#211 The 1st UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar
The 1st UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar
We will conduct a special seminar, in which Dr. Saksith Chalermpong (Chulalongkorn University) is invited to make a special lecture about online food delivery in Bangkok, Thailand. This event is held online from 4:00pm-5:30pm (Japan Standard Time), October 24 (Monday). We hope you will join us for the event and engage in this important conversation. The details are shown as follows. Thank you.
[1st UTokyoIP-CUTI Special Seminar]
1) Time and day: 4:00pm-5:30pm (Japan Standard Time), October 24 (Monday), 2022
2) Place: Zoom meeting room (https://u-tokyo-ac-jp.zoom.us/j/89842877944?pwd=VDgzSFVjR0doMXMyTDgxcjNqSjlCQT09; Meeting ID: 898 4287 7944; Passcode: 458770)
3) Presentation
Title: Consumers’ Spatial Attributes and Their Effects on Online Food Delivery Usage and Travel: Empirical Evidence from Bangkok, Thailand
This presentation gives an outline and findings of our recent paper. In this paper, we examine how consumers’ spatial attributes affect OFD adoption and usage frequency, by testing innovation-diffusion (ID) and accessibility-efficiency (AE) hypotheses. OFD usage data were collected by questionnaire surveys in Bangkok and analyzed by logistic and zero-truncated negative binomial regressions. Spatial attributes that were analyzed included the level of urbanization, transit accessibility, and availability of food outlets. The results from the OFD adoption model supported the ID hypothesis, but those from the OFD usage frequency model provided partial support for the AE hypothesis. Our results implied that while the effects of consumers’ spatial attributes on OFD usage via improved accessibility might be mixed, consumers’ locations played a critical role in explaining OFD use behaviors via diffusion of innovation.
4) Short bio of presenter
Dr. Saksith Chalermpong is Associate Professor in Civil Engineering at Chulalongkorn University, where he teaches transport engineering, planning, and policy. He has also served as Associate Director of Chulalongkorn University Transportation Institute since 2018. His research interests include urban transport planning, public and informal transport, and equality issues in transport policy. He has published extensively in the field of transport, and has provided consulting services for several government agencies in Thailand, including Department of Land Transport, Office of Transport Planning and Policy, and Bangkok Mass Transit Authority. Chalermpong received his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Chulalongkorn University, his master’s degree from MIT, and his doctoral degree from UC Irvine, both in the field of transport. His research on informal transportation in Bangkok with Apiwat Ratanawaraha was awarded an Excellent Research Award of Chulalongkorn University in 2018.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.
Borders and the Economy: Guidelines for assessing the economic impacts of border infrastructure, technology and procedures
<Cancelled> Borders and the Economy: Guidelines for assessing the economic impacts of border infrastructure, technology and procedures
Important: This international seminar is cancelled
Date: 15:00-17:00, March 19 (Thursday), 2020
Venue: 172 Lecture room, First floor, C-Cluster C1 Building, Katsura Campus, Kyoto University
Presenter: Prof. Dr. William P. Anderson (Professor and Director of Cross-Border Institute (CBI), University of Windsor)
Why are cost and delay incurred as goods cross international borders an economic problem? The standard answer is that by increasing the effective cost of imports relative to domestic goods they have the same effect as tariffs: they reduce the economic gains that would otherwise arise from cross-border trade. While this perspective is useful, it is limited because there are differences between tariffs and the costs imported by border impedance. For example, while tariffs are generally fixed and defined on an ad valorem basis, border impedance costs may be highly variable and may not discriminate between high value and low value shipments.
Quantitative assessment of the economy-wide cost of border impedance is a challenging but necessary task. For public agencies to make good decisions about investments in border infrastructure, technology and the design of border procedures, they must have good estimates of the economic impacts from either increasing or decreasing border impedance. The border between Canada and the United States is used to illustrate some of the complications involved in making such an assessment. Two general conclusions arise. The first is that assessing the impact of border impedance is an explicitly spatial problem that must take into account the geography of transport networks, border crossings, production and consumption. The second is that uncertainty about border impedance – especially about crossing time – is a critical factor, especially where a large proportion of trade is of intermediate goods in cross-border supply chains.
Results from a spatially detailed Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model, developed and applied by the Cross-Border Institute, illustrate current best practice in assessing the broader economic effects of a reduction in border impedance. Even such a model, however, has limitations arising from inconsistency between the actual dynamics of cross-border integration and the underlying general equilibrium theory and assumptions. New developments in Quantitative Spatial Economics (QSE) hold the promise of making estimates that are more comprehensive and better grounded in real economic processes.
Special seminar about climate change and London underground at UTokyo
Special seminar about climate change and London underground at UTokyo
We will conduct a special seminar, in which Ms. Sarah Victoria Greenham is invited to make a special talk about climate change and London underground. This event is held at Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo from 4:00pm-5:00pm, February 13 (Thursday). We hope you will join us for the event and engage in this important conversation. The details are shown as follows. Thank you.
1) Time and day: 4:00pm-5:00pm, February 13 (Thursday), 2020
2) Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab., Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo (https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/content/400020145.pdf)
3) Presentation
– Title: Climate change and the extreme heat related impacts on the London Underground infrastructure
– Abstract:
Rail infrastructure is particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events, and damage to rail networks results in negative socioeconomic consequences such as reduced work productivity due to loss of access to commuting. The world’s oldest subway system, the London Underground (LU), operated by Transport for London (TfL) identified that extreme heat impacts the network now, and is likely to increase in future. However, previous studies are limited to passenger comfort on the deep tube and do not focus on infrastructure or a significant proportion of the network, which is in fact above ground. This research therefore aims to investigate whether causality can be determined between extreme heat events and infrastructure failure on the LU network, in order to understand the risks posed by future climate change and extreme heat events in the United Kingdom. Building on previous research using 2011-2016 data (accepted, awaiting publication), this research synthesises 2006-2018 data in greater depth, from UK Met Office archives, LU environmental observations and LU fault data with UKCP18 climate projections. Statistical tests identify the conditions, sites and assets on the LU most vulnerable to extreme heat and consequently likely to cause maximum disruption to customers in future. Preliminary findings identified a difference in surface level and deep tunnel environmental conditions and thus expect a difference in the characteristics of faults and delays accumulated. Increase in surface temperatures in the future as indicated by UKCP18 are expected to exacerbate these; scenario dependent. Results will provide TfL with quantitative information to support the business case for appropriately designed and placed climate change adaptation activity. This will ultimately help keep London moving, while simultaneously protecting a vital cultural asset to the United Kingdom.
4) Short bio of presenter
Ms Sarah Victoria Greenham is a second-year PhD student at the University of Birmingham, Department of Civil Engineering. Her PhD study is supervised by Dr Andrew Quinn & Dr Emma Ferranti at the University of Birmingham. She holds an MSc in Climate Change and Sustainability from Brunel University London, and a BSc(Hons) in Urban Planning from University College London (UCL). Sarah has worked with industry since commencing her Master’s Thesis in 2018, primarily with Transport for London (TfL), and is currently in Japan for a 2-month research fellowship with JR RTRI’s Heat and Air flow laboratory, funded by an EU project (RISEN). Last summer, Sarah was also in Japan, awarded a research fellowship under the JSPS Summer Program. She spent 2 months on a research and cultural exchange for international PhD students at The University of Tokyo’s International Project Laboratory. She and her supervisors also participate in knowledge exchange sessions between UK-based infrastructure operators (e.g. Highways England, Network Rail, Thames Water), with the aim of sharing climate change adaptation developments and best practices.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
7) Participation: Please contact Ms Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.
CSIS Seminar "Emerging Mobility Systems: Theory and Data"
24th Jan, 2020
富士ソフト秋葉プラザ 7F EXルーム
CSIS Seminar "Emerging Mobility Systems: Theory and Data"
DATE&TIME: 24th Jan 2020 13:30 – 17:30
PLACE: FUJI SOFT AKIBA PLAZA 7F EX room (富士ソフト秋葉プラザ 7F EXルーム)
ABSTRACT: Emerging mobility systems, such as connected and automated vehicles and mobility-as-a-service, are changing our mobility. In this seminar, we discuss theories and data infrastructure that support these systems, in order to show visions on future mobility systems with various modes and various scales. The topics are mathematical theories on ride-sourcing and ride-sharing services, data mining and urban computing, and transport hub service design.
13:30 – 13:50 Opening
Dr. Takahiko KUSAKABE
Assistant Professor, Center for Spatial Information Science, The
University of Tokyo, Japan
13:50 – 14:40 Supply Management of On-Demand Ride-Hailing Services
Invited Speaker: Mr. Zhengtian XU
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Michigan, USA
14:40 – 15:30 Mechanism Design of Transportation Services for the
Automated Vehicle-era
Invited Speaker: Dr. Yusuke HARA
Postdoctoral Associate, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and
Technology (SMART), Singapore
Coffee Break
15:45 – 16:25 Urban human mobility analysis based on public
transportation smart card data
Dr. Takashi Nicholas MAEDA
Postdoctoral Researcher, The Center for Advanced Intelligence Project,
RIKEN, Japan
16:25 – 17:05 Joint optimization of SAV operation and infrastructure design
Dr. Toru SEO
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan
17:05 – 17:45 A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Intelligent
Intervention Planning Framework for Real-Time Proactive Road Safety
Dr. Ananya ROY
Project Researcher, Center for Spatial Information Science, The
University of Tokyo, Japan
17:45 – 17:50 Closing Remarks
特別研究会 Special Research Seminar
January 17, 2020 (Friday) 18:55-20:25
明治大学駿河台キャンパス アカデミーコモン9階 309E教室
Meiji University, Academy Common Bldg., 9th Floor, Room 309E
特別研究会 Special Research Seminarトランジション・マネジメントとその実践 Transition Management and its Practice
講演者 (Presenter):ダーク・ローバック教授,エラスムス大学/オランダトランジション研究所 (Prof. Derk Loorbach, Erasmus University/Dutch Research Institute for Transition (DRIFT))
日時 (Date/Time):2020年1月17日(金)18:55~20:25 (January 17, 2020 (Friday) 18:55-20:25)
場所 (Venue):明治大学駿河台キャンパス アカデミーコモン9階 309E教室 (Meiji University, Academy Common Bldg., 9th Floor, Room 309E)
概要 (Abstract):
Impacts of climate change following the unstoppable global warming will surely affect our future generations around the world. In order to minimize the impact, quick-fix solutions are insufficient. Systemic transition to sustainable socioeconomic systems are needed. We will invite Professor Derk Loorbach, who is a pioneer in the research and practice of accelerating transitions.
その他 (Notes):
- 講義は英語で行われます。日英逐次通訳あり。
- Lecture will be delivered in English. Transition between English/Japanese will be provided.
- 主催:明治大学専門職大学院ガバナンス研究科 松浦研究室(※科研費助成研究「我が国の自転車通行システムの整序化へのコンセンサス形成戦略研究課題」の一環で行います)
- Organized by Prof. Masa Matsuura (Meiji University, Graduate School of Governance Studies)
- 参加費無料、研究者や学生のみなさんの積極的な参加をお待ちしています。参加希望者は次のURL (https://matsuura-lab.org/derk2020)からご登録願います。
- No fee. Looking forward to the active participation of researchers and students. If you want to join the seminar, please register using the form available at: https://matsuura-lab.org/derk2020
#206 Special seminar about urban planning in Vietnam at UTokyo
Seminar room of International Project Lab., Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
Special seminar about urban planning in Vietnam at UTokyo
We will conduct a special seminar, in which Dr. Kien TO is invited to make a special lecture about urban planning in Vietnam. This event is held at Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo from 5:30pm-7:00pm, December 3 (Tuesday). We hope you will join us for the event and engage in this important conversation. The details are shown as follows. Thank you.
1) Time and day: 5:30pm-7:00pm, December 3 (Tuesday), 2019
2) Place: Seminar room of International Project Lab., Third floor, Engineering Building No.11, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo (https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/content/400020145.pdf)
3) Presetnation
– Title: Urban Planning in Vietnam Then and Now
– Abstract:
As Southeast Asia’s fastest developing country and one of the world’s fastest emerging economies, urbanization in Vietnam has been progressing very rapidly, especially in the two largest cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. This talk provides an overview asa well as insights into urban planning in Vietnam across different historical eras, taking Hanoi – the cradle of Vietnam’s urban development – as the main case. The 100-year-old capital city is also the oldest one in Southeast Asia with many different historical layers reflecting changing eras. The first part of the talk reviews the past “millennium” urban development from the feudal era through the French colony th the socialist central planning system until Doi Moi (economic reform in 1986). The second part focuses on the contemporary urban development in post-Doi Moi era under the so-called “Market-oriented socialist” System. In this period, urban planning and development are controlled by government central planning, yet strongly driven by capitalist forces, with emerging trends, challenges and prospects as reflected in Hanoi asa well as Ho Chi Minh City. Fiercer economic competition, environmental and climate change threats, depleted resources and accumulated problems of three fast-growth decades have compelled the metropolises to innovate, take a more participatory approach, and find new development strategies, catalysts and momentum to sustain their development towards smarter and sustainable growth in the future.
4) Short bio of presenter
Dr. Kien TO is Senior Urban Planner and Project Manager affiliated with Tokyo-based Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants Inc. Besides practicing, he is an independent researcher and educator in Architecture, Urban Design and Planning with a 20-year academic track record and a strong focus on Asia. Educated in Japan, Germany, and Vietnam, Dr. Kien has worked in Japan, Singapore and Vietnam. He has researched and published on various sustainability, urban liveability, hyper-urbanization and historical conservation, and gives lectures and talks internationally. He gains empirical knowledge through extensive field-based research and projects in collaboration with local communities and authorities across Asia. In Singapore, he co-founded Opportunity Lab and Social Urban Research Group based at Singapore University of Technology and Design. He also initiated and co-chaired SUTD Go-Green Committee, and participated in a number of environmental as well as social activities in Singapore. He also served as a Resource Person at the Singapore Institute of Architects Sustainability Committee. Although active abroad, Dr. Kien always keeps a close connection with his home country Vietnam and is an active member of Vietnam Urban Planning and Development Association. He is involved in various professional and academic activities in Vietnam and writes a number of articles published in Vietnamese prominent urbanism and architecture journals as well as popular newspapers.
5) Charge: free
6) Language: English only
7) Participation: Please contact Ms. Tomoko Samukawa (samukawa@ip.civil.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp) for joining this seminar, but you can join the seminar even without pre-registration.
#205 物流分野におけるAIS等の船舶動静データの活用に関する国際セミナー
東京大学 工学部3号館 423,424講義室
― 記 ―
開催日時:2019年 12月18日 (水) 13:30-17:40
場所:東京大学 工学部3号館 423,424講義室(東京大学本郷キャンパス内)
主催:日本船舶海洋工学会 S-18ストラテジー研究委員会 (AIS等の船舶動静ビッグデータの物流・海運・造船分野における活用に関する検討委員会),日本海運経済学会
13:30-13:40 開会の挨拶(東京大学 青山和浩教授)
第一部 <講演> (司会:広島大学 和田祐次郎特任講師)
13:40-14:20 Still looking for the holy grail: The ups and downs of AIS-based research (Prof. Roar Adland, NHH Norwegian School of Economics)
14:20-15:00 Improving Bulk Ship Positioning Strategy with Individual Ship Movement Data (Assist. Prof. Yang Dong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
15:00-15:25 Port-based estimation of global shipping pattern of dry bulk and tanker cargo by AIS and vessel movement database and its application (柴崎隆一准教授,東京大学)
15:25-15:50 Regional Disintegration in South Asia: Evidence from the end of the British Empire on Maritime Networks (坪田建明研究員,アジア経済研究所)
15:50-16:10 休憩
第二部 <パネルディスカッション> (モデレーター:柴崎隆一准教授)
パネリスト: Prof. Roar Adland, Assist. Prof. Yang Dong, Assist. Prof. Bai Xiwen (Tsinghua University), 和田祐次郎特任講師,岩佐竜至様(商船三井),前田佳彦様(MTI)
17:30-17:40 閉会の挨拶 (福知山公立大学 篠原正人教授)
18:00-20:00 懇親会 (ルヴェソンヴェール本郷) 懇親会費:5,000円/人
場所: 〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷6-16-4 フォーレスト本郷内 レストラン
問い合わせ・申込先: 和田 祐次郎 (広島大学 大学院工学研究科)
TEL:082-424-7779 FAX:082-422-7194
E-mail: waday@hiroshima-u.ac.jp
会場までのアクセス: https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ja/about/campus-guide/map01_02html
#204 Open seminar for LUTI modeling in the assessment of SDGs and QoL
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
Open seminar for LUTI modeling in the assessment of SDGs and QoL
以下の要領で、ミュンヘン工科大学からRolf Moeckel博士、Kasetsert大学からVarameth Viciensan博士をお招きし、土地利用交通マイクロシミュレーションモデルに関するセミナーを開催します。
Date: 14:00-17:00, October 10th, 2019
Venue: Block As, As311-312 Conference Room, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus (4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan)
Access: https://www.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/access/
Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/uN255EUs1QFD59KCA
Co-host: DAAD-JSPS JRP (“Are sustainable development goals within reach? Development of a microsimulation urban model to test policies for a sustainable future”), SATREPS (“Smart Transport Strategy for Thailand 4.0”).
Objective: Provide findings from the research projects in DAAD-JSPS JRP and SATREPS, discuss the LUTI modeling method, procedure, implementation, application and implication to the practice.
14:00-14:15 Opening remark (Masanobu Kii)
14:15-15:00 Application of Microsimulation modeling (Rolf Moeckel)
15:00-15:45 LUTI model in Bangkok metropolitan area (Varameth Viciensan)
15:45-16:00 Coffee break
16:00-16:45 Earth observation and spatial analysis for urban modeling (Hiroyuki Miyazaki)
16:45-17:00 Closing remark (Masanobu Kii)
#203 Real-time control for transit systems with transfers
京都大学桂キャンパス Cクラスター C1-312(C1棟会議室3)
Real-time control for transit systems with transfers
場所:京都大学桂キャンパスCクラスター C1-312(C1棟会議室3)
講師: Prof. Tomer Toledo, Israel Institute of Technology (Technion), Israel
題目: Real -time control for transit systems with transfers
Abstract: We report on research to develop a real-time simulation-based control framework that attempts to coordinate the eperations of multiple transit lines simultaneously to allow smoother transfers and to maintain service regularity. The control actions, which include holding and change speed, are set as the solution of an optimization problem with the objective to minimize total passengers’ time in the system within a prediction horizon. The prediction horizon is defined by a number of downstream stops and subsequent buses. The predictions made include the arrival and departure times of vehicles at downstream stops and the passenger demands they are expected to serve. The model is demonstrated with a simulation-based case study of three lines of the BRT system in Haifa, Israel. The results show the system’s potential to reduce the total passengers’ time.
Bio: Dr. Tomer Toledo is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of civil and Environmental Engineering and the Head of the Transportation Research Institute at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. His research interests are in the areas of driver behavior, traffic modeling and simulation, intelligent transportation system and transportation network analysis. He is an Research Part C and Transportation Research Record.
#202 Seminar on short-term prediction for the next generation transport management
Meeting Room 3, Suekawa Memorial Hall, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto
Seminar on short-term prediction for the next generation transport management
The CASE (Connected, Automonous, Shared, and Electric) mobility will greatly change transport servises. One illustrative example is self-driving vehicles with multiple functions such as ride-sharing, e-coomerce, and logistics, which would enrich our daily lives. Various personalized services would be offered based on the enormous data from vehicles mobile phones, etc. At the same time, such big and real-time data would also change transport management systems drastically together with the rapid development of relevant methodologies.
One of the key common ingredients for a better mobility service and its management systems is the short-term prediction of transport conditions: an accurate short-term prediction of OD demand and travel time would be needed for a better ride-sharing service, while a better short-term prediction of traffic states using real-timedata would significantly improve dynamic traffic control and management systems. One of the emerging and promising approaches for a better short-term prediction is a machine learning approach. Appliactions of machine learning techniaues in the field of transportation have been increasing rapidly in the last couple of years. These studies have empirically shown higher prediction accuracy compared to traditional methods, opening up further possibiilties of providing new transport services as well as data-driven traffic control and management.
This seminar aims to identify unique challenges in the application of machine learning techniques to the short-term prediction, explore further possibilities ot applying deep learning techniques to transport issues, and identify potential bottlenecks in utilizing them in practice. Following a special lecture of the use of tree search and deep neural networks by Dr. Yoshizoe, two keynote lectures will be delivered by Dr. Chris van Hinsbergen and Dr. Adam Pel on the state of the art for short-term traffic prediction in Netherlands. We will then have presentation from researchers and practitioners on their ongoing works and discuss the possible future research directions and practical applications.
Date and time: 10:00-17:30 on September 20, 2019
Venue: Meeting Room 3, Suekawa Memorial Hall, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto
9 Kinugasa Himurocho, Kita-ku, Kyoto, 603-8484
(Map: https://goo.gl/maps/N2GrysfoJnb9YHaX9)
Capacity: 40 persons
Registration: Please send your name and affiliation to Makoto Chikaraishi
Note: The application will be closed as soon as the number of applicants reaches the capacity.
Project Introduction and Special Lecture
Organizer: Yasuhiro Shiomi (Ritsumeikan Unievrsity)
10:00-10:15: Introduction of research project
“Short-term travel demand prediction and comprehensive transport demand management”
by Makoto Chikaraishi (Hiroshima University)
10:15-10:30: A brief overview of the application of machine learning models in the field of transportation
by Varun Varghese (Hiroshima University)
10:30-11:30: Special Lecture: Solving Problems Using Tree Search and Deep Neural Networks
by Kazuki Yoshizoe (Leader of Search and Parallel Computing Unit, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project)
11:30-13:00: Lunch break
Keynote Lectures
Organizer: Makoto Chiakaraishi (Hiroshima University)
13:00-14:00: Keynote lecture 1: Traffic Theory & Decision Forests for prediction of local traffic patterns
by Adam Pel (Associate professor, Delft University of Technology)
14:00-15:00: Keynote lecture 2: The Neural Cell Transmission Model
by Chiris van Hinsbergen (Co-Founder & Developer, Fileradar)
15:00-15:20: Coffee break
State-of-the-Art Research and Practice
Organizer: Varun Varghese (Hiroshima University)
15:20-15:50: Traffic Congestion Control by Vehicle Trajectory Estimation
by Masaaki Ishihara (Hanshin Expressway Company Limited)
15:50-16:20: Short-Term Traffic State Prediction Using the LSTM Framework: A Case Study in Kamakura City
by Daisuke Fukuda (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
16:20-16:50: Toyota’s activities in MaaS
by Takahiro Shiga (Toyota Motor corporation)
16:50-17:20: Driver’s Behavior in Ride-hailing Service
by Junji Urata (The University of Tokyo)
17:20-17:30: Closing