#128 An Infrastructure Based Approach Toward Connected Automated Vehicle-Highway System




Lecture Room No.14, Engineering Building No.1, Hongo Campus The University of Tokyo

An Infrastructure Based Approach Toward Connected Automated Vehicle-Highway System

ウィスコンシン大学のRan Bin教授をお招きして,米国におけるインフラベースのITSに関するご講演をいただきます.詳細は,以下の通りです.ご関心のある方は是非ともご参加ください.


  1. 日時:2016年7月25日(月)16:30-18:00
  2. 場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス工学部1号館
  3. 発表タイトル:An Infrastructure Based Approach Toward Connected Automated Vehicle-Highway System (発表内容の概略については,英文をご覧ください)
  4. Ran Bin教授について:1986年に清華大学を卒業後,1989年に東京大学で修士号取得し,その後イリノイ大学シカゴ校でPhDを取得.MITやカリフォルニア大学バークレー校に滞在した経験もある.現在,ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校においてITSプログラムのディレクターをしている.専門は,動的交通ネットワークモデル,交通シミュレーション,交通情報システムなど.詳細は,英文をご覧下さい.
  5. 言語:英語
  6. 参加費用:無料
  7. お問い合わせ:

東京大学大学院工学系研究科 羽藤英二教授(hato[@]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
東京大学大学院工学系研究科 加藤浩徳教授(kato[@]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

We invite you to a special international seminar on ITS where Professor Ran Bin, Professor and Director of ITS Program at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, will make a short talk about the infrastructure-based ITS in the United States. Anybody who is concerned with his talk can join it. The details are shown below. Please contact Prof. Hironori Kato (kato[@]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for more details.


  1. Time and day: From 4:30pm to 6:00 pm on July 25 (Monday), 2016
  2. Place: Lecture Room No.14, Engineering Building No.1, Hongo Campus The University of Tokyo (Campus map is available at http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/index.html)
  3. Presentation Title: “An Infrastructure Based Approach Toward Connected Automated Vehicle-Highway System”
  4. Abstract:

Internet companies and auto makers have been focusing on developing a vehicle-centric platform for connected vehicle and autonomous driving. This presentation presents an alternative approach, which is infrastructure based and could be more cost-effective and reliable. This presentation will discuss various definitions of Connected and Automated Vehicle-Highway System. In developing these systems in the next few decades, the active roles of transportation planning, design and management agencies and organizations will be presented. In addition, this presentation will discuss about the system architecture, major technologies, and the roadmap to achieve the four levels of automation and connectivity defined by the US DOT in 2015.  The system designs, R&D efforts, challenges, and international collaboration will be discussed as well.

  1. About Professor Ran Bin:

Dr. Bin Ran is a Professor and Director of ITS Program at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He also served as the Director of the Traffic Operations and Safety Lab (TOPS) at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Dr. Ran holds the title of National Distinguished Expert in China. Dr. Ran is also the Director for Southeast University – University of Wisconsin Joint Research Institute on Internet of Mobility, which is an international collaborative effort between China and US.
Dr. Ran is an expert in dynamic transportation network models, traffic simulation and control, traffic information system, Internet of Mobility, and Connected Automated Vehicle-Highway System. He has led the development and deployment of various traffic information systems and technologies in the US and China. He has trained younger generations of professors and experts in traffic engineering and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in the US, China, Korea, and other countries.
Dr. Ran is the author of two leading textbooks on dynamic traffic networks. He has co-authored more than 130 journal papers and more than 220 referenced papers at national and international conferences. He co-authored 6 books on intelligent highways in China. He holds 3 US patents and 10 Chinese patents, and has a few patents pending in the US and China. He is an associate editor of Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. He is the Founding President of North America Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (NACOTA, currently named as Chinese Overseas Transportation Association or COTA) from 1996 to 1998.
Earlier in his career, Dr. Ran held positions at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California at Berkeley. He is active in the Transportation Research Board and Intelligent Transportation Society of America. Dr. Ran received his PhD from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1993, his MS from the University of Tokyo in 1989, and his BS from Tsinghua University in 1986.

  1. Language: English
  2. Fee: Free of charge
  3. Contact: Professor Eiji Hato, The University of Tokyo (hato[@]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) or Professor Hironori Kato, The University of Tokyo (kato[@]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

#129 Influences of Intercity Transportation on Economic Development





Influences of Intercity Transportation on Economic Development

City University of Hong KongのJin Murakami博士をお招きして,都市間交通と経済開発に関する特別講演をしていただきます.詳細は,以下の通りです.ご関心のある方は是非ともご参加ください.
1. 日時:2016年7月19日(火)18:00-19:00
2. 場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス工学部11号館
3. 発表タイトル:Influences of Intercity Transportation on Economic Development: Review and Spatial Evidence from Hong Kong, Mainland China, and Beyond(発表内容の概略については,英文をご覧ください)
4. Jin Murakami博士について:1999年に東京大学で修士号を取得後,横浜市勤務を経て,カリフォルニア大学バークレー校でPhDを取得.現在,香港城市大学にてAssistant Professorをしている.専門は,公共交通指向型開発(TOD),交通と土地利用,土地政策など.詳細は,英文をご覧下さい.
5. 言語:英語と日本語
6. 参加費:無料(終了後,簡単な懇親会があります)
7. 出席について:出席を希望される方は,事前に寒川朋子(samukawa[@]ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)までご連絡ください.
8. お問い合わせ:東京大学大学院工学系研究科 加藤浩徳教授(kato[@]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Announcement about Special International Seminar on Inter-city Transportation and Economic Development
We would like to cordially invite you to attend a special international seminar on inter-city transportation and economic development where Dr Jin Murakami, Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) will make a presentation about his latest research achievements. Anybody who is concerned with this seminar can join it. The details are shown below. Please contact Prof. Hironori Kato (kato[@]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for more details.
1. Time and date: 18:00-19:00, July 19 (Tuesday), 2016
2. Place: Seminar Room of International Project lab, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus The University of Tokyo (Campus map is available at http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/index.html)
3. Presentation title: Influences of Intercity Transportation on Economic Development: Review and Spatial Evidence from Hong Kong, Mainland China, and Beyond
4. Presenter: Jin Murakami, Ph.D., Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City University of Hong Kong
5. Abstract:
High-Speed Rail (HSR) development programs have popularly been introduced, funded, and promoted along with airport improvement programs and urban (intracity) transit projects in American, European and Asian city-regions, including Hong Kong and Mainland China. Such multibillion-dollar intercity transportation projects are often justified not simply based on their direct passenger benefits but rather their indirect economic development benefits (e.g., accessibility and agglomeration benefits) conferred in first-tier cities of the regional or global economic system. Despite the increased importance of HSR in urban and regional planning, its spatial impacts remain uncertain and debatable due to the complexity of polycentric and redistributive economic development processes in global-local contexts.
This research reviews the literature on intercity transportation investment and shows our preliminary analysis on dynamic changes in intercity access and intracity agglomeration features, so-called “node-place” characteristics of contemporary cities in theoretical and empirical manners. The spatial transformations measured could imply that the influences of intercity passenger transportation together with last-mile transportation services and local land policies on intra-city business agglomeration patterns are redistributive rather than generative within a metropolis. While some claim that the net economic development benefits of HSR alone will unlikely be large enough to cover the full lifecycle costs of HSR in an automobile-oriented society, this study discusses that the indirect accessibility and agglomeration benefits leveraged by intermodal transportation planning and transit-supportive land policies that maximize geographic efficiency and appeal to high value-added businesses could help tilt the benefit-cost equation in HSR`s favor, particularly in global- and regional-hub status cities. This research also gives rise to the issue of whether HSR encourages the spatial division of business entities and leads to social inequity problems within a city-region, accompanied by other multibillion-dollar investments in urban rail and regional airport systems.
6. Key Words: High-Speed Rail and Hub-Airport; Economic Development; Land Administration; Last-mile Cost Issue; Employment Location; Agglomeration Economies
7. Short bio of presenter
Dr. Jin Murakami is a transnational city planner and academic researcher. He is currently an Assistant Professor/Associate Program Leader in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering at City University of Hong Kong (CityU). He has specialized in the areas of transportation and land use, spatial planning and economic development in globalization, and project management and land policy. His research focuses principally on “spatial”, “financial”, and “technological” matters that influence city-regions` global competitiveness and local livability. His recent projects include an international study of transit-oriented developments (TODs) across Asia and North America, an empirical analysis of the impacts of railway network evolution and airport access improvement on business agglomeration patterns in U.S. metropolitan areas, a spatial analysis of the interaction between HSR and urban development in American, Japanese and Chinese city-regions, megaprojects and value capture opportunities in Asian capitalist cities. Dr. Murakami completed his Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning at the University of California, Berkeley (2010). He was previously working as a Research Fellow in the Institute of Urban and Regional Development (IURD) at the University of California – Berkeley and the University of California Transportation Center (UCTC). For further information about Dr. Jin Murakami, visit his website @ www.jinmurakami.net.
8. Participation: Free of charge. Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa[@]ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for your participation.
9. Language: English and/or Japanese
10. Contact: Professor Hironori Kato, The University of Tokyo (kato[@]civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

Seminar on Smart and Connected Communities

Seminar on Smart and Connected Communities


15:00 – 17:00, July 15, 2016


Toward Smart and Connected Communities: Challenges and Opportunities in Transportation

(abstract: see below)


Prof. Yinhai Wang, University of Washington, USA


Large Meeting Room, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University



Transportation involves human, infrastructure, vehicle, and environmental interactions and is therefore a very complicated system.  Transportation activities are found affecting public health, air quality, sustainability, etc., and thus tie to everyone’s daily life and are critical for achieving goals of smart and connected communities. Traditionally, transportation has been studied through classical methods, typically with ideal assumptions, limited data support, and poor computing resources. While the theories (such as traffic flow and driver behavior models) developed through these efforts provide valuable insights in understanding transportation-related issues, they are often ineffective in large-scale transportation system analysis with massive amount of data from various sources. With recent advances in sensing, networking, and computing technologies, more and more cities and communities have launched their smart cities/communities plans to improve quality of life, sustainability, efficiency, and productivity. Sensor networks are fundamental elements of smart cities and the data they produce have the potential of generating the intelligence needed to make urban transportation smarter. We expect that many new transportation-related data and computational resources will become available in the smart cities context. These new assets are likely to bring in new opportunities to understand transportation systems better and address those critical transportation issues in a faster, more accountable, and more cost-effective way. To take advantage of these big data, a new theoretical framework and its supporting platform are clearly needed to integrate the quickly growing massive amount of data, typically from numerous sources of varying spatial and temporal characteristics, into the large-scale transportation problem solving and decision making processes. Efforts along this line are likely to form up a new subject area, namely e-science of transportation, in the years to come. Through his talk, the speaker will share his vision and pilot research on extracting transportation big data streams from the smart cities sensor networks and demonstrate the values of these data in large-scale system analysis and decision support through an online regional-map-based data platform named Digital Roadway Interactive Visualization and Evaluation Network (DRIVE Net).

Short bio of the lecturer:

Dr. Yinhai Wang is a professor in transportation engineering and the founding director of the Smart Transportation Applications and Research Laboratory (STAR Lab) at the University of Washington (UW). He also serves as director for Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (PacTrans), USDOT University Transportation Center for Federal Region 10. Dr. Wang has a Ph.D. in transportation engineering from the University of Tokyo (1998) and a master’s degree in computer science from the UW. Dr. Wang’s active research fields include traffic sensing, smart transportation systems, e-science of transportation, transportation safety, etc.

Dr. Wang has actively involved in numerous research projects and received over $53 million of research funds as principal investigator over the past fifteen years. He has published over 110 peer-reviewed journal articles, three edited books, one book chapter, and nearly 50 peer-reviewed conference papers. To disseminate research findings, he has delivered over 120 invited talks and nearly 200 other academic presentations.

Dr. Wang serves as a member of the Transportation Information Systems and Technology Committee and Highway Capacity and Quality of Service Committee of the Transportation Research Board (TRB). He is currently on the Board of Governors for the ASCE Transportation & Development Institute and a member of the steering committee for the IEEE Smart Cities. He was an elected member of the Board of Governors for the IEEE ITS Society from 2010 to 2013. Additionally, Dr. Wang is associate editor for three journals: Journal of ITS, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, and Journal of Transportation Engineering. He was the winner of the ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering Best Paper Award for 2003. He was also a conference co-chair for the 2015 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference to be held in Guadalajara, Mexico from October 25 to 28 2015.

#127 International seminar on disaster management and humanitarian logistics




Rohm Plaza, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University

International seminar on disaster management and humanitarian logistics

Application: Please send an email to Qureshi.aligu.4c[@]Kyoto-u.ac.jp

Fees:            Free
Audience:    The seminar is open to general public, academia, and practitionersProgram:

9:30-9:40 Eiichi Taniguchi (Kyoto University)

9:40-10:20 Eiichi Taniguchi (Kyoto University)
Humanitarian logistics in disasters

10:20-11:00 Russell G. Thompson (University of Melbourne)
Transport modelling for improved disaster management

11:00- 11:20 Break

11:20-12:00 Benny Chen (University of Melbourne)
Intelligent Disaster Decision Support System (IDDSS) and Transport

12:00- 13:30 Lunch

13:30-14:10 Jan-Dark Schmoecker (Kyoto University)
Analysing Evacuation Decisions with Data from the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake

14:10-14:50 Arash Kavani (University of Melbourne)
Modelling for Traffic Management after disasters

14:50-15:30 Rubel Das (Tohoku University)
Analysis of different relief distribution strategies during limited information environment

15:30-15:40 Russell G. Thompson (University of Melbourne)
Closing remarks

#126 Toward Smart and Connected Communities: Challenges and Opportunities in Transportation




Large Meeting Room, 1F, IDEC, Hiroshima University

Toward Smart and Connected Communities: Challenges and Opportunities in Transportation

Time: 15:00~17:00, July 15, 2016
Room: Large Meeting Room, 1F, IDEC, Hiroshima University
Lecturer: Prof. Yinhai Wang, University of Washington, USA
Topic: Toward Smart and Connected Communities: Challenges and Opportunities in Transportation
Abstract: see the attached file
About Prof. Wang: see the attached file
Language: English (no translation!)



開催日時: 平成28年7月5日(火) 13:00~15:00
開催場所: 関西大学千里山キャンパス
13:00-14:30 講演「健康経営とまちづくりへの展開」
14:30-15:00 意見交換会

#79 開発途上国の交通に関するセミナー International Seminar on Transportation in Developing Countries




JICA市ヶ谷ビル セミナールーム

開発途上国の交通に関するセミナー International Seminar on Transportation in Developing Countries

1. 趣旨
2. 開催日時:2016年6月13日(月) 13:00-17:00
3. 開催場所:JICA市ヶ谷ビル セミナールーム
(東京都新宿区市谷本村町10-5 http://jica-ri.jica.go.jp/ja/about/access.html)
4. 開催スケジュール
13:00-13:30 基調講演1(ベトナム国家大学教員を予定)
13:30-14:00 基調講演2(筑波大学 石田東生 教授)
14:00-17:00 2セッションに分かれて研究発表(15分発表,10分質疑の予定)
5. 発表の要件
6. 応募方法
7. 学生優秀発表賞について
【学生優秀発表賞へのエントリー方法】 ・アブストラクト1000-1500ワードの事前提出.書式はAsian Transport Studies(ATS)(http://www.easts.info/publications/ats.html)に倣ってください.PDF形式のみ受け付けます.
東京大学 加藤浩徳(kato@civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
東京工業大学 花岡伸也(hanaoka@ide.titech.ac.jp)
Call for papers: International Seminar on Transportation in Developing Countries
EASTS-Japan, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Infrastructure Planning Committee in Japan Society of Civil Engineering (JSCE) jointly hold a half-day international seminar on transportation in developing countries. You are invited to make presentations at the seminar. The details of the seminar are shown as follows:
1. Purposes and scopes
This seminar welcomes academic/practical presentations relating transportation in developing countries. It covers planning/policy/technology for tackling with the transportation-related problems particularly in developing countries. It includes, but not limited to the following topics: transportation infrastructure investment in developing countries; transportation-related environment issues in low-income regions; urban transportation policy in Asian mega cities; vulnerability in urban transportation system, and public-private partnership in emerging economies. In this seminar, the presenters are requested to talk and discuss in English only.
2. Time and day: From 1:00 to 5:00 pm, June 13th (Monday), 2016
3. Venue: JICA Ichigaya Building
(10-5 Ichigaya Honmuracho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8433; http://jica-ri.jica.go.jp/ja/about/access.html)
4. Schedule (tentative)
1:00-1:30 Keynote Lecture 1 by professors invited from Vietnam
1:30-2:00 Keynote Lecture 2 by Professor Haruo Ishida, Tsukuba University
2:00-5:00 Technical sessions (two rooms; 15 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes discussion)
5. Requirement for presentation
Presentation should satisfy the following requirements:
(1) Follow the seminar’s purposes and scopes;
(2) Original contents which have not been published in any referred journals; and
(3) Speak in English.
6. Registration for presentation
Please send an e-mail to Ms. Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) by 5:00pm on May 31 (Tuesday), 2016, including the following information:
(1) Full name, affiliation, and title of presenter;
(2) Full name, affiliation, and title of co-presenter(s);
(3) Contact address (e-mail and phone); and
(4) Title of your presentation.
7. Best Student Study Award
The best study presented by a student in the seminar will be awarded through academic selection process. The award winner is financially supported to join an international seminar held at Vietnam-Japan University in Hanoi, Vietnam in November 2016 (planned). The financial support contains air fare between Japan and Hanoi and local accommodation. If you want to entry the award selection process, submit a long abstract with 1,000 to 1,500 words length as follows:
(1) Format of abstract: Follow the paper format of Asian Transport Studies (ATS). See http://www.easts.info/publications/ats.html for more details. PDF file only is accepted.
(2) Submission deadline: 5:00pm on May 31 (Tuesday), 2016.
(3) E-mail address for submission: Ms. Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
8. Contact
Professor Hironori Kato, The University of Tokyo (kato@civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) and/or
Dr. Shinya Hanaoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology (hanaoka@ide.titech.ac.jp)

#125 開発途上国の交通に関するセミナー International Seminar on Transportation in Developing Countries (ワンデイセミナー No.79)




JICA市ヶ谷ビル セミナールーム

開発途上国の交通に関するセミナー International Seminar on Transportation in Developing Countries (ワンデイセミナー No.79)

1. 趣旨
2. 開催日時:2016年6月13日(月) 13:00-17:00
3. 開催場所:JICA市ヶ谷ビル セミナールーム
(東京都新宿区市谷本村町10-5 http://jica-ri.jica.go.jp/ja/about/access.html)
4. 開催スケジュール
13:00-13:30 基調講演1(ベトナム国家大学教員を予定)
13:30-14:00 基調講演2(筑波大学 石田東生 教授)
14:00-17:00 2セッションに分かれて研究発表(15分発表,10分質疑の予定)
5. 発表の要件
6. 応募方法
7. 学生優秀発表賞について
【学生優秀発表賞へのエントリー方法】 ・アブストラクト1000-1500ワードの事前提出.書式はAsian Transport Studies(ATS)(http://www.easts.info/publications/ats.html)に倣ってください.PDF形式のみ受け付けます.
東京大学 加藤浩徳(kato@civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
東京工業大学 花岡伸也(hanaoka@ide.titech.ac.jp)
Call for papers: International Seminar on Transportation in Developing Countries
EASTS-Japan, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Infrastructure Planning Committee in Japan Society of Civil Engineering (JSCE) jointly hold a half-day international seminar on transportation in developing countries. You are invited to make presentations at the seminar. The details of the seminar are shown as follows:
1. Purposes and scopes
This seminar welcomes academic/practical presentations relating transportation in developing countries. It covers planning/policy/technology for tackling with the transportation-related problems particularly in developing countries. It includes, but not limited to the following topics: transportation infrastructure investment in developing countries; transportation-related environment issues in low-income regions; urban transportation policy in Asian mega cities; vulnerability in urban transportation system, and public-private partnership in emerging economies. In this seminar, the presenters are requested to talk and discuss in English only.
2. Time and day: From 1:00 to 5:00 pm, June 13th (Monday), 2016
3. Venue: JICA Ichigaya Building
(10-5 Ichigaya Honmuracho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8433; http://jica-ri.jica.go.jp/ja/about/access.html)
4. Schedule (tentative)
1:00-1:30 Keynote Lecture 1 by professors invited from Vietnam
1:30-2:00 Keynote Lecture 2 by Professor Haruo Ishida, Tsukuba University
2:00-5:00 Technical sessions (two rooms; 15 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes discussion)
5. Requirement for presentation
Presentation should satisfy the following requirements:
(1) Follow the seminar’s purposes and scopes;
(2) Original contents which have not been published in any referred journals; and
(3) Speak in English.
6. Registration for presentation
Please send an e-mail to Ms. Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) by 5:00pm on May 31 (Tuesday), 2016, including the following information:
(1) Full name, affiliation, and title of presenter;
(2) Full name, affiliation, and title of co-presenter(s);
(3) Contact address (e-mail and phone); and
(4) Title of your presentation.
7. Best Student Study Award
The best study presented by a student in the seminar will be awarded through academic selection process. The award winner is financially supported to join an international seminar held at Vietnam-Japan University in Hanoi, Vietnam in November 2016 (planned). The financial support contains air fare between Japan and Hanoi and local accommodation. If you want to entry the award selection process, submit a long abstract with 1,000 to 1,500 words length as follows:
(1) Format of abstract: Follow the paper format of Asian Transport Studies (ATS). See http://www.easts.info/publications/ats.html for more details. PDF file only is accepted.
(2) Submission deadline: 5:00pm on May 31 (Tuesday), 2016.
(3) E-mail address for submission: Ms. Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
8. Contact
Professor Hironori Kato, The University of Tokyo (kato@civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) and/or
Dr. Shinya Hanaoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology (hanaoka@ide.titech.ac.jp)

#124 Transport Modeling in the Era of Cloud Computing and Big Data





Transport Modeling in the Era of Cloud Computing and Big Data

The 14th International Seminar of Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, JSCE in FY2015
2016年度土木計画学研究委員会 第1回国際セミナー(通算 第124回国際セミナー)Transport Modeling in the Era of Cloud Computing and Big Data

日時:2016年5月31日(火) 9:00-12:00 (8:30受付開始)

– Latest in our flagship product Cube, a comprehensive toolbox for transport and land use planning
– New innovative tools by integrating Cube with GIS, Cloud computing, and Big Data Analytics for accessibility analysis and public transport planning, operations and management.

08:30 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 09:10 Opening Remarks by Professor Shinya Hanaoka
09:10 – 09:20 Welcome Remarks and Introduction of Citilabs ? Mr. Luke Cheng
09:20 – 10:30 Self Introduction
09:30 – 10:30 Cube ? Transportation and Land Use Solutions ? Mr. Luke Cheng
10:30 – 10:45 Coffee Break
10:45 – 11:45 Harnessing Big Data for Better Public Transport Planning & Operations ? Mr. Luke Cheng
11:45 – 12:00 Q&A
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch time (Lunch Box)

Mr. Luke Cheng: lcheng[at]citilabs.com(英語のみ)