ride-sharing service, while a better short-term prediction of traffic states using real-timedata would significantly improve dynamic traffic control and management systems. One of the emerging and promising approaches for a better short-term prediction is a machine learning approach. Appliactions of machine learning techniaues in the field of transportation have been increasing rapidly in the last couple of years. These studies have empirically shown higher prediction accuracy compared to traditional methods, opening up further possibiilties of providing new transport services as well as data-driven traffic control and management.

This seminar aims to identify unique challenges in the application of machine learning techniques to the short-term prediction, explore further possibilities ot applying deep learning techniques to transport issues, and identify potential bottlenecks in utilizing them in practice. Following a special lecture of the use of tree search and deep neural networks by Dr. Yoshizoe, two keynote lectures will be delivered by Dr. Chris van Hinsbergen and Dr. Adam Pel on the state of the art for short-term traffic prediction in Netherlands. We will then have presentation from researchers and practitioners on their ongoing works and discuss the possible future research directions and practical applications.

Date and time: 10:00-17:30 on September 20, 2019

Venue: Meeting Room 3, Suekawa Memorial Hall, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto

9 Kinugasa Himurocho, Kita-ku, Kyoto, 603-8484

(Map: https://goo.gl/maps/N2GrysfoJnb9YHaX9)

Capacity: 40 persons

Registration: Please send your name and affiliation to Makoto Chikaraishi


Note: The application will be closed as soon as the number of applicants reaches the capacity.


Project Introduction and Special Lecture

     Organizer: Yasuhiro Shiomi (Ritsumeikan Unievrsity)

10:00-10:15: Introduction of research project

“Short-term travel demand prediction and comprehensive transport demand management”

by Makoto Chikaraishi (Hiroshima University)

10:15-10:30: A brief overview of the application of machine learning models in the field of transportation

by Varun Varghese (Hiroshima University)

10:30-11:30: Special Lecture: Solving Problems Using Tree Search and Deep Neural Networks

by Kazuki Yoshizoe (Leader of Search and Parallel Computing Unit, RIKEN Center for Advanced  Intelligence Project)

11:30-13:00: Lunch break

Keynote Lectures

Organizer: Makoto Chiakaraishi (Hiroshima University)

13:00-14:00: Keynote lecture 1: Traffic Theory & Decision Forests for prediction of local traffic patterns

by Adam Pel (Associate professor, Delft University of Technology)

14:00-15:00: Keynote lecture 2: The Neural Cell Transmission Model

by Chiris van Hinsbergen (Co-Founder & Developer, Fileradar)

15:00-15:20: Coffee break

State-of-the-Art Research and Practice

     Organizer: Varun Varghese (Hiroshima University)

15:20-15:50: Traffic Congestion Control by Vehicle Trajectory Estimation

by Masaaki Ishihara (Hanshin Expressway Company Limited)

15:50-16:20: Short-Term Traffic State Prediction Using the LSTM Framework: A Case Study in Kamakura City

by Daisuke Fukuda (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

16:20-16:50: Toyota’s activities in MaaS

by Takahiro Shiga (Toyota Motor corporation)

16:50-17:20: Driver’s Behavior in Ride-hailing Service

by Junji Urata (The University of Tokyo)

17:20-17:30: Closing

#201 Special seminar about high-speed rail project in India at UTokyo




Seminar room of International Project Lab., The University of Tokyo

Special seminar about high-speed rail project in India at UTokyo

1) Time and day: 5:30pm-7:00pm, September 17 (Tuesday), 2019

2) Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab., Third floor, Engineering Buidling No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo


3) Presentation

-Title: Inside of the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail Project, India’s first High-Speed Rail with Japan’s Shinkansen System


India’s first high speed rail line is planned under the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail (MAHSR) Project. The ipmlementation of the project with use of Japanese high speed rail technologies (i.e. the SHINKANSEN system) and experiences, was cofirmed at the Japan-India Summit Meeting (December 2015). Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has been providing and facilitating various types of support such as those for the detailed design of the project, dispatch of experts, conducting training in Japan, and providing ODA loans for the construction of training facilities and the MAHSR line itself. Tenders have started for both the construction of the training facilities and the main line, and intensive discussion are being held every day amongst the experts of India and Japan. Ms. Momoko Furuhashi was dispatched to the India Office of JICA from 2016 to 2019, where she first looked after road and water sector of India, and afterwards becoming officer in charge for the High Speed Rail. In the seminar she will introduce how JICA is supporting the implementation of the MAHSR, and will share her personal experience of working on the mega project.

4) Short bio of presenter

Ms. Momoko Furuhashi has just completed her tenure as a representative in the India Office of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in mid-September 2019. She has mainly been in charge of implementation management and formulation of grant aid and Official Development Assistance (ODA) projects for transport infrastructure, namely roads, bridges and airports in the JICA HQs. The projects were located in various countries such as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Democratic Republic of the Congo, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, and the Republic of Mozambique.

5) Charge: free

6) Language: English only

7) Participation: Please cotact Ms. Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.

#200 東京大学・同済大学国際共同セミナー





Special Joint Seminar of UTokyo and Tongji University

1) Time and day: 10:00am-12:00am, August 5 (Monday), 2019

2) Place: Lecture room No.13, Department of Civil Engineering, Ground floor, Engineering Building No.1, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo (https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/content/400020145.pdf)

3) Schedule

– Opening remarks: TBD (The University of Tokyo)

– Presentation 1: Quality of life assessment of Shanghai and Guangzhou based on multi-source data source (Dr. Xiao LUO, Associate Professor, Tongji University)

-Presentation 2: The information system of multimodal transportation in Shanghai (Dr. Lijuan SHI, Lecturer, Tongji University)

– Presentation 3: Transportation investment and its impacts on regional economics: Evidences from Japan (Prof. Hironori KATO, The University of Tokyo)

4) Short bios of invited presenters

– Luo Xiao, Ph.D. is Associate Professor of Tongji University, Master Tutor, Secretary-General of Tongji-WCTRS World Transport Research Center. Mainly engaged in low-carbon transportation, built environment assessment, data mining and big data application in urban planning and transport policy. He graduate from Nagoya University in Japan in 2013 under the supervision of Prof. Yoshitsugu HAYASHI, who is ex-President of the World Transport Congress and full member of Rome Club. As the moderator/main participant, he have completed some projects on the application of low-carbon transportation and big data technology in urban and transportation research. He have good experience in international cooperation and landing of domestic projects in big-data low-carbon cities and smart transportation. He published more than 20 academic papers, including more than 10 SCI/SSCI papers, served as the editorial board of SSCI magazine Technological Forecasting and Social Change on the theme of “Smart City and Quality of Life”.

– Dr. Shi Lijuan serves as a lecturer in the department of comprehensive transportation information engineering and control in the school of traffic and transportation engineering at Tongji University. She had been a visiting scholar at the university of Wisconsin-Madison of civil engineering from 2009.8 to 2010.8. Her research area is integrated traffic and transportation informatization, automatic train control system, safety and reliability theory and technology. She has been engaged in the planning, designing and developing standards of intelligent transportation system of Shanghai, such as Shanghai traffic and transportation comprehensive information platform, Pudong new area traffic management information system, Shanghai expressway network toll collection and monitoring system, and Yangtze river delta comprehensive transportation information sharing and collaborative platform. She as a major participant in now conducting a research on a program of Comprehensive Support Technology for Railway Network Operation, which is funded by Ministry of Science and Technology of China. She is on the committee of Shanghai highway association. She has published almost 20 technical papers in journal and proceedings.

5) Charge: free

6)  Language: English

7) Participation: Please contact Ms. Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar.

#199 応用一般均衡分析と交通分析の統合に関する研究小委員会 国際セミナー




神戸大学六甲第一キャンパス 経済経営研究所新館 2階会議室

応用一般均衡分析と交通分析の統合に関する研究小委員会 国際セミナー


場所:神戸大学六甲第一キャンパス 経済経営研究所 2階会議室


報告1: Jos van OMMEREN (アムステルダム自由大学)

The Congestion Relief Benefit of Public Transit: Evidence from Rome

備考: 神戸大学経済経営研究所交通政策研究部会及び経済経営研究所RIEBセミナー共催,JSPS外国人研究者招聘事業


【参加登録】 https://forms.gle/DcTHvEGAZp5yE7Wt8

#198 Special seminar about bike planning in Maryland, USA at UTokyo




Seminar room of International Project Lab., Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus The University of Tokyo

Special seminar about bike planning in Maryland, USA at UTokyo

1) Time and day: 5:00pm-6:00pm, July 9 (Tuesday), 2019

2) Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab., Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo (https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/content/400020145.pdf)

3) Presentation

– Title: GIS Analysis for Bike Planning with Consideration for Level of Streets and Energy Consumption: A Case from Montgomery Country, Maryland, USA

– Abstract: Bike planning has become an important part of local transportation planning in urbanized areas in the US. Within it, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are used in a variety of tasks, ranging from simple mapping to advanced analysis. In this talk, I will discuss the application of GIS analysis that incorporates two important factors that cyclists experience on roads: (a) stress to travel through street built environment and (b) changes in burden in biking due to topography. While the level of stress (LOS) is used to select street segments that are appropriate for different levels of cyclists, biking energy consumption, in addition to distance, is used as travel impedance to take into account the effects of slopes and street intersections. The integration of these two factors in conventional allows planners to enhance the capability in spatial analysis. The integrated GIS analysis methods are used to select for bike infrastructure improvements in coming years in Montgomery County, Maryland in the USA.

4) Short bio of presenter

Dr Hiroyuki (Hiro) Iseki is Associate Professor of Urban Studies and Planning at University of Maryland, College Park. He also has an appointment at the National Center for Smart Growth Research & Education (NCSG). His research focuses on balancing efficiency, effectiveness, and equity in the provision of mobility and accessibility with special attentions to transportation, land use, and the diversity of needs among different socioeconomic groups. Iseki’s pas projects include the development of direct transit demand models using origin-destination trip data, the analysis of variances in perceptions of transit service quality by user’s demographic characteristics and trip characteristics, public private partnerships in transportation financing and transit service, and equity in transit finance. Iseki has published his work in a range of transportation and planning journals, including Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Transport Reviews, Research in Transportation Economics, Transport Policy, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Journal of Public Transportation, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, and Journal of Planning Education and Research.

5) Charge: free

6) Language: English + Japanese

7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.

#197 アジア交通学会 国際セミナー




東京海洋大学 品川キャンパス 白鷹館1階

The Future of Transportation in Eastern Asia at the era of MaaS and Big Data

The emergence of diverse services, such as MaaS, Bigdata, Sharing mobility, AI, and Auto-Drive, with new technologies indicates a major turning point in the transportation field.

There is great interest in the development of new technologies in Asia in the future.

EASTS invites young transportation researchers and tries to discuss the future of transportation in Asia.

Date: 10th, July, 2019

Venue: Hakuyo Hall, Shinagawa Campus, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (東京海洋大学・品川キャンパス 白鷹館)


13:00-13:10  Opening remarks by Tetsuro Hyodo, Treasurer of EASTS

13:10-14:00  Keynote Speech “Big data for Transportation Survey and Planning” by Jaehak Oh, Chair of EASTS ISC, President of Korean Institute of Transport

14:00-14:25  “Current issue and future challenge of shared mobility in Australia” by Meng Li (Australia)

14:25-14:50  “User Perception on Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Based Mobility-on-Demand (MOD) Services in Singapore” by Ghim Ping Ong (Singapore)

15:05-15:30  “Road Traffic Safety Challenges and Opportunities in Taiwan” by Kun-Feng Wu (Taiwan)

15:30-15:55  “MaaS: a path for creating MaaS in Bangkok” by Sorawit Narupiti (Thailand)

16:00-17:30  Panel Discussion “Future of Transportation in Eastern Asia”

Coordinator: Shinya Hanaoka, Deputy Secretary General of EASTS

Panelist:  Yulong Pei (China)

Tri Tjahjono (Indonesia)

Sungwon Lee (Korea)

Nguyen Hoang Tung (Vietnam)

Karl B. N. Vergel (Philippines)

17:30-17:45  Closing remarks by Tetsuo Yai, President of EASTS

As for the detailed program, please access the following URL



Please apply for participation at the URL below.




#196 土木計画学研究委員会・EASTS-Japan共催国際セミナー International Seminar




Seminar room 4, Tokyo University of Science, Dept. of Civil Engineering (Noda campus, Building No.5, 1st floor)

土木計画学研究委員会・EASTS-Japan共催国際セミナー International Seminar

All students and researchers interested in these studies are welcome to join this seminar. You don’t need to e-mail me before coming.


1) Main topic

“A new approach for bikeshed analysis with consideration of topography, street connectivity, and energy consumption” (地形,街路の接続性,燃料消費を考慮した,新しい自転車需要圏の分析)

2) Sub topic

“The determinants of travel demand between rail stations: A direct transit demand model using multilevel analysis for the Washington D. C. Metrorail system” (鉄道需要の決定要因:ワシントンDC地下鉄におけるマルチレベル分析を用いた重要モデル)

Date: July 8 (Monday), 2019, 5:00-6:00 pm

Place: Seminar room 4, Tokyo University of Science, Dept. of Civil Engineering (Noda campus, Building No.5, 1st floor) 東京理科大学理工学部土木工学科ゼミ室(4) (野田キャンパス5号館1F)


Speaker: Dr. Hiroyuki (Hiro) Iseki, Associate Professor of Urban Studies and Planning at University of Maryland, College Park

Source 1)

A new approach for bileshed analysis with consideration of topography, street connectivity, and energy consumption

Computers Environment and Urban System 48: 166-177, November 2014

In recent years, bike planning has gained the attention of planners and the public as a sustainable and active mode of transportation that can reduce traffic congestion, vehicle emissions, and health risks. Following the success of public bikesharing program in cities in France and Canada, multiple US cities have initiated similar programs. With this background, spatial analysis has been applied to produce heat maps of bike-travel demand, and identify suitable areas for bikeshare infrastructure. Existing research considers a variety of factors, such as resident demographics, land use, street types, and availability of bike facilities and transit services. However, few studies fully account for topography and street connectivity. The study proposes a method to combine topography and presence of intersections with estimates of energy used to bike, and incorporate the resulting travel-impedance factor, as well as street connectivity, into a spatial analysis. Using the case in Montgomery Couty, Maryland, USA, where elevation and street connectivity differ substantially among neighborhoods, this study shows how the size and shape of bikesheds (or bike demand catchment area) originating from the proposed light rail stations vary in the analysis with or without taking into account these critical factors. The analysis results have significant implications for various bike planning efforts using spatial analysis.

Source 2)

The determinants of travel demand between rail stations: A direct transit demand model using multilevel analysis for the Washington D. C. Metrorail system

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Volume 116, October 2018, Pages 635-649


In this study, we developed a time-of-day Origin-Destination Direct Transit Demand Model (OD-DTDM) that uses fare-card data from the Washington DC Metrorail system, applying a multilevel (or hierarchical) model to address the statistical problem due to the presence of groups or cluster of observations. We examine the research questions: (1) what are the determinants of transit demand between the origin and destination stations in the DC Metrorail system by time of day? and (2) what are the magnitudes of impacts that land use factors, as well as factors of fares and travel time of other modes, have on transit demand vary by time of day? To address statistical complexities intorduced by the fact that each station represents both an origin and a destination, we applied multilevel (or hierarchical) modeling techniques. Using these techniques, we found that the number of households and the number of jobs within a walkshed serve as trip generating and attracting factors, respectively, in the AM peak period, but with higher positive coefficients for jobs; these two factors reverse their roles in the PM peak period. Other variables with substantial effects on ridership include transit fares per mile, travel time between OD-stations by car and by bus, parking capacity, the level of feeder bus service, and train service levels. While these findings are not surprising, the time-of-day OD-DTDM provides more detailed information regarding the determinants of transit demand with temporal variation, and enables transit planners and managers to adopt policies and plans, such as transit oriented development, fare structure, and service levels, more fine-tuned for each origin and destination pair and by time of day.

#195 The effects of the 2013 floods on German road freight traffic




Seminar room S-519D Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University

The effects of the 2013 floods on German road freight traffic

Date: June 27 (Thursday) 15:00-17:00

Place: Seminar room S-519D Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University

Title: The effects of the 2013 floods on Germany’s road freight tra

Speaker: Julio Fournier, Doctoral Student, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin)

Abstract: This article quantifies the consequence of the 2013 floods on heavy vehicle’s traffic in Germany by using automatic traffic counter (ATC) data to locate affected roads and measure the stringency of the damage. The research design treats each counter as an independent time series and endogenously identifies shocks to determine the effects and dates on which the flood affected each counter. Results show a cumulative negative effect on average weekly freight traffic volumes. Although the largest number of shocks happened along the highway (Bundesstraßen) network with an overall positive effect, motorways (Autobahns) experienced larger shocks with an overall negative effect. The most affected regions were the states of Bavaria and Saxony-Anhalt, with Rosenheim (Bavaria) being the district with the largest traffic losses and Rottal-Inn (Bavaria) the one with the largest gains. Understanding the effect of repetitive meteorological events on the road network is relevant for the formulation of policies aiming to improve resilience and recovery.

#194 The 10th International Seminar on Urban Transport, Tourism and Travel Behavior Analysis




Hokkaigakuen Institute for Northeast Asia Studies (HINAS), Sapporo, Japan

The 10th International Seminar on Urban Transport, Tourism and Travel Behavior Analysis

We are very delightful to make the third announcement of the 10th International Seminar on Urban Transport, Tourism and Travel Behavior Analysis 2019. The one-day seminar will be held, Friday, August 23, from 8:30 AM to 6:10 PM at the HINAS (Hokkaigakuen Institute for Northeast Asia Studies) in Sapporo. In this seminar we commemorate the 10th anniversary of our seminar and really expect to have stimulating exchange with participants as we could exprience at the previous seminars.

Let us hereby introduce the outline of the 10th International Seminar. Prof. T. Tamura, Hokkai School of Commerce (HSC) is a host professor of our tenth seminar and we will surely provide a fulfilling one-day seminar with enjoyable semianr dinner on Friday and an impressive tour to Otaru on Saturday.

Coming Sapporo seminar is scheduled to consist of 4 keynotes, 16 research reports and an inclusive discussion. See the attached program and you can find that all of participants from China, around 20 professors have already been resistered and assigned to the timetable with presenting their titiles.

On the other hand, in case of participants from Japan, presenters have been completely registered but general participants have already got their registrations.

Meanwhile, we sincerely hope that our seminar will have a great opportunity to deepen mutural understanding and exchange between China and Japan. We are looking forward to get together at the 10th anniversary seminar in Sapporo this August.


Key dates:

– Sending Registraton form (for general participants)      Deadline:               July 22

– Sending Presentation Material (for presenters)             Due:                       July 22

– Sending Seminar Program (Final version)                     Until:                      August 1

– Seminar Srarts                                                               At:     8:30 am      August 23


For domestic participants:

Regular Registration (with lunch and seminar dinner):     12,000 Yen

Regular Registration + Seminar Tour (with lunch):           15,000 Yen

For domestic participants (only (graduate) students):

Regular Registration (with lunch and seminar dinner):       6,000 Yen

Regular Registration + Seminar Tour (with lunch):             8,000 Yen


For further information of the seminar, please contact:

Secretariat of The 10th International Seminar in Sapporo 2019


3-1, Gakuen-Nishi-Machi, Nishi-ku, Kobe, 651-2188, JAPAN

E-mail address: Kazuo_Nishii@red.umds.ac.jp

Phone: +81-(0)78-796-4852