#148 Integration of Active Mobility and Public Transport in Taipei




東京工業大学 蔵前会館 手島精一記念会議室

Integration of Active Mobility and Public Transport in Taipei

国立台湾大学土木工学科のJason Chang教授をお招きし,東京工業大学
TSU(Transport Studies Unit)セミナーを下記の要領で開催いたします.
23rd Tokyo Tech TSU Seminar
日時:2017年4月5日(水)17:00 – 18:30
場所:東京工業大学 蔵前会館 手島精一記念会議室
講演者 Prof. S.K. Jason Chang
National Taiwan University(国立台湾大学)
題目   Integration of Active Mobility and Public Transport in Taipei
ご経歴 国立交通大学卒,国立台湾大学修士修了,メリーランド大学博士
東京工業大学 環境・社会理工学院




1 Introduction

While so far in transport modelling the assumptions concerning product markets and labor markets have been rudimentary, also in economic geography models connection to the transport system models is done with little detail. Integrating economic geography models with transportation models still requires progress in
– The understanding of behavioral principles of the two subsystems:
– Mathematical modelling of joint passenger/freight systems,
– Estimation approaches for combined models
– Applications at global, national, regional and urban scale.
– Economic evaluations of transport projects in Europe and Asia.

The contributors will present recent development of this fields and further discussion. Different modelling issues will be introduced by speakers (origin of the problem, state of the art, solution paths, work needed) and discussed in the seminar.

2. Seminar Outline

Date March-28th, 2017
Venue Kobe University Brussels European Centre (KUBEC),
(Boulevard de la Plaine 5 Pleinlaan, 5th floor Bruxelles 1050 Brussel)
Host Kobe University & TU Delft
Chairs Professor Atsushi KOIKE, Kobe University
Professor Lori Tavasszy, TU Delft

3. Conference Program

March 28th

10:30-10:40 Opening Address
Lori Tavasszy (TU Delft)

10:45-12:15 Session 1
Atsushi Koike (Kobe University)
Lori Tavasszy (TNO/TU Delft)
Toshimori Otazawa (Kobe University)

12:15-13:30 Lunch Break

13:30-14:30 Session 2
Koen Mommens (Free University Brussels)
Hajime Seya (Kobe University)
14:30-15:00 Short Break

15:00-16:30 Session 3
Ronald Halim (TU Delft)
Tomoki Ishikura (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

16:30-16:40 Closing Remarks
Atsushi Koike (Kobe University)

#147 Disaster Adaptation Investment with Inter- and Intra-port Competition and Cooperation




京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター C1-2棟 3階 314会議室

Disaster Adaptation Investment with Inter- and Intra-port Competition and Cooperation

京都大学小林研究室では、ブリティッシュコロンビア大学 Sauder School of Businessの
Animing Zhang教授をお迎えして、下記のような講演会を企画いたしました。
場所:京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター C1-2棟 3階 314会議室
講師:Prof. Anming Zhang
講演題目:Disaster Adaptation Investment with Inter- and Intra-port Competition and Cooperation
Unlike the rich literature on the environmental effects of transportation, there is a lack of research on the adaptation of transportation sector to climate change and related disasters. The present study analytically investigates the adaptation investments made by two landlord ports with each severing its respective captive market while competing for a common hinterland market.
Each port consists of a port authority that is either publicly owned (with an objective of welfare maximization) or privately owned (with profit maximization as its objective), and a private terminal operator.
We examine the impacts of inter-port and intra-port competition and cooperation on port adaptation investments, as well as the ownership impacts.
We find, at the operation stage (i.e., conditional on the adaptation investments), that the public ownership of port authorities and the inter-port competition lead to lower port service charges. The differences in port charges among various ownership and competition scenarios increase with the adaptations, but decrease with the probability of the disaster occurrence.
Second, the adaptation investments increase with the expectation of the disaster occurrence probability but decrease with its variance. In other words, a higher expectation of the disaster occurrence probability encourages the adaptation, but the uncertainty of the disaster occurrence probability can discourage the adaptations.
Third, public ownership of port authority leads to more port adaptation investments. Inter-port competition also results in more adaptation investments (i.e., the competition effect).
Fourth, for private port authority, there is free-riding between the port authority and the terminal operator (i.e., the free-riding effect) within each port. Their coordination can increase the adaptations by removing the free-riding effect.
Finally, the efficiency implications of ownership on adaptation investments are explored.





地域アセット実装小委員会 研究会開催報告

地域アセット実装小委員会 研究会開催報告

2017年3月21日に第2回地域アセット実装小委員会 研究会を開催しました.

#146 22nd Tokyo Tech TSU Seminar Transport Policies in Asia: Cases from Sri Lanka and Indonesia





22nd Tokyo Tech TSU Seminar Transport Policies in Asia: Cases from Sri Lanka and Indonesia

22nd Tokyo Tech TSU Seminar
Transport Policies in Asia: Cases from Sri Lanka and Indonesia
日時:2017年3月16日(木)15:30 – 17:30
1. Dr. Yapa Mahinda Bandara, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka Developing a
Regulatory Framework for Informal Transport Sector
2. Dr. Puspita Dirgahayani, Institute Technology Bandung, Indonesia Transit
Oriented Development: From Theory to Practice in Indonesia
参加希望の方は花岡 <hanaoka[at mark]ide.titech.ac.jp>
までご連絡ください.([at mark]を@に置き換えてください.)



日時:3月11日(土) 13:00~15:30
場所:関西大学 千里山キャンパス 第3学舎4号館 ソシオAV大ホール
米田悦啓 氏(国立研究開発法人医薬基盤・健康・栄養研究所 理事長)





13:00~14:00 鳥取大学 桑野将司
14:00~15:00 名城大学 鈴木温
15:15~16:15 埼玉大学 大窪和明
16:15~16:45 東北工業大学 泊尚志
16:45~17:45 神戸大学 織田澤利守

10:00~11:00 神戸大学 地主遼史(博士後期1年生,研究経過発表会)
11:00~12:00 豊橋技術科学大学 松尾幸二郎
13:00~14:00 香川大学 中村一樹
14:00~15:00 広島大学 塚井誠人
15:00~16:00 首都大学東京 石倉智樹

International Workshop on Mobilities and Urban Policy

International Workshop on Mobilities and Urban Policy

The International Workshop on Mobilities and Urban Policy “Domestic Migration and its Consequences: Comparisons between Japan and China” was held at Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University. This was sponsored by two research funds (Principal Researcher: Junyi Zhang): Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), JSPS (26303003: Trend of urbanization caused by rural migrant workers under the New China Urbanization Policy and its impacts on low-carbon urban development) and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS (15H02271: Interdisciplinary research on policies promoting young people’s migration to and permanent residence in local cities). This workshop was also supported by the Committee of Infrastructure Planning and Management, Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE). The program is show below.

Venue: IDEC, Hiroshima University

10:00 ~ 10:10 Welcome Remarks

10:10 ~ 11:10 Keynote Speech

Anming ZHANG, Prof., The University of British Columbia, Canada; Visiting Prof., IDEC, Hiroshima University, Japan

Connectivity of intercity transportation in China: A multi-modal and network approach

11:10 ~ 11:30 Studies on China (1)

Junyi ZHANG, Prof., Mobilities & Urban Policy Lab, IDEC, Hiroshima University

Review of China’ new-type urbanization policy

11:30 ~ 12:00 Studies on China (2)

Ying JIANG, Special Postdoctoral Researcher, Mobilities & Urban Policy Lab, IDEC, Hiroshima University

Rural migrant workers, future residence, and energy consumption under the influence of China’ new-type urbanization policy

12:00 ~ 13:30 Lunch time

13:30 ~ 14:00 Studies on China (3)

Linghan ZHANG, Doctoral Candidate, Mobilities & Urban Policy Lab, IDEC, Hiroshima University

Urban and Rural Connections: A case study on rural tourism in China

14:00 ~ 15:00 Book review: Moderated by Junyi ZHANG

Life-oriented Behavioral Research for Urban Policy (Springer; Editor: Junyi Zhang)

15:00 ~ 15:30 Studies on Japan (1)

Junyi ZHANG, Prof., Mobilities & Urban Policy Lab, IDEC, Hiroshima University

Domestic migration and public policies in Japan: A longitudinal analysis based on a discrete choice model with spatial context dependency

15:30 ~ 16:00 Studies on Japan (2)

Weiyan ZONG, Doctoral Candidate, Mobilities & Urban Policy Lab, IDEC, Hiroshima University

Internal migration and life choices in Japan: An analysis based on an extension of the theory of planned behavior

16:00 ~ 16:30 Studies on Japan (3)

David PEREZ BARBOSA, Doctoral Candidate, Mobilities & Urban Policy Lab, IDEC, Hiroshima University

High school students’ future life choices associated with social exclusion: A case study in Hiroshima Prefecture

16:30 ~ 17:10 Studies on Japan (4)

Hajime SEYA, Assoc. Prof., Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University

A spatial analysis on net migration in Hyogo Prefecture

17:10 ~ 17:50 Studies on Japan (5)

Zhenjiang SHEN, Prof., Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University

Development of agent-based model for simulation on residential mobility affected by downtown regeneration policy

17:50 ~ 18:00 Closing remarks

#143 International Workshop on Mobilities and Urban Policy: Domestic Migration and its Consequences: Comparisons between Japan and China





International Workshop on Mobilities and Urban Policy: Domestic Migration and its Consequences: Comparisons between Japan and China

3月8日に広島大学東広島キャンパスにて「International Workshop on Mobilities and Urban Policy: Domestic Migration and its Consequences: Comparisons between Japan and China」を開催いたします。国内移住に関する中国と日本の研究発表が予定されています。
カナダUBCのAnming Zhang教授による基調講演のほか、今年年始に正式に出版された図書「Life-oriented Behavioral Research for Urban Policy (Springer)」及び2015年3月出版の「市民生活行動学(土木学会出版)」のレビューセッションも設けています。
International Workshop on Mobilities and Urban Policy
~Domestic Migration and its Consequences: Comparisons between Japan and China~
10:00 ~ 10:10 Welcome Remarks
10:10 ~ 11:10 Keynote Speech
Anming ZHANG, Prof., The University of British Columbia, Canada; Visiting Prof., IDEC, Hiroshima University, Japan
Connectivity of intercity transportation in China: A multi-modal and network approach
11:10 ~ 11:30 Studies on China (1)
Junyi ZHANG, Prof., Hiroshima University
Review of China’ new-type urbanization policy
11:30 ~ 12:00 Studies on China (2)
Ying JIANG, Special Postdoctoral Researcher, Hiroshima University
Rural migrant workers, future residence, and energy consumption under the influence of China’ new-type urbanization policy
12:00 ~ 13:30 Lunch time
13:30 ~ 14:00 Studies on China (3)
Linghan ZHANG, Doctoral Candidate, Hiroshima University
Urban and Rural Connections: A case study on rural tourism in China
14:00 ~ 15:00 Book review: Moderated by Junyi ZHANG
Life-oriented Behavioral Research for Urban Policy (Springer)
15:00 ~ 15:30 Studies on Japan (1)
Junyi ZHANG, Prof., Hiroshima University
Domestic migration and public policies in Japan: A longitudinal analysis based on a discrete choice model with spatial context dependency
15:30 ~ 16:00 Studies on Japan (2)
Weiyan ZONG, Research student, Hiroshima University
Internal migration and life choices in Japan: An analysis based on an extension of the theory of planned behavior
16:00 ~ 16:30 Studies on Japan (3)
David PEREZ BARBOSA, Doctoral Candidate, Hiroshima University
High school students’ future life choices associated with social exclusion: A case study in Hiroshima Prefecture
16:30 ~ 17:10 Studies on Japan (4)
Hajime SEYA, Assoc. Prof., Kobe University
A spatial analysis on net migration in Hyogo Prefecture
17:10 ~ 17:50 Studies on Japan (5)
Zhenjiang SHEN, Prof., Kanazawa University
Development of agent-based model for simulation on residential mobility affected by downtown regeneration policy
17:50 ~ 18:00 Closing remarks